[comp.sources.unix] v10i076: Pascal to C translator, Part12/12

rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz) (07/30/87)

Submitted-by: Per Bergsten <mcvax!enea!chalmers!holtec!perb>
Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 76
Archive-name: ptoc/Part12

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 12 (of 12)."
# Contents:  ptc.p.1
if test -f 'ptc.p.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ptc.p.1'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'ptc.p.1'\" \(59347 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'ptc.p.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X(**									  **)
X(**	Copyright (C) 1987 by Per Bergsten, Gothenburg, Sweden		  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**	No part of this program, or parts derived from this program,	  **)
X(**	may be sold, hired or otherwise exploited without the author's	  **)
X(**	written consent.						  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**	The program may be freely redistributed provided that:		  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**		1) the original program text, including this notice,	  **)
X(**		   is reproduced unaltered,				  **)
X(**		2) no charge (other than a nominal media cost) is	  **)
X(**		   demanded for the copy.				  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**	The program may be included in a package only on the condition	  **)
X(**	that the package as a whole is distributed at media cost.	  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**	The program ptc is a Pascal-to-C translator.			  **)
X(**	It accepts a correct Pascal program and creates a C program	  **)
X(**	with the same behaviour. It is not a complete compiler in the	  **)
X(**	sense that it does NOT do complete typechecking or error-	  **)
X(**	reporting. Only a minimal typecheck is done so that the meaning	  **)
X(**	of each construct can be determined. Therefore, an incorrect	  **)
X(**	Pascal program can easily cause the translator to malfunction.	  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**	Things which are known to be dependent on the underlying cha-	  **)
X(**	racterset are marked with a comment containing the word	CHAR.	  **)
X(**	Things that are known to be dependent on the host operating	  **)
X(**	system are marked with a comment containing the word OS.	  **)
X(**	Things known to be dependent on the cpu and/or the target C-	  **)
X(**	implementation are marked with the word CPU.			  **)
X(**	Things dependent on the target C-library are marked with LIB.	  **)
X(**									  **)
X(**	The code generated by the translator assumes that there	is a	  **)
X(**	C-implementation with at least a reasonable <stdio> library	  **)
X(**	since all input/output is implemented in terms of C functions	  **)
X(**	like fprintf(), getc(), fopen(), rewind() etc.			  **)
X(**	If the source-program uses Pascal functions like sin(), sqrt()	  **)
X(**	etc, there must also exist such functions in the C-library.	  **)
X(**									  **)
Xprogram	ptc(input, output);
Xlabel	9999;				(* end of program		*)
Xconst	version		= '@(#)ptc.p	1.5  Date 87/05/01';
X	keytablen	= 38;		(* nr of keywords		*)
X	keywordlen	= 10;		(* length of a keyword		*)
X	othersym	= 'otherwise '; (* keyword for others		*)
X	externsym	= 'external  '; (* keyword for external		*)
X	dummysym	= '          '; (* dummy keyword		*)
X	(* a Pascal set is implemented as an array of "wordtype" where	*)
X	(* each element contains bits numbered from 0 to "setbits"	*)
X	wordtype	= 'unsigned short';	(* CPU *)
X	setbits		= 15;			(* CPU *)
X	(* a Pascal file is implemented as a struct which (among other	*)
X	(* things) contain a flag-field, currently 3 bits are used	*)
X	filebits	= 'unsigned short';	(* flags for files	*)
X	filefill	= 12;			(* 16 less used 3 bits	*)
X	maxsetrange	= 15;			(* nr of words in a set	*)
X	scalbase	= 0;	(* ordinal value of first scalar member	*)
X	maxprio		= 7;
X	maxmachdefs	= 8;	(* max nr of machine integer types	*)
X	machdeflen	= 16;	(* max length of machine int type name	*)
X	(* limit of identifier table, identifiers and strings are saved	*)
X	(* in an array 0 .. maxblkcnt of ^ array 0 .. maxstrblk of char	*)
X	maxstrblk	= 1023;
X	maxblkcnt	= 63;
X	maxstrstor	= 65535; (* maxstrstor should be ==
X					(maxblkcnt+1) * (maxstrblk+1) - 1 *)
X	maxtoknlen	= 127;	(* max size of token (i.e. identifier,
X				   string or number); must be > keywordlen
X				   and should be <= 256, see hashtokn()	*)
X	hashmax		= 64;	(* size of hashtable - 1		*)
X	null		= 0;	(* "impossible" character value, CHAR;
X				   a char with this value is used as delimiter
X				   of strings in "strstor" and in toknbuffers;
X				   it is also used as end-of-input marker by
X				   the input procedures in lexical analysis *)
X	minchar		= null;
X	maxchar		= 127;	(* greatest possible character, CHAR; limits
X				   the number of elements in type "char" *)
X	(* tmpfilename is used in the generated code to obtain names of
X	   temporary files for reset/rewrite, the last character is supplied
X	   by the reset/rewrite routine *)
X	tmpfilename	= '"/tmp/ptc%d%c", getpid(), '; (* OS *)
X	(* some frequently used characters *)
X	space		= ' ';
X	tab1		= '	';
X	tab2		= '		';
X	tab3		= '			';
X	tab4		= '				';
X	bslash		= '\';
X	nlchr		= '''\n''';
X	ffchr		= '''\f''';
X	nulchr		= '''\0''';
X	spchr		= ''' ''';
X	quote		= '''';
X	cite		= '"';
X	xpnent		= 'e';		(* exponent char in output. CPU	*)
X	percent		= '%';
X	uscore		= '_';
X	badchr		= '?';		(* CHAR *)
X	okchr		= quote;	(* CHAR *)
X	tabwidth	= 8;		(* width of a tab-stop. OS	*)
X	echo		= false; 	(* echo input as read		*)
X	diffcomm	= false; 	(* comment delimiters different	*)
X	lazyfor		= false; 	(* compile for-stmts a la C	*)
X	unionnew	= true; 	(* malloc unions for variants	*)
X	inttyp		= 'int';	(* for predefined functions	*)
X	chartyp		= 'char';
X	setwtyp		= 'setword';
X	setptyp		= 'setptr';
X	floattyp	= 'float';
X	doubletyp	= 'double';
X	dblcast		= '(double)';	(* for predefined functions	*)
X	realtyp		= doubletyp;	(* user real-vars and functions	*)
X	voidtyp		= 'void';	(* for procedures 		*)
X	voidcast	= '(void)';
X	intlen		= 10;		(* length of written integer	*)
X	fixlen		= 20;		(* length of written real	*)
X	hashtyp	= 0 .. hashmax;		(* index to hash-tables	*)
X	strindx	= 0 .. maxstrstor;	(* index to "strstor"		*)
X	(* string-table "strstor" is implemented as an array that is grown
X	   dynamically by adding blocks when needed *)
X	strbidx	= 0 .. maxstrblk;
X	strblk	= array [ strbidx ] of char;
X	strptr	= ^ strblk;
X	strbcnt	= 0 .. maxblkcnt;
X	(* table for stored identifiers *)
X	(* an identifier in any scope is represented by an idnode which is
X	   hooked to a slot in "idtab" as determined by a hash-function.
X	   whenever the input procedures find an identifier its idnode is
X	   immediately located, or created, if none was found; the identifier
X	   is then always handled though a pointer to the idnode. the actual
X	   text of the identifier is stored in "strstor". *)
X	idptr	= ^ idnode;
X	idnode	= record
X			inext	: idptr;	(* chain of idnode's	*)
X			inref	: 0 .. 127;	(* # of refs to this id	*)
X			ihash	: hashtyp;	(* its hash value	*)
X			istr	: strindx;	(* index to "strstor"	*)
X		  end;
X	(* toknbuf is used to handle identifiers and strings in those situations
X	   where the actual text is of intrest *)
X	toknidx	= 1 .. maxtoknlen;
X	toknbuf	= array [ toknidx ] of char;
X	(* a type to hold Pascal keywords *)
X	keyword	= packed array [ 1 .. keywordlen ] of char;
X	(* predefined identifier enumeration *)
X	predefs = (
X		dabs,		darctan,	dargc,		dargv,
X		dboolean,	dchar,		dchr,		dclose,
X		dcos,		ddispose,	deof,		deoln,
X		dexit,		dexp,		dfalse,		dflush,
X		dget,		dhalt,		dinput,		dinteger,
X		dln,		dmaxint,	dmessage,	dnew,
X		dodd,		dord,		doutput,	dpage,
X		dpack,		dpred,		dput,		dread,
X		dreadln,	dreal,		dreset,		drewrite,
X		dround,		dsin,		dsqr,		dsqrt,
X		dsucc,		dtext,		dtrue,		dtrunc,
X		dtan,		dwrite,		dwriteln,	dunpack,
X		dzinit,		dztring
X	);
X	(* lexical symbol enumeration *)
X	symtyp	= (
X	    (* keywords and eof are sorted alphabetically ...... *)
X		sand,		sarray,		sbegin,		scase,
X		sconst,		sdiv,		sdo,		sdownto,
X		selse,		send,		sextern,	sfile,
X		sfor,		sforward,	sfunc,		sgoto,
X		sif,		sinn,		slabel,		smod,
X		snil,		snot,		sof,		sor,
X		sother,		spacked,	sproc,		spgm,
X		srecord,	srepeat,	sset,		sthen,
X		sto,		stype,		suntil,		svar,
X		swhile,		swith,		seof,
X	    (* ...... sorted *)
X								sinteger,
X		sreal,		sstring,	schar,		sid,
X		splus,		sminus,		smul,		squot,
X		sarrow,		slpar,		srpar,		slbrack,
X		srbrack,	seq,		sne,		slt,
X		sle,		sgt,		sge,		scomma,
X		scolon,		ssemic,		sassign,	sdotdot,
X		sdot
X	);
X	symset	= set of symtyp;
X	(* lexical symbol definition *)
X	(* the lexical symbol holds a descriptor and the value of a symbol
X	   read by the input procedures; note that real values are represented
X	   as strings saved in "strstor" like ordinary strings to avoid using
X	   float-variables and float-arithmetic in the translator *)
X	lexsym	=
X	    record
X		case st : symtyp of
X		  sid:		(vid	: idptr);
X		  schar:	(vchr	: char);
X		  sinteger:	(vint	: integer);
X		  sreal:	(vflt	: strindx);
X		  sstring:	(vstr	: strindx);
X	    end;
X	(* enumeration of symnode variants *)
X	ltypes = (
X		lpredef,	lidentifier,	lfield,		lforward,
X		lpointer,	lstring,	llabel,		lforwlab,
X		linteger,	lreal,		lcharacter
X	);
X	declptr	= ^ declnode;
X	treeptr	= ^ treenode;
X	symptr	= ^ symnode;
X	(* identifier/literal symbol definition *)
X	(* in a given scope an identifier or a label is uniquely represented
X	   by a "symnode"; in order to have a uniform treatment of all objects
X	   occurring in the same syntactical positions (and hence in the parse-
X	   tree) the literal constants are represented in a similar manner *)
X	symnode	=
X	    record
X		lsymdecl	: treeptr;	(* symbol decl. point	*)
X		lnext		: symptr;	(* symtab chain pointer	*)
X		ldecl		: declptr;	(* backptr to symtab	*)
X		case lt : ltypes of
X		  lpredef,			(* a predefined id	*)
X		  lfield,			(* a record field	*)
X		  lpointer,			(* a pointer id		*)
X		  lidentifier,			(* an identifier	*)
X		  lforward:
X		    (
X			lid	: idptr;	(* ptr to its idnode	*)
X			lused	: boolean	(* true if symbol used	*)
X		    );
X		  lstring:			(* a string literal 	*)
X		    (
X			lstr	: strindx	(* index to "strstor"	*)
X		    );
X		  lreal:			(* a real literal	*)
X		    (
X			lfloat	: strindx	(* index to "strstor"	*)
X		    );
X		  lforwlab,			(* a declared label	*)
X		  llabel:			(* label decl & defined	*)
X		    (
X			lno	: integer;	(* label number		*)
X			lgo	: boolean	(* non-local usage	*)
X		    );
X		  linteger:			(* an integer literal	*)
X		    (
X			linum	: integer	(* its value		*)
X		    );
X		  lcharacter:			(* a character literal	*)
X		    (
X			lchar	: char		(* its value		*)
X		    )
X	    end;
X	(* symbol table definition *)
X	(* the symbol table consists of symnodes chained along the lnext
X	   field; the nodes are connected in reverse order of occurence (last
X	   declared, first in chain) in the slot in the declnode determined
X	   by the hashfunction; when a new scope is entered a new declnode is
X	   manufactured and the previous one is hooked to the dprev field, thus
X	   nested scopes are represented by a list of declnodes *)
X	declnode = record
X			dprev	: declptr;
X			ddecl	: array [ hashtyp ] of symptr
X		   end;
X	(* enumeration of nodes in parse tree *)
X	(* NOTE: the subrange [ assignment .. nil ]  have priorities *)
X	treetyp	= (
X		npredef,	npgm,		nfunc,		nproc,
X		nlabel,		nconst,		ntype,		nvar,
X		nvalpar,	nvarpar,	nparproc,	nparfunc,
X		nsubrange,	nvariant,	nfield,		nrecord,
X		narray,		nconfarr,	nfileof,	nsetof,
X		nbegin,		nptr,		nscalar,	nif,
X		nwhile,		nrepeat,	nfor,		ncase,
X		nchoise,	ngoto,		nwith,		nwithvar,
X		nempty,		nlabstmt,	nassign,	nformat,
X		nin,		neq,		nne,		nlt,
X		nle,		ngt,		nge,		nor,
X		nplus,		nminus,		nand,		nmul,
X		ndiv,		nmod,		nquot,		nnot,
X		numinus,	nuplus,		nset,		nrange,
X		nindex,		nselect,	nderef,		ncall,
X		nid,		nchar,		ninteger,	nreal,
X		nstring,	nnil,		npush,		npop,
X		nbreak
X	);
X	(* enumeration of predefined types *)
X	pretyps = (
X		tnone,		tboolean,	tchar,		tinteger,
X		treal,		tstring,	tnil,		tset,
X		ttext,		tpoly,		terror
X	);
X	(* enumeration of some special attributes *)
X	attributes = (
X		anone, aregister, aextern, areference
X	);
X	(* parse tree definition *)
X	(* the sourceprogram is represented by a treestructure built from
X	   treenodes where each node corresponds to one syntactic form from
X	   the pascal program *)
X	treenode =
X	    record
X		tnext,			(* ptr to next node in a list	*)
X		ttype,			(* pointer to nodes type	*)
X		tup	: treeptr;	(* ptr to parent node		*) 
X		case tt : treetyp of
X		  npredef:		(* predefined object decl	*)
X		    (
X			tdef:		(* predefined object descr.	*)
X				predefs;
X			tobtyp:		(* object type			*)
X				pretyps
X		    );
X		  npgm,			(* program declaration		*)
X		  nproc,		(* procedure declaration	*)
X		  nfunc:		(* function declaration		*)
X		    (
X			tsubid,		(* subr. identifier (nid)	*)
X			tsubpar,	(* parameter list		*)
X			tfuntyp,	(* function type (nid)		*)
X			tsublab,	(* label decl list (nlabel)	*)
X			tsubconst,	(* const decl list (nconst)	*)
X			tsubtype,	(* type decl list (ntype)	*)
X			tsubvar,	(* var decl list (nvar)		*)
X			tsubsub,	(* subr. decl (nproc/nfunc)	*)
X			tsubstmt:	(* stmt. list (NOT nbegin)	*)
X				treeptr;
X			tstat:		(* static declaration level	*)
X				integer;
X			tscope:		(* symbol table for local id's	*)
X				 declptr
X		    );
X		  nvalpar,		(* value parameter declaration	*)
X		  nvarpar,		(* var parameter declaration	*)
X		  nconst,		(* constant declaration		*)
X		  ntype,		(* type declaration		*)
X		  nfield,		(* record field declaration	*)
X		  nvar:			(* var declaration declaration	*)
X		    (
X			tidl,		(* list of declared id's (nid)	*)
X			tbind:		(* var/type-type, const-value	*)
X				treeptr;
X			tattr:		(* special attributes for vars	*)
X				attributes
X		    );
X		  nparproc,		(* parameter procedure		*)
X		  nparfunc:		(* parameter function		*)
X		    (
X			tparid,		(* parm proc/func id (nid)	*)
X			tparparm,	(* parm proc/func parm decl	*)
X			tpartyp:	(* parm func type (nid)		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nptr:			(* pointer constructor		*)
X		    (
X			tptrid:		(* referenced type (nid)	*)
X				treeptr;
X			tptrflag:	(* have seen node before	*)
X				boolean
X		    );
X		  nscalar:		(* scalar type constructor	*)
X		    (
X			tscalid:	(* list of scalar ids (nid)	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nfileof,		(* file type constructor	*)
X		  nsetof:		(* set type constructor		*)
X		    (
X			tof:		(* set/file component type	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nsubrange:		(* subrange type constructor	*)
X		    (
X			tlo, thi:	(* subrange limits		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nvariant:		(* record variant constructor	*)
X		    (
X			tselct,		(* selector list (constants)	*)
X			tvrnt:		(* variant field decl (nrecord)	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		(* the tuid field is used to attach a name to variants since
X		   C requires all union members to have names *)
X		  nrecord:		(* record/variant constructor	*)
X		    (
X			tflist,		(* fixed field list (nfield)	*)
X			tvlist:		(* variant list (nvariant)	*)
X				treeptr;
X			tuid:		(* variant name			*)
X				idptr;
X			trscope:	(* symbol table for local id's	*)
X				 declptr
X		    );
X		  nconfarr:		(* conformant array constructor	*)
X		    (
X			tcindx,		(* index declaration		*)
X			tindtyp,	(* conf. arr. index type (nid)	*)
X			tcelem:		(* array element type decl	*)
X				treeptr;
X			tcuid:		(* variant name			*)
X				idptr
X		    );
X		  narray:		(* array type constructor	*)
X		    (
X			taindx,		(* index declaration		*)
X			taelem:		(* array element type decl	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nbegin:		(* begin statement		*)
X		    (
X			tbegin:		(* statement list		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nlabstmt:		(* labeled statement		*)
X		    (
X			tlabno,		(* label number (nlabel)	*)
X			tstmt:		(* statement			*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  ngoto:		(* goto statement		*)
X		    (
X			tlabel:		(* label to go to (nlabel)	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nassign:		(* assignment statement		*)
X		    (
X			tlhs,		(* variable			*)
X			trhs:		(* value			*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		(* npush/npop is used in proc/func which have local variables
X		   used in local proc/funcs; those variables are converted to
X		   global ptrs initialized to reference the local variable *)
X		  npush,		(* init code for proc/func	*)
X		  npop:			(* exit code for proc/func	*)
X		    (
X			tglob,		(* global identifier (nid)	*)
X			tloc,		(* local identifier (nid)	*)
X			ttmp:		(* temp store for global (nid)	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nbreak:
X		    (
X			tbrkid,		(* for-variable			*)
X			tbrkxp:		(* value for break		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  ncall:		(* procedure/function call	*)
X		    (
X			tcall,		(* called identifier		*)
X			taparm:		(* actual paramters		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nif:			(* if statement			*)
X		    (
X			tifxp,		(* conditional expression	*)
X			tthen,		(* stmt execd if true condition	*)
X			telse:		(* stmt execd if true condition	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nwhile:		(* while statemnet		*)
X		    (
X			twhixp,		(* conditional expression	*)
X			twhistmt:	(* stmt execd if true condition	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nrepeat:		(* repeat statement		*)
X		    (
X			treptstmt,	(* statement list		*)
X			treptxp:	(* conditional expression	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nfor:			(* for statement		*)
X		    (
X			tforid,		(* loop control variable (nid)	*)
X			tfrom,		(* initial value		*)
X			tto,		(* final value			*)
X			tforstmt:	(* stmt execd in loop		*)
X				treeptr;
X			tincr:		(* to/downto flag true <==> to	*)
X				boolean
X		    );
X		  ncase:		(* case statement		*)
X		    (
X			tcasxp,		(* selecting expression		*)
X			tcaslst,	(* list of choises		*)
X			tcasother:	(* default action		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nchoise:		(* a choise in a case-stmt	*)
X		    (
X			tchocon,	(* list of constants		*)
X			tchostmt:	(* execd statement		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nwith:		(* with statment		*)
X		    (
X			twithvar,	(* list of variables (nwithvar)	*)
X			twithstmt:	(* statement execd in new scope	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		(* the local symbol table holds identifiers, picked from
X		   the record fields, temporarily declared during parsing
X		   of remainder of with-statement; these identifiers are
X		   later converted into fields referenced through a ptr *)
X		  nwithvar:		(* variable in with statement	*)
X		    (
X			texpw:		(* record variable		*)
X				treeptr;
X			tenv:		(* symbol table for local scope	*)
X				declptr
X		    );
X		  nindex:		(* array indexing expression	*)
X		    (
X			tvariable,	(* indexed variable		*)
X			toffset:	(* index expression		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nselect:		(* record field selection expr	*)
X		    (
X			trecord,	(* record variable		*)
X			tfield:		(* selected field (nid)		*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		(* binary operators or constructors *)
X		  nrange,		(* .. (set range)	*)
X		  nformat,		(* :  (write format)	*)
X		  nin,			(* in			*)
X		  neq,			(* =			*)
X		  nne,			(* <>			*)
X		  nlt,			(* <			*)
X		  nle,			(* <=			*)
X		  ngt,			(* >			*)
X		  nge,			(* >=			*)
X		  nor,			(* or			*)
X		  nplus,		(* +			*)
X		  nminus,		(* -			*)
X		  nand,			(* and			*)
X		  nmul,			(* *			*)
X		  ndiv,			(* div			*)
X		  nmod,			(* mod			*)
X		  nquot:		(* /			*)
X		    (
X			texpl,		(* left operand expr	*)
X			texpr:		(* right operand expr	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		(* unary operators or constructors; note that uplus is
X		   used to represent any parenthesized expression *)
X		  nderef,		(* ^ (ptr dereference)	*)
X		  nnot,			(* not			*)
X		  nset,			(* [ ] (set constr)	*)
X		  nuplus,		(* +			*)
X		  numinus:		(* -			*)
X		    (
X			texps:		(* operand expression	*)
X				treeptr
X		    );
X		  nid,			(* identifier in decl or stmt	*)
X		  nreal,		(* literal real (decl or stmt)	*)
X		  ninteger,		(* literal int ( - " - )	*)
X		  nchar,		(* literal char ( - " - )	*)
X		  nstring,		(* literal string ( - " - )	*)
X		  nlabel:		(* label (decl, defpt or use)	*)
X		    (
X			tsym:
X				symptr
X		    );
X		  nnil,			(* nil (pointer constant)	*)
X		  nempty:		(* empty statement		*)
X		    ( );
X	    end;
X	(* "reserved" words and standard identifiers from C, C LIB and
X	    OS environment excluding those reserved in Pascal *)
X	cnames = (
X		cabort,		cbreak,		ccontinue,	cdefine,
X		cdefault,	cdouble,	cedata,		cenum,
X		cetext,		cextern,	cfgetc,		cfclose,
X		cfflush,	cfloat,		cfloor,		cfprintf,
X		cfputc,		cfread,		cfscanf,	cfwrite,
X		cgetc,		cgetpid,	cint,		cinclude,
X		clong,		clog,		cmain,		cmalloc,
X		cprintf,	cpower,		cputc,		cread,
X		creturn,	cregister,	crewind,	cscanf,
X		csetbits,	csetword,	csetptr,	cshort,
X		csigned,	csizeof,	csprintf,	cstdin,
X		cstdout,	cstderr,	cstrncmp,	cstrncpy,
X		cstruct,	cstatic,	cswitch,	ctypedef,
X		cundef,		cungetc,	cunion,		cunlink,
X		cunsigned,	cwrite
X	);
X	(* these are the detected errors. some are user-errors,
X	   some are internal problems and some are host system errors *)
X	errors	= (
X		ebadsymbol,	elongstring,	elongtokn,	erange,
X		emanytokn,	enotdeclid,	emultdeclid,	enotdecllab,
X		emultdecllab,	emuldeflab,	ebadstring,	enulchr,
X		ebadchar,	eeofcmnt,	eeofstr,	evarpar,
X		enew,		esetbase,	esetsize,	eoverflow,
X		etree,		etag,		euprconf,	easgnconf,
X		ecmpconf,	econfconf,	evrntfile,	evarfile,
X		emanymachs,	ebadmach
X	);
X	machdefstr = packed array [ 1 .. machdeflen ] of char;
X	usemax,			(* program needs max-function		*)
X	usejmps,		(* source program uses non-local gotos	*)
X	usecase,		(* source program has case-statement	*)
X	usesets,		(* source program uses set-operations	*)
X	useunion,
X	usediff,
X	usemksub,
X	useintr,
X	usesge,
X	usesle,
X	useseq,
X	usesne,
X	usememb,
X	useins,
X	usescpy,
X	usecomp,		(* source program uses string-compare	*)
X	usefopn,		(* source program uses reset/rewrite	*)
X	usescan,
X	usegetl,
X	usenilp,		(* source program uses nil-pointer 	*)
X	usebool	: boolean;	(* source program writes boolean-values	*)
X	top	: treeptr;	(* top of parsetree, result from parse	*)
X	setlst	: treeptr;	(* list of set-initializations		*)
X	setcnt	: integer;	(* counter for setlst length		*)
X	currsym	: lexsym;	(* current lexical symbol		*)
X	keytab	: array [ 0 .. keytablen ] of	(* table of keywords	*)
X		    record
X			wrd	: keyword;	(* keyword text		*)
X			sym	: symtyp	(* corresponding symbol	*)
X		    end;
X	strstor	: array [ strbcnt ] of strptr;	(* store for strings	*)
X	strfree	: strindx;			(* first free position	*)
X	strleft	: strbidx;			(* room in last blk	*)
X	idtab	: array [ hashtyp ] of idptr;	(* hashed table of id's	*)
X	symtab	: declptr;			(* table of symbols	*)
X	statlvl,				(* static decl. level	*)
X	maxlevel : integer;			(*  - " - maximum value	*) 
X	deftab	: array [ predefs ] of treeptr;	(* predefined idents.	*)
X	defnams	: array [ predefs ] of symptr;	(*        - " -		*)
X	typnods	: array [ pretyps ] of treeptr;	(* predef. types.	*)
X	pprio,
X	cprio	: array [ nassign .. nnil ] of 0 .. maxprio;
X	ctable	: array [ cnames ] of idptr;	(* table of C-keywords	*)
X	nmachdefs : 0 .. maxmachdefs;
X	machdefs : array [ 1 .. maxmachdefs ] of (* table of C-types	*)
X			record
X				lolim, hilim	: integer;
X				typstr		: strindx
X			end;
X	lineno,					(* input line number	*)
X	colno,					(* input column number	*)
X	lastcol,				(* last OK input column	*)
X	lastline : integer;			(* last OK input line	*)
X	lasttok	: toknbuf;			(* last input token	*)
X	varno	: integer;		(* counter for unique id's	*)
X	hexdig	: packed array [ 0 .. 15 ] of char;
X(*	Prtmsg produces an error message. It asssumes that procedure	*)
X(*	"message" (predefined) will "writeln" to user tty. OS		*)
Xprocedure prtmsg(m : errors);
Xconst	user	= 'Error: ';
X	restr	= 'Implementation restriction: ';
X	inter	= '* Internal error * ';
X	xtoklen	= 64;				(* should be <= maxtoklen *)
Xvar	i	: toknidx;
X	xtok	: packed array [ 1 .. xtoklen ] of char;
X	case m of
X	  ebadsymbol:
X		message(user, 'Unexpected symbol');
X	  ebadchar:
X		message(user, 'Bad character');
X	  elongstring:
X		message(restr, 'Too long string');
X	  ebadstring:
X		message(user, 'Newline in string or character');
X	  eeofstr:
X		message(user, 'End of file in string or character');
X	  eeofcmnt:
X		message(user, 'End of file in comment');
X	  elongtokn:
X		message(restr, 'Too long identfier');
X	  emanytokn:
X		message(restr, 'Too many strings, identifiers or real numbers');
X	  enotdeclid:
X		message(user, 'Identifier not declared');
X	  emultdeclid:
X		message(user, 'Identifier declared twice');
X	  enotdecllab:
X		message(user, 'Label not declared');
X	  emultdecllab:
X		message(user, 'Label declared twice');
X	  emuldeflab:
X		message(user, 'Label defined twice');
X	  evarpar:
X		message(user, 'Actual parameter not a variable');
X	  enulchr:
X		message(restr, 'Cannot handle nul-character in strings');
X	  enew:
X		message(restr, 'New returned a nil-pointer');
X	  eoverflow:
X		message(restr, 'Token buffer overflowed');
X	  esetbase:
X		message(restr, 'Cannot handle sets with base >> 0');
X	  esetsize:
X		message(restr, 'Cannot handle sets with very large range');
X	  etree:
X		message(inter, 'Bad tree structure');
X	  etag:
X		message(inter, 'Cannot find tag');
X	  evrntfile:
X		message(restr, 'Cannot initialize files in record variants');
X	  evarfile:
X		message(restr, 'Cannot handle files in structured variables');
X	  euprconf:
X		message(inter, 'No upper bound on conformant arrays');
X	  easgnconf:
X		message(inter, 'Cannot assign conformant arrays');
X	  ecmpconf:
X		message(inter, 'Cannot compare conformant arrays');
X	  econfconf:
X		message(restr, 'Cannot handle nested conformat arrays');
X	  erange:
X		message(inter, 'Cannot find C-type for integer-subrange');
X	  emanymachs:
X		message(restr, 'Too many machine integer types');
X	  ebadmach:
X		message(inter, 'Bad name for machine integer type');
X	end;(* case *)
X	if lastline <> 0 then
X	    begin
X		(* error detected during parsing,
X		    report line/column and print the offending symbol *)
X		message('Line ', lastline:1, ', col ', lastcol:1, ':');
X		if m in [enulchr, ebadchar, ebadstring, ebadsymbol,
X			emuldeflab, emultdecllab, enotdecllab, emultdeclid,
X			enotdeclid, elongtokn, elongstring] then
X		    begin
X			i := 1;
X			while (i < xtoklen) and (lasttok[i] <> chr(null)) do
X			    begin
X				xtok[i] := lasttok[i];
X				i := i + 1
X			    end;
X			while i < xtoklen do
X			    begin
X				xtok[i] := ' ';
X				i := i + 1
X			    end;
X			xtok[xtoklen] := ' ';
X			message('Current symbol: ', xtok)
X		    end
X	    end
Xprocedure fatal(m : errors);	forward;
Xprocedure error(m : errors);	forward;
X(*	Map letters to upper-case.					*)
X(*	This function assumes a machine collating sequence where the	*)
X(*	letters of either case form a contigous sequence, CHAR.	*)
Xfunction uppercase(c : char) : char;
X	if (c >= 'a') and (c <= 'z') then
X		uppercase := chr(ord(c) + ord('A') - ord('a'))
X	else
X		uppercase := c
X(*	Map letters to lower-case.					*)
X(*	This function assumes a machine collating sequence where the	*)
X(*	letters of either case form a contigous sequence, CHAR.	*)
Xfunction lowercase(c : char) : char;
X	if (c >= 'A') and (c <= 'Z') then
X		lowercase := chr(ord(c) - ord('A') + ord('a'))
X	else
X		lowercase := c
X(*	Retrieve a string from strstor.				*)
Xprocedure gettokn(i : strindx; var t : toknbuf);
Xvar	c	: char;
X	k	: toknidx;
X	j	: strbidx;
X	p	: strptr;
X	k := 1;
X	(* compute block and offset in block *)
X	p := strstor[i div (maxstrblk + 1)];
X	j := i mod (maxstrblk + 1);
X	(* retrieve text up to null *)
X	repeat
X		c := p^[j];
X		t[k] := c;
X		j := j + 1;
X		k := k + 1;
X		if k = maxtoknlen then
X		    begin
X			c := chr(null);
X			t[maxtoknlen] := chr(null);
X			prtmsg(eoverflow)
X		    end
X	until	c = chr(null)
X(*	Deposit a string into strstor at a given start-position.	*)
Xprocedure puttokn(i : strindx; var t : toknbuf);
Xvar	c	: char;
X	k	: toknidx;
X	j	: strbidx;
X	p	: strptr;
X	k := 1;
X	p := strstor[i div (maxstrblk + 1)];
X	j := i mod (maxstrblk + 1);
X	repeat
X		c := t[k];
X		p^[j] := c;
X		k := k + 1;
X		j := j + 1
X	until	c = chr(null)
X(*	Write a token on standard output.				*)
Xprocedure writetok(var w : toknbuf);
Xvar	j	: toknidx;
X	j := 1;
X	while w[j] <> chr(null) do
X	    begin
X		write(w[j]);
X		j := j + 1
X	    end
X(*	Print a float number on standard output.			*)
Xprocedure printtok(i : strindx);
Xvar	w	: toknbuf;
X	gettokn(i, w);
X	writetok(w)
X(*	Print an identifier on standard output.				*)
Xprocedure printid(ip : idptr);
X	printtok(ip^.istr)
X(*	Print a character on standard output with proper C-quoting.	*)
Xprocedure printchr(c : char);
X	if (c = quote) or (c = bslash) then
X		write(quote, bslash, c, quote)
X	else
X		write(quote, c, quote)
X(*	Print a string on standard output with proper C-quoting.	*)
Xprocedure printstr(i : strindx);
Xvar	k	: toknidx;
X	c	: char;
X	w	: toknbuf;
X	gettokn(i, w);
X	write(cite);
X	k := 1;
X	while w[k] <> chr(null) do
X	    begin
X		c := w[k];
X		k := k + 1;
X		if (c = cite) or (c = bslash) then
X			write(bslash);
X		write(c)
X	    end;
X	write(cite)
X(*	Return a pointer to the declarationpoint of an identifier.	*)
Xfunction idup(ip : treeptr) : treeptr;
X	idup := ip^.tsym^.lsymdecl^.tup
X(*	Compute a hashvalue for an identifier or a string.		*)
Xfunction hashtokn(var id : toknbuf) : hashtyp;
Xvar	h	: integer;
X	i	: toknidx;
X	i := 1;
X	h := 0;
X	while id[i] <> chr(null) do
X	    begin
X		(* if ord() of a character ranges from 0 to 127 then we can loop
X		   256 times without causing h to exceed 32767, this is safe as
X		   both strings and identifiers are limited in length *)
X		h := h + ord(id[i]);	(* CHAR, CPU *)
X		i := i + 1
X	    end;
X	hashtokn := h mod hashmax
X(*	Global string table update.					*)
X(*	This function accepts a string and stores it in strstor.	*)
X(*	It returns the id-number for the new string.			*)
Xfunction savestr(var t : toknbuf) : strindx;
Xvar	k	: toknidx;
X	i	: strindx;
X	j	: strbcnt;
X	(* find length of new string including null-char *)
X	k := 1;
X	while t[k] <> chr(null) do
X		k := k + 1;
X	if k > strleft then
X	    begin
X		(* out of space in strstore *)
X		if strstor[maxblkcnt] <> nil then	(* last slot used *)
X			error(emanytokn);
X		(* allocate a new block *)
X		j := (strfree + maxstrblk) div (maxstrblk + 1);
X		new(strstor[j]);
X		if strstor[j] = nil then
X			error(enew);
X		strfree := j * (maxstrblk + 1);
X		strleft := maxstrblk
X	    end;
X	(* copy new str, update location of last used cell,
X	   return starting location for new str *)
X	i := strfree;
X	strfree := strfree + k;
X	strleft := strleft - k;
X	puttokn(i, t);
X	savestr := i
X(*	Global id table lookup.						*)
X(*	This procedure accepts an identifier and determines if it has	*)
X(*	been seen before. If that is the case a pointer to its idnode	*)
X(*	is returned, otherwise the identifier is saved and a pointer to	*)
X(*	a new node is returned.						*)
Xfunction saveid(var id : toknbuf) : idptr;
Xlabel	999;
Xvar	k	: toknidx;
X	ip	: idptr;
X	h	: hashtyp;
X	t	: toknbuf;
X	h := hashtokn(id);
X	ip := idtab[h];				(* scan hashlist for id	*)
X	while ip <> nil do
X	    begin
X		gettokn(ip^.istr, t);		(* look at saved token	*)
X		k := 1;
X		while id[k] = t[k] do
X			if id[k] = chr(null) then
X				goto 999	(* found it!		*)
X			else
X				k := k + 1;	(* look at next char	*)
X		ip := ip^.inext
X	    end;
X	(* identifier wasn't previously seen, manufacture a new idnode,
X	   save index to strstor and hashvalue, insert idnode in idtab *)
X	new(ip);
X	if ip = nil then
X		error(enew);
X	ip^.inref := 0;
X	ip^.istr := savestr(id);
X	ip^.ihash := h;
X	ip^.inext := idtab[h];
X	idtab[h] := ip;
X	(* return the idnode *)
X	saveid := ip
X(*	This function creates a new variable by concatenating one name	*)
X(*	with another injecting a given separator.			*)
Xfunction mkconc(sep : char; p, q : idptr) : idptr;
Xvar	w, x	: toknbuf;
X	i, j	: toknidx;
X	(* fetch second part and determine its length *)
X	gettokn(q^.istr, x);
X	j := 1;
X	while x[j] <> chr(null) do
X		j := j + 1;
X	(* fetch first part and locate its end *)
X	w[1] := chr(null);
X	if p <> nil then
X		gettokn(p^.istr, w);
X	i := 1;
X	while w[i] <> chr(null) do
X		i := i + 1;
X	(* check total length *)
X	if i + j + 2 >= maxtoknlen then
X		error(eoverflow);
X	(* add separators *)
X	if sep = '>' then
X	    begin
X		(* special case 1: > gives arrow: a->b *)
X		w[i] := '-';
X		i := i + 1
X	    end;
X	if sep <> space then
X	    begin
X		(* special case 2: space gives nothing: ab *)
X		w[i] := sep;
X		i := i + 1
X	    end;
X	(* add second part *)
X	j := 1;
X	repeat
X		w[i] := x[j];
X		i := i + 1;
X		j := j + 1
X	until w[i-1] = chr(null);
X	(* save new identifier *)
X	mkconc := saveid(w)
X(*	Create a new id with name-prefix from w.			*)
Xfunction mkuniqname(var t : toknbuf) : idptr;
Xvar	i	: toknidx;
X	procedure dig(n : integer);
X	begin
X		if n > 0 then
X		    begin
X			dig(n div 10);
X			if i = maxtoknlen then
X				error(eoverflow);
X			t[i] := chr(n mod 10 + ord('0'));	(* CHAR *)
X			i := i + 1
X		    end
X	end;
X	i := 1;
X	while t[i] <> chr(null) do
X		i := i + 1;
X	varno := varno + 1;
X	dig(varno);
X	t[i] := chr(null);
X	mkuniqname := saveid(t)
X(*	Make a new unique variable with given char as prefix.		*)
Xfunction mkvariable(c : char) : idptr;
Xvar	t	: toknbuf;
X	t[1] := c;
X	t[2] := chr(null);
X	mkvariable := mkuniqname(t)
X(*	Make a new unique variable with given char as prefix and	*)
X(*	with a given id as tail. Commonly used for renaming id's.	*)
Xfunction mkrename(c : char; ip : idptr) : idptr;
X	mkrename := mkconc(uscore, mkvariable(c), ip)
X(*	Make a name for a variant. Variants are mapped onto C unions,	*)
X(*	which we always give the name "U", thus the name of the variant	*)
X(*	becomes "U.Vnnn" where "nnn" is a unique number.		*)
Xfunction mkvrnt : idptr;
Xvar	t	: toknbuf;
X	t[1] := 'U';
X	t[2] := '.';
X	t[3] := 'V';
X	t[4] := chr(null);
X	mkvrnt := mkuniqname(t)
Xprocedure checksymbol(ss : symset);
X	if not (currsym.st in ss) then
X		error(ebadsymbol);
X(*	Lexical analysis routine.					*)
X(*	This procedure reads and classifies the next lexical token in	*)
X(*	the input stream. The token is saved in the global variable	*)
X(*	"currsym". The found symbol should be one of the symbols given	*)
X(*	in the parameter "ss" otherwise the error routine is called.	*)
Xprocedure nextsymbol(ss : symset);
Xvar	lastchr	: 0 .. maxtoknlen;
X	(*	This function reads the next character from the input	*)
X	(*	and updates "lineno" and "colno" accordingly.		*)
X	function nextchar : char;
X	var	c	: char;
X	begin
X		if eof then
X			c := chr(null)
X		else begin
X			colno := colno + 1;
X			if eoln then
X			    begin
X				lineno := lineno + 1;
X				colno := 0
X			    end;
X			read(c);
X			if echo then
X				if colno = 0 then
X					writeln
X				else
X					write(c);
X			if c = tab1 then
X				colno := ((colno div tabwidth) + 1) * tabwidth
X		     end;
X		if lastchr > 0 then
X		    begin
X			lasttok[lastchr] := c;
X			lastchr := lastchr + 1
X		    end;
X		nextchar := c
X	end;
X	(*	This function looks at the next input character.	*)
X	function peekchar : char;
X	begin
X		if eof then
X			peekchar := chr(null)
X		else
X			peekchar := input^
X	end;
X	(*	Read and classify the next token.			*)
X	procedure nexttoken(realok : boolean);
X	var	c	: char;
X		n	: integer;
X		ready	: boolean;
X		wl	: toknidx;
X		wb	: toknbuf;
X		(*	Determine if c is valid in an identifier.	*)
X		(*	This function assumes a machine collating	*)
X		(*	sequence where letters and digits form conti-	*)
X		(*	gous sequences, CHAR.				*)
X		function idchar(c : char) : boolean;
X		begin
X			idchar := 
X				(c >= 'a') and (c <= 'z') or
X				    (c >= '0') and (c <= '9') or
X					(c >= 'A') and (c <= 'Z') or
X					    (c = uscore)
X		end;
X		(*	Determine if c is valid in a number. CHAR.	*)
X		function numchar(c : char) : boolean;
X		begin
X			numchar := (c >= '0') and (c <= '9')
X		end;
X		(*	Convert a digit to its numeric value. CHAR	*)
X		function numval(c : char) : integer;
X		begin
X			numval := ord(c) - ord('0')
X		end;
X		(*	Determine if the current token is a keyword.	*)
X		function keywordcheck(var w : toknbuf; l : toknidx) : symtyp;
X		var	n	: 1 .. keywordlen;
X			i, j, k	: 0 .. keytablen;
X			wrd	: keyword;
X			kwc	: symtyp;
X		begin
X			(* quick check on token length,
X			   pascal keywords range from 2 to 9 chars in length *)
X			if (l > 1) and (l < keywordlen) then
X			    begin
X				(* could be a keyword, initialize wrd *)
X				wrd := keytab[keytablen].wrd;
X				(* copy w to wrd *)
X				for n := 1 to l do
X					wrd[n] := w[n];
X				(* binary search for tokn,
X				   relies on symtyp being sorted *)
X				i := 0;
X				j := keytablen;
X				while j > i do
X				    begin
X					k := (i + j) div 2;
X					if keytab[k].wrd >= wrd then
X						j := k
X					else
X						i := k + 1
X				    end;
X				if keytab[j].wrd = wrd then
X					kwc := keytab[j].sym
X				else
X					kwc := sid
X			    end
X			else
X				kwc := sid;
X			keywordcheck := kwc
X		end;
X	begin	(* nexttoken *)
X		(* don't save blanks/comments *)
X		lastchr := 0;
X		(* read non-blank character *)
X		repeat
X			c := nextchar;
X			(* skip comments, the two comment delimiters of pascal
X			   are treated as different if "diffcomm" is true *)
X			if c = '{' then
X			    begin
X				repeat
X					c := nextchar;
X					if diffcomm then
X						ready := c = '}'
X					else
X						ready := ((c = '*') and
X							    (peekchar = ')'))
X							or (c = '}')
X				until ready or eof;
X				if eof and not ready then
X					error(eeofcmnt);
X				if (c = '*') and not eof then
X					c := nextchar;
X				c := space
X			    end
X			else if (c = '(') and (peekchar = '*')  then
X			    begin
X				c := nextchar;
X				repeat
X					c := nextchar;
X					if diffcomm then
X						ready := (c = '*') and
X							(peekchar = ')')
X					else
X						ready := ((c = '*') and
X							    (peekchar = ')'))
X							or (c = '}')
X				until ready or eof;
X				if eof and not ready then
X					error(eeofcmnt);
X				if (c = '*') and not eof then
X					c := nextchar;
X				c := space
X			    end
X		until	(c <> space) and (c <> tab1);
X		(* save characters from this token and save line- and column-
X		   numbers for errormessages *)
X		lasttok[1] := c;
X		lastchr := 2;
X		lastcol := colno;
X		lastline := lineno;
X		(* map all CHAR control characters onto "badchr" *)
X		if c < okchr then
X			c := badchr;
X		(* decode symbol *)
X		with currsym do
X		    if eof then
X			begin
X				lasttok[1] := '*';
X				lasttok[2] := 'E';
X				lasttok[3] := 'O';
X				lasttok[4] := 'F';
X				lasttok[5] := '*';
X				lastchr := 6;
X				st := seof
X			end
X		    else
X			case c of
X			(* CHAR, chars not in Pascal *)
X			  '|', '`', '~', '}',
X			  bslash, uscore, badchr:
X				error(ebadchar);
X			(* identifiers or keywords *)
X			  'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
X			  'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
X			  'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
X			  'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J',
X			  'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T',
X			  'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z':
X			    begin
X				(* read token into buffer *)
X				wb[1] := lowercase(c);
X				wl := 2;
X				while (wl < maxtoknlen) and idchar(peekchar) do
X				    begin
X					wb[wl] := lowercase(nextchar);
X					wl := wl + 1
X				    end;
X				if wl >= maxtoknlen then
X				    begin
X					lasttok[lastchr] := chr(null);
X					error(elongtokn)
X				    end;
X				(* terminate token and match *)
X				wb[wl] := chr(null);
X				(* check if keyword/identifier *)
X				st := keywordcheck(wb, wl-1);
X				if st = sid then
X					vid := saveid(wb)
X			    end;
X			(* integer or real numbers *)
X			  '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ,'8', '9':
X			    begin
X				(* assume integer number, save it in buffer *)
X				wb[1] := c;
X				wl := 2;
X				n := numval(c);
X				while numchar(peekchar) do
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					n := n * 10 + numval(c);
X					wb[wl] := c;
X					wl := wl + 1
X				    end;
X				st := sinteger;
X				vint := n;
X				if realok then
X				    begin
X					(* accept real numbers *)
X					if peekchar = '.' then
X					    begin
X						(* this is a real number *)
X						st := sreal;
X						wb[wl] := nextchar;
X						wl := wl + 1;
X						while numchar(peekchar) do
X						    begin
X							wb[wl] := nextchar;
X							wl := wl + 1
X						    end
X					    end;
X					c := peekchar;
X					if (c = 'e') or (c = 'E') then
X					    begin
X						(* this is a real number *)
X						st := sreal;
X						c := nextchar;
X						wb[wl] := xpnent;
X						wl := wl + 1;
X						c := peekchar;
X						if (c = '-') or (c = '+') then
X						    begin
X							wb[wl] := nextchar;
X							wl := wl + 1
X						    end;
X						while numchar(peekchar) do
X						    begin
X							wb[wl] := nextchar;
X							wl := wl + 1
X						    end
X					    end;
X					if st = sreal then
X					    begin
X						wb[wl] := chr(null);
X						vflt := savestr(wb)
X					    end
X				    end
X			    end;
X			  '(':
X				if peekchar = '.' then
X				    begin
X					(* some compilers on non-ascii systems
X					   use (. for [ and .) for ] *)
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := slbrack
X				    end
X				else
X					st := slpar;
X			  ')':
X				st := srpar;
X			  '[':
X				st := slbrack;
X			  ']':
X				st := srbrack;
X			  '.':
X				if peekchar = '.' then
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := sdotdot
X				    end
X				else if peekchar = ')' then
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := srbrack
X				    end
X				else
X					st := sdot;
X			  ';':
X				st := ssemic;
X			  ':':
X				if peekchar = '=' then
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := sassign
X				    end
X				else
X					st := scolon;
X			  ',':
X				st := scomma;
X			  '@',
X			  '^':
X				st := sarrow;
X			  '=':
X				st := seq;
X			  '<':
X				if peekchar = '=' then
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := sle
X				    end
X				else if peekchar = '>' then
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := sne
X				    end
X				else
X					st := slt;
X			  '>':
X				if peekchar = '=' then
X				    begin
X					c := nextchar;
X					st := sge
X				    end
X				else
X					st := sgt;
X			  '+':
X				st := splus;
X			  '-':
X				st := sminus;
X			  '*':
X				st := smul;
X			  '/':
X				st := squot;
X			  quote:
X			    begin
X				(* assume the symbol is a literal string *)
X				wl := 0;
X				ready := false;
X				repeat
X					if eoln then
X					    begin
X						lasttok[lastchr] := chr(null);
X						error(ebadstring)
X					    end;
X					c := nextchar;
X					if c = quote then
X						if peekchar = quote then
X							c := nextchar
X						else
X							ready := true;
X					if c = chr(null) then
X					    begin
X						if eof then
X							error(eeofstr);
X						lasttok[lastchr] := chr(null);
X						error(enulchr)
X					    end;
X					if not ready then
X					    begin
X						wl := wl + 1;
X						if wl >= maxtoknlen then
X						    begin
X							lasttok[lastchr] :=
X								chr(null);
X							error(elongstring)
X						    end;
X						wb[wl] := c
X					    end
X				until	ready;
X				if wl = 1 then
X				    begin
X					(* only 1 character => not a string *)
X					st := schar;
X					vchr := wb[1]
X				    end
X				else begin
X					(* > 1 character => its a string *)
X					wl := wl + 1;
X					if wl >= maxtoknlen then
X					    begin
X						lasttok[lastchr] := chr(null);
X						error(elongstring)
X					    end;
X					wb[wl] := chr(null);
X					st := sstring;
X					vstr := savestr(wb)
X				     end
X			    end
X			end;(* case *)
X		if lastchr = 0 then
X			lastchr := 1;
X		lasttok[lastchr] := chr(null)
X	end;	(* nexttoken *)
Xbegin	(* nextsymbol *)
X	nexttoken(sreal in ss);
X	checksymbol(ss)
Xend;	(* nextsymbol *)
X(*	Return a pointer to the node describing the type of tp. This	*)
X(*	function also stores the result in the node for future ref.	*)
Xfunction typeof(tp : treeptr) : treeptr;
Xvar	tf, tq	: treeptr;
X	tq := tp;
X	tf := tq^.ttype;
X	(* keep working until a type is found *)
X	while tf = nil do
X	    begin
X		case tq^.tt of
X		  nchar:
X			tf := typnods[tchar];
X		  ninteger:
X			tf := typnods[tinteger];
X		  nreal:
X			tf := typnods[treal];
X		  nstring:
X			tf := typnods[tstring];
X		  nnil:
X			tf := typnods[tnil];
X		  nid:
X		    begin
X			tq := idup(tq);
X			if tq = nil then
X				fatal(etree)
X		    end;
X		  ntype,
X		  nvar,
X		  nconst,
X		  nfield,
X		  nvalpar,
X		  nvarpar:
X			tq := tq^.tbind;
X		  npredef,
X		  nptr,
X		  nscalar,
X		  nrecord,
X		  nconfarr,
X		  narray,
X		  nfileof,
X		  nsetof:
X			tf := tq;	(* these nodetypes represent types *)
X		  nsubrange:
X			if tq^.tup^.tt = nconfarr then
X				tf := tq^.tup^.tindtyp
X			else
X				tf := tq;
X		  ncall:
X		    begin
X			tf := typeof(tq^.tcall);
X			if tf = typnods[tpoly] then
X				tf := typeof(tq^.taparm)
X		    end;
X		  nfunc:
X			tq := tq^.tfuntyp;
X		  nparfunc:
X			tq := tq^.tpartyp;
X		  nproc,
X		  nparproc:
X			tf := typnods[tnone];
X		  nvariant,
X		  nlabel,
X		  npgm,
X		  nempty,
X		  nbegin,
X		  nlabstmt,
X		  nassign,
X		  npush,
X		  npop,
X		  nif,
X		  nwhile,
X		  nrepeat,
X		  nfor,
X		  ncase,
X		  nchoise,
X		  ngoto,
X		  nwith,
X		  nwithvar:
X			fatal(etree);
X		  nformat,
X		  nrange:
X			tq := tq^.texpl;
X		  nplus,
X		  nminus,
X		  nmul:
X		    begin
X			tf := typeof(tq^.texpl);
X			if tf = typnods[tinteger] then
X				tf := typeof(tq^.texpr)
X			else if tf^.tt = nsetof then
X				tf := typnods[tset]
X		    end;
X		  numinus,
X		  nuplus:
X			tq := tq^.texps;
X		  nmod,
X		  ndiv:
X			tf := typnods[tinteger];
X		  nquot:
X			tf := typnods[treal];
X		  neq,
X		  nne,
X		  nlt,
X		  nle,
X		  ngt,
X		  nge,
X		  nin,
X		  nor,
X		  nand,
X		  nnot:
X			tf := typnods[tboolean];
X		  nset:
X			tf := typnods[tset];
X		  nselect:
X			tq := tq^.tfield;
X		  nderef:
X		    begin
X			tq := typeof(tq^.texps);
X			case tq^.tt of
X			  nptr:
X				tq := tq^.tptrid;
X			  nfileof:
X				tq := tq^.tof;
X			  npredef:
X				tf := typnods[tchar]	(* textfile *)
X			end (* case *)
X		    end;
X		  nindex:
X		    begin
X			tq := typeof(tq^.tvariable);
X			if tq^.tt = nconfarr then
X				tq := tq^.tcelem
X			else if tq = typnods[tstring] then
X				tf := typnods[tchar]
X			else
X				tq := tq^.taelem
X		    end;
X		end (* case *)
X	end;
X	if tp^.ttype = nil then
X		tp^.ttype := tf;	(* remember type for future reference *)
X	typeof := tf
Xend;	(* typeof *)
X(*	Connect all nodes to their fathers.				*)
Xprocedure linkup(up, tp : treeptr);
X	while tp <> nil do
X	    begin
X		if tp^.tup = nil then
X		    begin
X			tp^.tup := up;
X			case tp^.tt of
X			  npgm,
X			  nfunc,
X			  nproc:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubid);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubpar);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tfuntyp);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsublab);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubconst);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubtype);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubvar);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubsub);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tsubstmt)
X			    end;
X			  nvalpar,
X			  nvarpar,
X			  nconst,
X			  ntype,
X			  nfield,
X			  nvar:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tidl);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tbind)
X			    end;
X			  nparproc,
X			  nparfunc:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tparid);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tparparm);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tpartyp)
X			    end;
X			  nptr:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tptrid);
X			  nscalar:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tscalid);
X			  nsubrange:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tlo);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.thi)
X			    end;
X			  nvariant:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tselct);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tvrnt)
X			    end;
X			  nrecord:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tflist);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tvlist)
X			    end;
X			  nconfarr:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tcindx);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tcelem);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tindtyp)
X			    end;
X			  narray:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.taindx);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.taelem)
X			    end;
X			  nfileof,
X			  nsetof:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tof);
X			  nbegin:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tbegin);
X			  nlabstmt:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tlabno);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tstmt)
X			    end;
X			  nassign:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tlhs);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.trhs)
X			    end;
X			  npush,
X			  npop:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tglob);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tloc);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.ttmp)
X			    end;
X			  ncall:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tcall);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.taparm )
X			    end;
X			  nif:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tifxp);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tthen);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.telse)
X			    end;
X			  nwhile:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.twhixp);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.twhistmt)
X			    end;
X			  nrepeat:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.treptstmt);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.treptxp)
X			    end;
X			  nfor:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tforid);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tfrom);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tto);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tforstmt)
X			    end;
X			  ncase:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tcasxp);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tcaslst);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tcasother)
X			    end;
X			  nchoise:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tchocon);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tchostmt)
X			    end;
X			  nwith:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.twithvar);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.twithstmt)
X			    end;
X			  nwithvar:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.texpw);
X			  nindex:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tvariable);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.toffset)
X			    end;
X			  nselect:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.trecord);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tfield)
X			    end;
X			  ngoto:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.tlabel);
X			  nrange, nformat,
X			  nin, neq,
X			  nne, nlt, nle,
X			  ngt, nge, nor,
X			  nplus, nminus,
X			  nand, nmul,
X			  ndiv, nmod,
X			  nquot:
X			    begin
X				linkup(tp, tp^.texpl);
X				linkup(tp, tp^.texpr)
X			    end;
X			  nderef,
X			  nnot, nset,
X			  numinus,
X			  nuplus:
X				linkup(tp, tp^.texps);
X			  nid,
X			  nnil, ninteger,
X			  nreal, nchar,
X			  nstring, npredef,
X			  nlabel, nempty:
X				(* no op *)
X			end (* case *)
X		end;
X		tp := tp^.tnext
X	    end
Xend;	(* linkup *)
X(*	Allocate a new symbol node.					*)
Xfunction mksym(vt : ltypes) : symptr;
Xvar	mp	: symptr;
X	new(mp);
X	if mp = nil then
X		error(enew);
X	mp^.lt := vt;
X	mp^.lnext := nil;
X	mp^.lsymdecl := nil;
X	mp^.ldecl := nil;
X	mksym := mp
X(*	Enter a symbol at current declarationlevel.			*)
Xprocedure declsym(sp : symptr);
Xvar	h	: hashtyp;
X	if sp^.lt in [lpredef, lidentifier, lfield, lforward, lpointer] then
X		h := sp^.lid^.ihash
X	else
X		h := hashmax;
X	sp^.lnext := symtab^.ddecl[h];
X	symtab^.ddecl[h] := sp;
X	sp^.ldecl := symtab
X(*	Create a node of selected type.					*)
Xfunction mknode(nt : treetyp) : treeptr;
Xvar	tp	: treeptr;
X	tp := nil;
X	case nt of
X	  npredef:	new(tp, npredef);
X	  npgm:		new(tp, npgm);
X	  nfunc:	new(tp, nfunc);
X	  nproc:	new(tp, nproc);
X	  nlabel:	new(tp, nlabel);
X	  nconst:	new(tp, nconst);
X	  ntype:	new(tp, ntype);
X	  nvar:		new(tp, nvar);
X	  nvalpar:	new(tp, nvalpar);
X	  nvarpar:	new(tp, nvarpar);
X	  nparproc:	new(tp, nparproc);
X	  nparfunc:	new(tp, nparfunc);
X	  nsubrange:	new(tp, nsubrange);
X	  nvariant:	new(tp, nvariant);
X	  nfield:	new(tp, nfield);
X	  nrecord:	new(tp, nrecord);
X	  nconfarr:	new(tp, nconfarr);
X	  narray:	new(tp, narray);
X	  nfileof:	new(tp, nfileof);
X	  nsetof:	new(tp, nsetof);
X	  nbegin:	new(tp, nbegin);
X	  nptr:		new(tp, nptr);
X	  nscalar:	new(tp, nscalar);
X	  nif:		new(tp, nif);
X	  nwhile:	new(tp, nwhile);
X	  nrepeat:	new(tp, nrepeat);
X	  nfor:		new(tp, nfor);
X	  ncase:	new(tp, ncase);
X	  nchoise:	new(tp, nchoise);
X	  ngoto:	new(tp, ngoto);
X	  nwith:	new(tp, nwith);
X	  nwithvar:	new(tp, nwithvar);
X	  nempty:	new(tp, nempty);
X	  nlabstmt:	new(tp, nlabstmt);
X	  nassign:	new(tp, nassign);
X	  nformat:	new(tp, nformat);
X	  nin:		new(tp, nin);
X	  neq:		new(tp, neq);
X	  nne:		new(tp, nne);
X	  nlt:		new(tp, nlt);
X	  nle:		new(tp, nle);
X	  ngt:		new(tp, ngt);
X	  nge:		new(tp, nge);
X	  nor:		new(tp, nor);
X	  nplus:	new(tp, nplus);
X	  nminus:	new(tp, nminus);
X	  nand:		new(tp, nand);
X	  nmul:		new(tp, nmul);
X	  ndiv:		new(tp, ndiv);
X	  nmod:		new(tp, nmod);
X	  nquot:	new(tp, nquot);
X	  nnot:		new(tp, nnot);
X	  numinus:	new(tp, numinus);
X	  nuplus:	new(tp, nuplus);
X	  nset:		new(tp, nset);
X	  nrange:	new(tp, nrange);
X	  nindex:	new(tp, nindex);
X	  nselect:	new(tp, nselect);
X	  nderef:	new(tp, nderef);
X	  ncall:	new(tp, ncall);
X	  nid:		new(tp, nid);
X	  nchar:	new(tp, nchar);
X	  ninteger:	new(tp, ninteger);
X	  nreal:	new(tp, nreal);
X	  nstring:	new(tp, nstring);
X	  nnil:		new(tp, nnil);
X	  npush:	new(tp, npush);
X	  npop:		new(tp, npop);
X	  nbreak:	new(tp, nbreak)
X	end;(* case *)
X	if tp = nil then
X		error(enew);
X	tp^.tt := nt;
X	tp^.tnext := nil;
X	tp^.tup := nil;
X	tp^.ttype := nil;
X	mknode := tp
X(*	Create a node with a literal value.				*)
Xfunction mklit : treeptr;
Xvar	sp	: symptr;
X	tp	: treeptr;
X	case currsym.st of
X	  sinteger:
X	    begin
X		sp := mksym(linteger);
X		sp^.linum := currsym.vint;
X		tp := mknode(ninteger);
X	    end;
X	  sreal:
X	    begin
X		sp := mksym(lreal);
X		sp^.lfloat := currsym.vflt;
X		tp := mknode(nreal);
X	    end;
X	  schar:
X	    begin
X		sp := mksym(lcharacter);
X		sp^.lchar := currsym.vchr;
X		tp := mknode(nchar);
X	    end;
X	  sstring:
X	    begin
X		sp := mksym(lstring);
X		sp^.lstr := currsym.vstr;
X		tp := mknode(nstring);
X	    end
X	end;(* case *)
X	tp^.tsym := sp;
X	sp^.lsymdecl := tp;
X	mklit := tp
X(*	Look up an identifier among declared symbols.			*)
Xfunction lookupid(ip : idptr; fieldok : boolean) : symptr;
Xlabel	999;
Xvar	sp	: symptr;
X	dp	: declptr;
X	vs	: set of ltypes;
X	lookupid := nil;
X	if fieldok then
X		vs := [lidentifier, lforward, lpointer, lfield]
X	else
X		vs := [lidentifier, lforward, lpointer];
X	sp := nil;
X	(* pick up symboltable from innermost scope *)
X	dp := symtab;
X	while dp <> nil do
X	    begin
X		(* scan linked symbols with same hasvalue *) 
X		sp := dp^.ddecl[ip^.ihash];
X		while sp <> nil do
X		    begin
X			(* break out when proper id found *)
X			if (sp^.lt in vs) and (sp^.lid = ip) then
X				goto 999;
X			sp := sp^.lnext
X		    end;
X		(* proceed to enclosing scope *)
X		dp := dp^.dprev
X	    end;
X	lookupid := sp
X(*	Look up a label.						*)
Xfunction lookuplabel(i : integer) : symptr;
Xlabel	999;
Xvar	sp	: symptr;
X	dp	: declptr;
X	sp := nil;
X	dp := symtab;
X	while dp <> nil do
X	    begin
X		sp := dp^.ddecl[hashmax];
X		while sp <> nil do
X		    begin
X			if (sp^.lt in [lforwlab, llabel]) and (sp^.lno = i) then
X				goto 999;
X			sp := sp^.lnext
X		    end;
X		dp := dp^.dprev
X	    end;
X	lookuplabel := sp
X(*	Create a new declaration level (a new scope) link declnode to	*)
X(*	previous node.	dp is non-nil when a procedure/function body	*)
X(*	is encountered for which we have seen a forward declaration.	 *)
Xprocedure enterscope(dp : declptr);
Xvar	h	: hashtyp;
X	if dp = nil then
X	    begin
X		new(dp);
X		for h := 0 to hashmax do
X			dp^.ddecl[h] := nil
X	    end;
X	dp^.dprev := symtab;
X	symtab := dp
X(*	Return current scope (as a pointer to symbol-table).	*)
Xfunction currscope : declptr;
X	currscope := symtab
X(*	Drop innermost declaration scope.				*)
Xprocedure leavescope;
X	symtab := symtab^.dprev
X(*	Create a new identifier symbol.					*)
Xfunction mkid(ip : idptr) : symptr;
Xvar	sp	: symptr;
X	sp := mksym(lidentifier);
X	sp^.lid := ip;
X	sp^.lused := false;
X	declsym(sp);
X	ip^.inref := ip^.inref + 1;
X	mkid := sp
X(*	Check that the current identifier is new then save it in the	*)
X(*	current scope. Create and return a new node representing this	*)
X(*	instance of the identifier.					*)
Xfunction newid(ip : idptr) : treeptr;
Xvar	sp	: symptr;
X	tp	: treeptr;
X	sp := lookupid(ip, false);
X	if sp <> nil then
X		if sp^.ldecl <> symtab then
X			sp := nil;
X	if sp = nil then
X	    begin
X		(* new identifier *)
X		tp := mknode(nid);
X		sp := mkid(ip);
X		sp^.lsymdecl := tp;
X		tp^.tsym := sp
X	    end
X	else if sp^.lt = lpointer then
X	    begin
X		(* previously declared as a pointer type *)
X		tp := mknode(nid);
X		tp^.tsym := sp;
X		sp^.lt := lidentifier;
X		sp^.lsymdecl := tp
X	    end
X	else if sp^.lt = lforward then
X	    begin
X		(* previously forward declared *)
X		sp^.lt := lidentifier;
X		tp := sp^.lsymdecl
X	    end
X	else
X		error(emultdeclid);
X	newid := tp
X(*	Check that the current identifier is already declared,	*)
X(*	we fail unless l in [lforward, lpointer].		*)
X(*	Create and return a new node referencing it.		*)
Xfunction oldid(ip : idptr; l : ltypes) : treeptr;
Xvar	sp	: symptr;
X	tp	: treeptr;
X	sp := lookupid(ip, true);
X	if sp = nil then
X	    begin
X		if l in [lforward, lpointer] then
X		    begin
X			tp := newid(ip);
X			tp^.tsym^.lt := l
X		    end
X		else
X			error(enotdeclid)
X	    end
X	else begin
X		sp^.lused := true;
X		tp := mknode(nid);
X		tp^.tsym := sp;
X		if (sp^.lt = lpointer) and (l = lidentifier) then
X		    begin
X			sp^.lt := lidentifier;
X			sp^.lsymdecl := tp
X		    end
X	     end;
X	oldid := tp
X(*	Look up a field in a record declaration.			*)
X(*	Return nil if field isn't declared in "tp" or its variants.	*)
Xfunction oldfield(tp : treeptr; ip : idptr) : treeptr;
Xlabel	999;
Xvar	tq, ti,
X	fp	: treeptr;
X	fp := nil;
X	tq := tp^.tflist;
X	while tq <> nil do
X	    begin
X		ti := tq^.tidl;
X		while ti <> nil do
X		    begin
X			if ti^.tsym^.lid = ip then
X			    begin
X				fp := mknode(nid);
X				fp^.tsym := ti^.tsym;
X				goto 999
X			    end;
X			ti := ti^.tnext
X		    end;
X		tq := tq^.tnext
X	    end;
X	tq := tp^.tvlist;
X	while tq <> nil do
X	    begin
X		fp := oldfield(tq^.tvrnt, ip);
X		if fp <> nil then
X			tq := nil
X		else
X			tq := tq^.tnext
X	    end;
X	oldfield := fp
X(*	This is the main parsing routine. It parses a correct pascal-	*)
X(*	program and builds a parsetree which is left in the global	*)
X(*	variable top.							*)
X(*	Parsing is done through recursive descent using a set of	*)
X(*	mutually recursive functions.					*)
Xprocedure parse;
X	function plabel : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pidlist(l : ltypes) : treeptr;			forward;
X	function pconst : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pconstant(realok : boolean) : treeptr;		forward;
X	function precord(cs : symtyp; dp : declptr) : treeptr;	forward;
X	function ptypedef : treeptr;				forward;
X	function ptype : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pvar : treeptr;				forward;
X	function psubs : treeptr;				forward;
X	function psubpar : treeptr;				forward;
X	function plabstmt : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pstmt : treeptr;				forward;
X	function psimple : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pvariable(varptr : treeptr) : treeptr;		forward;
X	function pexpr(tnp : treeptr) : treeptr;		forward;
X	function pcase : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pif : treeptr;					forward;
X	function pwhile : treeptr;				forward;
X	function prepeat : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pfor : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pwith : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pgoto : treeptr;				forward;
X	function pbegin(retain : boolean) : treeptr;		forward;
X	(*	Open scope of a record variable.			*)
X	procedure scopeup(tp : treeptr);
X		(*	Scan a record-declaration and add all fields to	*)
X		(*	current scope.					*)
X		procedure addfields(rp : treeptr);
X		var	fp, ip, vp	: treeptr;
X			sp		: symptr;
X		begin
X			fp := rp^.tflist;
X			while fp <> nil do
X			    begin
X				ip := fp^.tidl;
X				while ip <> nil do
X				    begin
X					sp := mksym(lfield);
X					sp^.lid := ip^.tsym^.lid;
X					sp^.lused := false;
X					sp^.lsymdecl := ip;
X					declsym(sp);
X					ip := ip^.tnext
X				    end;
X				fp := fp^.tnext
X			    end;
X			vp := rp^.tvlist;
X			while vp <> nil do
X			    begin
X				addfields(vp^.tvrnt);
X				vp := vp^.tnext
X			    end
X		end;
X	begin
X		addfields(typeof(tp))
X	end;
X	(*	Check that the current label is new then save it in the	*)
X	(*	current scope. Create and return a new node referencing	*)
X	(*	the label.						*)
X	function newlbl : treeptr;
X	var	sp	: symptr;
X		tp	: treeptr;
X	begin
X		tp := mknode(nlabel);
X		sp := lookuplabel(currsym.vint);
X		if sp <> nil then
X			if sp^.ldecl <> symtab then
X				sp := nil;
X		if sp = nil then
X		    begin
X			sp := mksym(lforwlab);
X			sp^.lno := currsym.vint;
X			sp^.lgo := false;
X			sp^.lsymdecl := tp;
X			declsym(sp)
X		    end
X		else
X			error(emultdecllab);
X		tp^.tsym := sp;
X		newlbl := tp
X	end;
X	(*	Check that the current label is already declared.	*)
X	(*	Create and return a new node referencing it.		*)
X	function oldlbl(defpt : boolean) : treeptr;
X	var	sp	: symptr;
X		tp	: treeptr;
X	begin
X		sp := lookuplabel(currsym.vint);
X		if sp = nil then
X		    begin
X			prtmsg(enotdecllab);
X			tp := newlbl;
X			sp := tp^.tsym
X		    end
X		else begin
X			tp := mknode(nlabel);
X			tp^.tsym := sp
X		     end;
X		if defpt then
X		    begin
if test 59347 -ne `wc -c <'ptc.p.1'`; then
    echo shar: \"'ptc.p.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'ptc.p.1'
echo shar: End of archive 12 \(of 12\).
cp /dev/null ark12isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 12 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

Rich $alz			"Anger is an energy"
Cronus Project, BBN Labs	rsalz@bbn.com
Moderator, comp.sources.unix	sources@uunet.uu.net