[comp.laser-printers] Laserwriter memory upgrade.

leo@tandem.UUCP (Leo Hejza) (07/22/89)

We have a Laserwriter IINTX with 2 meg of memory. I installed a 4 meg
upgrade into the printer. It only recognizes 3 meg of total memory.

The first two banks had 256k simm modules for a total of 1 meg in each
bank. The new simms are 1 meg for a total of 4 meg. 

I'm assuming that there is a resistor to add or delete to tell the
printer that there is 4 meg in bank 2. 

Can anyone help? The memory came with no instructions, just a little
note saying that only an Apple dealer can do the installation.

E-mail or follow up post is fine.

Thanks, Leo.



When you installed the higher capacity SIMMs you probably installed them
in "Bank B".  The LW II needs to find the higher capacity chips in "Bank A".
Try swapping the four 256K SIMMs in A with the four 1 MB SIMMs in B.  I
keep doing this to myself with Mac II's.  :-)  ... and don't forget to turn
the power off first... :-)


Christopher E. Shull                    shull@scrolls.wharton.upenn.edu
Decision Sciences Department            shull@wharton.upenn.edu
The Wharton School                      University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6366            215/898-5930
"Damn the torpedoes!  Full speed ahead!"  Admiral Farragut, USN, 1801-1870