[comp.laser-printers] EP90 announcement

furuta@CS.UMD.EDU (Richard Furuta) (08/29/90)

A little late...  sorry.

		      Electronic Publishing '90
	     Advance Program and Registration Information
	  International Conference on Electronic Publishing,
		Document  Manipulation, and Typography
			September 18-20, 1990
	    National Institute of Standards and Technology
			   Gaithersburg, MD

About the conference

EP90, "Electronic Publishing '90," is the third in a series of
international conferences dedicated to all areas of electronic publishing,
document manipulation, and digital typography.  Widely regarded as the
premier forum for reporting new research developments in these fields, the
EP conference series has attracted scientists and engineers from leading
academic, research, and industrial organizations around the world.  The
British Computer Society sponsored EP86, held in Nottingham, England and
INRIA sponsored EP88, held in Nice, France.

EP90 will be held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(formerly the National Bureau of Standards) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, close
to Washington, D. C., from Tuesday, September 18th through Thursday,
September 20th, 1990.  An associated exhibition will provide an opportunity
for participants to see commercial and research systems in action.

A broad definition of electronic publishing is adopted to encompass all
aspects of computer-assisted preparation, presentation, transmittal,
storage, and retrieval of documents.  Topics include traditional paper-based
documents; hypertexts and hypermedia; font design (both latin and non-latin
alphabets); experience with structured document preparation systems; the
intersection with and application of database systems and software
engineering environments; the theoretical foundations for document models
and systems; character, text and document recognition and manipulation;
experience with standards; and documents with actively computed content.

The proceedings of EP90 will be published by Cambridge University Press in
its Electronic Publishing Series and a copy will be provided to each
conference registrant.


EP90 Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology

EP90 Co-Sponsors: ArborText Inc., EPSIG/American Association of
Publishers, INRIA, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

In Co-operation With: Association for Computing Machinery, IEEE Computer
Society Technical Committee on Office Automation, TeX Users Group

Preliminary program

Tuesday, September 18

8:00- 9:00		Registration

9:00- 9:30		Opening session/chaired by Peter King
			Welcome to NIST
			James H. Burrows (Director, NCSL, NIST)
9:30-10:30		Keynote 
			Issues and Tradeoffs in Document Preparation Systems
			Brian W. Kernighan (AT&T Bell Laboratories)
10:30-11:00	Coffee break

11:00-11:30	Invited paper
		 	Towards Document Engineering
		 	Vincent Quint (INRIA), Marc Nanard (CRIM),
			and Jacques Andre (INRIA)
11:30-13:00	Paper session 1/chaired by Vincent Quint

			Managing Properties in a System of Cooperating Editors
			Donald D. Chamberlin
			(IBM Research Division,	Almaden Research Center)
			A Logic Grammar Foundation for Document Representation
			and Document Layout
			Allen L. Brown, Jr. (Xerox Corporation, Webster
			Research Center) and Howard Blair (Syracuse University)
			Structured EditingHypertext Approach:  Cooperation
			and Complementarity
		 	Anne-Marie Vercoustre (INRIA)
13:00-14:00	Lunch

14:00-15:30	Paper session 2/chaired by Robert Morris

			An ODA Page Planner for Professional Publishing
			Giovanni Guardalben and Mose Giacomell (Hi.T Srl
			Ingegneria per la Microinformatica)
			flo: A Language forTypesetting Flowcharts
			Anthony P. Wolfman and Daniel M. Berry (Technion) 
			Design of Hypermedia Publications: Issues and Solutions
			Paul Kahn, Julie Launhardt (Brown University),
			Krzysztof Lenk, and Ronnie Peters (Rhode Island School
			of Design) 
15:30-16:00	Coffee Break

16:00-17:30	Paper session 3/chaired by Jan Walker

			Strengths and Weaknesses of Database Models for
			Textual Documents
			B. N. Rossiter (Newcastle University) and
			M. A. Heather (Newcastle Polytechnic)
		 	A Structured Document  Database System
			Pekka Kilpelainen, Greger Linden, Heikki Mannila,
			and Erja Nikunen (University of Helsinki)
		 	The Integration of Structured Documents into DBMS

			Jose Valdeni De Lima (Universidade Federal do
			Rio Grande do Sul) and Henri Galy (Laboratoire de Genie
			Informatique, IMAG)
17:30-	Exhibition and Reception

Wednesday, September 19

9:30-10:00		Invited paper

			Electronic Publishing - Practice and Experience
			David F. Brailsford, David R. Evans
			(University of Nottingham), and
			Geeti Granger (John Wiley and Sons)
10:00-11:00	Paper session 4/chaired by Peter Brown

			ADAPT:  Automated Document Analysis Processing and
			John Handley and Stuart Weibel
			(OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)
			Recognition Processing for Multilingual Documents
			A. Lawrence Spitz (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center)
11:00-11:30	Coffee break

11:30-13:00	Paper session 5/chaired by Richard Rubinstein

			Editing Images of Text
			Gary E. Kopec and Steven C. Bagley
			(Xerox Palo Alto Research Center)
			Automatic Generation of Gridfitting Hints for
			Rasterization of Outline Fonts or Graphics
			Sten F. Andler
			(IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center)
			Chinese Fonts and their Digitization
			Y. S. Moon and T. Y. Shin
			(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
13:00-14:00	Lunch

14:00-15:00	Keynote address 

15:00-18:30	Exhibition

18:30-			Banquet

Thursday, September 20

9:30-11:00	Paper session 6/chaired by Heather Brown

			The Role of a Descriptive Markup Language in the
			Creation of Interactive Multimedia Documents for
			Customized Electronic Delivery
			Gil C. Cruz and Thomas H. Judd (Bellcore)
			An Extensible, Object-Oriented System for
			Active Documents
			Paul M. English, Ethan Jacobson (Interleaf, Inc.),
			Robert A. Morris (University of Massachusetts at
			Boston), Kimbo B. Mundy, Stephen D. Pelletier, 
			Thomas A. Polucci, and H. David Scarbro
			(Interleaf, Inc.)
			Documents as User Interfaces
			Eric A. Bier (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center) and
			Aaron Goodisman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11:00-11:30	Coffee break

11:30-13:00	Invited paper
			Electronic Publishing: Why is it so hard?
			Richard J. Beach (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center)

Conference Committee

Conference Chair	Peter King	University of Manitoba, Canada
Program Chair		Richard Furuta	University of Maryland, USA
Exhibition Chair	Debra Adams	Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Local Arrangements/			 	
Publicity Chair		Larry Welsch	National Institute of Standards and
					Technology, USA

Program Committee

Jacques Andre		INRIA/IRISA, Rennes France
Patrick Baudelaire	Digital Paris Research Laboratory, France
Richard J. Beach	Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Charles Bigelow		Stanford University, USA
David F. Brailsford	University of Nottingham, UK
Heather Brown		University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Donald D. Chamberlin	IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Giovanni Coray		Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
R. W. Davy		Chelgraph Limited, UK
Irene Greif		Lotus Development Corporation, USA
Vania Joloboff		Open Software Foundation, USA
Brian Kernighan		AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA
Dario Lucarella		Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Pierre MacKay		University of Washington, USA
Norman Meyrowitz	Brown University, USA
Robert A. Morris	Interleaf and UMASS/Boston, USA
Jurg Nievergelt		ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Vincent Quint		INRIA/IMAG, France
Brian Reid		DEC Western Research Laboratory, USA
Richard Rubinstein	Digital Equipment Corporation, USA
Alan Shaw		University of Washington, USA
Andries van Dam		Brown University, USA
Hans van Vliet		Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jan Walker		Digital Equipment Corporation, USA

For registration information contact:

Lori Phillips
Conference Coordinator
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD  20899 
TELEPHONE: 301/975-3881
FAX: 301/926-1630

For technical information contact:	

Larry Welsch	 
Local Arrangements and Publicity Chair	 
National Institute of Standards and Technology		
Gaithersburg, MD  20899 
TELEPHONE: 301/975-3345	
FAX: 301/590-0932	
ELECTRONIC MAIL: ep90@asl.ncsl.nist.gov

For exhibition information contact:

Debra Adams
Exhibition Chair
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA
TELEPHONE 415/494-4417
FAX 415/494-4241


A registration fee of $235 is being charged to attendees to help defray the
costs of the Conference.  Please complete the registration form and remit
the form with payment to:
	Office of the Comptroller
	A807 Administration Building
	National Institute of Standards and Technology
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899 USA
Students with verification of current academic registration should contact
the Conference Coordinator for information on student registration rates.
To participate in the exhibition, 
contact the Exhibition Chair.

The Conference will be held in the Administration Building, National
Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.  The exhibition will
be held at the Sheraton Potomac hotel.

A block of rooms has been set aside for conference attendees at the
Sheraton Potomac (the host hotel) and the Gaithersburg Marriott.  The
special conference rate is $59, single, or $69, double, at the Sheraton and
$62, single or double, at the Marriott.  To register for rooms, please use
the enclosed hotel registration form and send it directly to the hotel no
later than  August 27, 1990.  After that date, rooms will be released for
general sale at the prevailing rates of the hotel.  Please note that a 10%
Maryland tax will be added to all room rates.

For those attendees arriving at Washington National, Dulles International or
Baltimore Washington International Airports, the hotel is accessible by
Airport Transfer, serving each airport.  Individual base price:  $35-$40.
Group rates:  $20 per person.  Reservations required:  call (301) 593-2358.
For those who prefer to drive, Gaithersburg is located about 20 miles
northwest of Washington, DC via Interstate Rt.  270.  To reach the Sheraton
Potomac, take the Shady Grove Road Exit and make a left off the exit.
Continue to traffic light and turn left onto Shady Grove Road.  Proceed to
second traffic light and turn left onto Research Court.  To reach the
Marriott, take Exit 11 Rt.  124 East, Montgomery Village Avenue; to NIST
take Exit 10 Rt.  117 West, Clopper Road.  Transportation can be arranged to
the airports at the conclusion of the conference, at cost.  NIST/Metro
Shuttle will pick up and discharge passengers in front of the Administration
Building on the hour and half hour from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm each business day
from the Shady Grove Station.  The Metro runs approximately every 20 minutes
and can be taken directly to/from National Airport.  There will be bus
transportation between the hotels and the conference site each day.

Social Functions:
In order to provide an opportunity for informal discussion, a conference
reception will be held September 18 at the Sheraton and a banquet will be
held at Smokey Glen Farms on September 19.  Roundtrip transportation will
be provided.

Coffee Breaks and Lunch:
Coffee service will be provided each day for mid-morning and mid-afternoon
breaks.  Attendees may use the NIST Cafeteria for lunch; tickets will be
included in the registration package.

The telephone number for contact during the conference will be available at
the registration desk.  There will be a message board in the registration

Conference Registration Card	

September 18-20, 1990	National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD

Street Address
Room Number/Mail Code
City						State		Zip
Business Phone				FAX Number

Registration Fee: $235.00
Form of payment:
[  ]	Check enclosed made payable to: NIST/EP90	
		Checks from outside USA should be written on a USA Bank.
[  ]	Purchase Order attached
		Purchase Order #
[  ] 	Mastercard	[  ] 	Visa
		Card #
		Exp. Date
Mail To:

Office of the Comptroller
A807 Administration Building
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD  20899


Hotel Reservation Card
September 18-20, 1990	National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD

Street Address
Room Number/Mail Code
City						State		Zip
Business Phone				FAX Number

Will arrive on 		(date) 		(time)	
Will depart on 		(date) 		(time)	
Please reserve		room(s) for		person(s)

Guaranteed Reservations:
Sheraton: $69 Double, $59 Single  -  Marriott: $62, Single or Double  
(Apply 10% tax to these rates)

All reservations must be received by August 27, 1990.  Reservations may be
cancelled with no penalty prior to 6:00 p.m. on the scheduled arrival date.
All room reservations must be guaranteed by a one night deposit.    

Deposit amount enclosed  $	                      


Mail to your preferred hotel:

Sheraton Potamac (Conference Hotel)
I-270 at Shady Grove Road
Rockville, MD  20850
TELEPHONE:  301/840-0200 or toll free numbers:  800/638-8559, 800/638-6559
FAX:  301/258-0160

Gaithersburg Marriott
620 Perry Parkway
Gaithersburg, MD  20877

TELEPHONE:  301/977-8900 	or toll free number:  800/228-9290
FAX:  301/869-8597