[comp.laser-printers] Job to job side effects

mcclen@sundance.USWest.COM (06/15/88)

We have two PSJET+ printers that have been misbehaving a lot recently.
Perhaps someone has experienced these problems before. These printers
hang off our Sun file server(SunOS 3.3?).

The first problem appears to happen when a portrait mode job follows 
a landscape job. The first page of the portrait job appears to be
landscape oriented on a portrait page. Perhaps this is a spooler
problem, not sending EOT? Here is the /etc/printcap file:


Any obvious errors here?

The second problem appeared after I began doing some postscript
programming. The postscript program I wrote produces a single page
landscape form. The landscaping is achieved by:

    90 rotate
    0 -8.5 inches translate

where inches is define as {72 mul}. This postscript program works
well. But occassionally, it and jobs submitted via enscript have
a very strange transformation performed on them(this occurs on only
the first page of multi-page enscript jobs). The transformation is
a reduction in scale(1/6 to 1/8), upside down mirror image. The 
printer's help line thinks this may be a controller board problem.

Please respond by email, or call me at 303-930-2112.

If responding by email be sure to use this Internet address:


This uucp address may also work:



Chris McClenaghan