[comp.sources.unix] v10i066: Pascal to C translator, Part02/12

rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz) (07/28/87)

Submitted-by: Per Bergsten <mcvax!enea!chalmers!holtec!perb>
Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 66
Archive-name: ptoc/Part02

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 2 (of 12)."
# Contents:  ptc.c.3
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'ptc.c.3' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ptc.c.3'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'ptc.c.3'\" \(30864 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'ptc.c.3' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X				break ;
X			  default:
X				Caseerror(Line);
X			}
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[91]));
X			break ;
X		  case nparproc:
X			tq->U.V15.tparid = newid(currsym.U.V1.vid);
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[92]));
X			if (currsym.st == slpar) {
X				enterscope((declptr)NIL);
X				tq->U.V15.tparparm = psubpar();
X				nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[93]));
X				leavescope();
X			} else
X				tq->U.V15.tparparm = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X			tq->U.V15.tpartyp = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X			break ;
X		  case nparfunc:
X			tq->U.V15.tparid = newid(currsym.U.V1.vid);
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[94]));
X			if (currsym.st == slpar) {
X				enterscope((declptr)NIL);
X				tq->U.V15.tparparm = psubpar();
X				nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[95]));
X				leavescope();
X			} else
X				tq->U.V15.tparparm = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[96]));
X			tq->U.V15.tpartyp = oldid(currsym.U.V1.vid, lidentifier);
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[97]));
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X	} while (!(currsym.st == srpar));
X	R142 = tp;
X	return R142;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R143;
X	treeptr	tp;
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[98]));
X	if (currsym.st == sinteger) {
X		tp = mknode(nlabstmt);
X		tp->U.V25.tlabno = oldlbl(true);
X		nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[99]));
X		nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[100]));
X		tp->U.V25.tstmt = pstmt();
X	} else
X		tp = pstmt();
X	R143 = tp;
X	return R143;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R144;
X	treeptr	tp;
X	switch (currsym.st) {
X	  case sid:
X		tp = psimple();
X		break ;
X	  case sif:
X		tp = pif();
X		break ;
X	  case swhile:
X		tp = pwhile();
X		break ;
X	  case srepeat:
X		tp = prepeat();
X		break ;
X	  case sfor:
X		tp = pfor();
X		break ;
X	  case scase:
X		tp = pcase();
X		break ;
X	  case swith:
X		tp = pwith();
X		break ;
X	  case sbegin:
X		tp = pbegin(true);
X		break ;
X	  case sgoto:
X		tp = pgoto();
X		break ;
X	  case send:  case selse:  case suntil:  case ssemic:
X		tp = mknode(nempty);
X		break ;
X	  default:
X		Caseerror(Line);
X	}
X	R144 = tp;
X	return R144;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R145;
X	treeptr	tq, tp;
X	tp = pvariable(oldid(currsym.U.V1.vid, lidentifier));
X	if (currsym.st == sassign) {
X		tq = mknode(nassign);
X		tq->U.V27.tlhs = tp;
X		tq->U.V27.trhs = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X		tp = tq;
X	}
X	R145 = tp;
X	return R145;
X treeptr
X	treeptr	varptr;
X	register treeptr	R146;
X	treeptr	tp, tq;
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[101]));
X	if (Member((unsigned)(currsym.st), Conset[102])) {
X		switch (currsym.st) {
X		  case slpar:
X			tp = mknode(ncall);
X			tp->U.V30.tcall = varptr;
X			tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X			do {
X				if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X					tq = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X					tp->U.V30.taparm = tq;
X				} else {
X					tq->tnext = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X					tq = tq->tnext;
X				}
X			} while (!(currsym.st == srpar));
X			break ;
X		  case slbrack:
X			tq = varptr;
X			do {
X				tp = mknode(nindex);
X				tp->U.V39.tvariable = tq;
X				tp->U.V39.toffset = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X				tq = tp;
X			} while (!(currsym.st == srbrack));
X			break ;
X		  case sdot:
X			tp = mknode(nselect);
X			tp->U.V40.trecord = varptr;
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[103]));
X			tq = typeof(varptr);
X			enterscope(tq->U.V21.trscope);
X			tp->U.V40.tfield = oldid(currsym.U.V1.vid, lfield);
X			leavescope();
X			break ;
X		  case sarrow:
X			tp = mknode(nderef);
X			tp->U.V42.texps = varptr;
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		tp = pvariable(tp);
X	} else {
X		tp = varptr;
X		if (tp->tt == nid) {
X			tq = idup(tp);
X			if (tq != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X				if (Member((unsigned)(tq->tt), Conset[104])) {
X					tp = mknode(ncall);
X					tp->U.V30.tcall = varptr;
X					tp->U.V30.taparm = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X				}
X		}
X	}
X	R146 = tp;
X	return R146;
Xtreeptr pexpr();
X treeptr
Xpadjust(tu, tr)
X	treeptr	tu, tr;
X	register treeptr	R148;
X	if (pprio.A[(int)(tu->tt) - (int)(nassign)] >= pprio.A[(int)(tr->tt) - (int)(nassign)]) {
X		if (Member((unsigned)(tr->tt), Conset[105]))
X			tr->U.V42.texps = padjust(tu, tr->U.V42.texps);
X		else
X			tr->U.V41.texpl = padjust(tu, tr->U.V41.texpl);
X		R148 = tr;
X	} else {
X		if (Member((unsigned)(tu->tt), Conset[106]))
X			tu->U.V42.texps = tr;
X		else
X			tu->U.V41.texpr = tr;
X		R148 = tu;
X	}
X	return R148;
X treeptr
X	treeptr	tnp;
X	register treeptr	R147;
X	treeptr	tp, tq;
X	treetyp	nt;
X	boolean	next;
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[107]));
X	next = true;
X	switch (currsym.st) {
X	  case splus:
X		tp = mknode(nuplus);
X		tp->U.V42.texps = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		tp = pexpr(tp);
X		next = false;
X		break ;
X	  case sminus:
X		tp = mknode(numinus);
X		tp->U.V42.texps = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		tp = pexpr(tp);
X		next = false;
X		break ;
X	  case snot:
X		tp = mknode(nnot);
X		tp->U.V42.texps = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		tp = pexpr(tp);
X		next = false;
X		break ;
X	  case schar:  case sinteger:  case sreal:  case sstring:
X		tp = mklit();
X		break ;
X	  case snil:
X		usenilp = true;
X		tp = mknode(nnil);
X		break ;
X	  case sid:
X		tp = pvariable(oldid(currsym.U.V1.vid, lidentifier));
X		next = false;
X		break ;
X	  case slpar:
X		tp = mknode(nuplus);
X		tp->U.V42.texps = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X		break ;
X	  case slbrack:
X		usesets = true;
X		tp = mknode(nset);
X		tp->U.V42.texps = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		do {
X			if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X				tq = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X				tp->U.V42.texps = tq;
X			} else {
X				tq->tnext = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X				tq = tq->tnext;
X			}
X		} while (!(currsym.st == srbrack));
X		break ;
X	  case srbrack:
X		tp = mknode(nempty);
X		next = false;
X		break ;
X	  default:
X		Caseerror(Line);
X	}
X	if (next)
X		nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[108]));
X	switch (currsym.st) {
X	  case sdotdot:
X		nt = nrange;
X		break ;
X	  case splus:
X		nt = nplus;
X		break ;
X	  case sminus:
X		nt = nminus;
X		break ;
X	  case smul:
X		nt = nmul;
X		break ;
X	  case sdiv:
X		nt = ndiv;
X		break ;
X	  case smod:
X		nt = nmod;
X		break ;
X	  case squot:
X		defnams.A[(int)(dreal)]->U.V6.lused = true;
X		nt = nquot;
X		break ;
X	  case sand:
X		nt = nand;
X		break ;
X	  case sor:
X		nt = nor;
X		break ;
X	  case sinn:
X		nt = nin;
X		usesets = true;
X		break ;
X	  case sle:
X		nt = nle;
X		break ;
X	  case slt:
X		nt = nlt;
X		break ;
X	  case seq:
X		nt = neq;
X		break ;
X	  case sge:
X		nt = nge;
X		break ;
X	  case sgt:
X		nt = ngt;
X		break ;
X	  case sne:
X		nt = nne;
X		break ;
X	  case scolon:
X		nt = nformat;
X		break ;
X	  case sid:  case schar:  case sinteger:  case sreal:
X	  case sstring:  case snil:  case ssemic:  case scomma:
X	  case slpar:  case slbrack:  case srpar:  case srbrack:
X	  case send:  case suntil:  case sthen:  case selse:
X	  case sdo:  case sdownto:  case sto:  case sof:
X		nt = nnil;
X		break ;
X	  default:
X		Caseerror(Line);
X	}
X	if (Member((unsigned)(nt), Conset[109]))
X		defnams.A[(int)(dboolean)]->U.V6.lused = true;
X	if (nt != nnil) {
X		tq = mknode(nt);
X		tq->U.V41.texpl = tp;
X		tq->U.V41.texpr = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		tp = pexpr(tq);
X	}
X	if (tnp != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X		tp = padjust(tnp, tp);
X	R147 = tp;
X	return R147;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R149;
X	treeptr	tp, tq, tv;
X	tp = mknode(ncase);
X	tp->U.V35.tcasxp = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X	checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[110]));
X	tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	do {
X		if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			tq = mknode(nchoise);
X			tp->U.V35.tcaslst = tq;
X		} else {
X			tq->tnext = mknode(nchoise);
X			tq = tq->tnext;
X		}
X		tv = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		do {
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[111]));
X			if (Member((unsigned)(currsym.st), Conset[112]))
X				goto L999;
X			if (tv == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X				tv = pconstant(false);
X				tq->U.V36.tchocon = tv;
X			} else {
X				tv->tnext = pconstant(false);
X				tv = tv->tnext;
X			}
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[113]));
X		} while (!(currsym.st == scolon));
X		tq->U.V36.tchostmt = plabstmt();
X	} while (!(currsym.st == send));
X	if (currsym.st == sother) {
X		nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[114]));
X		if (currsym.st == scolon)
X			nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[115]));
X		tp->U.V35.tcasother = pstmt();
X	} else {
X		tp->U.V35.tcasother = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		usecase = true;
X	}
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[116]));
X	R149 = tp;
X	return R149;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R150;
X	treeptr	tp;
X	tp = mknode(nif);
X	tp->U.V31.tifxp = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X	checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[117]));
X	tp->U.V31.tthen = plabstmt();
X	if (currsym.st == selse)
X		tp->U.V31.telse = plabstmt();
X	else
X		tp->U.V31.telse = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	R150 = tp;
X	return R150;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R151;
X	treeptr	tp;
X	tp = mknode(nwhile);
X	tp->U.V32.twhixp = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X	checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[118]));
X	tp->U.V32.twhistmt = plabstmt();
X	R151 = tp;
X	return R151;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R152;
X	treeptr	tp, tq;
X	tp = mknode(nrepeat);
X	tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	do {
X		if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			tq = plabstmt();
X			tp->U.V33.treptstmt = tq;
X		} else {
X			tq->tnext = plabstmt();
X			tq = tq->tnext;
X		}
X		checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[119]));
X	} while (!(currsym.st == suntil));
X	tp->U.V33.treptxp = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X	R152 = tp;
X	return R152;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R153;
X	treeptr	tp;
X	tp = mknode(nfor);
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[120]));
X	tp->U.V34.tforid = oldid(currsym.U.V1.vid, lidentifier);
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[121]));
X	tp->U.V34.tfrom = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X	checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[122]));
X	tp->U.V34.tincr = (boolean)(currsym.st == sto);
X	tp->U.V34.tto = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X	checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[123]));
X	tp->U.V34.tforstmt = plabstmt();
X	R153 = tp;
X	return R153;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R154;
X	treeptr	tp, tq;
X	tp = mknode(nwith);
X	tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	do {
X		if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			tq = mknode(nwithvar);
X			tp->U.V37.twithvar = tq;
X		} else {
X			tq->tnext = mknode(nwithvar);
X			tq = tq->tnext;
X		}
X		enterscope((declptr)NIL);
X		tq->U.V38.tenv = currscope();
X		tq->U.V38.texpw = pexpr((treeptr)NIL);
X		scopeup(tq->U.V38.texpw);
X		checksymbol(*((symset *)Conset[124]));
X	} while (!(currsym.st == sdo));
X	tp->U.V37.twithstmt = plabstmt();
X	tq = tp->U.V37.twithvar;
X	while (tq != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		leavescope();
X		tq = tq->tnext;
X	}
X	R154 = tp;
X	return R154;
X treeptr
X	register treeptr	R155;
X	treeptr	tp;
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[125]));
X	tp = mknode(ngoto);
X	tp->U.V26.tlabel = oldlbl(false);
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[126]));
X	R155 = tp;
X	return R155;
X treeptr
X	boolean	retain;
X	register treeptr	R156;
X	treeptr	tp, tq;
X	tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	do {
X		if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			tq = plabstmt();
X			tp = tq;
X		} else {
X			tq->tnext = plabstmt();
X			tq = tq->tnext;
X		}
X	} while (!(currsym.st == send));
X	if (retain) {
X		tq = mknode(nbegin);
X		tq->U.V24.tbegin = tp;
X		tp = tq;
X	}
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[127]));
X	R156 = tp;
X	return R156;
X void
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[128]));
X	if (currsym.st == spgm)
X		top = pprogram();
X	else
X		top = pmodule();
X	nextsymbol(*((symset *)Conset[129]));
X integer
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register integer	R157;
X	integer	v;
X	treeptr	tq;
X	switch (tp->tt) {
X	  case nuplus:
X		R157 = cvalof(tp->U.V42.texps);
X		break ;
X	  case numinus:
X		R157 = -cvalof(tp->U.V42.texps);
X		break ;
X	  case nnot:
X		R157 = 1 - cvalof(tp->U.V42.texps);
X		break ;
X	  case nid:
X		tq = idup(tp);
X		if (tq == (struct S61 *)NIL)
X			fatal(etree);
X		tp = tp->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl;
X		switch (tq->tt) {
X		  case nscalar:
X			v = 0;
X			tq = tq->U.V17.tscalid;
X			while (tq != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X				if (tq == tp)
X					tq = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X				else {
X					v = v + 1;
X					tq = tq->tnext;
X				}
X			R157 = v;
X			break ;
X		  case nconst:
X			R157 = cvalof(tq->U.V14.tbind);
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		break ;
X	  case ninteger:
X		R157 = tp->U.V43.tsym->U.V10.linum;
X		break ;
X	  case nchar:
X		R157 = (unsigned)(tp->U.V43.tsym->U.V11.lchar);
X		break ;
X	  default:
X		Caseerror(Line);
X	}
X	return R157;
X integer
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register integer	R158;
X	treeptr	tq;
X	tq = typeof(tp);
X	if (tq->tt == nscalar)
X		R158 = scalbase;
X	else
X		if (tq->tt == nsubrange)
X			if (tq->tup->tt == nconfarr)
X				R158 = 0;
X			else
X				R158 = cvalof(tq->U.V19.tlo);
X		else
X			if (tq == typnods.A[(int)(tchar)])
X				R158 = 0;
X			else
X				if (tq == typnods.A[(int)(tinteger)])
X					R158 = -maxint;
X				else
X					fatal(etree);
X	return R158;
X integer
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register integer	R159;
X	treeptr	tq;
X	integer	i;
X	tq = typeof(tp);
X	if (tq->tt == nscalar) {
X		tq = tq->U.V17.tscalid;
X		i = scalbase;
X		while (tq->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			i = i + 1;
X			tq = tq->tnext;
X		}
X		R159 = i;
X	} else
X		if (tq->tt == nsubrange)
X			if (tq->tup->tt == nconfarr)
X				fatal(euprconf);
X			else
X				R159 = cvalof(tq->U.V19.thi);
X		else
X			if (tq == typnods.A[(int)(tchar)])
X				R159 = maxchar;
X			else
X				if (tq == typnods.A[(int)(tinteger)])
X					R159 = maxint;
X				else
X					fatal(etree);
X	return R159;
X integer
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register integer	R160;
X	R160 = cupper(tp) - clower(tp) + 1;
X	return R160;
X integer
X	integer	i;
X	register integer	R161;
X	i = (i + (C37_setbits)) / (C37_setbits + 1);
X	if (i > maxsetrange)
X		error(esetsize);
X	R161 = i;
X	return R161;
X integer
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register integer	R162;
X	treeptr	tq;
X	integer	i;
X	tq = typeof(tp->U.V18.tof);
X	i = clower(tq);
X	if ((i < 0) || (i >= 6 * (C37_setbits + 1)))
X		error(esetbase);
X	R162 = csetwords(crange(tq)) + 1;
X	return R162;
X boolean
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register boolean	R163;
X	treeptr	tq;
X	tq = tp->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl;
X	while (!(Member((unsigned)(tq->tt), Conset[130])))
X		tq = tq->tup;
X	while (!(Member((unsigned)(tp->tt), Conset[131])))
X		tp = tp->tup;
X	R163 = (boolean)(tp == tq);
X	return R163;
Xvoid transform();
Xvoid renamf();
X void
X	treeptr	tp;
X	while (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		switch (tp->tt) {
X		  case npgm:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V13.tsubsub);
X			break ;
X		  case nfunc:  case nproc:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V13.tsubsub);
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V13.tsubstmt);
X			break ;
X		  case nbegin:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V24.tbegin);
X			break ;
X		  case nif:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V31.tthen);
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V31.telse);
X			break ;
X		  case nwhile:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V32.twhistmt);
X			break ;
X		  case nrepeat:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V33.treptstmt);
X			break ;
X		  case nfor:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V34.tforstmt);
X			break ;
X		  case ncase:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V35.tcaslst);
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V35.tcasother);
X			break ;
X		  case nchoise:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V36.tchostmt);
X			break ;
X		  case nwith:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V37.twithstmt);
X			break ;
X		  case nlabstmt:
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V25.tstmt);
X			break ;
X		  case nassign:
X			if (tp->U.V27.tlhs->tt == ncall) {
X				tp->U.V27.tlhs = tp->U.V27.tlhs->U.V30.tcall;
X				tp->U.V27.tlhs->tup = tp;
X			}
X			(*G187_tv) = tp->U.V27.tlhs;
X			if ((*G187_tv)->tt == nid)
X				if ((*G187_tv)->U.V43.tsym == (*G183_ip))
X					(*G187_tv)->U.V43.tsym = (*G185_iq);
X			break ;
X		  case nbreak:  case npush:  case npop:  case ngoto:
X		  case nempty:  case ncall:
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		tp = tp->tnext;
X	}
X void
X	treeptr	tp;
X	symptr	ip, iq;
X	treeptr	tq, tv;
X	symptr	*F184;
X	symptr	*F186;
X	treeptr	*F188;
X	F188 = G187_tv;
X	G187_tv = &tv;
X	F186 = G185_iq;
X	G185_iq = &iq;
X	F184 = G183_ip;
X	G183_ip = &ip;
X	while (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		switch (tp->tt) {
X		  case npgm:  case nproc:
X			renamf(tp->U.V13.tsubsub);
X			break ;
X		  case nfunc:
X			tq = mknode(nvar);
X			tq->U.V14.tattr = aregister;
X			tq->tup = tp;
X			tq->U.V14.tidl = newid(mkvariable('R'));
X			tq->U.V14.tidl->tup = tq;
X			tq->U.V14.tbind = tp->U.V13.tfuntyp;
X			tq->tnext = tp->U.V13.tsubvar;
X			tp->U.V13.tsubvar = tq;
X			(*G185_iq) = tq->U.V14.tidl->U.V43.tsym;
X			(*G183_ip) = tp->U.V13.tsubid->U.V43.tsym;
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V13.tsubsub);
X			crtnvar(tp->U.V13.tsubstmt);
X			renamf(tp->U.V13.tsubsub);
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		tp = tp->tnext;
X	}
X	G183_ip = F184;
X	G185_iq = F186;
X	G187_tv = F188;
Xvoid extract();
X treeptr
Xxtrit(tp, pp, last)
X	treeptr	tp, pp;
X	boolean	last;
X	register treeptr	R164;
X	treeptr	np, rp;
X	idptr	ip;
X	np = mknode(ntype);
X	ip = mkvariable('T');
X	np->U.V14.tidl = newid(ip);
X	np->U.V14.tidl->tup = np;
X	rp = oldid(ip, lidentifier);
X	rp->tup = tp->tup;
X	rp->tnext = tp->tnext;
X	np->U.V14.tbind = tp;
X	tp->tup = np;
X	tp->tnext = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	np->tup = pp;
X	if (last && (pp->U.V13.tsubtype != (struct S61 *)NIL)) {
X		pp = pp->U.V13.tsubtype;
X		while (pp->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X			pp = pp->tnext;
X		pp->tnext = np;
X	} else {
X		np->tnext = pp->U.V13.tsubtype;
X		pp->U.V13.tsubtype = np;
X	}
X	R164 = rp;
X	return R164;
Xtreeptr xtrenum();
X void
X	treeptr	tp;
X	tp = typeof(tp);
X	if (tp->tt == nrecord)
X		if (tp->U.V21.tuid == (struct S59 *)NIL)
X			tp->U.V21.tuid = mkvariable('S');
X treeptr
Xxtrenum(tp, pp)
X	treeptr	tp, pp;
X	register treeptr	R165;
X	if (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		switch (tp->tt) {
X		  case nfield:  case ntype:  case nvar:
X			tp->U.V14.tbind = xtrenum(tp->U.V14.tbind, pp);
X			break ;
X		  case nscalar:
X			if (tp->tup->tt != ntype)
X				tp = xtrit(tp, pp, false);
X			break ;
X		  case narray:
X			tp->U.V23.taindx = xtrenum(tp->U.V23.taindx, pp);
X			tp->U.V23.taelem = xtrenum(tp->U.V23.taelem, pp);
X			break ;
X		  case nrecord:
X			tp->U.V21.tflist = xtrenum(tp->U.V21.tflist, pp);
X			tp->U.V21.tvlist = xtrenum(tp->U.V21.tvlist, pp);
X			break ;
X		  case nvariant:
X			tp->U.V20.tvrnt = xtrenum(tp->U.V20.tvrnt, pp);
X			break ;
X		  case nfileof:
X			tp->U.V18.tof = xtrenum(tp->U.V18.tof, pp);
X			break ;
X		  case nptr:
X			nametype(tp->U.V16.tptrid);
X			break ;
X		  case nid:  case nsubrange:  case npredef:  case nempty:
X		  case nsetof:
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		tp->tnext = xtrenum(tp->tnext, pp);
X	}
X	R165 = tp;
X	return R165;
X void
X	treeptr	tp;
X	treeptr	vp;
X	while (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		tp->U.V13.tsubtype = xtrenum(tp->U.V13.tsubtype, tp);
X		tp->U.V13.tsubvar = xtrenum(tp->U.V13.tsubvar, tp);
X		vp = tp->U.V13.tsubvar;
X		while (vp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			if (Member((unsigned)(vp->U.V14.tbind->tt), Conset[132]))
X				vp->U.V14.tbind = xtrit(vp->U.V14.tbind, tp, true);
X			vp = vp->tnext;
X		}
X		extract(tp->U.V13.tsubsub);
X		tp = tp->tnext;
X	}
Xvoid global();
X void
X	treeptr	xp;
X	while (xp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		switch (xp->tt) {
X		  case nid:
X			xp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused = false;
X			break ;
X		  case nconst:
X			markdecl(xp->U.V14.tidl);
X			break ;
X		  case ntype:  case nvar:  case nvalpar:  case nvarpar:
X		  case nfield:
X			markdecl(xp->U.V14.tidl);
X			if (xp->U.V14.tbind->tt != nid)
X				markdecl(xp->U.V14.tbind);
X			break ;
X		  case nscalar:
X			markdecl(xp->U.V17.tscalid);
X			break ;
X		  case nrecord:
X			markdecl(xp->U.V21.tflist);
X			markdecl(xp->U.V21.tvlist);
X			break ;
X		  case nvariant:
X			markdecl(xp->U.V20.tvrnt);
X			break ;
X		  case nconfarr:
X			if (xp->U.V22.tcelem->tt != nid)
X				markdecl(xp->U.V22.tcelem);
X			break ;
X		  case narray:
X			if (xp->U.V23.taelem->tt != nid)
X				markdecl(xp->U.V23.taelem);
X			break ;
X		  case nsetof:  case nfileof:
X			if (xp->U.V18.tof->tt != nid)
X				markdecl(xp->U.V18.tof);
X			break ;
X		  case nparproc:  case nparfunc:
X			markdecl(xp->U.V15.tparid);
X			break ;
X		  case nptr:  case nsubrange:
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		xp = xp->tnext;
X	}
X treeptr
X	treeptr	tp;
X	register treeptr	R166;
X	treeptr	ip, np;
X	symptr	sp;
X	boolean	move;
X	if (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		move = false;
X		switch (tp->tt) {
X		  case nconst:  case ntype:
X			ip = tp->U.V14.tidl;
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		while (ip != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			if (ip->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused) {
X				move = true;
X				sp = ip->U.V43.tsym;
X				if (sp->U.V6.lid->inref > 1) {
X					sp->U.V6.lid = mkrename('M', sp->U.V6.lid);
X					sp->U.V6.lid->inref = sp->U.V6.lid->inref - 1;
X				}
X				ip = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X			} else
X				ip = ip->tnext;
X		}
X		if (move) {
X			np = tp->tnext;
X			tp->tnext = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X			ip = tp;
X			while (ip->tt != npgm)
X				ip = ip->tup;
X			tp->tup = ip;
X			switch (tp->tt) {
X			  case nconst:
X				if (ip->U.V13.tsubconst == (struct S61 *)NIL)
X					ip->U.V13.tsubconst = tp;
X				else {
X					ip = ip->U.V13.tsubconst;
X					while (ip->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X						ip = ip->tnext;
X					ip->tnext = tp;
X				}
X				break ;
X			  case ntype:
X				if (ip->U.V13.tsubtype == (struct S61 *)NIL)
X					ip->U.V13.tsubtype = tp;
X				else {
X					ip = ip->U.V13.tsubtype;
X					while (ip->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X						ip = ip->tnext;
X					ip->tnext = tp;
X				}
X				break ;
X			  default:
X				Caseerror(Line);
X			}
X			tp = movedecl(np);
X		} else
X			tp->tnext = movedecl(tp->tnext);
X	}
X	R166 = tp;
X	return R166;
Xvoid movevars();
X void
Xmoveglob(tp, dp)
X	treeptr	tp, dp;
X	while (tp->tt != npgm)
X		tp = tp->tup;
X	dp->tup = tp;
X	dp->tnext = tp->U.V13.tsubvar;
X	tp->U.V13.tsubvar = dp;
X treeptr
Xstackop(decl, glob, loc)
X	treeptr	decl, glob, loc;
X	register treeptr	R167;
X	treeptr	op, ip, dp, tp;
X	ip = newid(mkvariable('F'));
X	switch ((*G189_vp)->tt) {
X	  case nvarpar:  case nvalpar:  case nvar:
X		dp = mknode(nvarpar);
X		dp->U.V14.tattr = areference;
X		dp->U.V14.tidl = ip;
X		dp->U.V14.tbind = decl->U.V14.tbind;
X		break ;
X	  case nparproc:  case nparfunc:
X		dp = mknode((*G189_vp)->tt);
X		dp->U.V15.tparid = ip;
X		dp->U.V15.tparparm = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X		dp->U.V15.tpartyp = (*G189_vp)->U.V15.tpartyp;
X		break ;
X	  default:
X		Caseerror(Line);
X	}
X	ip->tup = dp;
X	tp = decl;
X	while (!(Member((unsigned)(tp->tt), Conset[133])))
X		tp = tp->tup;
X	dp->tup = tp;
X	if (tp->U.V13.tsubvar == (struct S61 *)NIL)
X		tp->U.V13.tsubvar = dp;
X	else {
X		tp = tp->U.V13.tsubvar;
X		while (tp->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X			tp = tp->tnext;
X		tp->tnext = dp;
X	}
X	dp->tnext = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	op = mknode(npush);
X	op->U.V28.tglob = glob;
X	op->U.V28.tloc = loc;
X	op->U.V28.ttmp = ip;
X	R167 = op;
X	return R167;
X void
Xaddcode(tp, push)
X	treeptr	tp, push;
X	treeptr	pop;
X	pop = mknode(npop);
X	pop->U.V28.tglob = push->U.V28.tglob;
X	pop->U.V28.ttmp = push->U.V28.ttmp;
X	pop->U.V28.tloc = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	push->tnext = tp->U.V13.tsubstmt;
X	tp->U.V13.tsubstmt = push;
X	push->tup = tp;
X	while (push->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL)
X		push = push->tnext;
X	push->tnext = pop;
X	pop->tup = tp;
X void
Xmovevars(tp, vp)
X	treeptr	tp, vp;
X	treeptr	ep, dp, np;
X	idptr	ip;
X	symptr	sp;
X	treeptr	*F190;
X	F190 = G189_vp;
X	G189_vp = &vp;
X	while ((*G189_vp) != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		switch ((*G189_vp)->tt) {
X		  case nvar:  case nvalpar:  case nvarpar:
X			dp = (*G189_vp)->U.V14.tidl;
X			break ;
X		  case nparproc:  case nparfunc:
X			dp = (*G189_vp)->U.V15.tparid;
X			if (dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused) {
X				ep = mknode((*G189_vp)->tt);
X				ep->U.V15.tparparm = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X				ep->U.V15.tpartyp = (*G189_vp)->U.V15.tpartyp;
X				np = newid(mkrename('G', dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid));
X				ep->U.V15.tparid = np;
X				np->tup = ep;
X				sp = np->U.V43.tsym;
X				ip = sp->U.V6.lid;
X				np->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid = dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid;
X				dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid = ip;
X				np->U.V43.tsym = dp->U.V43.tsym;
X				dp->U.V43.tsym = sp;
X				np->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl = np;
X				dp->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl = dp;
X				moveglob(tp, ep);
X				addcode(tp, stackop((*G189_vp), np, dp));
X			}
X			goto L555;
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		while (dp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X			if (dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused) {
X				ep = mknode(nvarpar);
X				ep->U.V14.tattr = areference;
X				np = newid(mkrename('G', dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid));
X				ep->U.V14.tidl = np;
X				np->tup = ep;
X				ep->U.V14.tbind = (*G189_vp)->U.V14.tbind;
X				if (ep->U.V14.tbind->tt == nid)
X					ep->U.V14.tbind->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused = true;
X				sp = np->U.V43.tsym;
X				ip = sp->U.V6.lid;
X				np->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid = dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid;
X				dp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lid = ip;
X				np->U.V43.tsym = dp->U.V43.tsym;
X				dp->U.V43.tsym = sp;
X				np->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl = np;
X				dp->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl = dp;
X				dp->tup->U.V14.tattr = aextern;
X				moveglob(tp, ep);
X				addcode(tp, stackop((*G189_vp), np, dp));
X			}
X			dp = dp->tnext;
X		}
X	L555:
X		(*G189_vp) = (*G189_vp)->tnext;
X	}
X	G189_vp = F190;
X void
X	treeptr	tp;
X	treeptr	vp, xp;
X	vp = idup(tp);
X	tp = tp->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl;
X	if ((vp->U.V14.tidl != tp) || (tp->tnext != (struct S61 *)NIL)) {
X		xp = mknode(nvar);
X		xp->U.V14.tattr = anone;
X		xp->U.V14.tidl = tp;
X		tp->tup = xp;
X		xp->tup = vp->tup;
X		xp->U.V14.tbind = vp->U.V14.tbind;
X		xp->tnext = vp->tnext;
X		vp->tnext = xp;
X		if (vp->U.V14.tidl == tp)
X			vp->U.V14.tidl = tp->tnext;
X		else {
X			vp = vp->U.V14.tidl;
X			while (vp->tnext != tp)
X				vp = vp->tnext;
X			vp->tnext = tp->tnext;
X		}
X		tp->tnext = (struct S61 *)NIL;
X	}
X	if (tp->tup->U.V14.tattr == anone)
X		tp->tup->U.V14.tattr = aregister;
X void
X	treeptr	tp;
X	tp = tp->U.V43.tsym->lsymdecl;
X	while (!(Member((unsigned)(tp->tt), Conset[134])))
X		tp = tp->tup;
X	if (tp->U.V13.tstat > maxlevel)
X		maxlevel = tp->U.V13.tstat;
X void
Xglobal(tp, dp, depend)
X	treeptr	tp, dp;
X	boolean	depend;
X	treeptr	ip;
X	boolean	dep;
X	while (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
X		switch (tp->tt) {
X		  case nproc:  case nfunc:
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubid);
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubpar);
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubconst);
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubtype);
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubvar);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubsub, tp, false);
X			movevars(tp, tp->U.V13.tsubpar);
X			movevars(tp, tp->U.V13.tsubvar);
X			tp->U.V13.tsubtype = movedecl(tp->U.V13.tsubtype);
X			tp->U.V13.tsubconst = movedecl(tp->U.V13.tsubconst);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubstmt, tp, true);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubpar, tp, false);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubvar, tp, false);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubtype, tp, false);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tfuntyp, tp, false);
X			break ;
X		  case npgm:
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubconst);
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubtype);
X			markdecl(tp->U.V13.tsubvar);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubsub, tp, false);
X			global(tp->U.V13.tsubstmt, tp, true);
X			break ;
X		  case nconst:  case ntype:  case nvar:  case nfield:
X		  case nvalpar:  case nvarpar:
X			ip = tp->U.V14.tidl;
X			dep = depend;
X			while ((ip != (struct S61 *)NIL) && !dep) {
X				if (ip->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused)
X					dep = true;
X				ip = ip->tnext;
X			}
X			global(tp->U.V14.tbind, dp, dep);
X			break ;
X		  case nparproc:  case nparfunc:
X			global(tp->U.V15.tparparm, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V15.tpartyp, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nsubrange:
X			global(tp->U.V19.tlo, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V19.thi, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nvariant:
X			global(tp->U.V20.tselct, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V20.tvrnt, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nrecord:
X			global(tp->U.V21.tflist, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V21.tvlist, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nconfarr:
X			global(tp->U.V22.tcindx, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V22.tcelem, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case narray:
X			global(tp->U.V23.taindx, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V23.taelem, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nfileof:  case nsetof:
X			global(tp->U.V18.tof, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nptr:
X			global(tp->U.V16.tptrid, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nscalar:
X			global(tp->U.V17.tscalid, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nbegin:
X			global(tp->U.V24.tbegin, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nif:
X			global(tp->U.V31.tifxp, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V31.tthen, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V31.telse, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nwhile:
X			global(tp->U.V32.twhixp, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V32.twhistmt, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nrepeat:
X			global(tp->U.V33.treptstmt, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V33.treptxp, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nfor:
X			ip = idup(tp->U.V34.tforid);
X			if (Member((unsigned)(ip->tup->tt), Conset[135]))
X				registervar(tp->U.V34.tforid);
X			global(tp->U.V34.tforid, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V34.tfrom, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V34.tto, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V34.tforstmt, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case ncase:
X			global(tp->U.V35.tcasxp, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V35.tcaslst, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V35.tcasother, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nchoise:
X			global(tp->U.V36.tchocon, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V36.tchostmt, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nwith:
X			global(tp->U.V37.twithvar, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V37.twithstmt, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nwithvar:
X			ip = typeof(tp->U.V38.texpw);
X			if (ip->U.V21.tuid == (struct S59 *)NIL)
X				ip->U.V21.tuid = mkvariable('S');
X			global(tp->U.V38.texpw, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nlabstmt:
X			global(tp->U.V25.tstmt, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case neq:  case nne:  case nlt:  case nle:
X		  case ngt:  case nge:
X			global(tp->U.V41.texpl, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V41.texpr, dp, depend);
X			ip = typeof(tp->U.V41.texpl);
X			if ((ip == typnods.A[(int)(tstring)]) || (ip->tt == narray))
X				usecomp = true;
X			ip = typeof(tp->U.V41.texpr);
X			if ((ip == typnods.A[(int)(tstring)]) || (ip->tt == narray))
X				usecomp = true;
X			break ;
X		  case nin:  case nor:  case nplus:  case nminus:
X		  case nand:  case nmul:  case ndiv:  case nmod:
X		  case nquot:  case nformat:  case nrange:
X			global(tp->U.V41.texpl, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V41.texpr, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nassign:
X			global(tp->U.V27.tlhs, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V27.trhs, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nnot:  case numinus:  case nuplus:  case nderef:
X			global(tp->U.V42.texps, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nset:
X			global(tp->U.V42.texps, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nindex:
X			global(tp->U.V39.tvariable, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V39.toffset, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nselect:
X			global(tp->U.V40.trecord, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case ncall:
X			global(tp->U.V30.tcall, dp, depend);
X			global(tp->U.V30.taparm, dp, depend);
X			break ;
X		  case nid:
X			ip = idup(tp);
X			if (ip == (struct S61 *)NIL)
X				goto L555;
X			do {
X				ip = ip->tup;
X				if (ip == (struct S61 *)NIL)
X					goto L555;
X			} while (!(Member((unsigned)(ip->tt), Conset[136])));
X			if (dp == ip) {
X				if (depend)
X					tp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused = true;
X			} else {
X				tp->U.V43.tsym->U.V6.lused = true;
X			}
X		L555:
X			;
X			break ;
X		  case ngoto:
X			if (!islocal(tp->U.V26.tlabel)) {
X				tp->U.V26.tlabel->U.V43.tsym->U.V9.lgo = true;
X				usejmps = true;
X				cklevel(tp->U.V26.tlabel);
X			}
X			break ;
X		  case nbreak:  case npush:  case npop:  case npredef:
X		  case nempty:  case nchar:  case ninteger:  case nreal:
X		  case nstring:  case nnil:
X			break ;
X		  default:
X			Caseerror(Line);
X		}
X		tp = tp->tnext;
X	}
X void
X	idptr	ip;
X	register cnames	cn;
X	{
X		cnames	B49 = cabort,
X			B50 = cwrite;
X		if ((int)(B49) <= (int)(B50))
X			for (cn = B49; ; cn = (cnames)((int)(cn)+1)) {
X				ip = mkrename('C', ctable.A[(int)(cn)]);
X				ctable.A[(int)(cn)]->istr = ip->istr;
X				if (cn == B50) break;
X			}
X	}
X void
Xrenamp(tp, on)
X	treeptr	tp;
X	boolean	on;
X	symptr	sp;
X	while (tp != (struct S61 *)NIL) {
if test 30864 -ne `wc -c <'ptc.c.3'`; then
    echo shar: \"'ptc.c.3'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'ptc.c.3'
echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 12\).
cp /dev/null ark2isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 12 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

Rich $alz			"Anger is an energy"
Cronus Project, BBN Labs	rsalz@bbn.com
Moderator, comp.sources.unix	sources@uunet.uu.net