[comp.laser-printers] Which PostScript laser printer to buy

admin@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Khalid Sattar) (03/22/90)

We are about to buy a postscript laser printer.  The printer we have
in mind is the Apple Laserwriter II ntx.  Our typical use will be TeX and
troff outputs.

Can anyone tell me if I should consider any other postscript printers
in about the same price region.

I would also like to hear comments and experiences of other people
with the laserwriter II ntx

Khalid Sattar                   JANET  : admin@uk.ac.exeter.cs 
Computer Science Dept.          UUCP   : admin@expya.uucp
University of Exeter            BITNET : admin%uk.ac.exeter.cs@ukacrl
Exeter, UK.                     Tel    : +44 392 264062