[uw.talks] Future Directions in Geometric Modeling: A Preview of Coming Attractions.

ylfink@water.UUCP (06/09/87)



                    - Friday, June 12, 1987

Dr.  Ron Goldman of Control Data Corporation will speak
on   ``Future  Directions  in  Geometric  Modeling:   A
Preview of Coming Attractions''.

TIME:                3:30 PM

ROOM:              MC 6091A


Geometric  modeling  is a rapidly expanding field. Many
new,  exciting,  and  powerful techniques are currently
emerging   from   industrial   and   academic  research
laboratories.   These  methods  will  enable mechanical
engineers   to  model  and  simulate  piece  parts  and
assemblies  more  effectively and efficiently than ever
before.   In  this  talk we shall survey seven areas of
research  which  we believe will have a profound effect
on  the  future of mechanical engineering and geometric

1.  Freedom Deformations of Solid Models
    Traditional  solid  modeling  systems  are based on
    very  simple  and very rigid geometry, usually just
    planar   and   quadric   surfaces.   Yet  to  model
    realistic  mechanical  parts,  freeform  curves and
    surfaces    are    clearly    required.    Freeform
    deformation   of  solid  models  combines  freeform
    design  with  traditional  solid  modeling  -  e.g.
    quadric  surface  - techniques.  The method is easy
    to  program  and  simple  to  use.   It permits the
    implementation of freeform design on top of already
    existing  solid modeling systems.  Thus it is bound
    to have a profound effect on future computer models
    of mechanical parts and assemblies.

2.  Triangular Bezier Patches
    Today  it  is  common  practice  to  model freeform
    surfaces  with  rectangular patches.  Yet there are
    many parts which do not have a rectangular topology

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    and  so  do not lend themselves well to rectangular
    patches.  Also if the data is scattered rather than
    gridded,   rectangular   surfaces  are  not  really
    natural.   Triangular  surfaces  are mathematically
    simpler,  lend  themselves  better  to  arbitrarily
    topologies,  and  can  be  integrated  easily  with
    standard  rectangular  patches.  The mathematics of
    these  surfaces  is  now  well enough understood so
    that  these patches will soon become standard tools
    in surface design systems.

3.  Analytic Surfaces
    Parametric  polynomial  patches are the traditional
    surface  design  tools  of  the  computer  graphics
    community.      Parameterization     makes     them
    particularly  easy  to  display  and  so  they were
    naturally   the   first   freedom  surfaces  to  be
    exploited  in  computer graphics.  However analytic
    surfaces  have  many  advantages  over the standard
    parametric   patches.    They   include  parametric
    patches  as  a subclass, but are generally of lower
    degree.   Their  low  degree  can  be  exploited to
    produce  faster  more  robust algorithms, and their
    analytic  form  can  be  used to generate very nice
    blending  techniques  for  solid  modeling systems.
    New  research  now  reveals  that  they can be used
    quite readily for customary freeform design.

4.  Geometric Continuity
    Parametric  continuity  is  generally unnecessarily
    restrictive for geometric modeling.  The mechanical
    designer  often  knows  nothing  of  the underlying
    parameterization  of his surface and cares only for
    the  visual or geometric smoothness of his patches.
    Nu-splines  and  beta-splines  exploit this freedom
    from  parameterization  to introduce new parameters
    called shape parameters which allow the designer to
    refine  the  shape  of a patch without altering the
    control  points.   This  gives  the  engineer finer
    control over the ultimate shape of the design.

5.  Urn Models and Blending Functions
    Lagrange  polynomials, Bezier curves, and B-splines
    are  among  the  standard weapons in the arsenal of
    computer   aided   geometric   design.   Are  these
    techniques  related  in any way?  How can we create
    new techniques?  Is there any mathematical unity to
    this  subject?   Strangely  enough, it appears that
    standard  discrete  probability  theory provides an
    answer  to many of these questions in approximation
    theory  and  computer  aided  geometric design.  We
    shall  show  how to use simple stochastic models to
    generate  blending  functions  for  computer  aided
    geometric   design   and   in  the  process  unify,

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    generalize,  and simplify many well known geometric

6.  A Multiprocessor Architecture for Curve and Surface
    One  ultimate goal of computer graphics is the real
    time  manipulation of freeform curves and surfaces.
    Most  of  the  techniques  now being used to create
    freeform  polynomial  curves  and  surfaces  have a
    simple  recursive  form  (see  the  section  on urn
    models and blending functions).  This recursion can
    be  implemented  in  parallel hardware which can be
    built  from  simple off the shelf processors.  This
    multiprocessor  system  can  output  one  point per
    clock cycle or roughly 2 million points per second.
    Thus  the  real  time  manipulation  of  polynomial
    curves and surfaces is well within reach of current

7.  Feature Based Design
    The  language  of  geometric  modeling  is  not the
    language  of  the  mechanical  engineer.  Geometric
    modeling  systems typically communicate in terms of
    solids such as boxes, cylinders, spheres, or cones;
    the  mechanical  engineer  traditionally  talks  in
    terms  of  features  such as slots, holes, pockets,
    and fillets.  To bring geometric modeling closer to
    the engineer, we need to design modeling systems in
    which  the  designer  can  speak and think in terms
    which are meaningful to the engineer rather than in
    terms which are meaningful to the system.  That is,
    we  must allow the engineer to design with concrete
    features  rather  than  abstract geometry.  Feature
    based  design also has several additional benefits.
    It   permits   design   for   manufacture;  it  can
    incorporate dimensions and tolerances; and it leads
    itself  well  to  automatic classification of parts
    and assemblies.  Thus design with concrete features
    rather  than  with  abstract  geometry  will be the
    preferred  method  in  the  modeling systems of the

    To summarize: new design paradigms are now emerging
    which  challenge  the  traditional ways in which we
    perform  geometric modeling.  These techniques will
    in  some  cases enhance and in other cases supplant
    the   way   we  currently  perform  computer  aided
    geometric  design.   The challenge before us now is
    to  incorporate  these  new  methods into practical
    industrial   modeling   systems   for  the  working
    mechanical engineer.

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