(Tomasz Imielinski) (11/06/90)
WORKSHOP ON NONSTANDARD QUERIES AND NONSTANDARD ANSWERS Toulouse (France) Time: June 1991 Abstract: New database applications require extending the traditional function of query languages and radically modifying the query evaluation process. Database systems of the future will deal with a number of novel categories of information such as knowledge, action, time, permissions and obligations, which are ontologically different from ordinary data, but for which there is no specialized support in current database systems. At the same time, there is increasing demand for a redefinition of the concept of ``answer to a query''. New applications which have grown in the last decade require that the classical notion of an answer to a query, i.e., as a set of tuples, be revised and broadened. Consequently, not only must the functionality of query languages be significantly expanded, but also the process of query evaluation will have to be radically modified in order to provide more flexible answers. These extensions will have to go far beyond the ones being currently considered in object oriented and relational databases. We have classified the topics of interest into two categories: NEW KINDS OF QUERIES (meaning new query functionalities) and NEW KINDS OF ANSWERS (meaning new types of answers). NEW KINDS OF QUERIES: - epistemic queries, queries about database knowledge. - queries about actions - queries about permissions and obligations - temporal queries NEW KINDS OF ANSWERS: - Intensional answers and answers with constraints - Cooperative query answering - Answering with limited computational resources - Statistical answers - Answers with objects - Modal answers The following are major open questions which we would like to adress at the workshop: How will the NEW QUERY capabilities be included in future query languages: will there be many specialized query languages, or one "extensible" query language? How will the NEW ANSWERS be specified? What are the consequences of adding NEW QUERIES and NEW ANSWERS for query evaluation and optimization? Finally: Which framework (object oriented, logic, extended relational) is best for accomplishing these extensions? We would like to bring together the leading researchers in databases, AI and logic programming to discuss the future of this important research area and the dominant approaches to the problem. Important dates : - Submission of an extended abstract : March 1st 1991 (4 pages maximum) - Notification to authors : April 15st 1991 - Complete paper due : May 15th 1991 Organizers: R.Demolombe, L.Farinas, T.Imielinski Programme Commitee R. Demolombe (ONERA-CERT) L. Farinas (University of Toulouse) D. Gabbay (Imperial College) T. Imielinski (Rutgers) P. Kannelakis (Brown) J.L Lassez (IBM) A. Motro (George Mason) S. Naqvi (Bellcore) Papers should be submitted to Tomasz Imielinski IBM Almaden Research Center San Jose, CA Harry Road 650 (I am spending my sabbatical there till September,1, 1990) Preprints will be distributed at the conference. A book will be published later with the best revised papers. The number of participants will be strictly limited (around 50 people).