[news.announce.conferences] SCO Forum90

rosso@uunet (Ross Oliver) (06/08/90)

SCO Forum90: The International SCO Technology and Marketing Conference

SCO Forum90 takes place August 20 - 24 on the campus of the University of
California, Santa Cruz.

SCO Forum90 will include training, marketing and technical sessions, vendor
exhibitions and demos, panel discussions, workshops, and birds-of-a-feather
groups, as well as a variety of social events.  For the convenience of its
reseller, developers, and end users, SCO has scheduled comprehensive training
courses in Santa Cruz in the weeks preceding, during, and after the conference
(See schedule below).

Panels and discussions at SCO Forum90 will feature industry leaders and
technology innovators, key topics such as multiuser systems, personal
workstations, reseller/developer opportunities, and significant new graphical
multiuser applications.

Special focus groups will address the challenges of developing and selling
technology to federal governments, as well as the challenges currently facing
SCO resellers and developers in Europe, Asia, Australia, and Latin America.

In addition, dozens of software and hardware vendors will exhibit their
products at the SCO Forum90 Exhibition.  This hands-on, exclusive event is an
ideal opportunity to talk directly with senior technical representatives from
the major companies in the international, open system marketplace.  Exhibit
space is limited, so interested companies should immediately contact SCO for

Register for SCO Forum90 Today

Register for SCO Forum90 and take advantage of special early registration
rates.  Registrants will be accepted at $695 until July 31, with later
registrants paying the full $895 admissions price.

To register for SCO Forum90 or for more information:

In the U.S.  or Canada, contact SCO Forum90 Information toll free at (800)
SCO-UNIX (726-8649).  Or call (408) 425-7222 from the U.S., Pacific Rim, Asia,
or Latin America.  From Europe, Africa, or the Middle East, call +44 (0) 923

For more information via e-mail:

Via usenet: ...uunet!sco!forum90

Via domain-style mailers: forum90@sco.com

Here are the SCO Training classes offered -- August 13-27, 1990.
(Note that training course fees are not included in conference registration.)

SCO XENIX System Administration     August 13-17

SCO UNIX System V/386               August 13-17

Fundamentals of SCO System V for    August 13-17

Basic System V Communications August 20-21

Shell Programming for System        August 20-22

Open Desktop System Administration August 20-24

C Programming                       August 20-24

Programming with the SCO System V   August 27-31
Development System

Programming withg the Open Desktop  August 27-31

Advanced System V Service & Support August 27-31

For information on SCO Training, call (800) SCO-UNIX
(726-8649) from the U.S.  and Canada, or (408) 425-7222, from
the Pacific Rim, Australia, or Latin America. From Europe,
Africa, or the Middle East, call +44 (02 923 816344.