ylfink@water.waterloo.edu (ylfink) (01/27/88)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S PRESENTATION - Thursday, January 28, 1988 Mr. Tim Bennison, a graduate student of this department, will speak on ``Fast Phong Shading''. TIME: 1:00 PM ROOM: MC 6082 ABSTRACT Phong shading is used in computer graphics to produce more realistic images than can be achieved using simpler methods such as flat shading or Gouraud shading. When Phong shading is used in conjunction with Phong's lighting model, specular effects (highlights) are produced and ``Mach banding'' effects are reduced. Conventional Phong shading interpolates the surface normal across scan lines, and applies the lighting model to the normal at each pixel; this method has traditionally been regarded as too slow for real-time image generation systems. Fast Phong shading is a rendering technique that approximates normal interpolation and the Phong lighting model with Taylor series expansions which can be evaluated incrementally in the scan conversion process. The method results in a significant increase in the speed of the shading operation; a hardware implementation of the technique could potentially be configured for real-time Phong shading. The loss of accuracy inherent in the approximation techniques can be controlled and is offset by the fact that the method can be extended to handle more complex lighting models. This presentation will begin with a review of the ``classical'' methods of Gouraud and Phong shading. The details of the implementation of fast Phong shading will then be presented, followed by a brief look at the shortcomings of the method. Finally, the issues involved in extending the technique to the shading of B-spline patches will be discussed.