[news.announce.conferences] 2nd Call for Participation to the 5th Blackboard Workshop

hlaasri@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr (Hassan Laasri) (01/21/91)

                          2nd CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

				Sponsored by AAAI

	One day between July 14-20, 1991 (to be fixed later)
			Anaheim, California, USA

The blackboard paradigm is a powerful technique for implementing
applications requiring multilevel reasoning, flexible control, or the
integration of diverse problem solving expertise into a common

Blackboard applications have moved from the original speech
understanding and signal processing areas to new applications in
model-based diagnosis, network control, intelligent tutoring
systems, the pilot's associate program, dynamic resource allocation,
materials processing, and even weather prediction.  More complex and
diverse applications have become possible with the appearence of
stable university and commercial blackboard frameworks (AGE, BB-1,
GBB, ATOME, etc.). Recent workshops have featured extensions of these
frameworks for plan-based control, real-time, and parallel processing.

The Fifth Workshop on Blackboard Systems, like its predecessors,
provides an informal forum where researchers in blackboard technology
and developers of blackboard-based applications can exchange ideas,
experiences, problems, and inspirations.  The aims of the workshop
include: sharing the latest research results in an informal setting,
informing participants of other researchers working on similar problems
or using similar approaches, and identifying common unsolved research

Topics of interest for the workshop include:

        - blackboard frameworks, control mechanisms, and techniques
        - real-time, parallel, and distributed blackboard approaches
        - performance measures for blackboard systems and applications
        - integrating dramatically different systems via blackboards
        - user interfaces and explanation facilities for blackboard systems
        - application development and debugging facilities for
          blackboard systems
        - issues in developing blackboard-based applications
        - novel blackboard-based applications.

Submissions presenting comparison data between blackboard technology and
other AI methodologies or among alternate blackboard-based approaches
are particularly encouraged. We also seek submissions describing
substantial applications with some degree of maturity.

The workshop is one-day long and will take place during AAAI, July 14--20,
1991.  Dan Corkill will present a "state of the art" address to open the day.
Accepted papers will be grouped into three panels based on content; each
panel will consist of a series of informal paper presentations followed by a
general discussion period.  A member of the Workshop Committee will chair
each panel. A set of discussion questions, to be addressed by the presenters
and keyed to each panel, will be distributed beforehand.  An informal
proceedings containing complete versions of accepted papers will be
distributed at the workshop.

Workshop invitations will be issued on the basis of extended
abstracts 10 pages or less in length.  Graduate students and
researchers from academy as well as from industry with preliminary results
are encouraged to participate. Each extended abstract will be reviewed
by members of the Workshop Committee. At most, 2 invitations will be
issued for each accepted abstract. In keeping with an informal
workshop, the total number of invitations will be limited to 30--35.


Larry Baum              Boeing Computer Services
Dan Corkill             Blackboard Technology Group
Keith Decker            University of Massachusetts (co-chair)
Raj Dodhiawala          FMC Corporate Technology Center
Lee Erman               Cimflex Teknowledge
V. Jagannathan          Cimflex Teknowledge
Brigitte Laasri         Alcatel Alsthom Research Center
Hassan Laasri           Alcatel Alsthom Research Center (chair)
Victor Lesser           University of Massachusetts
Penny Nii               Stanford University


March  8,   1991    	    Extended abstracts must be received
April 15,   1991    	    Notification of invitation or rejection
May   20,   1991    	    Completed papers must be received
Between July 14-20, 1991    Workshop date (to be fixed later)


Keith S. Decker
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003

Internet: Decker@CS.UMass.Edu
Phone:    (413) 545-3444
FAX:      (413) 545-1249

--- OR TO:

Hassan Laasri
Alcatel Alsthom Recherche
Division Informatique
Route de Nozay
91460 Marcoussis

Internet: hlaasri@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr
Phone:    (33 1) 64 49 17 79
FAX:      (33 1) 64 49 06 94


Hassan LAASRI,
ALCATEL ALSTHOM RECHERCHE, Route de Nozay, 911460 Marcoussis, FRANCE.