wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (04/29/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES DNUMERICAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR -Friday, May 5, 1989 Dr. Barry Joe, Dept. of Computing Science, University of Alberta, will speak on "Construction of 3-D Triangulations Using Local Transformations." TIME: 10:30-12:00 ROOM: DC 1302 ABSTRACT A 2-D (Delaunay) triangulation can be constructed using a local transformation procedure which swaps the diagonal edge of 2 adjacent triangles forming a strictly convex quadrilateral. An analogous local transformation procedure can be used to construct a 3-D triangulation, i.e. a connection of n 3-D points into - non-overlapping tetrahedrons which fill the convex hull of the points. This 3-D procedure swaps the interior faces in 2 or 3 adjacent tetrahedrons forming a convex hexahedron. In this talk, we present a new algorithm for constructing a 3-D Delaunay triangulation using local transformations. This algorithm has a worst case time 2 complexity of O(n ), which is worst case optimal. For - - sets of random points, the expected and empirical time 4/3 - complexity of this algorithm is O(n ). We also - - present a related algorithm in which the local transformations are not explicitly performed, and discuss pseudo-locally-optimal non-Delaunay triangulations and triangulations based on the max-min solid angle criterion.