[news.announce.conferences] NACLP'90 Workshop

uli@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.de (U. Furbach) (07/31/90)



                   Non-Horn-Clause Logic Programming
			       NACLP '90
			  Oct 29 - Nov 1, 90
			    Austin, Texas

You are invited to participate in the Workshop on Non-Horn Clause
Logic Programming as part of the workshop portion of NACLP '90.

This workshop shall bring together ideas and approaches to Programming
in Logic beyond the current paradigm of Horn-clause logic.  Special
emphasis is given to approaches which explore the wide spectrum of
logics for programming, e.g. investigating whether full first order
predicate logic or non-standard logics are suitable as a programming

Presentations and displays are invited on any topics in this area,
including, but not restricted to:

	Programming  with  1st order  predicate logic
	  (e.g. general clausal form, full 1-order)

        Non-standard logics for programming
	  (e.g. modal logics, temporal logics)

	Induction and programming

        Program  synthesis and executable specifications

The workshop will be informal in nature, with time for presentations,
questions, and discussions.

Attendance at the workshop is open to all NACLP '90 registrants.
Duration of the workshop will be determined by the level of

Submissions for presentations must be received by   Aug. 31, 1990.
Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by Sep. 30, 1990.

Submissions will be reviewed by:

	Wolfgang Bibel (Darmstadt)
	Luis Farinas del Cerro (Toulouse)

and the workshop organizer:

	Ulrich Furbach
	Institut fuer Informatik
	Technische Universitaet Muenchen
   	Postfach 20 24 20
	D 8000 Muenchen 2

	e-mail: furbach@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de
	tel.:   +49-89-2105-2031


                       Submission for Presentation
                                at the
                Workshop on Non-Horn Clause Logic Programming
             1990 North American Conference on Logic Programming
                              Oct 29 - Nov 1, 90
                             Austin, Texas

Title:     _____________________________________________________________


Author(s): _____________________________________________________________

           (please indicate princal author, or primary contact author)

Address:   _____________________________________________________________



Email address: ________________________________________

Topic Area: ___________________________________________

Any special consideration or requirements:



Note: Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, plus time for
      questions or discussion following.

Submit this form and three copies of an extended abstract ( 2-3 pages,
double spaced ) of the subject matter to

	Ulrich Furbach
	Institut fuer Informatik
	Technische Universitaet Muenchen
   	Postfach 20 24 20
	D 8000 Muenchen 2

	e-mail: furbach@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de
	Tel.:   +49-89-2105-2031

Submissions must be received by Aug 31, 1990.  Notification of
acceptance or rejection will be made by Sep 30, 1990.