[news.announce.conferences] CFP: ISLIP 90

itrctor@csri.toronto.edu (Ron Riesenbach) (12/04/89)

                   C A L L   F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N

                                  ISLIP 90

The 1990 International Symposium on Lucid and Intensional Programming is
calling for participation in its 3rd Annual Symposium.  This symposium
concerns itself with the dataflow language Lucid and, more generally,
the use of intensional concepts in programming languages and systems.
Topics include:

1.  Models of Parallel Computation (Dataflow, Eduction, Streams)
2.  Architectures and Implementations
3.  Semantics, Specification and Verification
4.  Applications (AI, Scientific and Engineering)
5.  Real-time Programming
6.  Logic Programming and Intensionality

Contributions in other related areas will also be considered.
Participants may submit either an extended abstract (3 to 5 pages) or a
full paper (10 to 15 pages).  A position paper will also be considered.
If possible, please include an e-mail address with all submissions.

The Symposium will be held at Kingston, Ontario, a small city located in
the Thousand Islands resort area, mid-way between Toronto and Montreal.
The conference will take place at the Ramada Inn, located on the
waterfront of historic downtown Kingston, within walking distance of a
variety of restaurants, shops and outdoor pubs.


Submissions Due                  February 20, 1990
Notification of acceptance       March 20, 1990
Symposium                        May 13 - 15, 1990

Send Submissions to:

Dr. J.I. Glasgow
Department of Computing and Information Science
Queen's University
K7L 3N6
e-mail janice@qucis.queensU.ca
fax:  (613) 545-6513


ISLIP 90 is sponsored by Queen's University and the Information Technology
Research Centre (ITRC).  The ITRC is one of Seven Centres of Excellence created
to foster leading edge research in the province of Ontario.

     Program Committee

Edward A. Ashcroft, Arizona State University, USA
Roger Lee, NASA/JPL, USA
W.F. McColl, PRG, Oxford University, UK
Prakash Panangaden, Cornell University, USA
David Skillicorn, Queen's University, Canada
William Wadge, University of Victoria, Canada
Andrew Wendelborn, University of Adelaide, Australia
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.