[talk.religion.newage] LSD

COK@PSUVMA.BITNET (R. W. Clark to the masses) (12/14/87)

In article <lotsanumbersanddots>, vonn@wind.bellcore.com (Vonn Marsch) writes:  ys:
>>CIA do LSD experiments on you to brainwash you, right?
>Did you know the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?
>By the sarcastic tone of your posting, it seems you think that the CIA
>*didn't* perform experiments on unwilling subjects with LSD (how quickly
>they forget). I suppose you think they're "on our side".
To the contrary.  I despise the CIA and all it stands for.  I am well aware
that the CIA has done experiments with LSD on unwilling, or at least
unknowledgable, subjects.  The recent "Bishop" Heidnik travesty demonstrates
that this is quite a documented occurence.  If being dosed with LSD by the
CIA is an admissible defense in a court of law, it's at least a valid claim,
if not documented truth.  However, the CIA/LSD conspiracy is also one many
raving bull-loonies assert as well.  By invoking this little bit of history,
I call into question his sanity.  The fact that the CIA/LSD connection is
truth does not alter the fact that many loonies like mentioning it.  My
insult is valid, and does not NECESARRILY call into question the validity
of the claim (concerning the CIA and LSD), nor does it in any way imply
approval of the CIA.  If you've read any of my previous postings, you would
have found that I am opposed to any form of tyranny.  The CIA undoubtedly
qualifies as tyranny, and therefore I am opposed to it.
>>They probably did.  That's why you're such a brain-damaged moron now.
>Since when does LSD cause brain damage? "Just say 'no', kids, or you'll
>end up a brain-damaged moron who believes the earth is flat!"
The 'brain-damaged moron' bit was obviously meant to be hyperbolic.  In no
way could it be asserted that I meant it to be taken as truth, or for it to
be taken that I believed it to be truth.  However, LSD has caused insanity
(view the "Bishop" Heidnik), and while I am not opposed to its use, I admit
it has hazards.
In chastising Mr. Jolly in the strongest possible terms, I had a threefold
motive:  A) to show my displeasure at what I believe to be drooling idiocy of
the most malignant sort; B) to amuse and delight the singular man of reason
who also views 'platygean science' as deserving of buffooning; and C) to remove
anger from me which might otherwise have spilled upon less deserving targets.
I still believe that platygeanists are not personally stupid, but possessed of
an incredibly stupid belief.  Stupid beliefs must be eliminated from the mind
of humanity, as they thwart progress and make human development retrograde.
I'll do my part in the elimination of stupidity by making it apparent as such.
cok%psuvma@psuvax1.bitnet       "I'd love to, m'lad, but this fine Havana
cok%psuvma.bitnet@psuvax1.uucp   magic wand is a bit too short to grant
cok%psuvma@psuvax1.psu.edu       wishes with."  Jackeen J. O'Malley