[comp.sources.atari.st] v01i089: limiter -- Limit uppermost hard disk device letter

koreth@ssyx.ucsc.edu (Steven Grimm) (01/18/89)

Submitted-by: holzer@ztivax.siemens.com (Walter Holzer)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Issue 89
Archive-name: limiter

' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
' LIMITER, a Public Domain program by MaDom, <P> 26. Dec. 1988
' Version 1.0 developed in GfA-BASIC 2.0 because the compiler V3 isn't
' available (Oh sh..)
' Description:
' If you're using the driver's from Supra or ICD, all drives (A through P)
' are activated. This seems a little stupid, so this program was developed.
' You've to put the program in the folder "AUTO" of your boot device. Then
' you've to rename the program to LIMITERx.PRG, where x means the character
' of your last harddisk partition, eg. LIMITERI.PRG if your last partition
' will be "I:".
' CAUTION: The program won't check your inputs, so be careful.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' set dta

Void Gemdos(26,L:Basepage+128)
' &H446 means the boot device, so every boot device will work
' Scan for the name of the program
' Yes, we've got it
If E%=0 Then
  ' Poke the new number into _drvbits
  Sdpoke &H4C4,(2^Limit)-1
  ' A little bit of Copyright

  Print "LIMITER, a Public Domain program by MaDOM, <P> 26. Dec. 1988"