smb (07/28/82)
I'm rebroadcasting the following item from the TELECOM Digest (fa.telecom)
because of its interest to readers of this group.
>From brl-bmd!TELECOM@Usc-Eclb Tue Jul 27 19:47:40 1982
Subject: TELECOM Digest V2 #93
Newsgroups: fa.telecom
Date: 27 Jul 1982 0446-PDT
From: Geoffrey C Mulligan (AFDSC, The Pentagon) at RAND-AI
Reply-To: Geoffm at Rand-Ai
Subject: Quad protocol modem
Now you too can have 2400 bps dial up service. Racal-Vadic has
announced their new VA4400 line of modems. The new modem incorporates
a 2400-bps, full duplex modem, a VA3400, a Bell 212A and a Bell 103 in
one unit. The VA4401 can originate calls to, and answer calls from,
all four of these modem types. It is build around the 16-bit
Fairchild 9445 microprocessor, which performs the analog signal
processing functions for all four modems. It automatically determines
if the modem it is communicating with is 2400 bps, 1200 bps or 300 bps
and operates at the highest speed. It can be connected to the VA811
autodialer and/or direct connected to phone lines. The VA4401 will
sell for around $1945, in single quantities. It will also be
available in a 2400 bps version only for $1745.