[comp.sources.atari.st] v01i094: passm -- Logic circuit assembler part01/02

koreth@ssyx.ucsc.edu (Steven Grimm) (01/19/89)

Submitted-by: sun.com!skywest!BRENES (Erasmo Brenes)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Issue 94
Archive-name: passm/part01

[Documentation is the first part of the sharfile, so page down a bit to read
 it.  This program probably isn't for everyone.  Binaries will appear in the
 binaries group. -sg]

# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
# This is part 1 of a multipart archive                                    
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh        
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	  passm.doc
if test -r s2_seq_.tmp
then echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!"
     next=`cat s2_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next"
     exit 1; fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > passm.doc &&
X     _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n
X             Passm, a PAL Assembler,  allows  the  user  to  write  boolean
X     equations  describing  the outputs of a PAL and generates a JEDEC fuse
X     file. This assembler supports most 20 and 24 pin PALs. Currently,  the
X     list of parts supported are:
X                 20 Pin PALs             24 Pin PALs
X                 ------------            -----------
X                  10L8, 10H8               12L10
X                  12L6, 12H6               14L8
X                  14L4, 14H4               16L6
X                  16L2, 16H2               18L4
X                  16L8                     20L2
X                  16R4                     20L10
X                  16R6                     20L8
X                  16R8                     20R4
X                                           20R6
X                                           20R8
X                                           22V10
X     The sources for PASSM are included so that customizing for  additional
X     parts  can be done. The program has been writen in Pascal and conforms
X     with ISO Pascal, except for two areas. One, it  uses  the  'otherwise'
X     descriptor for the CASE statements, and two, it uses packed arrays.
X             The following is a description of PASSM syntax.
X     _1.  _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
X             Before describing the syntax for PASSM, let  us  go  thru  the
X     notation  used  in  describing the language. When showing a PASSM key-
X     word, it will be enclosed using angle brackets, > and <  .  The  ASCII
X     string  enclosed  within these bracket must always appear in such form
X     (ie. use the indicated case, as well as spaces, etc.).  When  a  given
X     portion,  or  section,  is optional, it will be enclosed with { and }.
X     With this in mind, let us start.
X             A PASSM source file  consists  of  three  main  sections,  all
X     enclosed  within a module description.  These three sections are: one,
X     the device specification (ie. what type of PAL), two, a pin list  (ie.
X     symbolic  names  to  be  attached to a particular pin), and three, the
X     equations section (ie. a boolean description of a given output).   All
X     comments in PASSM start with a double quote >"< and are assumed to end
X     with the end of line terminator (ie.  carriage  return).  Also,  valid
X     PASSM delimiters are tabs or space characters.
X             Every source file MUST have  a   'module'  declaration.   This
X     module  declaration informs PASSM that it must start assembling a par-
X     ticular PAL description. A module declaration consists of the  follow-
X     ing:
X     Passm                                                           Manual
X          >module< module_name{;}   {optional_sections}
X            device_type_declaration
X            pin_list_section
X            boolean_equations
X          >end<
X     The module_name is an identifier, no more than  15  characters,  which
X     must  start with a letter. The set of valid characters for an identif-
X     ier is : a..z, A..Z, underscore '_', and the minus  sign  '-'.  Notice
X     that the semicolon ending the module name is optional.
X             The next element within a module is the optional_section. This
X     section  is being reserved for future features, such as flags indicat-
X     ing what type of reduction to do with the boolean  equations,  include
X     files, etc. At the present time, no optional features are enabled.
X             The next section is the device_type_declaration. This  section
X     informs PASSM as to what type of device is being targeted, ie. a 16r4,
X     etc. This section syntax is as follows:
X           device_name  >device<  >'<part_type>';<
X     The device_name, an identifier, is the symbolic name  with  which  the
X     user  may  refer  to the PAL. The part_type is the actual device being
X     programmed.  The following is the list of available devices:
X                 20 Pin Pals     24 Pin Pals
X                 -----------     -----------
X                 p10l8, p10h8     p12l10
X                 p12l6, p12h6     p14l8
X                 p14l4, p14h4     p16l6
X                 p16l2, p16h2     p18l4
X                 p16l8            p20l2
X                 p16r4            p20l10
X                 p16r6            p20l8
X                 p16r8            p20r4
X                                  p20r6
X                                  p20r8
X                                  p22v10
X     Notice that the part_type must appear as shown above.
X             The next section in a module description is the pin list. This
X     section provides a symbolic reference between the signal names used in
X     the equations, and the device physical pins. The syntax followed is:
X          signal_name {, signal_name}  >pin< pin_numbers >;<
X                                     Page 2
chmod 0600 passm.doc || echo "restore of passm.doc fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > PASSM.PAS &&
X{* This program is a general purpose PAL assembler. You may copy and use   *}
X{* it for personal purposes. No commercial use of this program is allowed  *}
X{* without the consent of the author.                                      *}
X{* THIS IS THE Atari ST Version                                            *}
X{* (c) Copyright 1987,1988 by Erasmo Brenes.                               *}
Xprogram passm (input,output,source,simfile);
X const
X  linewidth = 40;
X  blank = ' ';  semicol = ';';  comment = '"';
X  maxterms = 19;        maxinputs = 22;
X  maxpins = 24;         npals   = 23;
X  maxcols = 44;         maxouts = 10;
X type
X  symbol =( ident, int, num, eql, quotes, semicolon, apostrophe,
X            leftbrkt, rightbrkt, device, pin, equations,module,flag,
X            lftparen,rgtparen,title,node,stype,macro,andoperator,
X            oroperator,invert,colon,ends,enable,preset,clear);
X  palsymb = ( p10l8,p12l6,p14l4,p16l2,p16l8,p16rx,p12l10,p14l8,p16l6,
X              p18l4,p20l2,p20l10,p20l8,p20rx,p22vx);
X  tkens = packed array [1..15] of char;
X  kind  = (reg, nonreg, bidir, tristate);
X  palsize = (input18, input22);
X  logic = (high, low);
X  trans1typ =
X   record
X        transfer : array[1..maxpins] of integer
X   end;
X  outtype =
X   record
X        outnumb : integer;
X        outname : tkens;
X        outkind : kind;
X        size    : palsize;
X        form    : logic;
X        matrix  : array [1..maxterms,1..maxcols] of char
X   end;
X  entrytype =
X   record
X        name : tkens;
X        pinn : integer
X   end;
X  string2 = packed array [1..4] of char;
X  filnam = packed array [1..80] of char;
X  ptermtyp = array [1..maxcols] of char;
X var
X  source,simfile : text;
X  token  : tkens;
X  palknds : array [1..npals] of char;
X  pals    : array [1..npals] of tkens;
X  symtable: array [1..maxpins] of entrytype;
X  outtable: array [1..11] of outtype;
X  palkind : palsymb;
X  fusetoinp,fusetopin : array [palsymb] of trans1typ;
X  paltyp  : array [1..npals] of palsymb;
X  filspc : string[80];
X  sym : symbol;
X  reserved : array [1..13] of tkens;
X  pdevice : tkens;
X  wsym : array [1..13] of symbol;
X  ptype,ch,tab : char;
X  nexout,outindex : integer;
X  nexin : integer;
X  value,i,j,pointer,iterm,totalterms : integer;
X  Abort,empty,pal16,found : boolean;
X  ar, sp : ptermtyp;
X procedure bgetchar (var ch:char);
X  begin
X   empty := false;
X   if eof(source)
X    then begin
X          empty := true;
X          ch := blank
X         end
X    else begin
X          if eoln(source)
X           then begin
X                 readln (source);
X                 ch := blank
X                end
X           else
X          if eof(source)
X           then begin
X                 empty := true;
X                 ch := blank
X                end
X           else begin
X                 read (source,ch);
X                 if ch = comment
X                  then begin
X                        repeat
X                        readln (source);
X                        if eof(source)
X                         then begin
X                                empty := true;  ch := blank
X                              end
X                         else read (source,ch)
X                        until (ch <> comment) or (eof(source))
X                       end
X                end
X         end
X  end; {bgetchar}
X procedure numbr;
X{this routine always leaves with ch containing the next character!}
X  var
X   j : integer;
X  begin
X   sym := int;
X   value := 0;  j:= 0;
X   repeat
X    value := 10*value + (ord(ch) - ord('0'));
X    bgetchar (ch);       j:= j + 1
X   until not(ch in ['0'..'9'])
X  end; {numbr}
X procedure gettoken;
X  var
X   i,j,k : integer;
X  begin
X   i:= 0;
X   while ((ch=blank)or(ch=tab))and(not empty) do bgetchar(ch);
X   if (ch in ['A'..'Z'])or(ch in['a'..'z'])or(ch = '-')
X    then begin
X          repeat
X           i:= i + 1;
X           token [i]:= ch;      bgetchar(ch)
X          until not((ch in ['A'..'Z'])or(ch in['a'..'z'])or(ch in ['0'..'9'])
X           or (ch='_')) or empty or (i = 15);
X          if not empty
X           then begin
X                 if (i < 15) then repeat
X                                   i:= i + 1; token[i]:= blank
X                                  until (i=15);
X                 k := 0;
X                 for j:=1 to 13 do
X                  if token = reserved[j]
X                   then k := j;
X                 if k = 0
X                  then sym := ident
X                  else sym := wsym [k]
X                end
X         end
X    else begin
X          if (ch in ['0'..'9'])
X           then numbr
X           else case ch of
X                 '^':  begin
X                        sym := num;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '=':  begin
X                        sym := eql;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 ';':  begin
X                        sym := semicolon;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '''': begin
X                        sym := apostrophe;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '`':  begin
X                        sym := apostrophe;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '"':  begin
X                        sym := quotes;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '[':  begin
X                        sym := leftbrkt;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 ']':  begin
X                        sym := rightbrkt;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '(':  begin
X                        sym := lftparen;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 ')':  begin
X                        sym := rgtparen;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '!':  begin
X                        sym := invert;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '&':  begin
X                        sym := andoperator;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 '#':  begin
X                        sym := oroperator;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 ':':  begin
X                        sym := colon;
X                        bgetchar (ch)
X                       end;
X                 otherwise:
X                    begin
X                     bgetchar (ch);
X                     gettoken { get next token }
X                    end
X                end
X         end
X  end; {gettoken}
X procedure semimodule;
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   while sym = semicolon
X    do gettoken;
X  end;
X procedure search ( kind : integer);
X  var
X   i,j : integer;
X  begin
X   case kind of
X    1:   begin
X          pointer := 0;
X          for i:=1 to npals do
X           if token = pals[i]
X            then pointer := i
X         end;
X    2:  begin
X         j := pointer;
X         pointer := 0;
X         for i:=1 to 24 do
X          with symtable[i] do
X           if pinn = j
X            then pointer := i
X        end;
X    3:  begin      { search a signal name for its corresponding pin }
X         pointer := 0;  found := false;
X         for i:= 1 to maxpins do
X          with symtable[i] do
X           if token = name
X            then begin
X                  pointer := pinn; found := true
X                 end
X        end;
X    otherwise:
X        writeln ('!!! software error in search procedure')
X   end
X  end; {search}
X procedure start;
X  var
X   first : integer;
X  begin
X   while not(sym = equations) and (not Abort) and not(eof(source))do
X    begin
X     first := nexin + 1;
X     if sym = ident
X      then begin
X            nexin := nexin + 1;
X            symtable[nexin].name := token;
X            gettoken;
X            while sym = ident do
X             begin      { get list of identifiers }
X              nexin := nexin + 1;
X              symtable[nexin].name := token;
X              gettoken
X             end;
X            case sym of
X             device: begin
X                      nexin := first - 1;  {ignore all previous identifiers}
X                      gettoken;
X                      if sym = apostrophe
X                       then begin
X                             gettoken;
X                             search (1);
X                             if pointer = 0
X                              then begin
X                                    writeln ('** not a valid part ',token);
X                                    Abort := true
X                                   end
X                              else begin
X                                    pdevice := token;
X                                    ptype := palknds[pointer];
X                                    palkind := paltyp [pointer];
X                                    gettoken;
X                                    if sym = apostrophe
X                                     then gettoken;
X                                    if sym = semicolon
X                                     then gettoken
X                                     else Abort := true {screw the idiot***}
X                                   end
X                            end
X                     end;
X             pin:    begin
X                      gettoken; { it must be a pin number }
X                      while not(sym = int) do gettoken;
X                      repeat
X                       symtable[first].pinn := value;
X                       first := first + 1;
X                       gettoken
X                      until first > nexin;
X                      if sym = semicolon
X                       then gettoken
X                       else Abort := true       {screw the idiot ***}
X                     end;
X             otherwise:
X                     begin
X                      nexin := first - 1;
X                      while not (sym = semicolon)
X                        do gettoken;
X                      gettoken
X                     end
X            end
X           end
X    end
X  end;   {start}
X procedure titlemodule;
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   if sym = apostrophe
X    then begin
X          repeat
X           gettoken
X          until sym = apostrophe;
X          gettoken;
X          if sym = semicolon
X           then begin
X                 semimodule;
X                 start
X                end
X           else start
X         end
X    else begin
X          writeln ('** illegal construct for the title section');
X          Abort := true
X         end
X  end;  {titlemodule}
X procedure flagmodule;
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   if sym = apostrophe
X    then begin
X          repeat
X           gettoken
X          until sym = apostrophe;
X          gettoken;
X          case sym of
X           title : titlemodule;
X           semicolon: begin
X                        semimodule;
X                        if sym = title
X                         then titlemodule
X                         else start
X                      end;
X           otherwise:
X                start
X          end
X         end
X    else begin
X          writeln ('** illegal construct for the flag section');
X          Abort := true
X         end
X  end;  {flagmodule}
X procedure arguments;
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   case sym of
X    ident : begin
X             gettoken;
X             while not(sym = rgtparen)
X              do gettoken;
X             gettoken;
X             case sym of
X              flag : flagmodule;
X              title: titlemodule;
X              semicolon: begin
X                          semimodule;
X                          if sym = flag
X                           then flagmodule
X                           else if sym = title
X                                 then titlemodule
X                                 else start
X                         end;
X              otherwise:
X                begin
X                 writeln ('** illegal path after module arguments');
X                 Abort := true
X                end
X             end
X            end;
X    rgtparen: begin
X                gettoken;
X                case sym of
X                 flag : flagmodule;
X                 title: titlemodule;
X                 semicolon: begin
X                             semimodule;
X                             if sym = flag
X                              then flagmodule
X                              else if sym = title
X                                    then titlemodule
X                                    else start
X                            end;
X                 otherwise:
X                        start
X                end
X              end;
X    otherwise:
X        begin
X         writeln ('** missing right parenthesis in dummy argument list');
X         Abort := true
X        end
X   end
X  end;   {arguments}
X procedure getnames;
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   while not((sym = module))and (not empty)
X    do gettoken;
X   gettoken;
X   if sym = ident
X    then begin
X          gettoken;
X          case sym of
X           lftparen :   arguments;
X           flag:        flagmodule;
X           title:       titlemodule;
X           semicolon:   begin
X                         semimodule;
X                         case sym of
X                          flag : flagmodule;
X                          title: titlemodule;
X                          otherwise:
X                            start
X                         end
X                        end;
X           otherwise:
X             start
X          end
X         end
X    else begin
X          Abort := true;
X          writeln ('** missing module name')
X         end
X  end; {getnames}
X procedure error (errnmbr : integer);
X  begin
X   case errnmbr of
X    1 : begin
X         writeln ('Signal name undefined: ',token)
X        end;
X    2 : begin
X         writeln ('error in andoperator!')
X        end;
X    3 : begin
X         writeln ('Expecting a signal name');
X         writeln ('Undetermined token ',token)
X        end;
X    4 : begin
X         writeln ('Expecting a "=" operator');
X         writeln ('Got instead ',token)
X        end;
X    5 : begin
X         writeln ('Expecting either a ":" or "=" operator');
X         writeln ('Instead it got ',token)
X        end;
X    6 : begin
X         writeln ('Expecting a boolean equation');
X         writeln ('Unexpected token ',token)
X        end;
X    7 : begin
X         writeln ('Exceeded total or-terms');
X         writeln ('Output =',outtable[nexout].outname);
X        end;
X    8 : begin
X         writeln (token,' not a valid input or feedback factor')
X        end;
X    9 : begin
X         writeln ('Expecting ";" at end of equation')
X        end;
X   10 : begin
X         writeln ('This device is not capable of this function')
X        end;
X   11 : begin
X         writeln ('This device is not capable of true-form output ',token)
X        end;
X   12 : begin
X         writeln ('Not a valid output pin for ',token);
X        end;
X    otherwise:
X        writeln ('software error in error routine')
X   end
X  end; {error}
X procedure andterm;
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   case sym of
X    ident :
X     begin
X      search (3);     {find pin number attached to this signal name}
X      if not found
X       then begin error(1); gettoken end
X       else begin
X             j := fusetoinp[palkind].transfer[pointer]; {get fuse number}
X             if j < 0
X              then error (8)   {not a valid input or feedback factor}
X              else outtable[outindex].matrix[iterm,j]:= '1';
X             gettoken;
X             if sym = andoperator then andterm  {call back recursively}
X            end
X     end;
X    invert :
X     begin
X      gettoken;     {get signal name}
X      if sym = ident
X       then
X        begin
X         search (3);     {find pin number attached to this signal name}
X         if not found
X          then begin error(1); gettoken end
X          else begin
X                j := fusetoinp[palkind].transfer[pointer]; {get fuse number}
X                if j < 0
X                 then error (8)   {not a valid input or feedback factor}
X                 else begin
X                       j := j + 1;    {increment fuse number}
X                       outtable[outindex].matrix[iterm,j]:= '1'
X                      end;
X                gettoken;
X                if sym = andoperator then andterm  {call back recursively}
X               end
X        end
X       else error (3)   {expecting an identifier, i.e. signal name}
X     end;
X    otherwise:  error (2)
X   end
X  end; {andterm}
X procedure nodeterm (var pterm : ptermtyp);
X  begin
X   gettoken;
X   case sym of
X    ident :
X     begin
X      search (3);     {find pin number attached to this signal name}
X      if not found
X       then begin error(1); gettoken end
X       else begin
X             j := fusetoinp[palkind].transfer[pointer]; {get fuse number}
X             if j < 0
X              then error (8)   {not a valid input or feedback factor}
X              else pterm[j]:= '1';
X             gettoken;
X             if sym = andoperator then nodeterm(pterm)  {call back recursively}
X            end
X     end;
X    invert :
X     begin
X      gettoken;     {get signal name}
X      if sym = ident
X       then
X        begin
X         search (3);     {find pin number attached to this signal name}
X         if not found
X          then begin error(1); gettoken end
X          else begin
X                j := fusetoinp[palkind].transfer[pointer]; {get fuse number}
X                if j < 0
X                 then error (8)   {not a valid input or feedback factor}
X                 else begin
X                       j := j + 1;    {increment fuse number}
X                       pterm[j]:= '1'
X                      end;
X                gettoken;
X                if sym = andoperator then nodeterm(pterm)
X               end
X        end
X       else error (3)   {expecting an identifier, i.e. signal name}
X     end;
X    otherwise:  error (2)
X   end
X  end; {nodeterm}
X  procedure setiterm;
X   begin
X    case palkind of
X     p22vx, p16l8,
X     p20l10,p20l8 :  iterm := 2;   { all outputs have OE term }
X     p16rx:
X      case pointer of
X        19,12 : if (ptype = '5')or(ptype='6')
X                  then iterm := 2  else iterm := 1;
X        18,13 : if (ptype = '6') then iterm :=2 else iterm := 1;
X        otherwise:  iterm := 1
X      end;
X     p20rx:
X      case pointer of
X        22,15 : if (ptype = 'B')or(ptype='C')
X                  then iterm := 2  else iterm := 1;
X        21,16 : if (ptype = 'C') then iterm :=2 else iterm := 1;
X        otherwise:  iterm := 1
X      end;
X     otherwise: iterm := 1
X    end
X   end; {setiterm}
X  procedure getterms;
X   begin
X    case palkind of
X     p10l8,p12l10:
X        totalterms := 2;
X     p14l4,p20l10:
X        totalterms := 4;
X     p12l6:
X        if (pointer = 18) or (pointer = 13)
X          then totalterms := 4
X          else totalterms := 2;
X     p14l8:
X        if (pointer = 22) or (pointer = 15)
X          then totalterms := 4
X          else totalterms := 2;
X     p16l6:
X        if (pointer = 19) or (pointer = 18)
X          then totalterms := 2
X          else totalterms := 4;
X     p18l4:
X        if (pointer = 19) or (pointer = 18)
X          then totalterms := 4
X          else totalterms := 6;
X     p22vx:
X        case pointer of
X         23,14 :  totalterms := 9;
X         22,15 :  totalterms := 11;
X         21,16 :  totalterms := 13;
X         20,17 :  totalterms := 15;
X         19,18 :  totalterms := 17;
X         otherwise:  writeln ('Software error in procedure getterms!')
X        end;
X     otherwise:
X        totalterms := 8
X    end
X   end; {getterms}
X procedure map (typ : char);
X  var i,j : integer;
X  begin {map}
X   case typ of
X    '0' : {initialize a new output}
X        begin
X         {first find out if output already has been defined, that is if
X           output has an enable previously defined }
X         found := false;
Xwriteln ('output : ',token,' nexout=',nexout);
X         for i:=1 to nexout do
X           with outtable[i] do
X            if outname = token
X             then begin
X                   found := true;     outindex := i
X                  end;
X         getterms;   {find out how many or-terms this output has }
X         setiterm;   {find out where to start orterms }
X         if not found
X          then begin
X                nexout := nexout + 1;
X                outtable[nexout].outnumb := pointer; {store output pin number}
X                outtable[nexout].outname := token;   {store output name }
X                for i:=1 to maxterms do
X                 for j:=1 to maxcols do
X                  outtable[nexout].matrix[i,j]:= '0';
X                outtable[nexout].outkind := nonreg;     {default}
X                if iterm > 1 then outtable[nexout].matrix[1,1]:= 'H';
X                case ptype of
X                 '2' :  outtable[nexout].form := high;
X                 otherwise:  outtable[nexout].form := low
X                end;
X                outindex := nexout
X               end
X        end
X   end
X  end; {map}
X procedure orterms;
X  begin
X   andterm;
X   if sym = oroperator
X    then begin
X          iterm := iterm + 1;
X          if iterm > totalterms
X           then error (7)
X           else orterms
X         end
X    else begin    {mark termination of equation}
X          iterm := iterm + 1;
X          outtable[outindex].matrix[iterm,1]:= 'X'
X         end
X  end; {orterms}
X procedure getmatrix;
X  begin {getmatrix}
X   case sym of
X     enable :
X      begin
X       gettoken;
X       if sym = ident
X        then begin
X              search (3);  {find out pin number}
X              if not found
X               then error (1)
X               else begin
X                      map ('0');   {create an output description database}
X                      if iterm > 1 then
X                       begin
X                        outtable[nexout].matrix[1,1]:= '0'; {clear possible H}
X                        gettoken;    {get equal sign}
X                        if sym = eql
X                         then begin
X                               iterm := 1;
X                               andterm;
X                               if sym = semicolon
X                                then begin
X                                      gettoken;   {find out next step}
X                                      if sym <> ends then getmatrix
X                                     end
X                                else error (9)   {missing semicolon}
X                              end
X                         else error (4)
X                       end
X                       else error (10)  { Output has no OE term }
X                    end
X             end
X        else error (3)          {expecting a signal name}
X      end;
X     clear:
X      begin
X       {find out if this is a Pal 22v10}
X       if ptype <> 'D'
X        then error (10)
X        else begin
X              gettoken;  { read dummy pseudo pin name }
X              gettoken;  { get equal sign }
X              if (sym = eql)
X               then begin
X                     ar[1]:= '0';   {erase default}
X                     nodeterm (ar);
X                     if sym = semicolon
X                      then begin
X                            gettoken;  {find out next step}
X                            if sym <> ends then getmatrix
X                           end
X                      else error (9)
X                    end
X               else error (4)
X             end
X      end;
X     preset:
X      begin
X       {find out if this is a Pal 22v10}
X       if ptype <> 'D'
X        then error (10)
X        else begin
X              gettoken;  { read dummy pseudo pin name }
X              gettoken;  { get equal sign }
X              if (sym = eql)
X               then begin
X                     sp[1]:= '0';   {erase default}
X                     nodeterm (sp);
X                     if sym = semicolon
X                      then begin
X                            gettoken;  {find out next step}
X                            if sym <> ends then getmatrix
X                           end
X                      else error (9)
X                    end
X               else error (4)
X             end
X      end;
X     ident : {a min-term equation}
X      begin
X       if (ptype = 'D') or (ptype = '2')
X        then begin
X              search (3);
X              if not found
X               then error (1)
X               else begin
X                     map ('0');    {initialize new entry in the output table}
X                     outtable[nexout].form := high;      {set output pol }
X                     gettoken;  { get equal sign }
X                     case sym of
X                      colon : {it is a registered output }
X                       begin
X                        gettoken;     {get equal sign}
X                        if (sym = eql)
X                         then
X                          begin
X                           outtable[outindex].outkind := reg;
X                           orterms;
X                           if sym = semicolon
X                            then begin
X                                  gettoken; {find out next step}
X                                  if sym <> ends then getmatrix
X                                 end
X                            else error (9)
X                          end
X                         else error (4)
X                       end;
X                      eql : {it is a non_registered output }
X                       begin
X                        outtable[outindex].outkind := nonreg;
X                        orterms;
X                        if sym = semicolon
X                         then begin
X                               gettoken; {find out next step}
X                               if sym <> ends then getmatrix
X                              end
X                         else error (9)
X                       end;
X                      otherwise:  error (5)
X                     end
X                    end
X             end
X        else error (11)    {this device is not capable of true form output}
X      end;
X     invert: {a max-term equation}
X      begin
X       gettoken;    {get signal name}
X       if sym = ident
X        then begin
X              search (3);       {obtain pin number from table}
X              if (not found)
X               then error (1)
X               else begin
X                     map ('0');    {initialize new entry in the output table}
X                     gettoken;  { get equal sign }
X                     case sym of
X                      colon : {it is a registered output }
X                       begin
X                        gettoken;     {get equal sign}
X                        if (sym = eql)
X                         then
X                          begin
X                           outtable[outindex].outkind := reg;
X                           orterms;
X                           if sym = semicolon
X                            then begin
X                                  gettoken; {find out next step}
X                                  if sym <> ends then getmatrix
X                                 end
X                            else error (9)
X                          end
X                         else error (4)
X                       end;
X                      eql : {it is a non_registered output }
X                       begin
X                        outtable[outindex].outkind := nonreg;
X                        orterms;
X                        if sym = semicolon
X                         then begin
echo "End of part 1, continue with part 2"
echo "2" > s2_seq_.tmp
exit 0