[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Int'l Conference on Fifth Generation Compute

ytanaka@uunet.uu.net (Yuichi TANAKA) (04/18/91)



    Restriction for paper length has been changed  from
    the preliminary call for papers posted  in  January.
    Please read PAPER SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS carefully.


      International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992

                       Tokyo, Japan      June 1-5, 1992

FGCS'92 is an international conference on fifth generation computer technology,
following on from FGCS'81, FGCS'84, and FGCS'88.  It will be the final confer-
ence associated with the FGCS project.  The conference will run for five days.
The first two days will  be  devoted mainly to reports of the  FGCS  project's
final results, and the last three days  to technical sessions for presentation
of papers and related discussions.

The scope of the technical sessions  encompasses  the technical aspects of new
generation computer systems,  particularly those that are within the framework
of knowledge information processing, logic programming and  parallel architec-
tures.  This conference is intended to promote interaction between researchers
in  all  disciplines  related  to  fifth  generation  computer technology.  Of
special interest are papers discussing the possibilities of large-scale paral-
lel knowledge information processing, and the future directions of new genera-
tion computing.


    Concurrent / distributed / parallel computation
    Theoretical foundations of logic programming and databases
    Constructive / non-standard logics
    Knowledge representation and reasoning
    Automated reasoning
    Cognitive modeling / learning
    Philosophical foundations

    Parallel architectures
    Parallel implementation techniques
    Performance modeling / evaluation
    Knowledge base machines
    Inference machines

    Logic / functional / object-oriented programming
    Constraint programming
    Deductive / object-oriented databases
    Concurrent / parallel programming
    Reasoning about programs
    Programming environments
    Implementation techniques

Applications / Social Impacts
    Natural language / Speech
    Vision / Robotics
    Knowledge-based systems
    Database applications
    Large-scale parallel applications
    Social impacts of FGCS
    Future directions of new generation computing


Steering Committee Chairperson:
    Kazuhiro Fuchi, ICOT
Conference Chairperson:
    Hidehiko Tanaka, The University of Tokyo
Conference Vice-Chairperson:
    Koichi Furukawa, ICOT
Program Chairperson:
    Hozumi Tanaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Program Vice-Chairpersons:
    Makoto Amamiya, Kyushu University
    Shigeki Goto, NTT Corporation
    Fumio Mizoguchi, Science University of Tokyo
Publicity Chairperson:
    Kinko Yamamoto, JIPDEC
Publicity Vice-Chairperson:
    Kunio Murakami, Kanagawa University
Demonstration Committee Chairperson:
    Takashi Kurozumi, ICOT
Demonstration Committee Vice-Chairperson:
    Shunichi Uchida, ICOT


Authors should send six copies of manuscripts to:

    Professor Hozumi Tanaka
    FGCS'92 Program Chairperson
    ICOT, Mita Kokusai Bldg. 21F
    4-28 Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku
    Tokyo 108, Japan

Papers must be received by October 1, 1991.

Papers  are  restricted to 16 pages, typed 1 1/2-spaced or typeset 12-point on
18-point  spacing (about 5000 words),  including  figures  and  a 150-200 word
abstract. Papers must be written and presented in English.

Papers will  be  reviewed by international referees.  Authors will be notified
of  acceptance or rejection  by  January 5, 1992.  Camera-ready copy  for  the
proceedings should  be  received  by  the Program Chairperson  no  later  than
February 28, 1992.


Date: June 1-5, 1992

Venue: Tokyo Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Hosted by: Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT)

In Cooperation with:
    Information Processing Society of Japan
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
    Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
    The Association for Logic Programming

Outline of the conference program: 
    General sessions (Keynote and invited speeches, Report of Japan's FGCS
    Project, Panel discussions), Technical sessions (Presentation of invited
    and submitted papers, Presentation of ICOT research topics), Special 
    events (Some of the research results, including parallel software and 
    hardware systems, will be demonstrated)

Further information:
    Conference information will be available from the Secretariat in May, 1991.

FGCS'92 Secretariat

Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT)
Mita Kokusai Bldg. 21F
4-28 Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108, Japan

E-mail: fgcs92@icot.or.jp
Phone:  +81-3-3456-3195 
Fax:    +81-3-3456-1618
Telex:  32964 ICOT J