(Ken Wallewein) (05/10/91)
Just thought I'd let folks know about a problem we're having with the QMS PS-410 printer in an AppleTalk network. We run a network using an Ethernet backbone, FastPaths bridges to Phase 1 LocalTalk, and Star Controllers, sorta like this: Ethernet <======================================================> | | | | | | FP | | FP | FP | Mac VAX | Sun | | | | Star Controller Star Controller Star Controller / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | Mac Ptr Mac 410 PC Mac Ptr Mac Mac PC Mac Ptr Any device (Mac, VAX, Sun, PC) can print on any printer (LaserWriters and work-alikes). The VAX runs VMS 5.3 and PacerLink/Share/Print, the Sun runs KIP/CAP 5.x. The problem is that the every day or so the 410 takes a one way trip to Never Never Land. The only way to bring it back is the secret handshake reboot, holding down both panel buttons during power up, which totally wipes parameter ram. The problem can be forced by printing certain files. It only affects 410s; 810s, etc., are not affected. QMS first suspected the Star Controllers (I think this showed poor understanding of AppleTalk networks, as SCs are protocol-transparent level 1 devices). They set up their own network with a couple of them and everything worked fine, of course. I gather that they are now going to try setting up a FastPath or two. Apparently the 410 is the first QMS printer in which they were able to diddle the Adobe ROM code. They're up to ROM version 8 now, and it's still no go with this problem. Memory leaks have been ruled out. QMS has been kind enough to provide us with an 810 until the 410 problem is solved. No complaints there :-). -- /kenw Ken Wallewein A L B E R T A <-- replies (if mailed) here, please R E S E A R C H (403)297-2660 C O U N C I L