(Philip Harriman) (01/22/90)
Dear Educator: Rochester Institute of Technology, the University of Rochester, and Apple Computer, Inc. are hosting MacAdemia '90 May 29 through June 1 in Rochester, New York. Our theme, Visions for Education, focuses on the Macintosh as a fundamental technology for changing the way we view the process of learning. Visions for Education allows us to explore education reform as we enter a new decade. We are inviting proposals for MacAdemia '90 presentations. Presentations will be 45 minutes in length, and should explore some aspect of the uses of Macintosh computers in higher education. Presentations that incorporate on-line demonstrations or desk-top presentations are preferred. Some hands-on sessions will be scheduled. Proposals should be submitted on the included Presentation Proposal form, or alternately via electronic mail using the form's questions. Send proposals to: MacAdemia '90 Program Committee Taylor Hall University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 FAX: (716) 461-1328 or via electronic mail to: (Internet) MACPROPS@UORDBV (BITNET) A82 (AppleLink) The deadline for submission is February 16, 1990. Incomplete forms, or proposals postmarked after the deadline will not be considered. The program committee will notify speakers in early April. As MacAdemia is a regional conference, preference will be given to proposals submitted by schools in Apple's North East Area. Apple Computer, Inc. will pay reasonable travel, hotel, and conference registration expenses for accepted presenters. Sincerely, Philip A. Harriman Chair, MacAdemia '90 Program Committee -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MacAdemia '90: Visions for Education Presentation Proposal PRESENTER --------- Name: Title: Institution: Address: City, State: Zip Code: Phone Number: (please provide direct office number, if possible) E-Mail or AppleLink address: YOUR APPLE REPRESENTATIVE: ------------------------- Name: Phone Number: AppleLink address: PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: ------------------------ NOTE: Proposals without titles or descriptions will not be considered. Title of Presentation: Description: Provide a two or three sentence description of the proposed talk. Indicate the type of presentation (e.g., talk only, talk plus demonstration, panel discussion, etc.). Check intended audience: Technical Level: (Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced) Orientation: (Academic, General, Magerial, or Technical) Have you given this presentation before? If so, where and when? MOST APPLICABLE TRACK FOR THIS PRESENTATION: (choose one) Administrative Computing Arts Campus Support Organizations Electronic Imaging Engineering Equipment Sales and Service Graphic Arts Humanities Imaging Science Information Access Lab Support Law Libraries Macintosh Basics Mathematics Medicine Multimedia/Hypermedia Music Networking Physical Sciences Scientific Visualization Social Sciences Other EQUIPMENT NEEDS: We anticipate that the standard configuration to be provided will be a Mac II with 4 Mb of memory, a 13-inch high resolution RGB color display with 8 bit video card, and a monochrome projection of the computer screen. Please note that this configuration does not include a hard disk; we expect all speakers to bring their own software on their own external SCSI hard disk. In addition to the standard configuration listed above, we may be able to provide the equipment shown below. Please check all of the equipment that you will need from the list below. Color projection of computer screen Videodisk player Videotape player - 3/4 inch tape Videotape player - 1/2 inch tape Video monitor CD ROM player Overhead projector (independent of projection of computer screen) Slide projector AppleShare network/server Speakers (for music) Other We cannot provide MIDI interfaces, laboratory equipment or highly specialized equipment, so plan to bring your own if needed. Send proposals to: MacAdemia '90 Program Committee Taylor Hall University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 FAX: (716) 461-1328 or via electronic mail to: (Internet) MACPROPS@UORDBV (BITNET) A82 (AppleLink) The deadline for submission is February 16, 1990. -- Does Superman ever just go out for a cruise?