ylfink@water.waterloo.edu (ylfink) (02/23/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION SEMINAR - Thursday, March 2, 1989 Dr. Joseph W.H. Liu, York University, will speak on ``Recent Advances in the Multifrontal Method''. TIME: 1:30 PM ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT The multifrontal method is an important advance in direct methods for solving large sparse matrix linear systems. The scheme has been recognized as appropriate for solving sparse problems on different machine architectures: virtual memory machines, vector and parallel machines. An overview of the basic multifrontal method is first presented. Recent techniques used in the improvements to the scheme are then described. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the practical significance of these improvement techniques, and to compare the performance of the multifrontal method with other existing solution methods.