[net.bugs.uucp] strange uucp message

wescott@ncrcae.UUCP (Mike Wescott) (08/07/84)

We are running SysVr2 uucp, and occasionally we get the following
message mailed from cron (which has kicked off polling one of our
	r short 2 want 3
	rcount = 0
	xcount = 0

The message comes out of pk0.c and is clear as mud, can anyone
shed some light on this? What's it mean? I assume it's one of
those things that "can't happen but here's a message just in
case it does."

Mike Wescott
NCR Corp.

fair@dual.UUCP (Erik E. Fair) (08/09/84)

I have also seen this message from uucico when it is started by cron,
and we run sVr1 UUCP with many local fixes to that travesty of

The message comes from pkclose(), and it's the last thing in the
routine, before calling FREEPACK() with some apparently unrelated
arguments.  It seems to me that if the pkclose() is working OK (and I
have no indication that it isn't), then the check is superflous. Does
anyone know for sure?  (Besides Greg Chesson, that is).

	Erik E. Fair	ucbvax!fair	fair@ucb-arpa.ARPA

	Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California

njh@root44.UUCP (Nigel Horne) (08/24/84)

No fixes, but I've also noticed that this bug is present in the UKUUG

		Nigel Horne
		Root Computers Ltd.