[news.announce.conferences] KMET'91 Call for Papers.

pnettlet@gara.une.oz.au (Philip Nettleton) (09/20/90)

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                       International Conference on
                 Knowledge Modeling and Expertise transfer
                Sophia-Antipolis, French Riviera, April 22-24, 1991

                With the sponsorship of ARC, AFCET, CNRS, INRIA

The aim of the conference is to examine the requirements of specific
knowledge representation models to facilitate the expertise transfer
in two directions i.e man-machine and machine-man.


- Modeling of reasoning and knowledge
- Man-machine transfer : knowledge acquisition, machine learning, etc.
- Machine-man transfer : explanations, ITS, etc.
- Contribution of Human Sciences : Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology, etc.

                           KEY DATES

Right now         : return the intention form
November 15, 1990 : deadline for paper submission
January 15, 1991  : notification to authors
February 28, 1991 : deadline for final version in camera-ready form


Papers presented at the conference must include new ideas or experiments
that have not yet been published.
Authors should submit 4 complete copies of their papers (double-spaced)
written in English (or in French). Submissions should be limited to
5000 words for completed  research or to 2000 words for ongoing research.
The first page must include the name, the postal address and electronic mail
address (if available), the phone and Fax number of the author, a key word
list and an abstract (written in English and in French if possible)
which should not exceed 200 words.

Submissions should be sent to :

Universite de Nice - Sophia-Antipolis,
Daniele Herin-Aime,
Bat. 4, rue A. Einstein,
06560 Valbonne, France
Fax : (33) 92 94 28 98
Phone : (33) 92 94 26 27
E-mail : dh@cerisi.cerisi.fr

                          PROGRAM COMMITTEE

J.P. Angoujard, LLAOR, Sophia-Antipolis, Fr.
C. Bastien, Univ. of Provence, Fr.
J.H. Boose, Boeing ATC, Seattle, USA
M. Borillo, LSI, Toulouse, Fr.
E. Chouraqui, GRTC, Marseille, Fr.
M. Chein, CRIM, Montpellier, Fr.
J. Mc Dermott, DEC, Marlborough, USA
R. Dieng, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, Fr.
G. Fauconnie, USCD, San Diego, USA
F. Fogelman Soulie, LRI, Orsay, Fr.
C. Frasson, UdM, Montreal, Canada
M. Grandbastien, CRIN, Nancy, Fr.
D. Herin-Aime, I3s-LISAN, Sophia-Antipolis, Fr.
Y. Kodratoff, LRI, Orsay, Fr. & George Mason Univ., USA
R. Mizoguchi, Osaka Univ., Japan
H. Motoda, Hitachi Ltd, Japan
J. Pitrat, LAFORIA, Paris, Fr.
J.P. Regourd, I3S-LISAN & URL9, Nice, Fr.
J. Self, Lancaster Univ., England
M. Vivet, Univ. du Maine, Le Mans, Fr.

KMET'91 is scientifically organized by
Research Laboratories of the European Technopole of Sophia-Antipolis :
 Digital Equipment Corporation
 ENSMP (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris)
 I3S-LISAN (Computer Science Laboratory of the University and CNRS)
 INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique)
 LAPGAN (Psychology Laboratory of the University)
 LLAOR (Linguistics Laboratory of the University and CNRS)
 Telemecanique Electrique

                          ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

J.P. Angoujard, LLAOR
T. Bisson, LAPGAN
R. Dieng, INRIA
J. Doussy, Telemecanique Electrique
G. Mc Gregor, DEC
D. Herin-Aime, I3S-LISAN
P. Marcenac, I3S-LISAN
M. Mortelette, Aerospatiale, Cannes
J.P. Regourd, I3S-LISAN & URL9, Nice
B. Trousse, INRIA
J.L. Wybo, ENSMP

                               Intention Form

                          International Conference on
                          Knowledge Modeling and Expertise Transfer
                          Sophia-Antipolis, FRANCE, April 22-24, 1991

                      Intention Form

Title ---- Last name  -----------------  First name --------------
Firm -------------------------------------------------------------
Address ----------------------------------------------------------
City ----------------------------------  ZIP/Postcode ------------
Country -------------------------------  Fax ---------------------

I expect to attend the conference                                O
I have the intention to submit a paper                           O
I would like to be in the mailing list for more information      O


You can send this intention form to the following address :

                        International Conference
                        University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS
                        I3S-LISAN, Bat. 4
                        rue Albert Einstein
                        06560 Valbonne    FRANCE