[rec.arts.tv] QL: QL471 PC Fortune Program available

komatsu@alcor.usc.edu (-----> Dave) (04/16/91)

Announcing Quantum Leap version 471.  For those of you that have an older 
version this is the latest release.  For the rest a brief description 

  QL is a collection of 471 quotes from the Quantum Leap.  If you have
  and IBM or IBM compatible you too can put QL in your autoexec file
  or anywhere on your system.  It was written by Dale Chun and David
  Komatsu.  The quote list for Quantum Leap is run by Mary Anne 

To get this program you can go through several methods.

1.  FTP from:  kfps-roble6-dynamic.stanford.edu
    name: anonymous
    passowrd: <e-mail address>
    directory: msdos/misc

2.  Send e-mail to: tamashir@aludra.usc.edu

    This will mail you a uuencoded file.  If you include the line
    ADD-QL: <e-mail address>  you will be added to our mailing list
    to receive future versions and receive a current copy.  If you
    don't put that line in you will just receive a current copy.

    * Please note e-mail offer valid only until April 28, 1991 *

3.  For UNIX users you can grab ql471.unx.  Which is a quote file
    that can be plugged into the unix quotes reader or into your
    personal program.  Unfortunately this file is only available
    from FTP at ROGUE.

| sound@ccb.ucsf.edu                |  Playmac Technologies              |
| komatsu@aludra.usc.edu            |  Co-author / Public Relations      |
| -----> Dave                       |  Playmac 2.00, SIMP, TP, QL etc    |