ylfink@water.waterloo.edu (ylfink) (02/05/88)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES NETWORK RELIABILITY SEMINAR - Wednesday, February 10, 1988 Mr. Louis D. Nel, a graduate student of this department, will speak on ``Locating a Broadcast Facility in an Unreliable Network''. TIME: 2:00 PM ROOM: MC 5158A ABSTRACT A model of a communication network is a probabilistic graph in which each edge has an independent probability of being operational. The broadcast Facility Location (BFL) problem is to identify a node such that the expected number of nodes connected to it in the presence of random edge failures is as large as possible. This problem is NP-hard and hence we are interested in approximate solutions which can be determined in polynomial time. We present a location strategy based on efficiently computable two-terminal network reliability bounds. This strategy does not guarantee to find an optimal node but instead finds a set of good nodes by eliminating nodes which cannot be optimal locations. Computational experience is reported for a network with 20 nodes and 31 edges.