[comp.sources.atari.st] v02i086: degadesk -- Load DEGAS .P?3 files onto desktop

koreth@panarthea.ebay.sun.com (Steven Grimm) (10/04/89)

Submitted-by: kruysbergen@hnykun53.bitnet (Noud van Kruysbergen)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 86
Archive-name: degadesk

These are the sources to the DESKTOP1.UUE programs [posted to binaries -sg].


Noud van Kruysbergen

# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > DESKTOP1.C &&
X; **************************************************************************
X; This is the source of DESKTOP.ACC, a program that changes the normal gray
X; background with a Degas P?3 file. This source is public domain, but I
X; would appreciate it very much if a program that uses (part) of this
X; source respects the name of the author!
X; **************************************************************************
X; This source is written for Megamax C, with the inline assembly.
X; **************************************************************************
X; Noud van Kruysbergen
X; N.I.C.I.
X; P.O. Box 9104
X; 6500 HE Nijmegen
X; The Netherlands
X; email: kruysbergen@hnykun53.bitnet
X; **************************************************************************
X#include <gemdefs.h>
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <osbind.h>
X#include <gembind.h>
Xint status=1;
Xint handle;
Xint menu_id,msgbf[8];
Xint i,j;
Xlong l,picstart,bufcount,piccount;
Xstatic long _oldgem();
Xstatic long _newgem();
Xstatic int _style(),_interior(),_mode();
Xextern int gl_apid;
Xstatic long _buffer();
Xlong buffer;
Xstatic int _clipx0(),_clipy0(),_clipx1(),_clipy1();
Xchar path[50],file[14];
Xchar t[70];
Xchar newdta[44];
X     asm
X     {
X                    dc.l      0x58425241
X                    dc.l      0x4e5f4450
X                    dc.l      0L
X          _newgem:  cmpi.w    #115,D0
X                    bne       gemquit
X                    movem.l   D0-A3,-(A7)
X                    move.l    D1,A0
X                    move.l    (A0),A0
X                    move.w    (A0),D0
X                    cmpi.w    #114,D0
X                    bne       nofill
X                    lea       _interior,A0
X                    move.w    (A0),D0
X                    cmpi.w    #2,D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X                    lea       _style,A0
X                    move.w    (A0),D0
X                    cmpi.w    #4,D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X                    lea       _mode,A0
X                    move.w    (A0),D0
X                    beq       gemrest
X                    move.l    D1,A0
X                    move.l    8(A0),A0
X                    move.w    (A0)+,D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X                    move.w    (A0)+,D0
X                    cmpi.w    #19,D0
X                    beq       menu
X                    tst.w     D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X          menu:     move.w    (A0)+,D0
X                    cmpi.w    #639,D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X                    move.w    (A0),D0
X                    cmpi.w    #399,D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X                    move.l    0x44e,A1
X; A1: screenadress
X                    move.w    _clipy0,D0
X                    move.w    D0,D2
X; D2: y0
X                    muls      #80,D0
X                    adda.l    D0,A1
X; A1: screenadress + y0 offset
X                    lea       _buffer,A0
X                    move.l    (A0),A0
X; A0: pictureadress
X                    adda.l    D0,A0
X; A0: pictureadress + y0 offset
X                    move.w    _clipy1,D0
X                    sub.w     D2,D0
X                    move.w    D0,D2
X; D2: total number of lines
X                    move.w    _clipx0,D3
X; D3: x0
X                    move.w    D3,D7
X                    ext.l     D7
X                    divs      #8,D7
X                    move.w    D7,D3
X                    adda.l    D3,A0
X                    adda.l    D3,A1
X; D3: x0/8
X                    swap      D7
X                    move.w    D7,D4
X; D4: x0%8
X                    move.w    _clipx1,D5
X                    addq.w    #1,D5
X; D5: x1
X                    move.w    D5,D7
X                    ext.l     D7
X                    divs      #8,D7
X                    move.w    D7,D5
X; D5: x1/8
X                    swap      D7
X                    move.w    D7,D6
X; D6: x1%8
X                    move.l    D5,D0
X                    sub.l     D3,D0
X                    bne       label3
X                    move.w    D6,D7
X                    subi.w    #8,D7
X                    neg.w     D7
X                    move.b    #-1,D3
X                    lsr.b     D7,D3
X                    lsl.b     D7,D3
X                    lsl.b     D4,D3
X                    lsr.b     D4,D3
X          loop2:    move.b    D3,D5
X                    move.b    (A0),D7
X                    and.b     D5,D7
X                    not.b     D5
X                    and.b     (A1),D5
X                    add.b     D5,D7
X                    move.b    D7,(A1)
X                    adda.l    #80,A0
X                    adda.l    #80,A1
X                    dbf       D2,loop2
X                    bra       selfok
X          label3:   subq.w    #1,D0
X                    tst.w     D4
X                    seq       D5
X                    beq       yloop
X                    tst.w     D0
X                    sne       D5
X                    beq       yloop
X                    subq.w    #1,D0
X; first incomplete byte
X          yloop:    move.l    A0,A2
X                    move.l    A1,A3
X                    tst.w     D4
X                    beq       nostart
X                    move.b    (A2)+,D3
X                    move.b    #-1,D7
X                    lsr.b     D4,D7
X                    and.b     D7,D3
X                    not.b     D7
X                    and.b     (A3),D7
X; D1 contains lowest picturebits, D7 highest backgroundbits
X                    add.b     D3,D7
X                    move.b    D7,(A3)+
X          nostart:  move.w    D0,D7
X                    tst.w     D5
X                    beq       endbyte
X          xloop:    move.b    (A2)+,(A3)+
X                    dbf       D7,xloop
X; last incomplete byte
X          endbyte:  tst.w     D6
X                    beq       no_end
X                    move.b    (A2)+,D3
X                    move.b    #-1,D7
X                    lsr.b     D6,D7
X                    not.b     D7
X                    and.b     D7,D3
X                    not.b     D7
X                    and.b     (A3),D7
X                    add.b     D3,D7
X                    move.b    D7,(A3)
X          no_end:   adda.l    #80,A0
X                    adda.l    #80,A1
X          label1:   dbf       D2,yloop
X          selfok:   movem.l   (A7)+,D0-A3
X                    rte
X          nofill:   move.l    D1,A0
X                    move.l    4(A0),A0
X                    move.w    (A0),D2
X                    cmpi.w    #23,D0
X                    bne       nointerior
X                    lea       _interior,A0
X                    move.w    D2,(A0)
X                    bra       gemrest
X          nointerior:cmpi.w   #24,D0
X                    bne       nostyle
X                    lea       _style,A0
X                    move.w    D2,(A0)
X                    bra       gemrest
X          nostyle:  cmpi.w    #129,D0
X                    bne       gemrest
X                    lea       _mode,A0
X                    move.w    D2,(A0)
X                    beq       gemrest
X                    move.l    D1,A0
X                    move.l    8(A0),A0
X                    lea       _clipx0,A1
X                    move.w    (A0)+,(A1)
X                    lea       _clipy0,A1
X                    move.w    (A0)+,(A1)
X                    lea       _clipx1,A1
X                    move.w    (A0)+,(A1)
X                    lea       _clipy1,A1
X                    move.w    (A0),(A1)
X          gemrest:  movem.l   (A7)+,D0-A3
X          gemquit:  move.l    _oldgem,-(A7)
X                    rts
X          _oldgem:  dc.l      0L
X          _buffer:  dc.l      0L
X          _style:   dc.w      0
X          _interior:dc.w      0
X          _mode:    dc.w      0
X          _clipx0:  dc.w      0
X          _clipy0:  dc.w      0
X          _clipx1:  dc.w      0
X          _clipy1:  dc.w      0
X     }
X     handle=-1;
X     strcpy(t,path);
X     j=0;
X     while(t[j++]!='*' && j<70);
X     if (j<70)
X     {
X          path[j]=0;
X          t[--j]=0;
X          strcat(path,".P?3");
X          strcat(t,file);
X          if ((handle=Fopen(t,0))>=0)
X          {
X               Fseek(34L,handle,0);
X               j=strlen(file);
X               if (file[--j]=='3' && file[--j]=='C')
X               {
X                    l=Fsetdta(newdta);
X                    Fsfirst(t,0);
X                    Fsetdta(l);
X                    l=*(long *)(newdta+26);
X                    if (piccount=picstart=Malloc(l))
X                    {
X                         l=Fread(handle,l,picstart);
X                         bufcount=buffer;
X                         do
X                         {
X                              asm
X                              {
X                                             move.l    piccount(A4),A0
X                                             move.b    (A0),D0
X                                             ext.w     D0
X                                             and.w     #0xff,D0
X                                             move.w    D0,j(A4)
X                                             addq.l    #1,piccount(A4)
X                              }
X                              if (j<128)
X                              {
X                                   asm
X                                   {
X                                                  move.l    bufcount(A4),A2
X                                                  move.l    piccount(A4),A1
X                                                  move.w    j(A4),D0
X                                        pic1loop: move.b    (A1)+,(A2)+
X                                                  dbf       D0,pic1loop
X                                                  move.l    A1,piccount(A4)
X                                                  move.l    A2,bufcount(A4)
X                                   }
X                              }
X                              else
X                              {
X                                   if (j!=128)
X                                   {
X                                        j^=255;
X                                        asm
X                                        {
X                                                       move.l    bufcount(A4),A2
X                                                       move.l    piccount(A4),A1
X                                                       move.w    j(A4),D0
X                                                       addq.w    #1,D0
X                                             pic2loop: move.b    (A1),(A2)+
X                                                       dbf       D0,pic2loop
X                                                       addq.l    #1,piccount(A4)
X                                                       move.l    A2,bufcount(A4)
X                                        }
X                                   }
X                              }
X                         }
X                         while((piccount-picstart<l) && (bufcount-buffer<32000L));
X                         Mfree(picstart);
X                    }
X                    else form_error(8);
X               }
X               else Fread(handle,32000L,buffer);
X               Fclose(handle);
X          }
X     }
X     return(handle);
X          asm
X          {
X                         lea       _oldgem,A0
X                         move.l    0x88,(A0)
X                         lea       _newgem,A1
X                         move.l    A1,0x88
X                         move.l    (A0),-4(A1)
X          }
X     appl_init();
X     buffer=Malloc(32000L);
X     asm
X     {
X                    lea       _buffer,A0
X                    move.l    buffer(A4),(A0)
X     }
X     strcpy(t,"A:\\DESKTOP.P?3");
X     strcpy(path,"A:\\*.P?3");
X     t[file[0]=0]=path[0]=(char)(Dgetdrv()+65);
X     Fsetdta(newdta);
X     i=Fsfirst(t,0);
X     if (!i)
X     {
X          strcpy(file,(char *)(newdta+30));
X          if (Readfile()<0) status=file[0]=0;
X          else Supexec(Install);
X     }
X     menu_id=menu_register(gl_apid,"  Desktop Picture");
X     while ()
X     {
X          evnt_mesag(msgbf);
X--- for version 2.01: include these lines ---
X          if (status)
X          {
X               l=Super(0L);
X               asm
X               {
X                              lea       _newgem,A1
X                              cmpa.l    0x88,A1
X                              beq       already
X                              lea       _oldgem,A0
X                              move.l    0x88,(A0)
X                              move.l    A1,0x88
X                              move.l    (A0),-4(A1)
X                    already:
X               }
X               Super(l);
X          }
X          if (msgbf[0]==AC_OPEN && msgbf[4]==menu_id)
X          {
X               i=form_alert(3-status,"[2][| Desktop Picture 2.01|= Noud van Kruysbergen|][New| On |Off]");
X               if (i!=3-status)
X               {
X                    wind_update(BEG_UPDATE);
X                    form_dial(FMD_START,0,0,0,0,0,0,640,400);
X                    if ((i==2 && file[0]==0) || i==1)
X                    {
X                         fsel_input(path,file,&j);
X                         if (j && Readfile()<0)
X                         {
X                              form_error(2);
X                              file[0]=0;
X                         }
X                    }
X                    if (((i==2 && file[0]!=0) || i==3) && status!=(j=3-i))
X                    {
X                         if (status=j) Supexec(Install);
X                         else
X                         {
X                              l=Super(0L);
X                              asm
X                              {
X                                             lea       _oldgem,A0
X                                             move.l    (A0),0x88
X                              }
X                              Super(l);
X                         }
X                    }
X                    form_dial(FMD_FINISH,0,0,0,0,0,0,640,400);
X                    wind_update(END_UPDATE);
X               }
X          }
X     }
chmod 0600 DESKTOP1.C || echo "restore of DESKTOP1.C fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > DESKTOP3.C &&
X; **************************************************************************
X; This is the source of DESKTOP.ACC, a program that changes the normal gray
X; background with a Degas P?3 file. This source is public domain, but I
X; would appreciate it very much if a program that uses (part) of this
X; source respects the name of the author!
X; **************************************************************************
X; This source is written for Megamax C, with the inline assembly.
X; **************************************************************************
X; This program needs DESKTOP.PRG version 1.0.
X; **************************************************************************
X; Noud van Kruysbergen
X; N.I.C.I.
X; P.O. Box 9104
X; 6500 HE Nijmegen
X; The Netherlands
X; email: kruysbergen@hnykun53.bitnet
X; **************************************************************************
X#include <gemdefs.h>
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <osbind.h>
X#include <gembind.h>
Xint handle;
Xint menu_id,msgbf[8];
Xint i;
Xint clip[4]={0,0,639,399};
Xint contrl[12],intin[128],ptsin[128],intout[128],ptsout[128];
Xint work_out[57],work_in[11]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2};
Xextern int gl_apid;
Xextern long addr_out[2];
Xlong picture=0L;
Xlong l,picstart,bufcount,piccount;
Xchar newdta[44];
Xchar path[50],file[14];
Xchar t[70];
X     appl_init();
X     v_opnvwk(work_in,&handle,work_out);
X     vs_clip(handle,-1,clip);
X     if (*(long *)intout==0x4e5f4450) picture=*(long *)(intout+4);
X     strcpy(path,"A:\\*.P?3");
X     file[0]=0;
X     path[0]=(char)(Dgetdrv()+65);
X     menu_id=menu_register(gl_apid,"  Desktop Picture");
X     while ()
X     {
X          evnt_mesag(msgbf);
X          if (msgbf[0]==AC_OPEN && msgbf[4]==menu_id)
X          {
X               if (picture==0L) form_alert(1,"[3][DESKTOP 1.1 not resident][Cancel]");
X               else
X               {
X                    i=form_alert(3,"[2][| Desktop Picture 2.03|(with DESKTOP.PRG 1.1)|= Noud van Kruysbergen|][P?3|Gray|Cancel]");
X                    if (i<3)
X                    {
X                         wind_update(BEG_UPDATE);
X                         form_dial(FMD_START,0,0,0,0,0,0,640,400);
X                         if (i==1)
X                         {
X                              fsel_input(path,file,&i);
X                              if (i)
X                              {
X                                   strcpy(t,path);
X                                   i=0;
X                                   while(t[i++]!='*' && i<70);
X                                   if (i<70)
X                                   {
X                                        path[i]=0;
X                                        t[--i]=0;
X                                        strcat(path,".P?3");
X                                        strcat(t,file);
X                                        if ((handle=Fopen(t,0))>=0)
X                                        {
X                                             Fseek(34L,handle,0);
X                                             i=strlen(file);
X                                             if (file[i-2]=='C')
X                                             {
X                                                  l=Fsetdta(newdta);
X                                                  Fsfirst(t,0);
X                                                  Fsetdta(l);
X                                                  l=*(long *)(newdta+26);
X                                                  if (piccount=picstart=Malloc(l))
X                                                  {
X                                                       l=Fread(handle,l,picstart);
X                                                       bufcount=picture;
X                                                       do
X                                                       {
X                                                            asm
X                                                            {
X                                                                           move.l    piccount(A4),A0
X                                                                           move.b    (A0),D0
X                                                                           ext.w     D0
X                                                                           and.w     #0xff,D0
X                                                                           move.w    D0,i(A4)
X                                                                           addq.l    #1,piccount(A4)
X                                                            }
X                                                            if (i<128)
X                                                            {
X                                                                 asm
X                                                                 {
X                                                                                move.l    bufcount(A4),A2
X                                                                                move.l    piccount(A4),A1
X                                                                                move.w    i(A4),D0
X                                                                      pic1loop: move.b    (A1)+,(A2)+
X                                                                                dbf       D0,pic1loop
X                                                                                move.l    A1,piccount(A4)
X                                                                                move.l    A2,bufcount(A4)
X                                                                 }
X                                                            }
X                                                            else
X                                                            {
X                                                                 if (i!=128)
X                                                                 {
X                                                                      i^=255;
X                                                                      asm
X                                                                      {
X                                                                                     move.l    bufcount(A4),A2
X                                                                                     move.l    piccount(A4),A1
X                                                                                     move.w    i(A4),D0
X                                                                                     addq.w    #1,D0
X                                                                           pic2loop: move.b    (A1),(A2)+
X                                                                                     dbf       D0,pic2loop
X                                                                                     addq.l    #1,piccount(A4)
X                                                                                     move.l    A2,bufcount(A4)
X                                                                      }
X                                                                 }
X                                                            }
X                                                       }
X                                                       while((piccount-picstart<l) && (bufcount-picture<32000L));
X                                                       Mfree(picstart);
X                                                  }
X                                                  else form_error(8);
X                                             }
X                                             else Fread(handle,32000L,picture);
X                                             Fclose(handle);
X                                        }
X                                        else
X                                        {
X                                             form_error(2);
X                                             file[0]=0;
X                                        }
X                                   }
X                              }
X                         }
X                         else
X                         {
X                              asm
X                              {
X                                             move.l    picture(A4),A0
X                                             move.l    A0,A1
X                                             move.w    #199,D1
X                                   loop1:    adda.l    #80,A1
X                                             move.w    #79,D0
X                                   loop2:    move.b    #0x55,(A0)+
X                                             move.b    #0xaa,(A1)+
X                                             dbf       D0,loop2
X                                             adda.l    #80,A0
X                                             dbf       D1,loop1
X                              }
X                         }
X                         form_dial(FMD_FINISH,0,0,0,0,0,0,640,400);
X                         wind_update(END_UPDATE);
X                    }
X               }
X          }
X     }
chmod 0600 DESKTOP3.C || echo "restore of DESKTOP3.C fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > DESKTOP2.S &&
X; **************************************************************************
X; This is the source of DESKTOP.PRG, a program that changes the normal gray
X; background with a Degas PI3 file. This source is public domain, but I
X; would appreciate it very much if a program that uses (part) of this
X; source respects the name of the author!
X; **************************************************************************
X; This specific version (1.1) returns the picture adress in intout[2]
X; when vs_clip() is called. "N_DP" is returned in intout[0] to
X; be able to check whether this adress is valid.
X; **************************************************************************
X; Noud van Kruysbergen
X; N.I.C.I.
X; P.O. Box 9104
X; 6500 HE Nijmegen
X; The Netherlands
X; email: kruysbergen@hnykun53.bitnet
X; **************************************************************************
X          text
X          move.l    4(A7),A0            ; these lines are the normal
X          move.l    #$100,D4            ; ones for a TSR program
X          add.l     12(A0),D4           ; there's nothing interesting
X          add.l     20(A0),D4           ; here.
X          add.l     28(A0),D4           ; You only have to add 32000 bytes
X          add.l     #32000,D4           ; for the (PI3) picture.
X          lea       noudtext,A0         ; show the copyright lines
X          bsr       cconws              ; to the screen
X          clr.w     -(A7)               ; try to open the file
X          pea       file1               ; "DESKTOP.PI3" in the AUTO
X          move.w    #$3d,-(A7)          ; folder.
X          trap      #1                  ; D3 = Fopen("AUTO\DESKTOP.PI3",0);
X          addq.l    #8,A7
X          move.w    D0,D3
X          bpl       ok1                 ; File exists: goto ok1
X          clr.w     -(A7)               ; If the file does not exist:
X          pea       file2               ; try to open "DESKTOP.PI3" in the
X          move.w    #$3d,-(A7)          ; root directory.
X          trap      #1                  ; D3 = Fopen("DESKTOP.PI3",0);
X          addq.l    #8,A7
X          move.w    D0,D3
X          bpl       ok1                 ; File exist: goto ok1
X          lea       error1,A0           ; No "DESKTOP.PI3" exists
X          bsr       cconws              ; print this to screen
X          move.w    #7,-(A7)            ; let the bell ring
X          move.w    #2,-(A7)
X          trap      #1                  ; Cconout(7);
X          addq.l    #4,A7
X          bsr       wait                ; wait for a moment to be able to
X          clr.w     -(A7)               ; read the message and
X          trap      #1                  ; Pterm0();
Xok1:      clr.w     -(A7)               ; The file exists. Skip the
X          move.w    D3,-(A7)            ; PI3 header info (34 bytes).
X          move.l    #34,-(A7)
X          move.w    #$42,-(A7)
X          trap      #1                  ; Fseek(34L,D3,0);
X          adda.l    #10,A7
X          pea       picbuffer           ; Read the picture in the
X          move.l    #32000,-(A7)        ; buffer (which begins at
X          move.w    D3,-(A7)            ; 'picbuffer'.
X          move.w    #$3f,-(A7)
X          trap      #1                  ; Fread(D3,32000L,picbuffer);
X          adda.l    #12,A7
X          cmpi.l    #32000,D0           ; 32000 bytes read?
X          beq       ok2                 ; goto ok2
X          lea       error2,A0           ; else print warning to screen
X          bsr       cconws
X          bsr       wait                ; wait, but do install!
Xok2:      pea       gemnew              ; the new gem vector
X          move.w    #34,-(A7)
X          move.w    #5,-(A7)
X          trap      #13                 ; gemold=Setexc(34,gemnew);
X          addq.l    #8,A7
X          move.l    D0,gemold
X          lea       gemnew,A0
X          move.l    D0,-4(A0)           ; return adress for XBRA protocol
X          move.w    D3,-(A7)            ; close the file
X          move.w    #$3e,-(A7)
X          trap      #1                  ; Fclose(D3);
X          addq.l    #4,A7
X          clr.w     -(A7)               ; terminate and stay resident
X          move.l    D4,-(A7)            ; with no errorcode
X          move.w    #$31,-(A7)
X          trap      #1                  ; Pterm(D4,0);
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xcconws:   move.l    A0,-(A7)            ; routine to print line to screen
X          move.w    #9,-(A7)
X          trap      #1                  ; Cconws(A0);
X          addq.l    #6,A7
X          rts
Xwait:     move.w    #1000,D1            ; routine that eats up CPU time
Xwait1:    move.w    #1000,D0            ; simply to wait
Xwait2:    dbf       D0,wait2
X          dbf       D1,wait1
X          rts
X; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
X; this is where it all is about. The new gemvector starts here.
X; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
X          dc.b      "XBRAN_DP"
X          dc.l      0
Xgemnew:   cmpi.w    #115,D0             ; test whether it is a VDI call
X          bne       gemquit
X; *************************************************************************
X; It is a VDI call!
X          movem.l   D0-A3,-(A7)         ; save registers
X          move.l    D1,A0
X          move.l    (A0),A0             ; D0 = control[0];
X          move.w    (A0),D0             ; what VDI call is it?
X; **************************************************************************
X; Is the VDI call vr_recfl()?
X          cmpi.w    #114,D0
X          bne       nofill
X          cmpi.w    #2,interior         ; Has vsf_interior(handle,2);
X          bne       gemrest             ; been called?
X          cmpi.w    #4,style            ; Has vsf_style(handle,4);
X          bne       gemrest             ; been called?
X          tst.w     mode                ; Is it in the clipping mode?
X          beq       gemrest
X          move.l    D1,A0
X          move.l    8(A0),A0            ; D0 = intin[0] etc..
X          move.w    (A0)+,D0            ; x0==0
X          bne       gemrest
X          move.w    (A0)+,D0            ; y0==0 || y0==19
X          cmpi.w    #19,D0
X          beq       menu
X          tst.w     D0
X          bne       gemrest
Xmenu:     move.w    (A0)+,D0            ; x1==639
X          cmpi.w    #639,D0
X          bne       gemrest
X          move.w    (A0),D0             ; y1==399
X          cmpi.w    #399,D0
X          bne       gemrest
X; All the conditions are true. They mean that a gray background should
X; be drawn. The exact size is set in the clipping variables. They are
X; used to draw the background.
X          move.l    $44e,A1             ; A1 = *(long *)0x44e;
X          move.w    clipy0,D0
X          move.w    D0,D2               ; D0 = D2 = clipy0;
X          muls      #80,D0              ; D0 *= 80 /* 80 characters per line */
X          adda.l    D0,A1               ; A1 = screenadres + clipy0 offset;
X          lea       picbuffer,A0        ; A0 = pictureadres;
X          adda.l    D0,A0               ; A0 = pictureadres + clipy0 offset;
X          move.w    clipy1,D0           ; D0 = clipy1;
X          sub.w     D2,D0               ; D0 = clipy1 - clipy0;
X          move.w    D0,D2               ; D2 = total number of lines;
X          move      clipx0,D3           ; D3 = x0;
X          move.w    D3,D7
X          ext.l     D7
X          divs      #8,D7
X          move.w    D7,D3
X          adda.l    D3,A0
X          adda.l    D3,A1               ; D3 = clipx0/8;
X          swap      D7
X          move.w    D7,D4               ; D4 = clipx0%8;
X          move.w    clipx1,D5
X          addq.w    #1,D5
X          move.w    D5,D7
X          ext.l     D7
X          divs      #8,D7
X          move.w    D7,D5               ; D5 = clipx1/8;
X          swap      D7
X          move.w    D7,D6               ; D6 = clipx1%8;
X          move.l    D5,D0
X          sub.l     D3,D0
X          bne       label3              ; if (D3>D5) goto label3;
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X; This routine takes care of the times when the desktop has to be redrawn
X; within one character (for instance from bit 2 to bit 5).
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X          move.w    D6,D7               ; D7 = D6; /* D6=5+1 */
X          subi.w    #8,D7
X          neg.w     D7                  ; D7 = -(D6-8); /* D7=2 */
X          move.b    #-1,D3              ; D3 = 11111111 /* in binary mode */
X          lsr.b     D7,D3               ; D3 = 00111111
X          lsl.b     D7,D3               ; D3 = 11111100
X          lsl.b     D4,D3               ; D3 = 11110000 /* D4=2 */
X          lsr.b     D4,D3               ; D3 = 00111100
X; This is a very elegant way to make a byte that has the bits set that
X; should contain the background information. A zero in this byte means that
X; what is on screen at that location should stay there. In this case only
X; the bits 5,4,3 and 2 (numbers 2,3,4 and 5 from the left) have to be updated.
Xbyteloop: move.b    D3,D0               ; D0 = 00111100
X          move.b    (A0),D7             ; D7 = picturebyte
X          and.b     D0,D7               ; D7 &= 00111100
X          not.b     D0                  ; D0 = 11000011
X          and.b     (A1),D0             ; screenbyte &= 11000011
X          add.b     D0,D7               ; D7 = picturebyte + screenbyte
X          move.b    D7,(A1)             ; screenbyte = D7
X          adda.l    #80,A0              ; next pictureline
X          adda.l    #80,A1              ; next screenline
X          dbf       D2,byteloop         ; do this for all # lines
X          bra       selfok              ; quit the GEM call
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X; More than one byte have to be redrawn.
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xlabel3:   subq.w    #1,D0               ; # bytes -= 1 for 'dbf' sake.
X          tst.w     D4                  ; xclip0 on a byte-boundairy?
X          seq       D5                  ; yes : set D5
X          beq       yloop               ;     : goto yloop
X          tst.w     D0                  ; D0==0? /* only 1 byte? */
X          sne       D5                  ; no  : set D5
X          beq       yloop               ; yes : goto yloop
X          subq.w    #1,D0               ; more than one byte: D0 -= 1;
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X; Start of the actual updating routine.
X; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X; We first have to draw the remainder of the first byte. If there is no
X; remainder (D4=0) we don't have to do this. Suppose we have to redraw
X; from bit 4 (from the left, so actually bit 5): D4=3.
Xyloop:    move.l    A0,A2               ; A2 = pictureadres
X          move.l    A1,A3               ; A3 = screenadres
X          tst.w     D4                  ; if no remainder has to be drawn
X          beq       nostart             ; then don't do this
X          move.b    (A2)+,D3            ; D3 = picturebyte
X          move.b    #-1,D7              ; D7 = 11111111
X          lsr.b     D4,D7               ; D7 = 00011111
X          and.b     D7,D3               ; D3 &= 00011111 /* picturebits */
X          not.b     D7                  ; D7 = 11100000
X          and.b     (A3),D7             ; D7 &= screenbyte /* screenbits */
X          add.b     D3,D7               ; D7 += D3 /* picture+screen */
X; D7 contains the high bits from the old background and the low bits from
X; the redrawn background.
X          move.b    D7,(A3)+            ; screenbyte = D7
X; When we arrived here, we are at a byte boundary. We are going to copy
X; bytes from the picture to the screen if necessary (D5 was set)
Xnostart:  move.w    D0,D7               ; D7 = # bytes
X          tst.w     D5
X          beq       endbyte             ; D5 not set: goto endbyte
Xxloop:    move.b    (A2)+,(A3)+         ; screenbyte = picturebyte
X          dbf       D7,xloop            ; do this # bytes times
X; We still are at a byte boundary. Are there any bits to draw any further?
Xendbyte:  tst.w     D6                  
X          beq       no_end
X; If not, skip this part. D6 contains the number of bits to update, say 3.
X          move.b    (A2)+,D3            ; D3 = picturebyte
X          move.b    #-1,D7              ; D7 = 11111111
X          lsr.b     D6,D7               ; D7 = 00011111
X          not.b     D7                  ; D7 = 11100000
X          and.b     D7,D3               ; D3 &= 11100000 /* picturebits */
X          not.b     D7                  ; D7 = 00011111
X          and.b     (A3),D7             ; D7 &= screenbyte
X          add.b     D3,D7               ; D7 = screenbits + picturebits
X          move.b    D7,(A3)             ; screenbyte = D7
Xno_end:   adda.l    #80,A0              ; next picture line
X          adda.l    #80,A1              ; next screen line
Xlabel1:   dbf       D2,yloop            ; do this # lines times
Xselfok:   movem.l   (A7)+,D0-A3         ; quit the GEM call
X          rte
X; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
X; This is were the redrawing of the background ends. It all is in fact
X; nothing more than shifting a proper amount of bits at a proper time!
X; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
X; **************************************************************************
X; Is the VDI call vst_interior()?
Xnofill:   move.l    D1,A0
X          move.l    4(A0),A0
X          move.w    (A0),D2             ; D2 = intin[0];
X          cmpi.w    #23,D0
X          bne       nointerior
X          move.w    D2,interior         ; interior = intin[0];
X          bra       gemrest
X; **************************************************************************
X; Is the VDI call vst_style()?
Xnointerior:cmpi.w   #24,D0
X          bne       nostyle
X          move.w    D2,style            ; style = intin[0];
X          bra       gemrest
X; **************************************************************************
X; Is the VDI call vs_clip()?
Xnostyle:  cmpi.w    #129,D0
X          bne       gemrest
X          move.w    D2,mode             ; mode = intin[0];
X          beq       gemrest             ; if (mode==0) no clipping;
X          cmpi.w    #-1,D2
X          bne       normal
X; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
X; for version 1.0 exclude the part between the ...++++++... lines !!!
X; We return the picture adress in intout[2] when vs_clip(x,-1,x) is called.
X; This is an illegal not documented feature! When DESKTOP.PRG is not
X; installed the content of intout[2] is NOT the picture adress!
X; This can be controlled by intout[0]: if *(long *)intout==$4e5f4450
X; ("N_DP") the value *(long *)(intout+4) is a valid picture adress.
X          move.l    D1,A0
X          move.l    12(A0),A0
X          move.l    #$4e5f4450,(A0)+    ; *(ong *)intout=0x4e5f4450
X          clr.l     (A0)+
X          lea       picbuffer,A1
X          move.l    A1,(A0)             ; *(long *)(intout+4)=picbuffer;
X          bra       selfok
X; This is the normal clipping procedure
X; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Xnormal:   move.l    D1,A0
X          move.l    8(A0),A0
X          move.w    (A0)+,clipx0        ; clipx0 = intin[0];
X          move.w    (A0)+,clipy0        ; clipy0 = intin[1];
X          move.w    (A0)+,clipx1        ; clipx1 = intin[2];
X          move.w    (A0),clipy1         ; clipy1 = intin[3];
Xgemrest:  movem.l   (A7)+,D0-A3         ; restore registers
Xgemquit:  move.l    gemold,-(A7)        ; put old GEM vector on the stack
X          rts                           ; and jump to it...
X          data
Xnoudtext: dc.b      27,'E',13,10,10,"    ",27,'p',"     Desktop Picture V1.1     "
X          dc.b      27,'q',13,10,"    ",27,'p',"     Noud van Kruysbergen     ",27,'q',13,10,10,0
Xerror1:   dc.b      "    **** Error: DESKTOP.PI3 ? ****",13,10,0
Xerror2:   dc.b      "     Warning: DESKTOP.PI3 < 32034",13,10,0
Xfile1:    dc.b      "AUTO\DESKTOP.PI3",0
Xfile2:    dc.b      "DESKTOP.PI3",0
X          even
X          bss
Xstyle:    ds.w      1
Xinterior: ds.w      1
Xmode:     ds.w      1
Xclipx0:   ds.w      1
Xclipy0:   ds.w      1
Xclipx1:   ds.w      1
Xclipy1:   ds.w      1
Xgemold:   ds.l      1
Xpicbuffer:ds.l      1                   ; 32000 bytes are reserved from here.
X          end
chmod 0600 DESKTOP2.S || echo "restore of DESKTOP2.S fails"
exit 0