[news.announce.conferences] CHI'90 Workshop: Modeling the User Interface

armstron@bmers11 (Steve Armstrong) (12/04/89)


                      CHI'90 Workshop

                Modeling the User Interface
   a comparison of approaches towards the "Mental Model"

Can we describe a user interface without engaging users? Can
we  predict  how difficult an interface will be to learn, to
understand, and to use? Can we prescribe  how  an  interface
should be designed? In the HCI community there exist several
approaches to answer  these questions by modeling  different
aspects of the interface and of HCI.

A limited attendance, invitational workshop on Modeling  the
User  Interface is being organized for the CHI'90 Conference
in Seattle. The workshop will be arranged on April  1st  and
2nd.  This workshop aims at comparing, analyzing, and struc-
turing some different modeling approaches, for instance CLG,
GOMS, Cognitive Complexity Theory, TAG, and ETAG.

The following aspects will be discussed:

(1)  aspect(s) of HCI covered

(2)  general theoretical background

(3)  descriptive power

(4)  predictive power

(5)  engineering applicability

Results expected consist of  evaluations  of  the  different
types  of  models  for  different purposes. Their merits and
drawbacks will be illuminated and an overview picture  drawn
for  when  to  use what model. Possible requirements for new
approaches will also be identified. The results will be pub-
lished in the SIGCHI bulletin.

Participants in the workshop  should  have  experience  with
working  with  modeling  interfaces, either theoretically or
empirically. People who have already  attempted  comparisons
and  analyses of different models are also invited to parti-

Please send a description of yourself (experience, expertise
and  interest)  and  a position statement (about 2 pages) to
the workshop organizers not later than  February  6th,  1990
(prefarably by electronic mail).

The workshop  organizers  (Gerrit  C.  van  der  Veer,  Free
University,  Amsterdam,  The  Netherlands, and Yvonne Waern,
Stockholm University, Sweden) will  invite  participants  on
the  basis of the position statements (not later than Febru-
ary 20, 1990). The position papers and a final  agenda  will
be  mailed  to all participants, upon notification of accep-

A workshop fee of $50 will be collected from each participant to help
defray the costs of coffee breaks and A/V equipment.

Correspondence address:

Gerrit C. van der Veer
Free University, Dept. of Psych.
De Boeleaan 1111, Prov.I, C. 102
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Email: gerrit@psy.vu.nl (uucp)
Telephone: + 31-20-5484405, telefax: + 31-20-5484443
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.