(C.Fry - Inst. Computer Research) (02/10/88)
The National Enquirer Report on Splines by Richard Bartels of Department of Computer Science Computer Graphics Lab University of Waterloo Abstract The Computer Graphics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo has four full-time faculty and a varying contingent of students usually numbering near twenty. The equipment in this laboratory would provide right thinking people a golden opportunity to ad- vance human knowledge in game playing or to perfect the worthwhile art of flying logo design. Unfortunately, a signifi- cant amount of the of the Lab members' energy and intelligence has been wasted over the last several years consorting with nas- ty, wiggly little creatures called ``splines.'' This talk will present an illustrated tour through a chamber of horrors. We will reveal the shocking truth about various Lab projects that have become sullied with splines. In particular, it will be shown how splines have been used to fudge weather maps, how splines have tried to put Disney out of business, how splines have corroded industrial surfaces, and how splines have been forced to satisfy ghastly recursive definitions. We will even unveil, for the first time in public, the results a psychological study on splines, performed recently in the secrecy of a darkened room, somewhere within the Lab. Nothing, no matter how unpleasant, will held back. It is hoped that this will serve as a warning to anyone tempted to sink into the morass of mathematical, computa- tional, or graphical association with splines. Rating: Restricted to 18 years or older. DATE: February 17, 1988 TIME: 3:30 p.m. PLACE: MC 5158 Everyone is welcome. Refreshments served.