[news.announce.conferences] IMSL USER GROUP/EUROPE CONFERENCE

seguin@imsl.UUCP (Tracy Seguin) (01/10/90)


                        March 26-28, 1990
                          Bologna, Italy

Theme: "Applications of Mathematical/Statistical Libraries
               and Problem-Solving Systems".

The IMSL User Group Europe is a not-for-profit organization,
offering a forum where professionals can exchange ideas on
applications and methodologies of mathematical and statistical
software.  The user group is composed of a diverse group of
professionals, such as data center managers, technical support
analysts, programmers, software developers, scientists,
engineers, and educators, all with a common interest in the
evolution, development, and practical application of mathematical
and statistical software.

A new feature at this year's conference will be a series of
tutorials covering topics concerning IMSL product installation,
advanced applications, and services.  IMSL will provide these
tutorials at no charge to attendees of the conference.  Take
advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge of
IMSL software and increase your personal productivity.

To submit a paper or for further information on attending the
conference, please contact one of the following people:

IMSL User Group Europe                  IMSL User Group Liaison
Dr. Marco Vaccari                       Laurie Potratz
ENEA                                    IMSL, Inc.
Department TIB/CALC/DATINU              P.O. Box 4605
Viale Ercolani, 8                       Houston, Texas 77210-4605
I-40138 Bologna                         U.S.A.
Italy                                   email uunet!imsl!lpotratz
email uunet!iboenea.bitnet!birac1       telephone (713) 782-6060
tel 39 51 498314/498173/498111          facsimile (713) 782-6069
facsimile 39 51 498359/498151           telex 791923 IMSL INC HOU
telex 511578 ENEABO I
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.

seguin@imsl.UUCP (Tracy Seguin) (01/16/90)


                        March 26-28, 1990
                          Bologna, Italy

Theme: "Applications of Mathematical/Statistical Libraries
               and Problem-Solving Systems".

The IMSL User Group Europe is a not-for-profit organization,
offering a forum where professionals can exchange ideas on
applications and methodologies of mathematical and statistical
software.  The user group is composed of a diverse group of
professionals, such as data center managers, technical support
analysts, programmers, software developers, scientists,
engineers, and educators, all with a common interest in the
evolution, development, and practical application of mathematical
and statistical software.

A new feature at this year's conference will be a series of
tutorials covering topics concerning IMSL product installation,
advanced applications, and services.  IMSL will provide these
tutorials at no charge to attendees of the conference.  Take
advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge of
IMSL software and increase your personal productivity.

To submit a paper or for further information on attending the
conference, please contact one of the following persons:

IMSL User Group Europe                  IMSL User Group Liaison
Dr. Marco Vaccari                       Laurie Potratz
ENEA                                    IMSL, Inc.
Department TIB/CALC/DATINU              P.O. Box 4605
Viale Ercolani, 8                       Houston, Texas 77210-4605
I-40138 Bologna                         U.S.A.
Italy                                   email uunet!imsl!lpotratz
email uunet!iboenea.bitnet!birac1       telephone (713) 782-6060
tel 39 51 498314/498173/498111          facsimile (713) 782-6069
facsimile 39 51 498359/498151           telex 791923 IMSL INC HOU
telex 511578 ENEABO I
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.