[net.news.group] urgent need for "mod.news" detected

werner@ut-ngp.UUCP (Werner Uhrig) (03/09/85)

	after having Unsubscribed to many groups a while back, some develop-
ments got me interested into checking out what has been going on recently in
some of the news-groups I used to "haunt" ....

and I am appalled at what I found. the group "net.news" where some of the
nicest net-people I have learned to respect can be found, has become a
heckling and screaming arena not too far removed from net.flame.  The
verbosity and doublication of statements, the inclusion of lengthy references
and personal mail-messages, posting to multiple groups, non-descriptive
Subject-headers,  arguments SUPPORTING commercial use of the net, ....
all those things that are CERTAIN to bring the USENET-world crashing down
around our ears ......

	GOOD  GRIEF !!!!!

Maybe I am just showing the effect of 6-weeks news at one shot, but I really
can't stand it - I'll Unsubscribe again for sure in the near future, after I
wait out your reaction to my messages (which I prefer you send me by mail
and I'll summarize)

As I am really dissatisfied with missing some of the topics discussed here,
and some of the well-thought out presentations (if lengthy - Chuq, I'm
nauseated  (-:  how many hours does YOUR day have, anyway?? ), and I'd really
like to stay up-to-date with developments (but can't see a chance in hell to
do so under the present circumstances),  may I humbly request that we (i.e.
this group of famous net-heroes), give an example of how serious we are in
trying to make the net survive a little longer ?? !!   (pretty, please??)

Ergo:   mod.news,  which should include an occasional brief summary of
			sub-groups, such as net.news.group

Thanks for humouring a "2-day-sleepless, burnt-out fellow-netter" making
extrodinary efforts to stay current in net-affairs, mostly over dial-ups.