(Bei-Tseng Bill Chu) (12/02/89)
FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METHODOLOGIES FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Hyatt Regency, Knoxville, Tennessee October 25-27, 1990 SPONSORS: The University of Tennessee (Knoxville), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of North Carolina (Charlotte). PURPOSE OF THE SYMPOSIUM: This Symposium is intended to attract individuals who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of intelligent systems. The goal is to provide a platform for a useful exchange between theoreticians and practitioners, and to foster the cross- fertilization of ideas in the following areas: Approximate Reasoning, Expert Systems, Intelligent Databases, Knowledge Representation, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Logic for Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks. SYMPOSIUM CHAIRMAN: Mary Emrich (ORNL) PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Zbigniew W. Ras (UNC-Charlotte) Maria Zemankova (NSF and UT-Knoxville) PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Alan W. Biermann (Duke) Woody Bledsoe (Austin, Texas) Ron Brachman (AT&T Bell Labs) Jon Doyle (MIT) Melvin Fitting (CUNY) Brian Gaines (Calgary, Canada) Peter E. Hart (Syntelligence) Marek Karpinski (Bonn, West Germany and UC-Berkeley) Kurt Konolige (SRI International) Robert A. Meersman (Tilburg, The Netherlands) Ryszard Michalski (George Mason) Jack Minker (Maryland) Masao Mukaidono (Meiji Univ., Japan) Judea Pearl (UCLA) Don Perlis (Maryland) David Plaisted (UNC-Chapel Hill) Reind van de Riet (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Erik Sandewall (Linkoping, Sweden) Dave Touretzky (Carnegie-Mellon) Paul Utgoff (UM-Amherst) Richard Waldinger (SRI) Jan Zytkow (George-Mason) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Robert Blanning (Vanderbilt) A. Faye Borthick (UT-Knoxville) Bill Chu (UNC-Charlotte) Mirsad Hadzikadic (UNC-Charlotte) SUBMISSION AND INFORMATION: Send four copies of a complete paper to the address below: Zbigniew W. Ras, ISMIS'90, UNC-Charlotte, Dept. of Computer Science, Charlotte, NC 28223 (E-mail:, tel: 704-547-4567) TIME SCHEDULE: Submission of papers: March 15, 1990 Notification of acceptance: May 15, 1990 Final paper: June 15, 1990. -- Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.