[comp.sources.unix] v10i038: Interpreted Functional Programming lanuage, Part 05/07

rs@uunet.UUCP (07/08/87)

Mod.sources: Volume 10, Number 38
Submitted by: robison@b.cs.uiuc.edu (Arch Robison)
Archive-name: ifp/Part05

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh.
# The following files will be created:
#	interp/cache.c
#	interp/cache.h
#	interp/command.c
#	interp/convert.c
#	interp/debug.c
#	interp/dos.s
#	interp/error.c
#	interp/except.c
#	interp/file.c
#	interp/forms.c
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
mkdir interp
if test -f 'interp/cache.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/cache.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/cache.c'
/****** cache.c *******************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date: July 29, 1986          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

 * NOTE: Function HashOb assumes a FPfloat is either 1x or 2x the size
 * 	 of a long.

#include "struct.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include <stdio.h>


CacheEntry ECache[CACHE_SIZE];

CacheRec Cache [4] = {

#define ArraySize(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]))

 * Print the cache statistics on stdout and clear the cache statistics tallies.
void ShowCache ()
      CacheRec *C,*T= &Cache[CacheTotal];
      CacheEntry *E;
      int Tally=0;
      for (E=ECache; E < ArrayEnd(ECache); E++) 
	 if (E->EC_Fun != NULL) Tally++;

      printf ("%d/%d = %g full cache\n", 
	      Tally, ArraySize (ECache), (double) Tally / ArraySize (ECache));

      T->Enable = 0;
      for (C= &Cache[0]; C<&Cache[4]; C++) {
	 if (C->Enable) {
	    printf ("%s:\t%d hits in %d looks = %g%% hit rate [%d evictions]\n",
		    100.0 * C->Hits / (C->Looks ? C->Looks : 1), C->Evictions);
	    T->Hits  += C->Hits; 
	    T->Looks += C->Looks; 
	    T->Evictions += C->Evictions; 
	    C->Hits = C->Looks = C->Evictions = 0;
      if (!T->Enable) printf ("The cache is disabled\n");

void PrintCache (Message,E)
   char *Message;
   CacheEntry *E;
      printf ("ECache %s ",Message);	OutObject (&E->EC_In);
      printf (" : ");			OutNode   (E->EC_Fun);
      printf (" -> ");			OutObject (&E->EC_Out);
      printf ("\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

 * HashOb
 * HashOb computes an integer function (hash code) of an object.
 * Input
 *	X = object
 * Output
 * 	result = hash code
int HashOb (X)
   ObjectPtr X;
      register long H;
      register ListPtr P;

      switch (X->Tag) {
	  case BOTTOM:  H = 2305;                       break;
	  case BOOLEAN: H = X->Bool;                    break;
	  case INT:     H = X->Int * 9;                 break;
	  case FLOAT:
	     if (sizeof (FPfloat) == 2*sizeof (long))
		H = ((long *)&(X->Float))[0] + ((long *)&(X->Float))[1];
	     else if (sizeof (FPfloat) == sizeof (long))
		H = ((long *)&(X->Float))[0];
		fprintf (stderr,"HashOb: can't hash floats on this machine!\n");
	  case STRING:  H = (long) X->String;           break;
	  case LIST:
	     H = 5298;
	     for (P=X->List; P!=NULL; P=P->Next)
		H = H * 0x1243 + HashOb (&P->Val);
	  case NODE:    H = (long) X->Node * 5;         break;
	  case CODE:    H = (long) X->Code.CodePtr +
			    (long) X->Code.CodeParam;   break;
	     fprintf (stderr,"HashOb: invalid tag (%d)\n",X->Tag);
      return H;

ClearCache ()			/* Clear all entries from the cache. */
      CacheEntry *C;

      for (C=ECache+CACHE_SIZE; --C >= ECache; ) {
	 RepTag (&C->EC_In, BOTTOM);
	 C->EC_Fun = NULL;
	 RepTag (&C->EC_Out,BOTTOM);

InitCache ()			/* Initialize the cache */
      register CacheEntry *E;
      CacheRec *C;

      printf (" (cache");
      for (C=Cache; C<&Cache[3]; C++)
	 if (C->Enable) printf (" %s",C->Name);
      printf (")");

      for (E=ECache+CACHE_SIZE; --E >= ECache; ) {
	 E->EC_In. Tag = BOTTOM;
	 E->EC_Fun = NULL;
	 E->EC_Out.Tag = BOTTOM;

#endif /* ECACHE */

if test -f 'interp/cache.h'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/cache.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/cache.h'
/****** cache.h *******************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.1                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date: July 29, 1986          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

#define ECACHE 0	/* Implement expression cache if defined */


 * The expression cache can be turned on selectively for expressions with
 * primitive functions, user-defined functions, or PFOs.
 * Cache[i].Enable = 0/1 to turn off/on cache for expression type i in [0..2]. 
#define CachePrim  0
#define CacheUser  1
#define CachePFO   2
#define CacheTotal 3

typedef struct {
   boolean Enable;
   int Looks;		/* Number of looks into cache */
   int Hits;		/* Number of successful looks */
   int Evictions;	/* Number of evictions	      */
   char *Name;		/* "Prim", "User", "PFO", etc.*/	
} CacheRec;

extern CacheRec Cache[];

extern void PrintCache ();

 * The expression cache is implemented as a hash table.  It
 * associates outputs with <input,function> pairs.

#define CACHE_SIZE 1024 /* Must be power of 2 */

 * EC_Fun.Tag = BOTTOM iff that cache entry is empty
typedef struct {
   Object EC_In, EC_Out;
   NodePtr EC_Fun;
} CacheEntry;

extern CacheEntry ECache[];
extern int HashOb ();
extern void ShowCache (); /* Show cache statistics                */

 * CheckCache
 * Parameter
 *      T = &Cache[i] where i is type of function to be cached.
 *	A = call to "apply" with appropriate arguments.
#define CheckCache(T,A)							\
   if ((T)->Enable) {							\
      CacheEntry *C;							\
      extern int TraceDepth;						\
      (T)->Looks++;							\
      C = &ECache [(HashOb(InOut) + (long) F->Node) * 0x9B & CACHE_SIZE-1]; \
      if (ApplyFun == C->EC_Fun && ObEqual (InOut,&C->EC_In)) {		\
	 if (Debug & DebugCache) PrintCache ("Hit!",C);			\
	 (T)->Hits++;							\
	 if (Trace|SaveTrace) printf ("IBID\n");			\
	 RepObject (InOut,&C->EC_Out);					\
      } else {								\
	 if (C->EC_Fun != NULL) {					\
	    (T)->Evictions++;						\
	    if (Debug & DebugCache) PrintCache ("Evict",C);		\
	 }								\
	 C->EC_Fun = NULL;						\
	 RepObject (&C->EC_In,InOut);					\
	 {A;}								\
	 C->EC_Fun = F->Node;						\
	 RepObject (&C->EC_Out,InOut);					\
	 if (Debug & DebugCache) PrintCache ("Load",C);			\
      }									\
   } else {A;}


#define CheckCache(T,A) {A;}
#define ClearCache()


/***************************** end of cache.h ****************************/

if test -f 'interp/command.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/command.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/command.c'
/****** command.c *****************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date:  Jan 28, 1987          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

/*************************** Command Interpreter **************************/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "umax.h"
#include "inob.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "stats.h"

#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#include "/usr/include/dos/spawn.h"     /* Full name so lint can find it */
#include "/usr/include/dos/string.h"

extern char EditorPath [],*EdCommand;
extern char *getenv ();

extern boolean RefCheck ();        /* from apply.c */

extern fork (),execl ();

InDesc UserIn;

 * ReadNode
private NodePtr ReadNode (U)
   InDesc *U;
      Object S;

      if (!InNode (U,&S,NIL)) return NULL;
      LinkPath (&S,DEF);
      if (S.Tag == NODE) return S.Node;
      else {
	 printf ("Error: ");
	 OutString (S.String);
	 printf (" not defined\n");
	 return NULL;

 * ShowRefCheck
void ShowRefCheck ()
      Object F;
      register InDesc *U;

      U = &UserIn;
      F.Tag = BOTTOM;

      (void) InComp (U,&F,NIL);
      (void) RefCheck ((NodePtr) NULL,&F);
      RepTag (&F,BOTTOM);

 * ShowApply
private void ShowApply (OutGraph)
   int OutGraph;
      Object X,F;
      register InDesc *U;

      U = &UserIn;
      X.Tag = BOTTOM;
      F.Tag = BOTTOM;
      if (InObject (U,&X)) {

	 if (!IsTok (U,":")) (void) InError (U,"colon expected");
	 else {
	    (void) InComp (U,&F,NIL);
	    if (Debug & DebugFile) {
	       printf ("Object = "); OutObject (&X); printf ("\n");
	       printf ("Function = "); OutFun (&F,MaxInt); printf ("\n");

	    if (*U->InPtr) (void) InError (U,"extra character on line");
	    else {
	          ClearCache ();
	          Apply (&X,&F);
	          if (OutGraph) DrawObject (&X);
	          else OutPretty (&X,0);
	          OutPretty (&X,0);
	          printf ("\n");
      RepTag (&X,BOTTOM);
      RepTag (&F,BOTTOM);

 * ExecFile
 * Execute a file
 * Input
 *      Prog = program to be executed
 *      Arg  = argument string
void ExecFile (Prog,Arg)
   char *Prog,*Arg;
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("ExecFile (%s,%s)\n",Prog,Arg);
      if (fork ()) (void) wait ((union wait *)NULL);
      else {
	 if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("prepare to flush\n");
	 (void) fflush (stdout);
	 execl (Prog,Prog,Arg,(char *)NULL);
	 perror (Prog);
	 exit (1);
      if (spawnl (P_WAIT,Prog,Prog,Arg,(char *)NULL)) perror (Prog);

void ExecEdit (FileName)
   char *FileName;
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("ExecEdit (%s)\n",FileName);
      ExecFile (EditorPath,FileName);
	 extern char *PathSplit ();
	 char *T;
	 T = PathSplit (FileName);
	 if (T != NULL) ExecFile (EditorPath,T);

 * EditRm
 * Action depends on ``Edit'' flag:
 * Edit
 *     Apply the user's editor to a function or import file.  If a function,
 *     delete the function definition from memory. If %IMPORT file, reread it.
 * !Edit
 *     Remove a function definition or %IMPORT file.
private void EditRm (U,Edit)
   register InDesc *U;
   boolean Edit;
      Object N;
      char Buf[MAXPATH+1];
      static char *Import = "%IMPORT";
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("EditRm (%s,%d)\n",U->InPtr,Edit);

      if (IsTok (U,Import)) {

	 if (Edit) ExecFile (EditorPath,Import);
	    if (unlink (Import)) perror (Import);
	 DelImport (U->InDefMod);
	 ReadImport (U->InDefMod);

      } else {

	 N.Tag = BOTTOM;
	 (void) InNode (U,&N,NIL);
	 LinkPath (&N,DEF);

	 /* Kill old source code definition */
	 if (N.Tag == NODE)
	    switch (N.Node->NodeType) {
	       case DEF:
		  RepTag (&N.Node->NodeData.NodeDef.DefCode,BOTTOM);
	       case MODULE:

	 FormPath (&N,Buf,&Buf[MAXPATH]);
	 RepTag (&N,BOTTOM);
	 if (Edit) ExecEdit (Buf);
	    if (unlink (Buf)) perror (Buf);

 * Shell
 * Execute a shell command
void Shell (U)
   register InDesc *U;
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("Shell: '%s'\n",U->InPtr);
      if (fork ()) (void) wait ((union wait *)NULL);
      else {
	 (void) fflush (stdout);
	 execl ("/bin/sh","sh","-c",U->InPtr,(char *)NULL);
 * ChDirToCWD
 * Set DOS current working directory to IFP current working directory.
 * This procedure is a necessary KLUDGE because the current directory
 * cache mechanism changes the current working directory all over the place.
void ChDirToCWD ()
      char Buf[MAXPATH];
      extern char *FormNPath ();

      (void) FormPath (CurWorkDir,Buf,&Buf[MAXPATH]);
      chdir (Buf);

 * Directory
 * Show the current directory
void Directory (U)
   register InDesc *U;
      extern char DirPath[];

      ChDirToCWD ();
      ExecFile (DirPath,U->InPtr);

 * SetDepth
 * Set function printing depth used for printing.
SetDepth (U)
   register InDesc *U;
      Object X;
      FPint N;
      extern int TraceDepth;

      X.Tag = BOTTOM;
      (void) InObject (U,&X);
      if (GetFPInt (&X,&N) || N < 0 || N > MaxInt)
	 printf ("Error: depth must be integer in range 0..%d\n",MaxInt);
      else TraceDepth = N;

 * SetTrace
 * Set or reset function trace flags.
private void SetTrace (U)
   register InDesc *U;
      NodePtr N;
      int T;       /* phone home */

      if (IsTok (U,"on")) T=1;
      else if (IsTok (U,"off")) T=0;
      else {
	 printf ("trace [on|off] f1 f2 f3 ... \n");
      while (*U->InPtr) {
	 N = ReadNode (U);
	 if (N != NULL) {
	    if (T) N->NodeData.NodeDef.DefFlags |= TRACE;
	    else   N->NodeData.NodeDef.DefFlags &= ~TRACE;
	 } else break;

#if DUMP
extern void DumpNode();

void UserLoop ()
      register InDesc *U;
      int N;

      U = &UserIn;
      while (1) {
	 extern char FPprompt [], *gets();
	 extern void ResetExcept();
	 extern char CWDCache [];
	 CWDCache [0] = '\0';		/* Clear current directory cache */
	 ResetExcept ();
	 if (Debug & DebugAlloc) {
	    extern ListPtr FreeList;
	    printf ("length (FreeList) = %ld\n",ListLength (FreeList));
	 printf ("%s",FPprompt);
	 (void) fflush (stdout);
	 InitIn (U,CurWorkDir,stdin,-1);

	 /* Copy prompt so that error message '^' will point correctly. */
	 U->InPtr += N = strlen (strcpy (U->InPtr,FPprompt));
	 (void) fgets (U->InPtr, INBUFSIZE-N, stdin);

	 if (!*U->InPtr || IsTok (U,"exit")) {
	    ChDirToCWD ();
	 else if (IsTok (U,"depth")) SetDepth (U);
	 else if (IsTok (U,"show")) ShowApply (0);
	 else if (IsTok (U,"send")) {
	    Object X;
	    ForkFP ();
	    InObject (U,&X); 
	    OutBinObject (&X);
	 else if (CompilerFlag && IsTok (U,"c")) Compile (U);
	 else if (IsTok (U,"check")) ShowRefCheck ();
	 else if (IsTok (U,"cache")) ShowCache ();
	 else if (IsTok (U,"stats")) ShowStats ();
	 else if (IsTok (U,"trace")) SetTrace (U);
	 else if (IsTok (U,EdCommand)) EditRm (U,1);
#if DUMP
	 else if (IsTok (U,"dump")) DumpNode (CurWorkDir,0);
	 else if (IsTok (U,"graph")) ShowApply (1);
	 /* else if (IsTok (U,"test")) Test (U); */
	 else if (IsTok (U,"rm")) EditRm (U,0);
	 else Shell (U);
	 else if (IsTok (U,"del")) EditRm (U,0);
	 else if (IsTok (U,"dir")) Directory (U);
	 else printf ("Unknown command: %s\n",U->InPtr);

/************************** end of command.c **************************/
if test -f 'interp/convert.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/convert.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/convert.c'
/****** convert.c *****************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date:  July 2, 1986          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

/* Type conversion functions */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "string.h"
#include <math.h>

#define BUFSIZE 80 /* Maximum length of numeric string */

 * GetFPInt
 * Get value of FP integer.
 * Input
 *    X = FP object
 * Output
 *    *K = FPint value of X
 *    result = error code: 0 = X was converted to integer *K
 *                         1 = X not an integer
 *                         2 = X too big
int GetFPInt (X,K)
   ObjectPtr X;
   FPint *K;
      switch (X->Tag) {
	 default: return 1;
	 case INT: *K = X->Int; return 0;
	 case FLOAT: {
	    double F;
	    F = X->Float;
	    if (fabs (F) <= (double) FPMaxInt) {
	       *K = (FPint) F;
	       F -= (double) *K;
	       return fabs (F) >= CompTol;
	    } else return 2;

 * IsFloat
 * Determine if a string represents floating point number as defined
 * by C's atof function.  This function is necessary for the CRAY
 * since there is a bug in sscanf for the CRAY.
 * Input
 *	S = string
 * Output
 *	result = true iff string represents number.
int IsFloat (S)
   register char *S;
      int Digits = 0;
      if (*S == '+' || *S == '-') S++;
      while (isdigit (*S)) {
      if (*S == '.') 
	 while (isdigit (*++S)) Digits++;
      if (!Digits) return 0;
      if (*S == '\0') return 1;
      if (*S++ != 'e') return 0;
      if (*S == '+' || *S == '-') S++;
      while (isdigit (*S)) S++;
      return *S == '\0';
#endif /* OPSYS==CTSS */

 * StrToFloat
 * Convert object to float representation if possible.
 * Input
 *    *X = object
 * Output
 *    *X = new representation of object
 *    result = 1 if *X is float, 0 otherwise.
boolean StrToFloat (X)
   ObjectPtr X;
      CharPtr U;
      char Buf[BUFSIZE+1];
      double F;
      char Term;
      CPInit (&U,&X->String);
      (void) CPRead (&U,Buf,BUFSIZE);

      if (!IsFloat (Buf)) return 0;
      F = atof (Buf);
      Buf [strlen (Buf)] = '\1';
      if (2 != sscanf (Buf,"%lf%c",&F,&Term) || Term != '\1') return 0;
      RepTag (X,FLOAT);
      X->Float = (FPfloat) F;
      return 1;

 * GetDouble
 * Output
 *    result = 0 if *D is valid, 1 otherwise.
int GetDouble (X,D)
   ObjectPtr X;
   double *D;
     switch (X->Tag) {
	case INT:   *D = X->Int; return 0;
	case FLOAT: *D = X->Float; return 0;
	default: return 1;

/****************************** end of convert.c *****************************/
if test -f 'interp/debug.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/debug.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/debug.c'
/****** debug.c *******************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date:   Dec 5, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

#include <stdio.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "string.h"

int Debug = 0;     /* Print debugging statements if true */

#if DUMP
 * DumpNode
 * Print out node N and all its decendants.
void DumpNode (N,Indent)
   register NodePtr N;
   int Indent;
      extern void OutIndent ();

      OutIndent (3*Indent);
      if (N == NULL) printf ("DumpNode: N = NULL\n");
      else {
	 OutString (N->NodeName);
	 switch (N->NodeType) {
	     case NEWNODE: printf ("(new) "); break;
	     case MODULE:
		printf (" module\n");
		for (N = N->NodeData.NodeMod.FirstChild; N!=NULL; N=N->NodeSib)
		   DumpNode (N,Indent+1);
	     case DEF:
	       printf (" function");
	       if (N->NodeData.NodeDef.DefFlags & TRACE)
		  printf ("(trace) ");
	       OutObject (&N->NodeData.NodeDef.DefCode);
	       printf ("\n");
	    case IMPORT:
	       printf (" import");
	       OutObject (&N->NodeData.NodeImp.ImpDef);
	       printf ("\n");
	       printf (" invalid NodeType (%x)\n",N->NodeType);

#endif /* DUMP */

/*************************** end of debug.c *********************************/

if test -f 'interp/dos.s'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/dos.s'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/dos.s'
;/****** dos.s**********************************************************/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date: Sept 28, 1985          **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
;/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**                                                                  **/
;/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
;/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

;/***** Assembly Language Routines for MS-DOS Implementation of IFP *****/

TITLE   dos

PUBLIC  _StackCheck, _SetCBrk
EXTRN	__chkstk:FAR


; SetCBrk
; Set control-C trapping for any DOS call.
_SetCBrk     PROC FAR
        mov ax,3301H
        mov dl,01H
        int 21H
_SetCBrk     ENDP

; StackCheck
; Check if there is enough room on the stack and check for break signal
_StackCheck  PROC FAR
	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	mov	ax,64H
	call	FAR PTR __chkstk
        push es
        mov ah,2FH
        int 21H		; Dummy GET_DTA to look for control-C
        pop es
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp
_StackCheck  ENDP


;/************************** end of dos.s **************************/
if test -f 'interp/error.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/error.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/error.c'
/****** error.c *******************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date:  Sept 8, 1986          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

/************************ Error Message Routines **********************/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "umax.h"
#include "inob.h"

/* Some common error messages */

char ArgNotSeq[] = "not a sequence",
     ArgSeqOb [] = "must be <sequence object>",
     ArgObSeq [] = "must be <object sequence>",
     ArgNull  [] = "empty sequence",
     ArgBottom[] = "argument is ?";         

 * PrintErr
 * Check if error message should be printed.  Error messages are not printed if
 * the argument is BOTTOM (in which case the error has already been noted), or
 * SysStop is set (the user has interrupted execution).
 * Input
 *      InOut = argument to function                  
 * Output
 *      result = true iff error message should be printed
boolean PrintErr (InOut)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
      return InOut->Tag != BOTTOM && !SysStop;

 * FormError
 * Print PFO error message.
 * Input
 *	InOut = input to form
 *	Message = error message
 *	N = offended form's index in FormTable
 *	P = form parameter list
void FormError (InOut,Message,N,P)
   ObjectPtr InOut;              
   char *Message;
   int N;
   ListPtr P;
      extern int TraceDepth;

      if (PrintErr (InOut)) {
         LineWait ();
	 OutForm (FormTable[N].FormNode,P,TraceDepth);
	 printf (": %s\n",Message);
	 OutObject (InOut);
	 printf ("\n");
         LineSignal ();
      RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);

 * FunError
 * Print primitive function error.
 * Input
 *      Message = error message
 *      InOut = offending object
 *      ApplyFun {global} = offended function
void FunError (Message,InOut)
   char *Message;
   ObjectPtr InOut;
      if (PrintErr (InOut)) {
         LineWait ();
	 printf ("\n");
	 OutNode (ApplyFun);
	 printf (": %s\n",Message);
	 OutObject (InOut);
	 printf ("\n");
         LineSignal ();
      RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);

 * DefError
 * Print definition error display.
 * Input
 *      Caller = calling node
 *      F = name of erroneous function
 *      Message = error message to print 
void DefError (Caller,F,Message)
   NodePtr Caller;
   ObjectPtr F;
   char *Message;
      LineWait ();
      OutObject (F);
      if (Caller != NULL) {
	 printf (" (from ");
	 OutNode (Caller);
	 printf (")");
      printf (": %s\n",Message);
      LineSignal ();

 * IntError
 * Print internal error message.
 * Input
 *	Message = error message
void IntError (Message)
   char *Message;
      fprintf (stderr,"\nINTERNAL ERROR (%s)\n",Message);
      if (Debug) abort (); 
      SysError = INTERNAL;

 * InError
 * Print input error message.
 * Input
 *	F = input descriptor
 *	Message = error message 
 * Output
 *	result = 0
int InError (F,Message)
   InDesc *F;
   char *Message;
      char *S;

      if (F->ComLevel > 0) Message = "open comment";
      printf ("Input error");
      if (F->InLineNum >= 0) {
	 printf (" in ");
	 OutNode (F->InDefMod); 
	 printf ("/");
	 if (F->InDefFun != NULL) OutString (F->InDefFun);
	 else printf ("%IMPORT");
	 printf (" on line %d:\n%s",F->InLineNum,F->InBuf);
         if (F->InBuf[strlen (F->InBuf)-1] != '\n') printf ("\n");
      } else printf ("\n");
      for (S=F->InBuf; S<F->InPtr; S++) 
	 printf ("%c", isspace (*S) ? *S : ' ');
      printf ("^\n%s\n",Message);
      return F->ComLevel = 0;

/****************************** end of error.c *******************************/

if test -f 'interp/except.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/except.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/except.c'
/****** except.c ******************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date:   Dec 5, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

/************************* Exception Handlers *************************/

#include <stdio.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "umax.h"

#include <signal.h>

 * There are currently two exceptions which must be dealt with.
 *	1.  Interpreter (system) errors, e.g. out of memory
 *	    These are indicated by setting the variable 'SysError' to the
 *	    appropriate non-zero value.  The values are listed in struct.h
 *	2.  User interrupts, i.e. ctrl-C.
 *          These are counted by the variable SysStop.
 *		0 = process normally
 *		1 = stop processing and print back trace
 *		2 = return to top level without printing back trace
short SysError = 0;     /* An error occurred if SysError != 0 */
short SysStop = 0;

private int SetStop ()
      (void) signal (SIGINT,SetStop);
#endif OPSYS!=CTSS

 * ResetExcept
 * Reset exception handling to normal state.
void ResetExcept ()
      extern int UDump();
      SysError = 0;
      SysStop = 0;
      (void) signal (SIGINT,SetStop);
      SetCBrk ();

if test -f 'interp/file.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/file.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/file.c'
/****** file.c ********************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date: June 22, 1986          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

#include <stdio.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "umax.h"
#include "inob.h"

extern char *strcpy (),*strcat (),*getenv ();

/*------------------------- Operating System Constants --------------------*
 * Operating System Constants
 * PATH_SEPARATOR = separator used for file names
 * EDITOR = path to editor
 * EdCommand = IFP command to invoke EDITOR
 * Even operating systems without hierarchical file systems must
 * define a PATH_SEPARATOR, which is used still used internally.
 * In the case of CTSS, we also have a constant USER_PATH.  This
 * a fictious path to the user's current directory. 

#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
#define EDITOR "/bin/vi"
char *EdCommand;

#define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
#define EDITOR "c:ed.exe"
char *EdCommand = "ed";
char DirPath [MAXPATH+1] = "c:dir.exe";

#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
#define EDITOR "fred"
char *EdCommand = "fred";
#define USER_PATH "/usr"

/*-------------------- end of Operating System Constants --------------------*/

char RootPath [MAXPATH+1] = "";         /* Path to IFP's root */

char EditorPath [MAXPATH+1] = EDITOR;   /* value is default */

char FPprompt[16] = "ifp> ";   /* value is default */
NodePtr CurWorkDir = NULL;     /* Current working directory node */

/********************** Operating system file interface ***********************/

 * PathTail
 * Return the last component in a path name.
 * Returns pointer to "" if error occurs.
private char *PathTail (Path)
   char *Path;
      register char *T;

      if (*Path == PATH_SEPARATOR) Path++;
      while (*Path) {
	 for (T = Path; *T++ != PATH_SEPARATOR; )
	    if (!*T) return Path;
	 Path = T;
      return Path;

/*------------------------------ fopen hacks ------------------------------
 * Both MSDOS and CTSS have problems with hierarchical file structure.
 * Thus we have to redefine the standard UNIX function "fopen" to allow
 * for these operating system's quirks.

 * We try to keep track of the current directory in CWDCache so we can avoid
 * superfluous calls to chdir.  Set the 0th character to '\0' to empty the
 * cache.
char CWDCache [MAXPATH] = "";

 * PathSplit
 * Split a pathname into its directory and file parts.
 * Change directory to directory part.
 * Input
 *      PathName = pathname
 * Output
 *      NULL if error occurs, pointer to file name otherwise.
char *PathSplit (PathName)      /* also used by command.c */
   char *PathName;
      register char *S,*T;
      register int R;

      T = PathTail (PathName);
      if (T != &PathName [1]) {
	 T[-1] = '\0';
	 S = PathName;          /* Break string at path separator */
      } else S = "\\";
      if (strcmp (S,CWDCache)) {
	 R = chdir (S);
	 if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("cache load: %d = ChDir (%s) for %s\n",R,S,T);
	 (void) strcpy (CWDCache,S);
      } else {
	 if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("cache HIT!\n"); 
	 R = 0;
      T[-1] = PATH_SEPARATOR;   /* Replace path separator */
      return R ? NULL : T;

 * DOSfopen
 * Works as =`fopen' should.  The old Lattice C `fopen' would not take 
 * pathnames.  Even though the new compiler's will allow long names,
 * the fake fopen can take advantage of the current directory cache.
private FILE *DOSfopen (FileName,Mode)
   char *FileName,*Mode;
      char *T;

      return (T = PathSplit (FileName)) != NULL ? fopen (T,Mode) : NULL;

#define fopen DOSfopen

#endif /* OPSYS==MSDOS */

 * CTSSfopen
 * Tries for fake a real fopen.  CTSS does not support hierarchical file
 * structures, so CTSSfopen takes the tail of the path as the file name.
private FILE *CTSSfopen (FileName,Mode)
   char *FileName,*Mode;
      register char *T;

      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("CTSSfopen (%s,%s)\n",FileName,Mode);
      T = PathTail (FileName);
      if (T == &FileName[1]) return NULL;
      else {
	 T[-1] = '\0';
	 if (strcmp (FileName,USER_PATH)) return NULL;
	 else {
	    if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("fopen (%s,%s)\n",T,Mode);
	    return fopen (T,Mode);
#define fopen CTSSfopen

#endif /* OPSYS==CTSS */

/*---------------------------- end of fopen hacks ----------------------------*/

 * FormNPath
 * Create the pathname for a given node.
 * Input
 *      N = pointer to node
 *      PathLim = pointer to end of PathName buffer
 * Output
 *      Pathname for node
char *FormNPath (N,PathName,PathLim)
   register NodePtr N;
   char PathName[];
   register char *PathLim;
      CharPtr U;
      register char *T;

      if (N->NodeParent == NULL) {
	 (void) strcpy (PathName,RootPath);
	 return &PathName [strlen (PathName)];
      } else {
	 T = FormNPath (N->NodeParent,PathName,PathLim);
	 if (T==NULL) return NULL;
	 else {
	    CPInit (&U,&N->NodeName);
	    (void) CPRead (&U,T,PathLim-T);
	    T += strlen (T);
	    /* DOS and CTSS names limited to 8 characters */
	       int L;               
	       if ((L = strlen (T)) > 8) L = 8;
	       *(T += L) = '\0';
	    if (!CPRead (&U,T,PathLim-T)) return T;
	    else return NULL; /* U should be empty */

 * FormPath
 * Make UNIX or DOS pathname for node
 * Input
 *      N = node or path list
 *      PathName = buffer to put pathname in.
 *      PathLim = pointer to end of buffer
 * Output
 *      PathName = pathname if successful
void FormPath (N,PathName,PathLim)
   register ObjectPtr N;
   char PathName[];
   char *PathLim;
      register char *T;
      CharPtr U;
      register ListPtr P;
      register int K;

      switch (N->Tag) {

	 case LIST:
	    (void) strcpy (PathName,RootPath);
	    K = strlen (PathName);
	    PathLim -= K;
	    T = &PathName [K];
	    for (P = N->List; P!=NULL; P=P->Next) {
	       if (P->Val.Tag != STRING) return;
	       else {
		  CPInit (&U,&P->Val.String);
		  (void) CPRead (&U,T,PathLim-PathName);
		  T += strlen (T);
		  /* DOS names are limited to 8 characters */
		  if ((K = strlen (T)) > 8) K = 8; 
		  *(T += K) = '\0';
		  /* T should always be <= PathLim */
		  if (T >= PathLim) return;

	 case NODE:
	    (void) FormNPath (N->Node,PathName,PathLim);


 * ReadDef
 * Read a definition node.  The definition node tag must be BOTTOM upon entry
 * when running UMAX.
 * Input
 *      Caller = pointer to DEF node of caller
 *      Fun = object with tag NODE.  
void ReadDef (Caller,Fun)
   NodePtr Caller;
   ObjectPtr Fun;
      NodePtr N;
      char FileName[MAXPATH];
      FILE *DefFile;
      InDesc F;
      int C;

      if (NULL == FormNPath (N=Fun->Node,FileName,&FileName[MAXPATH])) 
	 DefError (Caller,Fun,"invalid name for function");
	 while (NULL != (DefFile = fopen (FileName,"r"))) {
	    InitIn (&F,N->NodeParent,DefFile,0);
	    C = InDef (&F,N->NodeName,&N->NodeData.NodeDef.DefCode);
	    (void) fclose (F.InFile);
	    if (C) goto exit;
	    printf ("Do you wish to edit %s ? ",FileName + strlen (RootPath));
	    while (1) {
	       for (C = getchar (); getchar ()!='\n';) continue;
	       if (C == 'y') {
		  ExecEdit (FileName); 
	       if (C == 'n') goto exit;
	       printf ("Respond with y or n\n");

 * ReadImport
 * Read the import file for a module node.
 * Input
 *      M = pointer to module node
void ReadImport (M)
   NodePtr M;
      char *T;
      char FileName[MAXPATH];
      FILE *ImpFile;
      InDesc F;

      if (NULL != (T = FormNPath (M,FileName,&FileName[MAXPATH]))) {
	 (void) strcpy (T,"%IMPORT");
	 if (NULL != (ImpFile = fopen (FileName,"r"))) {
	    InitIn (&F,M,ImpFile,0);
	    InImport (&F,M);
	    (void) fclose (ImpFile);

 * EnvGet
 * Get value for environment variable.
 * Input
 *      Key = enviroment variable name
 *      Value = default value for variable
 *      ValLim = length of Value buffer
 * Output
 *      Value = value of enviroment variable, or default if not found.
void EnvGet (Key,Value,ValLim)
   char *Key,*Value;
   int ValLim;
      char *V;

      V = getenv (Key);
      if (V != NULL)
	 if (strlen (V) < ValLim) (void) strcpy (Value,V);
	 else fprintf (stderr,"Error: %s in enviroment is longer than %d\n",

 * CWDGet
 * Find pathname of current working directory (relative to FP root).
 * Input
 *      PathLim = length of Path buffer (used by PCAT versions only)
 * Output
 *      result = 1 if valid FP path, 0 otherwise
 *      Path = FP pathname if valid, undefined otherwise
boolean CWDGet (Path,PathLim)
   register char *Path;
   int PathLim;
#ifdef PCAT
      extern char *getcwd ();
      if (!getcwd (Path,PathLim-2)) return 0;
#if S9000
      extern FILE *popen ();
      FILE *F;                          /* S9000 Xenix has no getwd! */
      F = popen ("/bin/pwd","r");
      fscanf (F,"%s",Path);
      pclose (F);
      extern char *getwd();
      if (!getwd (Path)) return 0;
#endif /* S9000 */
#endif /* PCAT */

      (void) strcpy (Path,Path+2);              /* Delete drive name */
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("CWD = '%s'\n",Path); 
      return 1;
	 register int K;
	 K = strlen (RootPath);
	 if (strncmp (Path,RootPath,K)) return 0;
	 else {
	    (void) strcpy (Path,&Path[K]);    /* Remove FP root path prefix */
	    return 1;
#endif /* OPSYS != CTSS */

 * InitFile
 * The DOS version is kludgy.  The problem is that DOSfopen changes 
 * the current directory, thus munging it before CWDGet is called.
void InitFile ()
void InitFile (CWD)
   char *CWD;
      Object X;
      InDesc F;

      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("enter InitFile\n");
      EnvGet ("EDITOR",EditorPath,MAXPATH);
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("EditorPath = `%s'\n",EditorPath);
      EdCommand = PathTail (EditorPath);
      if (!*EdCommand) {
	 fprintf (stderr,"\n * EDITOR environment variable not a full path.");
	 fprintf (stderr,"\n   Setting editor to '%s'.\n",EDITOR);
	 EdCommand = PathTail (strcpy (EditorPath,EDITOR));
      EnvGet ("IFPprompt",FPprompt,sizeof (FPprompt));
      EnvGet ("IFPDIR",DirPath,MAXPATH);
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("IFPDIR = '%s'\n",DirPath);

      /* Create dummy descriptor for scanning environment info */
      InitIn (&F,(NodePtr) NULL,(FILE *) NULL, -1); 

      if (!CWDGet (F.InBuf,INBUFSIZE-1)) {
	 fprintf (stderr,"\n\n * Current directory not a IFP subdirectory.");
	 fprintf (stderr,  "\n   Setting current directory to IFP root.\n");
	 if (chdir (RootPath)) {
	    extern int errno;
	    perror (RootPath);
	    exit (errno);
	 } else F.InBuf[0] = '\0';
	 register char *T;
	 (void) strcpy (F.InBuf,CWD);
	 for (T=F.InBuf; *T; T++)
	    if (*T == PATH_SEPARATOR) *T = '/';
      (void) strcpy (F.InBuf,USER_PATH);
      if (F.InBuf[0]) {
	 (void) strcat (F.InPtr,"\n");
	 (void) InNode (&F,&X,NIL);
	 CurWorkDir = MakeNode (X.List,1);
      } else 
	 CurWorkDir = RootNode;
      if (Debug & DebugFile) printf ("exit InitFile\n");

/************************* end of file.c *******************************/

if test -f 'interp/forms.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'interp/forms.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'interp/forms.c'
/****** forms.c *******************************************************/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                    University of Illinois                        **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                Department of Computer Science                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Tool: IFP                         Version: 0.5                 **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Author:  Arch D. Robison          Date:   May 1, 1985          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Revised by: Arch D. Robison       Date: July 28, 1986          **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell                  **/
/**                            Prof. W. J. Kubitz                    **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**                                                                  **/
/**   (C) Copyright 1987  University of Illinois Board of Trustees   **/
/**                       All Rights Reserved.                       **/

#include "struct.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "umax.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include <stdio.h>

 * FF_Each
 * Apply function F to each element of list InOut
 * Input
 *      InOut = list of elements to apply function
 *      Funs = singleton list of function to be applied
 * Output
 *      InOut = result
private FF_Each (InOut,Funs)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      register ListPtr P;

      switch (InOut->Tag) {
	    FormError (InOut,ArgNotSeq,NODE_Each,Funs);
	 case LIST:
	    CopyTop (&InOut->List);
      for (P = InOut->List; P!=NULL; P=P->Next) {
	 Apply (&P->Val,&Funs->Val);
	 if (P->Val.Tag == BOTTOM) {
	    RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);      /* Error already reported */

 * FF_Filter
 * Input
 *      InOut = list of elements to apply predicate
 *      Funs = singleton list of function to be applied
 * Output
 *      InOut = result - list of element for which predicate is true.
private FF_Filter (InOut,Funs)
   register ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      register ListPtr P;
      register MetaPtr E;
      ListPtr Result;
      Object X;

      if (InOut->Tag != LIST)
	 FormError (InOut,ArgNotSeq,NODE_Filter,Funs);
      else {
	 Result = NULL;
	 E = &Result;
	 for (P = InOut->List; P!=NULL; P=P->Next) {
	    CopyObject (&X,&P->Val);
	    Apply (&X,&Funs->Val);
	    if (X.Tag != BOOLEAN) {
	       FormError (&X,"non-boolean predicate",NODE_Filter,Funs);
	       RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);
	       DelLPtr (Result);
	    } else if (X.Bool) {   /* append element to result list */
	       NewList (E,1L);
	       CopyObject (&(*E)->Val,&P->Val);
	       E = &(*E)->Next;
	 DelLPtr (InOut->List);
	 InOut->List = Result;

 * FF_Compose
 * Function composition
 * Input
 *      InOut = object to apply composition
 *      Funs = list of functions to compose in reverse order
 * Output
 *      InOut = result of composition
private FF_Compose (InOut,Funs)
   register ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      for (; Funs != NULL && InOut->Tag != BOTTOM; Funs = Funs->Next)
	 Apply (InOut,&Funs->Val);

 * FF_RInsert
 * Function right insert
private FF_RInsert (InOut,Funs)
   register ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      ListPtr Terms;

      if (InOut->Tag != LIST)
	 FormError (InOut,ArgNotSeq,NODE_RInsert,Funs);
      else if (InOut->List == NULL) 
	 FormError (InOut,"empty sequence",NODE_RInsert,Funs);
      else {
	 F_Reverse (InOut); /* Copy top and reverse */
	 Terms = InOut->List->Next;
	 InOut->List->Next = NULL;
	 RepObject (InOut,&InOut->List->Val);
	 while (Terms != NULL) {
	    /* form pair and apply function */
	    NewList (&Terms->Next,1L);
	    Terms->Next->Val.Tag = InOut->Tag;
	    Terms->Next->Val.Data = InOut->Data;
	    InOut->Tag = LIST;
	    InOut->List = NULL;
	    Rot3 (&InOut->List,&Terms,&Terms->Next->Next);
	    Apply (InOut,&Funs->Val);
	    if (InOut->Tag == BOTTOM) {
	       DelLPtr (Terms);

 * FF_C
 * Constant function
private FF_C (InOut,Funs)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      Stat (StatConstant (InOut));
      if (Funs == NULL) 
	 FormError (InOut,"(constant bottom)",NODE_C,Funs);
	 RepObject (InOut,&Funs->Val);

 * FF_Out
 * Print debugging message
private FF_Out (InOut,Funs)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      LineWait ();
      OutObject (&Funs->Val),
      printf (": "),
      OutObject (InOut),
      printf ("\n");
      LineSignal ();

#if FETCH 
 * FF_Fetch
 * Fetch form
private FF_Fetch (InOut,Funs)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      register ListPtr P,Q,R;

      if (InOut->Tag != LIST)
	 FormError (InOut,ArgNotSeq,NODE_Fetch,Funs);
      else {
	 R = NULL;

	 for (P = InOut->List; P != NULL; P=P->Next)
	    if (P->Val.Tag != LIST || (Q=P->Val.List) == NULL ||
		Q->Next == NULL || Q->Next->Next != NULL) {
	       FormError (InOut,"element not a pair",NODE_Fetch,Funs);
	    } else
	       if (R == NULL && ObEqual (&Q->Val,&Funs->Val)) R = Q;

	 if (R!=NULL) RepObject (InOut,&R->Next->Val);
	 else FormError (InOut,"key not found",NODE_Fetch,Funs);

#endif FETCH

 * FF_If
 * Conditional p->f;g
 * Input
 *      InOut = object to apply conditional
 *      Funs = <p f g>
 * Output
 *      InOut = result of conditional
private FF_If (InOut,Funs)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
   ListPtr Funs;
      Object P;

      CopyObject (&P,InOut);
      Apply (&P,&Funs->Val);
      if (P.Tag == BOOLEAN) 
	 Apply (InOut, & (P.Bool ? Funs : Funs->Next)->Next->Val);
      else {
	 FormError (&P,"non-boolean predicate",NODE_If,Funs);
	 RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);

 * FF_Construct
 * Function construction
 * Input
 *      InOut = object to apply construction
 *      Funs = list of functions to construct
 * Output
 *      InOut = result
private FF_Construct (InOut,Funs)
   register ObjectPtr InOut;
   ListPtr Funs;
      register ListPtr P,F;
      Stat (StatConstruct (Funs));
      P = Repeat (InOut, ListLength (F = Funs));
      if (SysError) return;
      RepTag (InOut,LIST);
      for (InOut->List = P; F != NULL; P=P->Next,F=F->Next) {
	 Apply (& P->Val,& F->Val);
	 if (P->Val.Tag == BOTTOM) {
	    RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);     /* Error was already reported */

 * FF_Select
 * Selector form (e.g. 1,2r)
 * Input
 *      InOut = object
 *      Funs = index parameter list - positive values are left selectors
 *                                    negative values are right selectors
private FF_Select (InOut,Funs)
   ObjectPtr InOut;
   ListPtr Funs;
      register ListPtr P;
      register long N;
      char *E;

      N = Funs->Val.Int; 
      switch (InOut->Tag) {
	    E = ArgNotSeq;
	 case NODE:
	    NodeExpand (InOut);

	 case LIST:
	    P = InOut->List;
	    if (N < 0) N += ListLength (P) + 1;
	    if (--N >= 0) {
	       for (; P!=NULL; P=P->Next)
		  if (--N < 0) {
		     RepObject (InOut,&P->Val);
	       E = "index off right end";
	    } else
	       E = "index off left end";
      FormError (InOut,E,NODE_Sel,Funs);

 * FF_While
 * While P is true, apply F to X
 * Input
 *      InOut = X
 *      Funs = pair <P F>
 * Output
 *      InOut = result
private FF_While (InOut,Funs)
   register ObjectPtr InOut;
   register ListPtr Funs;
      Object P;

      P.Tag = BOTTOM;
      while (InOut->Tag!=BOTTOM) {
	 CopyObject (&P,InOut);       /* old P was element of {?,f,t} */
	 Apply (&P,&Funs->Val);
	 if (P.Tag != BOOLEAN) {
	    FormError (&P,"non-boolean predicate",NODE_While,Funs);
	    RepTag (InOut,BOTTOM);
	 } else
	    if (P.Bool) Apply (InOut,&Funs->Next->Val);
	    else break;

#if XDEF
extern FF_XDef();

 * FormTable
 * These entries must be ordered to correspond with the #defines in "node.h".
FormEntry FormTable[] = {
   {NULL, "#",      {"constant" ,-1,FF_C        }, "#c"},
   {NULL, "",       {"compose"  ,-1,FF_Compose  }, ""},
   {NULL, "[",      {"construct",-1,FF_Construct}, "[...]"},
   {NULL, "EACH",   {"each"     , 1,FF_Each     }, "EACH g END"},
   {NULL, "^",      {"fetch"    , 1,FF_Fetch    }, "^c"},
   {NULL, "FILTER", {"filter"   , 1,FF_Filter   }, "FILTER p END"},
   {NULL, "IF",     {"if"       , 3,FF_If       }, "IF p THEN g ELSE h END"},
   {NULL, "INSERT", {"insertr"  , 1,FF_RInsert  }, "INSERT g END"},
   {NULL, "@",      {"out"      , 1,FF_Out      }, "@message"},
   {NULL, "",       {"select"   , 1,FF_Select   }, "digit"},
   {NULL, "WHILE",  {"while"    , 2,FF_While    }, "WHILE p DO g END"}
#if XDEF
  ,{NULL, "{",      {"xdef"     , 3,FF_XDef     }, "{...}"},

void D_form ()
      FormEntry *N;

      for (N=FormTable; N<ArrayEnd (FormTable); N++) 
	 N->FormNode = PrimDef (N->FormOp.OpPtr,

/******************************* end of forms.c *******************************/

#	End of shell archive
exit 0


Rich $alz			"Anger is an energy"
Cronus Project, BBN Labs	rsalz@pineapple.bbn.com
Moderator, comp.sources.unix	sources@uunet.uu.net