gil@limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) (09/19/88)
In article <> gazit@bein.UUCP (Hillel Gazit) writes: |>I was caught by a police radar which claimed that I was going 65 MPH. |>My speed was 55 MPH. I think that something was wrong with the radar, |>so I want to challenge the policeman in court. |>Hillel You might want to clock your OWN speedometer before you begin your fight in court. Although you probably have a chance of winning, if your speedometer is inaccurate you might have another ticket before your court date! I wouldn't bother saying anything about this except that it happened to me. I was doing exactly 55, and got pulled over for doing 66. When I drove my car down a metered mile and clocked it, I found that my car's speed was 1.2 times the speed my speedometer was reading. Note that 55 * 1.2 is, indeed, 66. Followups on this are directed to, +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Gil Kloepfer, Jr. | Net-Address: | | ICUS Software Systems | {boulder,talcott}!icus!limbic!gil | | P.O. Box 1 | Voice-net: (516) 968-6860 | | Islip Terrace, New York 11752 | Internet: | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+