ylfink@water.waterloo.edu (ylfink) (10/18/88)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES DATA STRUCTURING SEMINAR - Friday, October 21, 1988 Mr. Krishna Gopinathan, a graduate student of this department, will speak on ``Decomposing a Graph Uniquely into Triconnected Components''. TIME: 12:00 NOON ROOM: MC 5158 ABSTRACT An efficient algorithm to decompose a graph uniquely into triconnected components is both theoretically interesting and useful in a variety of applications. It can be used for efficient planarity testing of graphs and isomorphism of planar graphs, which are of interest in such areas as printed circuit board design and structural isomorphism of chemical compounds. Further, it has applications in the analysis of electric circuits and networks. A triconnected graph is a graph which has no separation pair, ie. no pair of vertices whose deletion would disconnect the graph. There is a linear algorithm due to Hopcroft and Tarjan which completely decomposes a graph using its separation pairs. But this results in final pieces which are not unique. So the algorithm then undoes some of the splits in such a way as to produce unique components. We provide a characterization of the separation pairs in the graph as ``good'' and ``bad'' in such a way that using all the ``good'' separation pairs and no ``bad'' ones would provide a unique decomposition. We also show that the splits being undone by the Hopcroft- Tarjan algorithm are none other than those generated by the separation pairs we have characterized as ``bad''.