[news.announce.conferences] workshop on logic programming environments

kusalik@dvinci.USask.ca (Tony Kusalik) (03/15/90)

                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                Workshop on Logic Programming Environments
                               ICLP '90
                           June 14 or 15, 1990
                             Eilat, Israel

  As part of the workshop portion of ICLP '90, and following the highly
successful workshop in the same area at NACLP '89 in Cleveland, your
participation is invited for the Workshop on Logic Programming
Environments of the 1990 International Conference on Logic Programming.
Presentations and displays are invited on any topics in this area, including,
but not restricted to:
  * embedded languages                 * human engineering
  * metaprogramming-based tools        * accommodating peripheral devices
  * software development tools         * code partitioning schemes
  * applications                       * bootstrap techniques
  * visualization of execution         * foreign-language interfaces
  * visual programming                 * database and file system interfaces
  * windowing and graphics systems
A special section of the workshop devoted to debugging is also planned.
Topics for it could include:
  * enhanced models of computation
  * extraction of debugging information from parallel and compiled computations
  * automated analysis strategies
  * presentation of debugging information
Topics are not restricted to the context of Prolog, but intended to
encompass all logic programming languages and paradigms.
  The workshop will be informal in nature, with time for presentations,
questions, poster displays, and discussions.  Attendance at the workshop is
open to all ICLP '90 registrants.  Attendees and participants must register
for the workshop when completing their conference registration.  Duration
of the workshop is dependent upon the level of participation received,
but is expected to be one day.
  Those wishing to make presentations are asked to submit three copies of a
three- to five-page extended abstract and an application form (one is attached)
to either of the workshop organizers (Jacob Levy or Anthony Kusalik) at one
of the addresses below.  Submissions must be received by April 2, 1990.
Reviewing of presentation proposals will be completed by May 1, 1990,
and authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by May 10, 1990.
  Participants wishing to display a poster are asked to complete an
application form and submit it to either of the workshop organizers
(Anthony Kusalik or Jacob Levy) by May 1, 1990.  (A copy of the appropriate
form is attached.)
  Suggestions or proposals for panel discussions or working groups in focused
areas are also invited.
  A workshop record, consisting of the accepted extended abstracts, is planned.

Organizers for special session on debugging:
     Mireille Ducasse, ECRC              Anna-Maria Emde, ECRC
     mireille@ecrc.de                    anna@ecrc.de

Workshop organizers:
     Jacob Levy                          Anthony Kusalik
     Dept. of Electrical Engineering     Dept. of Computational Science
     Technion                            Univ. of Saskatchewan
     Haifa                               Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
     32-000  Israel                      S7N 0W0  Canada
     jlevy@ee.technion.ac.il             kusalik@sklpl.usask.ca
     (+972) 4 294657                     (306)966-4904


                       Submission for Presentation
                                at the
                Workshop on Logic Programming Environments
             1990 International Conference on Logic Programming
                           June 14 or 15, 1990
                             Eilat, Israel

Title:     _____________________________________________________________________


Author(s): _____________________________________________________________________

           (please indicate principle author, or primary contact author)

Address:   _____________________________________________________________________



Email address: ________________________________________

Topic Area (please check the one which best fits)

___ embedded languages                 ___ human engineering
___ metaprogramming-based tools        ___ accommodating peripheral devices
___ software development tools         ___ code partitioning schemes
___ applications                       ___ bootstrap techniques
___ visualization of execution         ___ foreign-language interfaces
___ visual programming                 ___ database and file system interfaces
___ windowing and graphics systems

___ enhanced models of computation for debugging
___ extraction of debugging information from parallel and compiled computations
___ automated analysis strategies for debugging
___ presentation of debugging information

___ other; please specify: ____________________________________________________

Any special consideration or requirements:



Note: presentations will normally be limited to 20 minutes, with a period for
      questions or discussion following.

Submit this form and three copies of a three- to five-page (double
spaced) extended abstract of the subject matter to either of
     Jacob Levy
     Department of Electrical Engineering
     32-000 Israel
     Anthony Kusalik
     Department of Computational Science
     University of Saskatchewan
     Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
     S7N 0W0  Canada
Applications must be received by April 2, 1990.  Notification of acceptance
or rejection will be made by May 10, 1990.

                      Application for Poster Display
                                at the
                Workshop on Logic Programming Environments
             1990 International Conference on Logic Programming
                           June 14 or 15, 1990
                             Eilat, Israel

Title:     _____________________________________________________________________


Author(s): _____________________________________________________________________

           (please indicate principle author, or primary contact author)

Address:   _____________________________________________________________________



Email address: ________________________________________

Topic Area (please check the one which best fits)

___ Embedded Languages                 ___ human engineering
___ metaprogramming-based tools        ___ accommodating peripheral devices
___ software development tools         ___ code partitioning schemes
___ applications                       ___ bootstrap techniques
___ visualization of execution         ___ foreign-language interfaces
___ visual programming                 ___ database and file system interfaces
___ windowing and graphics systems

___ enhanced models of computation for debugging
___ extraction of debugging information from parallel and compiled computations
___ automated analysis strategies for debugging
___ presentation of debugging information

___ other; please specify: ____________________________________________________

Any special consideration or requirements:



Submit this form to either of
     Anthony Kusalik
     Department of Computational Science
     University of Saskatchewan
     Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
     S7N 0W0  Canada
     Jacob Levy
     Department of Electrical Engineering
     32-000 Israel
by May 1, 1990.