jack@hp-dcde.UUCP (10/03/83)
#N:hp-dcde:16600001:000:637 hp-dcde!jack Sep 30 09:27:00 1983 Our uuxqt is returning reversed status for a failed remote execution. Here is a segment of code from uuxqt.c: ret = shio(buf, fin, dfile, NULL); exitsig = ret & 0377; exitcode = (ret>>8) & 0377; sprintf(retstat, "exit %d, signal %d", ret & 0377, (ret>>8) & 0377); Curiously enough, even though exitsig (what signal killed the process) and exitcode (what parameter the process gave to exit) are computed correctly, they are (incorrectly!) re-computed for the sprintf. Hence, if a uux process exits with exit code 1, the message will say "exit 0, signal 1" which is not the truth. -Jack Applin (hplabs!hp-dcd!jack)