jim@hoptoad.UUCP (Jim Joyce) (08/07/87)
Regarding the refilling of cartridges: The procedure sounds just awful and awkward. A friend of mine is in the busi- ness of refilling cartridges but also needs info on where to get empty car- tridges. She heard of a company in San Jose that sells empty cartridges, but did not get a company name, phone, or address. Can anyone lend a hand with the info? You can reply to this account, or even better directly to her: utzoo!darwin!ontmohdavis or, utzoo!syntrondavis Thanks! --Jim Joyce -- e-mail: ...!{sun,lll-crg}!hoptoad!jim Snail: Jim Joyce's UNIX Bookstore 47 Potomac St SF, CA 94117 Bell: 415/626-7581
nightjob@well.UUCP.UUCP (08/20/87)
The PC manager at this office has been told that we do not need to purchase Apple cartriges for the Apple LaserWriter, but that HP Laserjet cartriges can be used interchangeably. Can anyone comment on this advice before the it is implemented? Thanks Hank Roberts
Hank, Apple, HP, QMS, Talaris and many other Laser Printer manufacturers actually use Cannon print engines and add their own controllers. The cartriges are made by Cannon, and relabled by them. The only difference is the paper sticker on the outside of the box. We have been using HP cartridges for several years in Talaris and Apple printers with no ill effects. I hope this helps. Selden E. Ball, Jr. Cornell University NYNEX: +1-607-255-0688 Laboratory of Nuclear Studies BITNET: SEB@CRNLNS Wilson Synchrotron Lab ARPA: SEB%CRNLNS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Judd Falls & Dryden Road HEPnet/SPAN: Ithaca, NY, USA 14853 LNS61::SEB = 44283::SEB (node 43.251)
fyl@ssc.UUCP.UUCP (09/11/87)
In article <8708292041.AA24609@brillig.umd.edu>, nightjob@well.UUCP (Hank Roberts as MoFo fw) writes: > The PC manager at this office has been told that we do not need to > purchase Apple cartriges for the Apple LaserWriter, but that > HP Laserjet cartriges can be used interchangeably. Can anyone comment > on this advice before the it is implemented? It's true. It is the same canon laser printer engine and it doesn't care if the box the cartridge comes in says Apple, HP or Cannon. Also, the recharging people seem to be getting their act together. We now use recharged chartridges for about 1/2 the price. -- Phil Hughes, SSC, Inc. P.O. Box 55549, +----------------+ Seattle, WA 98155 (206)FOR-UNIX | NO CONTRA AID! | ...!uw-beaver!tikal!ssc!fyl +----------------+