[comp.laser-printers] WP5.1 and HP LJ with Postscript

TEMNGT23@YSUB.YSU.EDU (Lou Anschuetz) (08/12/90)

I have an HP LJ IIP which I am exceedingly happy with.  I recently
obtained the HP Postscript cartridge which I am also exceedingly happy
with in general ;-)

I am using my printer (and postscript) with WordPerfect 5.1.  While
WP does not have a printer driver for the HP Postscript cart., the
recommended setting of Apple Laserjet IINT works well with one exception.
I can print letters both portrait and landscape with no problems.  When
I select Envelopes, however, the problems begin.  The HP IIP never
gets an indication to feed envelopes, but instead gets a manual feed
message for paper (letter size).  The IIP works ok from WP5.1 on
envelopes if I do not use the Postscript cart.  Clearly the problem is
that the Apple printer does not accept envelopes in the same way as
does the IIP - I suspect they are fed in the middle of the tray, but
don't know this for sure - so I must do all kinds of fooling around
to make this work.

Calling HP was worthless, they said "select envelope..." - wow, what
a help.  I got the feeling they were totally unfamiliar with their
own Postscript cart.  In any case, I really want to print envelopes
with the same fonts as the letters, so I need some assistance.  Note
that I have found a way to fool it using strange margins and the
landscape mode, but this is not "elegant."  Perhaps I just need to
wait for WP to come out with a driver, but any help in the interim
would be appreciated.  BTW, the helpline at WP didn't know HP had
a postscript cart. :-(

Address responses to:
Lou Anschuetz
temngt23@ysu.edu  or temngt23@ysu.bitnet
-thanks in advance!

shiva@well.UUCP (Kenneth Porter) (08/27/90)

Lou Anschuetz writes that "Perhaps I just need to wait for WP
to come out with a driver, but any help in the interim would be
appreciated.  BTW,the helpline at WP didn't know HP had a
postscript cart."
Different PostScript printers have some device-dependencies
which are defined in the PostScript Printer Description file
for each printer.  These "PPD" files are available from Adobe
((415)961-4400) for most printers, and WordPerfect should get
the appropriate file and edit their PostScript driver file
(this is the big one you have to ask WP for (costs $10), not
the little generic one that comes with WP). If you have a
guru handy who knows how to use WP's PTR program, you can
modify your existing PostScript driver file to use the
features listed in the HP's PPD file.
Ideally, WP should come out with a generic PostScript driver
that parses the PPD files at print time, so that you can
add a new printer without needing WP to update the driver.
Ken (shiva@well.sf.ca.us)