[comp.laser-printers] for-loops in Pic ???

kjepo@portofix.liu.se (Kjell Post) (06/20/87)

Reading an article about Unix formatting and typesetting in
IEEE software (Sept 86), I stumbled on the following piece
of pic-code:

	h = 2.0; y = 0.5; x = 0.5; n = 10;
	H: line right h
	L1: line up y from H.end
	L2: line down y from H.end
	for i = 0 to n do
		line right x from i/n < L1.end, L2.end>

What's this? A cruel hoax? I've never seen for-loops in pic before
and they are certainly not defined in the grammar specification.

"The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from"
Dept of Computer & Info Science  ...liuida!majestix.liu.se!kjepo
Univ of Linkoping, Sweden        (kjepo@majestix.liu.se)

jaap@cwi.nl (Jaap Akkerhuis) (06/25/87)

In article <8706241917.AA14249@brillig.umd.edu> kjepo@portofix.liu.se (Kjell Post) writes:
 > What's this? A cruel hoax? I've never seen for-loops in pic before
 > and they are certainly not defined in the grammar specification.

Later versions of pic do have for loops (and if's etc.).
The pick in DWB2.0 is supposed to contain this new version.
