(C.Fry - Inst. Computer Research) (04/06/88)
COSMOS - A COmpiled Simulator for MOS Circuits by Randal E. Bryant of Department of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Abstract The COSMOS simulator provides fast and accurate switch-level modeling of MOS digital circuits. It attains high performance by preprocessing the transistor network into a functionally equivalent Boolean representation. This description, produced by the symbolic analyzer ANAMOS, captures all aspects of switch- level networks including bidirectional transistors, stored charge, different signal strengths, and indeterminate (X) logic values. The LGCC program translates the Boolean representation into a set of machine language evaluation procedures and initial- ized data structures. These procedures and data structures are compiled along with code implementing the simulation kernel and user interface to produce the simulation program. The simulation program runs 10 to 200 times faster than our previous simulator MOSSIM II. Other applications of the symbolic analyzer include: test pattern generation, hardware acceleration, and formal verif- ication. DATE: Wednesday, April 13, 1988 TIME: 3:30 p.m. PLACE: MC 5158 Everyone is welcome. Refreshments served.