[news.announce.conferences] IEEE Real Time System Symposium

lrs@sei.cmu.edu (Lui Sha) (01/18/91)


The 12th IEEE Symposium on Real-Time Systems
San Antonio, Texas
December 3-6, 1991

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society TC on Real-Time Computing

The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers and developers
from academic, industry and government for advancing the science and
technology in real-time computing.  Papers in areas related to scheduling
algorithms, specification and verification, performance evaluation, operating
systems, languages, system architectures and case studies are sought.  In
addition to research papers, reports detailing experiments, evaluations and
open problems in the design and development of advanced real-time systems are
of particular interest.  The symposium has special sessions on current work to
promote the timely exchange of experiences and ideas.

General Chair 				Program Chair
Jane W. S. Liu  			Lui Sha
Department of Computer Science  	4500 5th Avenue
University of Illinois          	Software Engineering Institute
1304 West Springfield Avenue    	Carnegie-Mellon University
Urbana, Illinois 61801          	Pittsburgh PA 15213
(217) 333-0135                  	(412) 268-5875
janeliu@cs.uiuc.edu             	sha@sei.cmu.edu

Treasurer                               Local Arrangements Chair
Walter Heimcrdinger			Earl Swartzlander

Program Committee
Devesh Bhatt 	 Marc Donna 	     Farnam Jahanian 	Kevin Jeffay
Hermann Kopetz	 John Lehoczky       Doug Locke      	Joseph Leung
C. L. Liu	 William McDonald    Al Mok             Ragunathan Rajkumar
Roger Racine     Krithi Ramamritham  Zary Segall	Kang Shin
Ray Strong       Jack Stankovic      Satish Tripathi	Wei Zhao

Paper Submission

To submit papers, send five (5) copies of double spaced manuscripts, 5,000
words or less in length to the program chair by May 1, 1991. To submit
extended abstracts for the current work sessions, send five (5) copies of
abstracts, three (3) pages or less, to the program chair by September 2, 1991.

Important Dates

Paper Due:				May 1, 1991
Notification of Paper Acceptance:	July 15, 1991
Abstract on Current Work Due:		September 2, 1991
Camera Ready Copies of Full Papers Due:	September 15, 1992
Symposium:				December 3-6, 1991