[uw.talks] A Unified Framework for Race Analysis of Asynchronous Networks.

ylfink@water.waterloo.edu (ylfink) (03/28/88)



                    - Tuesday, March 29, 1988

Mr.  Carl-Johan  Seger,  a  graduate  student  of  this
department,  will  speak  on  ``A Unified Framework for
Race Analysis of Asynchronous Networks''.

TIME:                3:30 PM

ROOM:              MC 5097


The  analysis  problem  for  asynchronous  circuits  is
difficult  because  the  behavior  of a circuit depends
very  much  on the delays in its components.  Classical
analysis   methods   are   complicated   and  sometimes
incorrect.  Furthermore, since many MOS circuits cannot
be  described  accurately  by gate models, methods that
can be used also for switch-level models are needed.

We  first  discuss an abstract framework for describing
asynchronous  circuits.   This  framework enables us to
derive  a  theory  of  asynchronous  circuits  that  is
applicable  to  gate  circuits  as  well as to the more
modern MOS circuits.

We  then  demonstrate how this framework can be used to
study  the behavior of a circuit when the delays can be
arbitrary, but finite. For such a delay assumption, the
extended multiple winner (XMW) race model is developed.
For  this model we show that the set of state variables
used  to  analyze a circuit can be reduced to a minimal
set  of  feedback  variables, without any loss of state
transition  and  hazard  information.   This  contrasts
sharply   with   previously   known  models,  in  which
different   choices   of   feedback   lines  can  yield
completely   different   results.  This  latter  result
settles  the  longstanding  open  problem when feedback
analysis is correct.

We conclude the talk by discussing the relation between
the  XMW  model and speed-independent circuits. We also
briefly  discuss some less ``pessimistic'' race models:
the  almost-equal-delay  model  and  the  bounded-delay