[news.announce.conferences] ISMIS 91: CALL FOR PAPERS

timos@pronto.cs.umd.edu (Timos Sellis) (01/22/91)

      Sixth International Symposium
on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
   Hilton Hotel at University Place
     Charlotte, North Carolina
        October 16-19, 1991

Sponsors: UNC-Charlotte, IBM-Charlotte and others.

This Symposium is intended to attract individuals who are
actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects
of intelligent systems. The goal is to provide a platform
for a useful exchange between theoreticians and practitioners,
and to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas in the
following areas: Approximate Reasoning, Expert Systems,
Intelligent Databases, Knowledge Representation, Learning
and Adaptive Systems, Logic for Artificial Intelligence,
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. In addition, we solicit
papers dealing with methodological issues faced by individual
researchers and by subfields within AI, including evaluation,
and the nature of theories, predictions, hypotheses and
experiments in AI.

Zbigniew W. Ras (UNC-Charlotte)
Maria Zemankova (NSF and UT-Knoxville)

Alan Biermann (Duke)
Woody Bledsoe (Austin)
Jacques Calmet (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Jaime Carbonell (CMU)
B. Chandrasekaran (Ohio State)
Paul R. Cohen (Amherst)
Chris Fields (New Mexico State)
Brian Gaines (Calgary)
Peter Hart (Syntelligence)
Se June Hong (IBM at Yorktown Heights)
Marek Karpinski (Bonn, Germany)
Wolf Kohn (Boeing)
Kurt Konolige (SRI)
Catherine Lassez (IBM at Yorktown Heights)
R. Lopez de Mantaras (Spain)
Jacek Maitan (Lockheed, Palo Alto)
Robert Meersman (The Netherlands)
Ryszard Michalski (George Mason)
Jack Minker (Maryland)
Masao Mukaidono (Japan)
Rohit Parikh (CUNY)
Judea Pearl (UCLA)
Don Perlis (Maryland)
Francois G. Pin (ORNL)
Henri Prade (Toulouse, France)
Lorenza Saitta (Torino, Italy)
Erik Sandewall (Sweden)
Timos Sellis (Maryland)
John Sowa (IBM at Thornwood)
Richmond Thomason (Pittsburgh)
Dave Touretzky (CMU)
Richard Waldinger (SRI)
Jan Zytkow (Wichita State)

Alan Biermann (Duke)
Jon Doyle (MIT)
Tom Mitchell (CMU)
Gio Wiederhold (Stanford).

Bill Chu (UNC-Charlotte)
Zbigniew Michalewicz (UNC-Charlotte)
M.S. Narasimha (IBM at Charlotte)
Junzo Suzuki (Toshiba, Japan)
Jing Xiao (UNC-Charlotte)

SUBMISSION: Send four copies of a complete paper to:
Zbigniew W. Ras, ISMIS'91
UNC-Charlotte, Comp. Sci.
Charlotte, N.C. 28223, USA
tel: 704-547-4567
Fax: 704-547-2352
Net address: ras@unccvax.uncc.edu

 Submission of papers: March 15, 1991
 Notification of acceptance: May 15, 1991
 Final paper: June 15, 1991.

Timos Sellis - CS Dept, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
INTERNET:timos@cs.umd.edu 	USENET:{uunet,decvax,allegra,...}!mimsy!timos
VOICE: +1-301-405-2709	 	FAX: +1-301-405-6707