[comp.sources.unix] REPOST v11i084: Tcsh for 4.3 CSH, Part01/02

rsalz@uunet.UUCP (10/01/87)

Submitted-by: chris@nrcvax.uucp (Chris Grevstad)
Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 84
Archive-name: tcsh.4.3/part01

This stuff is to adapt Paul Placeway's tcsh to BSD4.3 csh.

The files tcsh.DIFF* are to replace the DIFFS* files that got distributed
with the tcsh stuff in volume 10 of comp.sources.unix.

Be sure to replace DIFFS.1 with tcsh.DIFFS.1 and DIFFS.2 with tcsh.DIFFS.2.
At that point you should be able to follow the directions included in the
README file.

	Chris Grevstad

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
# This archive created: Thu Sep 24 16:28:11 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'DIFFS.1'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'DIFFS.1'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'DIFFS.1'
*** sh.c	Sat Mar 29 07:17:01 1986
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.c	Thu Sep 17 23:22:08 1987
*** 7,12
  #ifndef lint
  static char *sccsid = "@(#)sh.c	5.3 (Berkeley) 3/29/86";
  #include "sh.h"
  #include <sys/ioctl.h>

--- 7,13 -----
  #ifndef lint
  static char *sccsid = "@(#)sh.c	5.3 (Berkeley) 3/29/86";
+ static char *Version = "tcsh 5.4 (Ohio State) 7/18/87 Patch level 0";
  #include "sh.h"
  /* #include <sys/ioctl.h> */
*** 9,15
  #include "sh.h"
! #include <sys/ioctl.h>
   * C Shell

--- 10,27 -----
  static char *Version = "tcsh 5.4 (Ohio State) 7/18/87 Patch level 0";
  #include "sh.h"
! /* #include <sys/ioctl.h> */
! #ifdef SVID
! struct termio termiob;
! # ifdef OREO
! struct ltchars ltcbuf;
! #include <compat.h>
! # endif OREO
! #endif SVID
   * C Shell
*** 18,23
   * Jim Kulp, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
   * April 1980
  char	*pathlist[] =	{ ".", "/usr/ucb", "/bin", "/usr/bin", 0 };

--- 30,55 -----
   * Jim Kulp, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
   * April 1980
+  *
+  * Filename recognition added:
+  * Ken Greer, Ind. Consultant, Palo Alto CA
+  * October 1983.
+  *
+  * Karl Kleinpaste, Computer Consoles, Inc.
+  * Added precmd, periodic/tperiod, prompt changes,
+  * directory stack hack, and login watch.
+  * Sometime March 1983 - Feb 1984.
+  *
+  * Added scheduled commands, including the "sched" command,
+  * plus the call to sched_run near the precmd et al
+  * routines.
+  * Upgraded scheduled events for running events while
+  * sitting idle at command input.
+  *
+  * Paul Placeway, Ohio State
+  * added stuff for running with twenex/inputl  9 Oct 1984.
+  *
+  * ported to Apple Unix (TM) (OREO)  26 -- 29 Jun 1987
  char	*pathlist[] =	{ ".", "/usr/ucb", "/bin", "/usr/bin", 0 };
*** 23,30
  char	*pathlist[] =	{ ".", "/usr/ucb", "/bin", "/usr/bin", 0 };
  char	*dumphist[] =	{ "history", "-h", 0, 0 };
  char	*loadhist[] =	{ "source", "-h", "~/.history", 0 };
! char	HIST = '!';
! char	HISTSUB = '^';
  bool	nofile;
  bool	reenter;
  bool	nverbose;

--- 55,62 -----
  char	*pathlist[] =	{ ".", "/usr/ucb", "/bin", "/usr/bin", 0 };
  char	*dumphist[] =	{ "history", "-h", 0, 0 };
  char	*loadhist[] =	{ "source", "-h", "~/.history", 0 };
! /* char	HIST = '!'; */
! /* char	HISTSUB = '^'; */
  bool	nofile;
  bool	reenter;
  bool	nverbose;
*** 34,39
  bool	batch;
  bool	prompt = 1;
  bool	enterhist = 0;
  extern	gid_t getegid(), getgid();
  extern	uid_t geteuid(), getuid();

--- 66,79 -----
  bool	batch;
  bool	prompt = 1;
  bool	enterhist = 0;
+ bool	tellwhat = 0;
+ int	phup();
+ time_t	t_period;
+ time_t	watch_period = 0;
+ struct who *wholist;
+ bool	precmd_active = 0;
+ bool	periodic_active = 0;
+ char    buff[128];		/* for gethostname(2), and printprompt() */
  extern	gid_t getegid(), getgid();
  extern	uid_t geteuid(), getuid();
*** 38,43
  extern	gid_t getegid(), getgid();
  extern	uid_t geteuid(), getuid();
  main(c, av)
  	int c;
  	char **av;

--- 78,111 -----
  extern	gid_t getegid(), getgid();
  extern	uid_t geteuid(), getuid();
+ #define DEFAULT_AUTOLOGOUT	"60"	/* 1 Hour Alarm default */
+ auto_logout ()
+ {
+     printf ("auto-logout\n");
+     close (SHIN);
+     set ("logout", "automatic");
+     child++;
+     goodbye ();
+ }
+ alrmcatch ()
+ {
+ 	extern	struct	sched_event *sched_ptr;
+ 	time_t	cl;
+ 	if (!sched_ptr)
+ 		auto_logout();	/* no other possibility - logout */
+ 	time(&cl);
+ 	if (sched_ptr->t_when <= cl + 1)
+ 		sched_run();
+ 	else
+ 		auto_logout();
+ 	setalarm();
+ }
+ char    *ttyname();
  main(c, av)
  	int c;
  	char **av;
*** 47,52
  	struct sigvec osv;
  	settimes();			/* Immed. estab. timing base */
  	v = av;
  	if (eq(v[0], "a.out"))		/* A.out's are quittable */
  		quitit = 1;

--- 115,128 -----
  	struct sigvec osv;
  	settimes();			/* Immed. estab. timing base */
+ #ifdef OREO
+ 	set42sig();
+ #endif
+ 	HIST = '!';
+ 	HISTSUB = '^';
  	v = av;
  	if (eq(v[0], "a.out"))		/* A.out's are quittable */
  		quitit = 1;
*** 56,61
  		(void) time(&chktim);
  	 * Move the descriptors to safe places.
  	 * The variable didfds is 0 while we have only FSH* to work with.
  	 * When didfds is true, we have 0,1,2 and prefer to use these.

--- 132,144 -----
  		(void) time(&chktim);
+ 	 * Initialize for periodic command intervals.
+ 	 * Also, initialize the dummy tty list for login-watch.
+ 	 */
+ 	time(&t_period);
+ 	initwatch();
+ 	/*
  	 * Move the descriptors to safe places.
  	 * The variable didfds is 0 while we have only FSH* to work with.
  	 * When didfds is true, we have 0,1,2 and prefer to use these.
*** 69,74
  	 * CHILD is munged when forking/waiting
  	set("status", "0");
  	dinit(cp = getenv("HOME"));	/* dinit thinks that HOME == cwd in a
  					 * login shell */

--- 152,181 -----
  	 * CHILD is munged when forking/waiting
+ 	/* 7-10-87 Paul Placeway
+ 	 * autologout should be set ONLY on login shells and on shells
+ 	 * running as root.  Out of these, autologout should NOT be set
+ 	 * for any psudo-terminals (this catches most window systems)
+ 	 * and not for any terminal running X windows.
+ 	 *
+ 	 * At Ohio State, we have had problems with a user having his
+ 	 * X session drop out from under him (on a Sun) because the shell
+ 	 * in his master xterm timed out and exited.
+ 	 *
+ 	 * Really, this should be done with a program external to the
+ 	 * shell, that watches for no activity (and NO running programs,
+ 	 * such as dump) on a terminal for a long peroid of time, and
+ 	 * then SIGHUPS the shell on that terminal.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (loginsh || getuid() == 0) { /* only for login shells or root */
+ 	    cp = ttyname(SHIN);
+ 	    if ((strncmp (cp, "ttyp", 4) != 0) &&
+ 		(strncmp (cp, "ttyp", 4) != 0))
+ 		if (getenv("DISPLAY") == NOSTR) /* NOT on X window shells */
+ 		    set("autologout", DEFAULT_AUTOLOGOUT);
+ 	}
+ 	signal(SIGALRM, alrmcatch);
  	set("status", "0");
  	set("tcsh", "1");		/* so I can tell the difference */
  	dinit(cp = getenv("HOME"));	/* dinit thinks that HOME == cwd in a
*** 70,75
  	set("status", "0");
  	dinit(cp = getenv("HOME"));	/* dinit thinks that HOME == cwd in a
  					 * login shell */
  	if (cp == NOSTR)

--- 177,183 -----
  	signal(SIGALRM, alrmcatch);
  	set("status", "0");
+ 	set("tcsh", "1");		/* so I can tell the difference */
  	dinit(cp = getenv("HOME"));	/* dinit thinks that HOME == cwd in a
  					 * login shell */
  	if (cp == NOSTR)
*** 84,89
  		set("user", savestr(cp));
  	if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) != NOSTR)
  		set("term", savestr(cp));
  	 * Re-initialize path if set in environment

--- 192,199 -----
  		set("user", savestr(cp));
  	if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) != NOSTR)
  		set("term", savestr(cp));
+ 	set ("version", Version); /* publish the shell version */
  	 * set usefull environment things for the user
*** 85,90
  	if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) != NOSTR)
  		set("term", savestr(cp));
  	 * Re-initialize path if set in environment
  	if ((cp = getenv("PATH")) == NOSTR)

--- 195,235 -----
  	set ("version", Version); /* publish the shell version */
+ 	 * set usefull environment things for the user
+ 	 */
+ 	itoa (getuid(), buff);
+ 	set ("uid", buff);
+ 	if ((cp = getenv("HOST")) == NOSTR) { /* if not allready set */
+ 	    gethostname (buff, sizeof(buff));
+ 	    buff[sizeof(buff) -1] = '\0'; /* just in case */
+ 	    setenv ("HOST", buff);
+ 	}
+ 	if ((cp = getenv("HOSTTYPE")) == NOSTR) { /* if not allready set */
+ #ifdef vax
+ 	    setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "vax");
+ #endif
+ #ifdef sun
+ # ifdef mc68010
+ 	    setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "sun2");
+ # else
+ #  ifdef mc68020
+ 	    setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "sun3");
+ #  else
+ 	    setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "sun");
+ #  endif
+ # endif
+ #endif
+ #ifdef pyr			/* pyramid */
+ 	    setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "pyramid");
+ #endif
+ #ifdef OREO
+ 	    setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "mac2");
+ #endif OREO
+ #ifdef ns32000                  /* ugh!  This should change */
+             setenv ("HOSTTYPE", "multimax");
+ #endif
+ 	}
+ 	/*
  	 * Re-initialize path if set in environment
  	if ((cp = getenv("PATH")) == NOSTR)
*** 205,210
  		file = v[0];
  		SHIN = dmove(nofile, FSHIN);	/* Replace FSHIN */
  		(void) ioctl(SHIN, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  		prompt = 0;
  		c--, v++;

--- 350,356 -----
  		file = v[0];
  		SHIN = dmove(nofile, FSHIN);	/* Replace FSHIN */
+ #ifdef BSD4_3
  		(void) ioctl(SHIN, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  		prompt = 0;
*** 206,211
  		file = v[0];
  		SHIN = dmove(nofile, FSHIN);	/* Replace FSHIN */
  		(void) ioctl(SHIN, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  		prompt = 0;
  		c--, v++;

--- 352,358 -----
  		SHIN = dmove(nofile, FSHIN);	/* Replace FSHIN */
  #ifdef BSD4_3
  		(void) ioctl(SHIN, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
+ #endif
  		prompt = 0;
  		c--, v++;
*** 239,246
  	 * Set up the prompt.
! 	if (prompt)
! 		set("prompt", uid == 0 ? "# " : "% ");
  	 * If we are an interactive shell, then start fiddling

--- 386,395 -----
  	 * Set up the prompt.
! 	if (prompt) {
! 		set("prompt", uid == 0 ? "# " : "> ");
! 		set("prompt2", "\277 "); /* that's a meta-questionmark */
! 	}
  	 * If we are an interactive shell, then start fiddling
*** 275,280
  				f = -1;
  			if (ioctl(f, TIOCGPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp) == 0 &&
  			    tpgrp != -1) {
  				int ldisc;

--- 424,430 -----
  				f = -1;
+ #ifdef BSDJOBS			/* if we have tty job control */
  			if (ioctl(f, TIOCGPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp) == 0 &&
  			    tpgrp != -1) {
  				int ldisc;
*** 286,291
  				if (ioctl(f, TIOCGETD, (char *)&oldisc) != 0) 
  					goto notty;
  				if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #ifdef DEBUG
  					printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");

--- 436,468 -----
  				if (ioctl(f, TIOCGETD, (char *)&oldisc) != 0) 
  					goto notty;
+ # ifdef OREO
+ 			if (ioctl(f, TCGETA, &termiob) != 0)
+ 				    goto notty;
+ 				if ((getcompat(COMPAT_BSDTTY) & COMPAT_BSDTTY)
+ 				    != COMPAT_BSDTTY) {
+ #  ifdef DEBUG
+ 				    printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
+ #  endif DEBUG
+ 				    setcompat(COMPAT_BSDTTY);
+ 				    if (ioctl (f, TIOCGLTC, &ltcbuf) < 0) {
+ 					printf ("Couldn't get local chars.\n");
+ 				    } else {
+ #  ifdef DEBUG
+ 					printf ("Setting ^Z, etc....\n");
+ #  endif DEBUG
+ 					ltcbuf.t_suspc = '\032'; /* ^Z */
+ 					ltcbuf.t_dsuspc = '\031'; /* ^Y */
+ 					ltcbuf.t_rprntc = '\022'; /* ^R */
+ 					ltcbuf.t_flushc = '\017'; /* ^O */
+ 					ltcbuf.t_werasc = '\027'; /* ^W */
+ 					ltcbuf.t_lnextc = '\026'; /* ^V */
+ 					ioctl (f, TIOCSLTC, &ltcbuf);
+ 				    }
+ 				    termiob.c_cc[VSWTCH] = '\0';
+ 				    ioctl(f, TCSETAF, &termiob);
+ 				}
+ # else OREO
  				if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #  ifdef DEBUG
  					printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
*** 287,293
  				if (ioctl(f, TIOCGETD, (char *)&oldisc) != 0) 
  					goto notty;
  				if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
! #ifdef DEBUG
  					printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
  #endif DEBUG
  					ldisc = NTTYDISC;

--- 464,470 -----
  # else OREO
  				if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
! #  ifdef DEBUG
  					printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
  #  endif DEBUG
  					ldisc = NTTYDISC;
*** 289,295
  				if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #ifdef DEBUG
  					printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
! #endif DEBUG
  					ldisc = NTTYDISC;
  					(void) ioctl(f, TIOCSETD,
  						(char *)&ldisc);

--- 466,472 -----
  				if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #  ifdef DEBUG
  					printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
! #  endif DEBUG
  					ldisc = NTTYDISC;
  					(void) ioctl(f, TIOCSETD,
  						(char *)&ldisc);
*** 295,300
  						(char *)&ldisc);
  				} else
  					oldisc = -1;
  				opgrp = shpgrp;
  				shpgrp = getpid();
  				tpgrp = shpgrp;

--- 472,478 -----
  						(char *)&ldisc);
  				} else
  					oldisc = -1;
+ # endif OREO
  				opgrp = shpgrp;
  				shpgrp = getpid();
  				tpgrp = shpgrp;
*** 307,312
    printf("Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...\n");
  				tpgrp = -1;
  	if (setintr == 0 && parintr == SIG_DFL)

--- 485,494 -----
    printf("Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...\n");
  				tpgrp = -1;
+ #else BSDJOBS			/* don't have job control, so frotz it */
+ 			tpgrp = -1;
+ 			printf ("Warning: jobs not implemented yet.\n");
+ #endif BSDJOBS
  	if (setintr == 0 && parintr == SIG_DFL)
*** 321,326
  	haderr = 0;		/* In case second time through */
  	if (!fast && reenter == 0) {
  		/* Will have value("home") here because set fast if don't */
  		srccat(value("home"), "/.cshrc");
  		if (!fast && !arginp && !onelflg && !havhash)

--- 503,512 -----
  	haderr = 0;		/* In case second time through */
  	if (!fast && reenter == 0) {
+                 if (!fast && !arginp && !onelflg) { /* PWP setup stuff */
+ 		    ed_Init();	/* init the new line editor */
+ 		    /* PWP: setup the editor BEFORE doing .cshrc, else bugs! */
+ 		}    
  		/* Will have value("home") here because set fast if don't */
  		srccat(value("home"), "/.cshrc");	/* upward compat. */
  		if (!fast && !arginp && !onelflg && !havhash)
*** 322,328
  	if (!fast && reenter == 0) {
  		/* Will have value("home") here because set fast if don't */
! 		srccat(value("home"), "/.cshrc");
  		if (!fast && !arginp && !onelflg && !havhash)
  		if (loginsh) {

--- 508,514 -----
  		    /* PWP: setup the editor BEFORE doing .cshrc, else bugs! */
  		/* Will have value("home") here because set fast if don't */
! 		srccat(value("home"), "/.cshrc");	/* upward compat. */
  		if (!fast && !arginp && !onelflg && !havhash)
  		if (loginsh) {
*** 350,360
  	 * Mop-up.
! 	if (loginsh) {
! 		printf("logout\n");
! 		(void) close(SHIN);
! 		child++;
! 		goodbye();

--- 536,550 -----
  	 * Mop-up.
! 	if (intty) {
! 		if (loginsh) {
! 			printf("logout\n");
! 			(void) close(SHIN);
! 			child++;
! 			goodbye();
! 		} else {
! 			printf ("exit\n");
! 		}
*** 362,368
  	if (tpgrp > 0) {
  		(void) setpgrp(0, opgrp);
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&opgrp);

--- 552,558 -----
! #ifdef BSDJOBS
  	if (tpgrp > 0) {
  		(void) setpgrp(0, opgrp);
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&opgrp);
*** 366,371
  	if (tpgrp > 0) {
  		(void) setpgrp(0, opgrp);
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&opgrp);
  		if (oldisc != -1 && oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #ifdef DEBUG
  			printf("\nReverting to old tty driver...\n");

--- 556,562 -----
  	if (tpgrp > 0) {
  		(void) setpgrp(0, opgrp);
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&opgrp);
+ # ifndef OREO
  		if (oldisc != -1 && oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #  ifdef DEBUG
  			printf("\nReverting to old tty driver...\n");
*** 367,373
  		(void) setpgrp(0, opgrp);
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&opgrp);
  		if (oldisc != -1 && oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
! #ifdef DEBUG
  			printf("\nReverting to old tty driver...\n");
  #endif DEBUG
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);

--- 558,564 -----
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&opgrp);
  # ifndef OREO
  		if (oldisc != -1 && oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
! #  ifdef DEBUG
  			printf("\nReverting to old tty driver...\n");
  #  endif DEBUG
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);
*** 369,375
  		if (oldisc != -1 && oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #ifdef DEBUG
  			printf("\nReverting to old tty driver...\n");
! #endif DEBUG
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);

--- 560,566 -----
  		if (oldisc != -1 && oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  #  ifdef DEBUG
  			printf("\nReverting to old tty driver...\n");
! #  endif DEBUG
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);
  # endif OREO
*** 372,377
  #endif DEBUG
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);

--- 563,569 -----
  #  endif DEBUG
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);
+ # endif OREO
  #endif BSDJOBS
*** 373,378
  			(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&oldisc);

--- 565,571 -----
  # endif OREO
+ #endif BSDJOBS
*** 421,426
  	register char *ep = strspl(cp, dp);
  	register int unit = dmove(open(ep, 0), -1);
  	(void) ioctl(unit, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  #ifdef INGRES

--- 614,620 -----
  	register char *ep = strspl(cp, dp);
  	register int unit = dmove(open(ep, 0), -1);
+ #ifdef BSD4_3
  	(void) ioctl(unit, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
*** 422,427
  	register int unit = dmove(open(ep, 0), -1);
  	(void) ioctl(unit, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  #ifdef INGRES
  	srcunit(unit, 0, 0);

--- 616,622 -----
  #ifdef BSD4_3
  	(void) ioctl(unit, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
+ #endif
  #ifdef INGRES
  	srcunit(unit, 0, 0);
*** 464,471
  	if (onlyown) {
  		struct stat stb;
! 		if (fstat(unit, &stb) < 0 ||
! 		    (stb.st_uid != uid && stb.st_gid != getgid())) {
  			(void) close(unit);

--- 659,667 -----
  	if (onlyown) {
  		struct stat stb;
! 		if (fstat(unit, &stb) < 0
! 		/*    || (stb.st_uid != uid && stb.st_gid != getgid()) */
! 		    ) {
  			(void) close(unit);
*** 573,578
  	if (loginsh) {
  		(void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
  		(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

--- 769,775 -----
+ 	rechist();
  	if (loginsh) {
  		(void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
  		(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
*** 578,583
  		(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
  		(void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
  		setintr = 0;		/* No interrupts after "logout" */
  		if (adrof("home"))
  			srccat(value("home"), "/.logout");

--- 775,782 -----
  		(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
  		(void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
  		setintr = 0;		/* No interrupts after "logout" */
+ 		if (!(adrof("logout")))
+ 			set ("logout", "normal");
  		if (adrof("home"))
  			srccat(value("home"), "/.logout");
*** 581,587
  		if (adrof("home"))
  			srccat(value("home"), "/.logout");
- 	rechist();

--- 780,785 -----
  		if (adrof("home"))
  			srccat(value("home"), "/.logout");
*** 654,661
  		if (v = gargv)
  			gargv = 0, blkfree(v);
! 	} else if (intty && wantnl)
! 		printf("\n");		/* Some like this, others don't */

--- 852,862 -----
  		if (v = gargv)
  			gargv = 0, blkfree(v);
! 	} else if (intty && wantnl) {
! 		/* printf("\n");	/* Some like this, others don't */
! 		putraw ('\r');
! 		putraw ('\n');
! 	}
*** 730,735
  		if (intty && prompt && evalvec == 0) {
  			 * If we are at the end of the input buffer
  			 * then we are going to read fresh stuff.
  			 * Otherwise, we are rereading input and don't

--- 931,946 -----
  		if (intty && prompt && evalvec == 0) {
+ 			 * Watch for logins/logouts.
+ 			 * Next is scheduled commands stored previously using "sched."
+ 			 * Then execute periodic commands.
+ 			 * Following that, the prompt precmd is run.
+ 			 */
+ 			watch_login();
+ 			sched_run();
+ 			period_cmd();
+ 			precmd();
+ 			/*
  			 * If we are at the end of the input buffer
  			 * then we are going to read fresh stuff.
  			 * Otherwise, we are rereading input and don't
*** 737,742
  			if (fseekp == feobp)
  		err = 0;

--- 948,954 -----
  			if (fseekp == feobp)
+ 			setalarm();
  		err = 0;
*** 744,750
  		 * Echo not only on VERBOSE, but also with history expansion.
  		 * If there is a lexical error then we forego history echo.
! 		if (lex(&paraml) && !err && intty ||
  		    adrof("verbose")) {
  			haderr = 1;

--- 956,962 -----
  		 * Echo not only on VERBOSE, but also with history expansion.
  		 * If there is a lexical error then we forego history echo.
! 		if (lex(&paraml) && !err && intty && !tellwhat ||
  		    adrof("verbose")) {
  			haderr = 1;
*** 750,755
  			haderr = 0;
  		 * The parser may lose space if interrupted.

--- 962,968 -----
  			haderr = 0;
+ 		alarm (0);				/* Autologout OFF */
  		 * The parser may lose space if interrupted.
*** 763,769
  		 * is from the terminal at the top level and not
  		 * in a loop.
! 		if (enterhist || catch && intty && !whyles)

--- 976,982 -----
  		 * is from the terminal at the top level and not
  		 * in a loop.
! 		if (enterhist || catch && intty && !whyles && !tellwhat)
*** 783,788
  		 * Parse the words of the input into a parse tree.
  		t = syntax(paraml.next, &paraml, 0);

--- 996,1009 -----
+ 		 * If had a tell_what from twenex() then do
+ 		 */
+ 		if (tellwhat) {
+ 			tellmewhat(&paraml);
+ 			reset();
+ 		}
+ 		/*
  		 * Parse the words of the input into a parse tree.
  		t = syntax(paraml.next, &paraml, 0);
*** 821,826
  	if (u < 0 && !hflg)
  	(void) ioctl(u, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	srcunit(u, 0, hflg);

--- 1042,1048 -----
  	if (u < 0 && !hflg)
+ #ifdef BSD4_3
  	(void) ioctl(u, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	srcunit(u, 0, hflg);
*** 822,827
  	if (u < 0 && !hflg)
  	(void) ioctl(u, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	srcunit(u, 0, hflg);

--- 1044,1050 -----
  #ifdef BSD4_3
  	(void) ioctl(u, FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
+ #endif
  	srcunit(u, 0, hflg);
*** 870,876
  	chktim = t;
! #include <pwd.h>
   * Extract a home directory from the password file
   * The argument points to a buffer where the name of the

--- 1093,1099 -----
  	chktim = t;
! /* #include <pwd.h> */
   * Extract a home directory from the password file
   * The argument points to a buffer where the name of the
*** 896,901
  	didfds = 0;			/* 0, 1, 2 aren't set up */
  	(void) ioctl(SHIN = dcopy(0, FSHIN), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(SHOUT = dcopy(1, FSHOUT), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(SHDIAG = dcopy(2, FSHDIAG), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);

--- 1119,1125 -----
  	didfds = 0;			/* 0, 1, 2 aren't set up */
+ #ifdef BSD4_3
  	(void) ioctl(SHIN = dcopy(0, FSHIN), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(SHOUT = dcopy(1, FSHOUT), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(SHDIAG = dcopy(2, FSHDIAG), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
*** 900,905
  	(void) ioctl(SHOUT = dcopy(1, FSHOUT), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(SHDIAG = dcopy(2, FSHDIAG), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(OLDSTD = dcopy(SHIN, FOLDSTD), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);

--- 1124,1135 -----
  	(void) ioctl(SHOUT = dcopy(1, FSHOUT), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(SHDIAG = dcopy(2, FSHDIAG), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
  	(void) ioctl(OLDSTD = dcopy(SHIN, FOLDSTD), FIOCLEX, (char *)0);
+ #else
+ 	SHIN = dcopy(0, FSHIN);
+ 	SHOUT = dcopy(1, FSHOUT);
+ 	SHDIAG = dcopy(2, FSHDIAG);
+ #endif
*** 903,908
  #ifdef PROF

--- 1133,1541 -----
+ /*
+  * Karl Kleinpaste, 21oct1983.
+  * Added precmd(), which checks for the alias
+  * precmd in aliases.  If it's there, the alias
+  * is executed as a command.  This is done
+  * after mailchk() and just before print-
+  * ing the prompt.  Useful for things like printing
+  * one's current directory just before each command.
+  */
+ precmd()
+ {
+ 	int	omask;
+ 	omask = sighold (SIGINT);
+ 	if (precmd_active) {	/* an error must have been caught */
+ 		aliasrun (2, "unalias", "precmd");
+ 		printf ("Faulty alias 'precmd' removed.\n");
+ 		goto leave;
+ 	}
+ 	precmd_active++;
+ 	if (!whyles && adrof1 ("precmd", &aliases))
+ 		aliasrun (1, "precmd", (char *) 0);
+ leave:
+ 	precmd_active = 0;
+ 	sigsetmask(omask);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Karl Kleinpaste, 18 Jan 1984.
+  * Added period_cmd(), which executes the alias "periodic" every
+  * $tperiod minutes.  Useful for occasional checking of msgs and such.
+  */
+ period_cmd()
+ {
+ 	register char *vp;
+ 	time_t t, interval;
+ 	int	omask;
+ 	omask = sighold (SIGINT);
+ 	if (periodic_active) {	/* an error must have been caught */
+ 		aliasrun (2, "unalias", "periodic");
+ 		printf ("Faulty alias 'periodic' removed.\n");
+ 		goto leave;
+ 	}
+ 	periodic_active++;
+ 	if (!whyles && adrof1 ("periodic", &aliases)) {
+ 		vp = value ("tperiod");
+ 		if (vp == (char *) 0)
+ 			return;
+ 		interval = getn (vp);
+ 		time (&t);
+ 		if (t - t_period >= interval * 60) {
+ 			t_period = t;
+ 			aliasrun (1, "periodic", (char *) 0);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ leave:
+ 	periodic_active = 0;
+ 	sigsetmask(omask);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Karl Kleinpaste, 21oct1983.
+  * Set up a one-word alias command, for use for special things.
+  * This code is based on the mainline of process().
+  */
+ aliasrun (cnt, s1, s2)
+ 	int cnt;
+ 	char *s1, *s2;
+ {
+ 	struct	wordent	w, *new1, *new2;	/* for holding alias name */
+ 	struct	command	*t = (struct command *) 0;
+ 	err = NOSTR;			/* don't repeatedly print err msg. */
+ 	w.word = "";
+ 	new1 = (struct wordent *) calloc (1, sizeof w);
+ 	new1->word = savestr (s1);
+ 	if (cnt == 1) {
+ 		/* build a lex list with one word. */
+ 		w.next = w.prev = new1;
+ 		new1->next = new1->prev = &w;
+ 	} else {
+ 		/* build a lex list with two words. */
+ 		new2 = (struct wordent *) calloc (1, sizeof w);
+ 		new2->word = savestr (s2);
+ 		w.next = new2->prev = new1;
+ 		new1->next = w.prev = new2;
+ 		new1->prev = new2->next = &w;
+ 	}
+ 	/* expand aliases like process() does. */
+ 	alias (&w);
+ 	/* build a syntax tree for the command. */
+ 	t = syntax (w.next, &w, 0);
+ 	if (err)
+ 		error (err);
+ 	/* execute the parse tree. */
+ 	execute (t, -1);
+ 	/* done. free the lex list and parse tree. */
+ 	freelex (&w), freesyn (t);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Karl Kleinpaste, 26 Jan 1984.
+  * Initialize the dummy tty list for login watch.
+  * This dummy list eliminates boundary conditions
+  * when doing pointer-chase searches.
+  */
+ initwatch()
+ {
+ 	wholist = (struct who *) calloc (1, sizeof *wholist);
+ 	wholist->w_next = (struct who *) calloc (1, sizeof *wholist);
+ 	wholist->w_next->w_prev = wholist;
+ 	strcpy (wholist->w_tty, "\01\01\01\01\01");
+ 	strcpy (wholist->w_next->w_tty, "~~~~~");
+ #ifdef WHODEBUG
+ 	debugwholist ((struct who *) 0, (struct who *) 0);
+ #endif WHODEBUG
+ }
+ /*
+  * Karl Kleinpaste, 26 Jan 1984.
+  * Watch /etc/utmp for login/logout changes.
+  */
+ watch_login()
+ {
+ 	int utmpfd, comparison, alldone, cnt;
+ 	struct utmp utmp;
+ 	struct who *wp, *wpnew;
+ 	struct varent *v;
+ 	char **vp, *cp;
+ 	time_t t, interval;
+ 	int	omask;
+ 	/* stop SIGINT, lest our login list get trashed. */
+ 	omask = sighold (SIGINT);
+ 	v = adrof ("watch");
+ 	if (v == (struct varent *) 0) {
+ 		sigsetmask(omask);
+ 		return;			/* no names to watch */
+ 	}
+ 	vp = v->vec;
+ 	cnt = blklen (vp);
+ 	if (cnt % 2) {			/* odd # args: 1st == # minutes. */
+ 		interval = (number (*vp)) ? getn (*vp++) : MAILINTVL;
+ 		cnt--;
+ 	}
+ 	time (&t);
+ 	if (t - watch_period < interval * 60) {
+ 		sigsetmask(omask);
+ 		return;			/* not long enough yet... */
+ 	}
+ 	watch_period = t;
+ 	if ((utmpfd = open ("/etc/utmp", 0)) < 0) {
+ 		printf ("/etc/utmp cannot be opened.  Please \"unset watch\".\n");
+ 		sigsetmask(omask);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Read in the utmp file, sort the entries, and update existing
+ 	 * entries or add new entries to the status list.
+ 	 */
+ 	while (read (utmpfd, &utmp, sizeof utmp) == sizeof utmp) {
+ 		if (utmp.ut_name[0] == '\0' && utmp.ut_line[0] == '\0')
+ 			continue;	/* completely void entry */
+ 		wp = wholist;
+ 		while ((comparison = strncmp (wp->w_tty, utmp.ut_line, 8)) < 0)
+ 			wp = wp->w_next;	/* find that tty! */
+ 		if (comparison == 0) {		/* found the tty... */
+ 			if (utmp.ut_name[0] == '\0')
+ 				wp->w_status = OFFLINE;
+ 			else			/* someone is logged in */
+ 				if (strncmp (utmp.ut_name, wp->w_name, 8) == 0)
+ 					wp->w_status = 0;	/* same guy */
+ 				else {
+ 					strncpy (wp->w_new, utmp.ut_name, 8);
+ 					if (wp->w_name[0] == '\0')
+ 						wp->w_status = ONLINE;
+ 					else
+ 						wp->w_status = CHANGED;
+ 				}
+ 		} else {			/* new tty in utmp */
+ 			wpnew = (struct who *) calloc (1, sizeof *wpnew);
+ 			strncpy (wpnew->w_tty, utmp.ut_line, 8);
+ 			if (utmp.ut_name[0] == '\0')
+ 				wpnew->w_status = OFFLINE;
+ 			else {
+ 				strncpy (wpnew->w_new, utmp.ut_name, 8);
+ 				wpnew->w_status = ONLINE;
+ 			}
+ #ifdef WHODEBUG
+ 			debugwholist(wpnew, wp);
+ #endif WHODEBUG
+ 			wpnew->w_next = wp;	/* link in a new 'who' */
+ 			wpnew->w_prev = wp->w_prev;
+ 			wpnew->w_prev->w_next = wpnew;
+ 			wp->w_prev = wpnew;	/* linked in now */
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	close (utmpfd);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * The state of all logins is now known, so we can search
+ 	 * the user's list of watchables to print the interesting ones.
+ 	 */
+ 	for (alldone = 0; !alldone && *vp != (char *) 0 && **vp != '\0' &&
+ 			*(vp+1) != (char *) 0 && **(vp+1) != '\0';
+ 			vp += 2) {		/* args used in pairs... */
+ 		if (eq (*vp, "any") && eq (*(vp+1), "any"))
+ 			alldone++;
+ 		for (wp = wholist; wp != (struct who *) 0; wp = wp->w_next) {
+ 			if (wp->w_status & ANNOUNCE		||
+ 			    (!eq (*vp, "any") && !eq (*vp, wp->w_name) &&
+ 			    !eq (*vp, wp->w_new))		||
+ 			    (!eq (*(vp+1), wp->w_tty) && !eq (*(vp+1), "any")))
+ 				continue;	/* entry doesn't qualify */
+ 				/* already printed or not right one to print */
+ 			if ((wp->w_status & OFFLINE) &&
+ 			    (wp->w_name[0] != '\0')) {
+ 				printf ("%s has logged off %s.\n",
+ 					wp->w_name, wp->w_tty);
+ 				wp->w_name[0] = '\0';
+ 				wp->w_status |= ANNOUNCE;
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			if (wp->w_status & ONLINE) {
+ 				printf ("%s has logged on %s.\n",
+ 					wp->w_new, wp->w_tty);
+ 				strcpy (wp->w_name, wp->w_new);
+ 				wp->w_status |= ANNOUNCE;
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			if (wp->w_status & CHANGED) {
+ 				printf ("%s has replaced %s on %s.\n",
+ 					wp->w_new, wp->w_name, wp->w_tty);
+ 				strcpy (wp->w_name, wp->w_new);
+ 				wp->w_status |= ANNOUNCE;
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	sigsetmask(omask);
+ }
+ #ifdef WHODEBUG
+ debugwholist (new, wp)
+ register struct who *new, *wp;
+ {
+ 	register struct who *a;
+ 	a = wholist;
+ 	while (a != (struct who *) 0) {
+ 		printf ("%s/%s -> ", a->w_name, a->w_tty);
+ 		a = a->w_next;
+ 	}
+ 	printf ("NULL\n");
+ 	a = wholist;
+ 	printf ("backward: ");
+ 	while (a->w_next != (struct who *) 0)
+ 		a = a->w_next;
+ 	while (a != (struct who *) 0) {
+ 		printf ("%s/%s -> ", a->w_name, a->w_tty);
+ 		a = a->w_prev;
+ 	}
+ 	printf ("NULL\n");
+ 	if (new)
+ 		printf ("new: %s/%s\n", new->w_name, new->w_tty);
+ 	if (wp)
+ 		printf ("wp: %s/%s\n", wp->w_name, wp->w_tty);
+ }
+ #endif WHODEBUG
+ /*
+  * kfk 21oct1983 -- add @ (time) and / ($cwd) in prompt.
+  * PWP 4/27/87 -- rearange for tcsh.
+  */
+ printprompt ()
+ {
+     register char *cp, *p, *z;
+     register char underlining = 0;
+     PromptBuf[0] = '\0';
+     p = PromptBuf;
+     if (whyles)
+ 	cp = value("prompt2");
+     else
+ 	cp = value("prompt");
+     for (; *cp; cp++) {
+ 	if (*cp == '%') {
+ 	    cp++;
+ 	    if (*cp == HIST || *cp == 'h') {
+ 		itoa(eventno + 1, buff);
+ 		for (z = buff; *z; z++)
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | *z;
+ 	    } else if (*cp == '@' || *cp == 't') {
+ 		struct tm *t;
+ 		long clock;
+ 		char ampm = 'a';
+ 		time (&clock);
+ 		t = localtime(&clock);
+ 		if (t->tm_hour >= 12) {
+ 		    if (t->tm_hour > 12)
+ 			t->tm_hour -= 12;
+ 		    ampm = 'p';
+ 		} else if (t->tm_hour == 0)
+ 		    t->tm_hour = 12;
+ 		itoa(t->tm_hour, buff);
+ 		*p++ = underlining | buff[0];
+ 		if (buff[1]) *p++ = underlining | buff[1];
+ 		*p++ = underlining | ':';
+ 		itoa(t->tm_min, buff);
+ 		if (buff[1]) {
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | buff[0];
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | buff[1];
+ 		} else {
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | '0';
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | buff[0];
+ 		}
+ 		*p++ = underlining | ampm;
+ 		*p++ = underlining | 'm';
+ 	    } else if (*cp == 'M') {
+ 		for (z = getenv("HOST"); *z; z++)
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | *z;
+ 	    } else if (*cp == 'm') {
+ 		for (z = getenv("HOST"); *z && *z != '.'; z++)
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | *z;
+ 	    } else if (*cp == '/' || *cp == 'd') {
+ 		for (z = value("cwd"); *z; z++)
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | *z;
+ 	    } else if (*cp == '.' || *cp == 'c') {
+ 		strcpy (buff, value("cwd"));
+ 		if (!buff[1]) {	/* if CWD == / */
+ 		    *p++ = underlining | buff[0];
+ 		} else {
+ 		    if (strcmp(buff, value("home")) == 0) {
+ 			*p++ = underlining | '~';
+ 		    } else {
+ 			for (z = buff; *z; z++) ; /* find the end */
+ 			while ((z > buff) && (*z != '/')) z--; /* back up */
+ 			if (*z == '/') z++;
+ 			while (*z)
+ 			    *p++ = underlining | *z++;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else if (*cp == 'S' || *cp == 'U') { /* start standout */
+ 		underlining = 0200;
+ 	    } else if (*cp == 's' || *cp == 'u') { /* end standout */
+ 		underlining = 0;
+ 	    } else if (*cp == '%') {
+ 		*p++ = underlining | '%';
+ 	    } else {
+ 		*p++ = underlining | '%';
+ 		*p++ = underlining | *cp;
+ 	    }
+ 	} else {
+ 	    *p++ = underlining | *cp;		/* normal character */
+ 	}
+     }
+     *p = '\0';
+     /*
+     cp = PromptBuf;
+     while (*cp)
+ 	    putchar(*cp++ | QUOTE);
+     */
+     flush();
+ }
+ setalarm()
+ {
+ 	struct varent *vp;
+ 	char *cp;
+ 	int alrm_time = 0;
+ 	long cl, sched_dif;
+ 	extern	struct	sched_event *sched_ptr;
+ 	if (vp = adrof("autologout"))
+ 	{
+ 		if (cp = vp->vec[0])
+ 			alrm_time = (atoi (cp) * 60);
+ 	}
+ 	if (sched_ptr) {
+ 		time(&cl);
+ 		sched_dif = sched_ptr->t_when - cl;
+ 		if ((alrm_time == 0) || (sched_dif < alrm_time))
+ 			alrm_time = ((int) sched_dif) + 1;
+ 	}
+ 	alarm (alrm_time);	/* Autologout ON */
+ }
  #ifdef PROF
*** 915,938
- printprompt()
- {
- 	register char *cp;
- 	if (!whyles) {
- 		for (cp = value("prompt"); *cp; cp++)
- 			if (*cp == HIST)
- 				printf("%d", eventno + 1);
- 			else {
- 				if (*cp == '\\' && cp[1] == HIST)
- 					cp++;
- 				putchar(*cp | QUOTE);
- 			}
- 	} else
- 		/* 
- 		 * Prompt for forward reading loop
- 		 * body content.
- 		 */
- 		printf("? ");
- 	flush();
- }

--- 1548,1550 -----
*** sh.char.c	Sat Mar 29 07:37:20 1986
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.char.c	Mon Aug 17 23:30:38 1987
*** 60,66
  	_META,		0,		_META,		_GLOB,
  /*	@		A		B		C	*/
! 	0,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	D		E		F		G	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 60,66 -----
  	_META,		0,		_META,		_GLOB,
  /*	@		A		B		C	*/
! 	0,		_LET|_HEX|_UP,	_LET|_HEX|_UP,	_LET|_HEX|_UP,
  /*	D		E		F		G	*/
*** 63,69
  	0,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	D		E		F		G	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	H		I		J		K	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 63,69 -----
  	0,		_LET|_HEX|_UP,	_LET|_HEX|_UP,	_LET|_HEX|_UP,
  /*	D		E		F		G	*/
  /*	H		I		J		K	*/
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
*** 66,72
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	H		I		J		K	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	L		M		N		O	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 66,72 -----
  /*	H		I		J		K	*/
! 	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	L		M		N		O	*/
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
*** 69,75
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	L		M		N		O	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	P		Q		R		S	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 69,75 -----
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	L		M		N		O	*/
! 	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	P		Q		R		S	*/
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
*** 72,78
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	P		Q		R		S	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	T		U		V		W	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 72,78 -----
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	P		Q		R		S	*/
! 	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	T		U		V		W	*/
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
*** 75,81
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	T		U		V		W	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	X		Y		Z		[	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_GLOB,

--- 75,81 -----
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	T		U		V		W	*/
! 	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	X		Y		Z		[	*/
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_GLOB,
*** 78,84
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	X		Y		Z		[	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_GLOB,
  /*	\		]		^		_	*/
  	_ESC,		0,		0,		_LET,

--- 78,84 -----
  	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,
  /*	X		Y		Z		[	*/
! 	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_LET|_UP,	_GLOB,
  /*	\		]		^		_	*/
  	_ESC,		0,		0,		_LET,
*** 84,90
  	_ESC,		0,		0,		_LET,
  /*	`		a		b		c	*/
! 	_Q1|_GLOB,	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	d		e		f		g	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 84,90 -----
  	_ESC,		0,		0,		_LET,
  /*	`		a		b		c	*/
  /*	d		e		f		g	*/
*** 87,93
  	_Q1|_GLOB,	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	d		e		f		g	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	h		i		j		k	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 87,93 -----
  /*	d		e		f		g	*/
  /*	h		i		j		k	*/
*** 90,96
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	h		i		j		k	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	l		m		n		o	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 90,96 -----
  /*	h		i		j		k	*/
  /*	l		m		n		o	*/
*** 93,99
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	l		m		n		o	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	p		q		r		s	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 93,99 -----
  /*	l		m		n		o	*/
  /*	p		q		r		s	*/
*** 96,102
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	p		q		r		s	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	t		u		v		w	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,

--- 96,102 -----
  /*	p		q		r		s	*/
  /*	t		u		v		w	*/
*** 99,105
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	t		u		v		w	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	x		y		z		{	*/
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_GLOB,

--- 99,105 -----
  /*	t		u		v		w	*/
  /*	x		y		z		{	*/
*** 102,108
  	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_LET,
  /*	x		y		z		{	*/
! 	_LET,		_LET,		_LET,		_GLOB,
  /*	|		}		~		del	*/
  	_META,		0,		0,		0,

--- 102,108 -----
  /*	x		y		z		{	*/
  /*	|		}		~		del	*/
  	_META,		0,		0,		0,
*** sh.char.h	Sat Mar 29 07:37:14 1986
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.char.h	Mon Aug 17 23:28:06 1987
*** 24,29
  #define _DOL	0x80		/* $ */
  #define _DIG   0x100		/* 0-9 */
  #define _LET   0x200		/* a-z, A-Z, _ */
  #define cmap(c, bits)	(_cmap[(unsigned char)(c)] & (bits))

--- 24,32 -----
  #define _DOL	0x80		/* $ */
  #define _DIG   0x100		/* 0-9 */
  #define _LET   0x200		/* a-z, A-Z, _ */
+ #define	_HEX   0x400		/* Hex digits */
+ #define	_LOW   0x800		/* Lower case */
+ #define	_UP   0x1000		/* Upper case */
  #define cmap(c, bits)	(_cmap[(unsigned char)(c)] & (bits))
*** 32,36
  #define isspnl(c)	cmap(c, _SP|_NL)
  #define ismeta(c)	cmap(c, _META)
  #define digit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
  #define letter(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
  #define alnum(c)	(digit(c) || letter(c))

--- 35,41 -----
  #define isspnl(c)	cmap(c, _SP|_NL)
  #define ismeta(c)	cmap(c, _META)
  #define digit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
+ #define isdigit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
  #define letter(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
  #define isalpha(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
  #define islower(c)	cmap(c, _LOW)
*** 33,36
  #define ismeta(c)	cmap(c, _META)
  #define digit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
  #define letter(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
  #define alnum(c)	(digit(c) || letter(c))

--- 37,46 -----
  #define digit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
  #define isdigit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
  #define letter(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
+ #define isalpha(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
+ #define islower(c)	cmap(c, _LOW)
+ #define isupper(c)	cmap(c, _UP)
+ #define isxdigit(c)	cmap(c, _HEX)
  #define alnum(c)	(digit(c) || letter(c))
  #define toupper(c)	((c)-'a'+'A')
  #define tolower(c)	((c)-'A'+'a')
*** 34,36
  #define digit(c)	cmap(c, _DIG)
  #define letter(c)	cmap(c, _LET)
  #define alnum(c)	(digit(c) || letter(c))

--- 42,46 -----
  #define isupper(c)	cmap(c, _UP)
  #define isxdigit(c)	cmap(c, _HEX)
  #define alnum(c)	(digit(c) || letter(c))
+ #define toupper(c)	((c)-'a'+'A')
+ #define tolower(c)	((c)-'A'+'a')
*** sh.dir.c	Tue Jun 11 18:59:53 1985
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.dir.c	Mon Aug 17 19:58:48 1987
*** 230,235
  	} else if (dp = dfind(*v)) {
  		if (chdir(dp->di_name) < 0)
  	} else {
  		register char *cp;

--- 230,240 -----
  	} else if (dp = dfind(*v)) {
  		if (chdir(dp->di_name) < 0)
+ 		/*
+ 		 * kfk - 10 Feb 1984 - added new "extraction style" pushd +n
+ 		 */
+ 		if (adrof ("dextract"))
+ 			dextract (dp);
  	} else {
  		register char *cp;
*** 471,473
  	if (printd)

--- 476,530 -----
  	if (printd)
+ /*
+  * getstakd - added by kfk 17 Jan 1984
+  * Support routine for the stack hack.  Finds nth directory in
+  * the directory stack, or finds last directory in stack.
+  */
+ getstakd (s, cnt, callerr)
+ 	char *s;
+ 	int cnt, callerr;
+ {
+ 	struct directory *dp;
+ 	dp = dcwd;
+ 	if (cnt < 0) {		/* < 0 ==> last dir requested. */
+ 		dp = dp->di_next;
+ 		if (dp == &dhead)
+ 			dp = dp->di_next;
+ 	} else {
+ 		while (cnt-- > 0) {
+ 			dp = dp->di_prev;
+ 			if (dp == &dhead)
+ 				dp = dp->di_prev;
+ 			if (dp == dcwd) {
+ 				if (callerr)
+ 					error ("Not that many dir stack entries");
+ 				else
+ 					return;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	strcpy (s, dp->di_name);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Karl Kleinpaste - 10 Feb 1984
+  * Added dextract(), which is used in pushd +n.
+  * Instead of just rotating the entire stack around, dextract()
+  * lets the user have the nth dir extracted from its current
+  * position, and pushes it onto the top.
+  */
+ dextract(dp)
+ struct directory *dp;
+ {
+ 	if (dp == dcwd)
+ 		return;
+ 	dp->di_next->di_prev = dp->di_prev;
+ 	dp->di_prev->di_next = dp->di_next;
+ 	dp->di_next = dcwd->di_next;
+ 	dp->di_prev = dcwd;
+ 	dp->di_next->di_prev = dp;
+ 	dcwd->di_next = dp;
+  }
*** sh.err.c	Tue May 13 01:03:05 1986
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.err.c	Mon Aug 17 19:58:49 1987
*** 9,15
  #include "sh.h"
! #include <sys/ioctl.h>
   * C Shell

--- 9,15 -----
  #include "sh.h"
! /* #include <sys/ioctl.h> */
   * C Shell
*** 78,83
  	setq("status", onev, &shvhed);
  	if (tpgrp > 0)
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp);
  	reset();		/* Unwind */

--- 78,84 -----
  	setq("status", onev, &shvhed);
+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
  	if (tpgrp > 0)
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp);
*** 80,85
  	setq("status", onev, &shvhed);
  	if (tpgrp > 0)
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp);
  	reset();		/* Unwind */

--- 81,87 -----
  #ifdef BSDJOBS
  	if (tpgrp > 0)
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp);
+ #endif
  	reset();		/* Unwind */
*** sh.exec.c	Thu Jun  6 13:15:32 1985
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.exec.c	Thu Sep 24 15:06:55 1987
*** 9,15
  #include "sh.h"
! #include <sys/dir.h>
   * C shell

--- 9,15 -----
  #include "sh.h"
! /* #include <sys/dir.h> */
   * C shell
*** 287,292
  	char **pv;
  	int hashval;
  	havhash = 1;
  	for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeof xhash; cnt++)
  		xhash[cnt] = 0;

--- 287,293 -----
  	char **pv;
  	int hashval;
+ 	tw_clear_comm_list();
  	havhash = 1;
  	for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeof xhash; cnt++)
  		xhash[cnt] = 0;
*** 298,303
  		dirp = opendir(*pv);
  		if (dirp == NULL)
  		if (fstat(dirp->dd_fd, &stb) < 0 || !isdir(stb)) {

--- 299,305 -----
  		dirp = opendir(*pv);
  		if (dirp == NULL)
+ #ifdef COMMENT	/* this isn't needed.  opendir won't open non-dirs */
  		if (fstat(dirp->dd_fd, &stb) < 0 || !isdir(stb)) {
*** 302,307
  		while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
  			if (dp->d_ino == 0)

--- 304,310 -----
+ #endif
  		while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
  			if (dp->d_ino == 0)
*** 331,336
  			hits, misses, 100 * hits / (hits + misses));
   * Hash a command name.

--- 334,435 -----
  			hits, misses, 100 * hits / (hits + misses));
+ int
+ iscommand(name)
+ 	char *name;
+ {
+ 	char *sav;
+ 	register char *dp, **pv;
+ 	register struct varent *v;
+ 	bool slash = any('/', name);
+ 	int hashval, i;
+ 	v = adrof("path");
+ 	if (v == 0 || v->vec[0] == 0 || slash)
+ 		pv = justabs;
+ 	else
+ 		pv = v->vec;
+ 	sav = strspl("/", name);		/* / command name for postpending */
+ 	if (havhash)
+ 		hashval = hashname(name);
+ 	i = 0;
+ 	do {
+ 		if (!slash && pv[0][0] == '/' && havhash && (hashval & (1 << (i % 8))) == 0)
+ 			goto cont;
+ 		if (pv[0][0] == 0 || eq(pv[0], ".")) {	/* don't make ./xxx */
+ 			if (access(name, 1) == 0) {
+ 				xfree(sav);
+ 				return i+1;
+ 			}
+ 		} else {
+ 			dp = strspl(*pv, sav);
+ 			if (access(dp, 1) == 0) {
+ 				xfree(sav);
+ 				xfree(dp);
+ 				return i+1;
+ 			}
+ 			xfree(dp);
+ 		}
+ cont:
+ 		pv++;
+ 		i++;
+ 	} while (*pv);
+ 	xfree(sav);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ tellmewhat(lex)
+ 	struct wordent *lex;
+ {
+     register char *cp;
+     register int i;
+     register struct biltins *bptr;
+     register struct wordent *sp = lex->next;
+     for (bptr = bfunc; bptr < &bfunc[nbfunc]; bptr++) {
+ #ifdef	OUTDEF
+     for (bptr = bfunc; cp = bptr->bname; bptr++) {
+ #endif
+ 	if (strcmp(sp->word, bptr->bname) == 0) {
+ 	    prlex(lex);
+ 	    printf("%s: is built in.\n", sp->word);
+ 	    flush();
+ 	    return;
+ 	}
+     }
+     while (*(sp->word) & 0200) (sp->word)++;
+     if (i = iscommand(strip(sp->word))) {
+ 	char *s1;
+ 	register char **pv;
+ 	register struct varent *v;
+ 	bool slash = any('/', sp->word);
+ 	v = adrof("path");
+ 	if (v == 0 || v->vec[0] == 0 || slash)
+ 	    pv = justabs;
+ 	else
+ 	    pv = v->vec;
+ 	while (--i) pv++;
+ 	if (pv[0][0] == 0 || eq(pv[0], ".")) {
+ 	    prlex(lex);
+ 	    return;
+ 	}
+ 	s1 = strspl(*pv, "/");
+ 	sp->word = strspl(s1, sp->word);
+ 	xfree(s1);
+ 	prlex(lex);
+ 	xfree(sp->word);
+ 	sp->word = (char *)0;
+     } else {
+ 	prlex(lex);
+ 	printf("%s: Command not found.\n", sp->word);
+ 	flush();
+     }
+ }
   * Hash a command name.
*** sh.file.c	Sun May 18 23:01:20 1986
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.file.c	Mon Aug 17 19:21:52 1987
*** 174,179
  	return (' ');
  static struct winsize win;

--- 174,188 -----
  	return (' ');
+ #ifndef	BSD4_3
+ struct	winsize {
+ 	unsigned short	ws_row;
+ 	unsigned short	ws_col;
+ 	unsigned short	ws_xpixel;
+ 	unsigned short	ws_ypixel;
+ };
+ #endif
  static struct winsize win;
*** 185,190
  	register int i, rows, r, c, maxwidth = 0, columns;
  	if (ioctl(SHOUT, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win) < 0 || win.ws_col == 0)
  		win.ws_col = 80;
  	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

--- 194,200 -----
  	register int i, rows, r, c, maxwidth = 0, columns;
+ #ifdef	BSD4_3
  	if (ioctl(SHOUT, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win) < 0 || win.ws_col == 0)
  		win.ws_col = 80;
*** 186,191
  	register int i, rows, r, c, maxwidth = 0, columns;
  	if (ioctl(SHOUT, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win) < 0 || win.ws_col == 0)
  		win.ws_col = 80;
  	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
  		maxwidth = maxwidth > (r = strlen(items[i])) ? maxwidth : r;

--- 196,202 -----
  #ifdef	BSD4_3
  	if (ioctl(SHOUT, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win) < 0 || win.ws_col == 0)
+ #endif
  		win.ws_col = 80;
  	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
  		maxwidth = maxwidth > (r = strlen(items[i])) ? maxwidth : r;
*** sh.func.c	Tue May 13 01:03:48 1986
--- /usr/src/local/tcsh/sh.func.c	Thu Sep 24 15:08:48 1987
*** 9,15
  #include "sh.h"
! #include <sys/ioctl.h>
   * C shell

--- 9,15 -----
  #include "sh.h"
! /* #include <sys/ioctl.h> */
   * C shell
*** 175,181
  	(void) signal(SIGTERM, parterm);
! 	execl("/bin/login", "login", v[1], 0);

--- 175,181 -----
  	(void) signal(SIGTERM, parterm);
! 	execl("/bin/login", "login", v[1], (char *) 0);
*** 180,185
  #ifdef NEWGRP
  	char **v;

--- 180,204 -----
+ dolog()
+ {
+ 	extern struct who *wholist;
+ 	extern time_t watch_period;
+ 	struct who *wp;
+ 	struct varent *v;
+ 	if ((v = adrof ("watch")) == (struct varent *) 0)
+ 		error ("No $watch variable set");
+ 	blkpr (v->vec);
+ 	printf ("\n");
+ 	watch_period = 0;
+ 	wp = wholist;
+ 	while (wp != (struct who *) 0) {
+ 		wp->w_name[0] = '\0';
+ 		wp = wp->w_next;
+ 	}
+ }
  #ifdef NEWGRP
  	char **v;
*** 188,195
  	if (chkstop == 0 && setintr)
  	(void) signal(SIGTERM, parterm);
! 	execl("/bin/newgrp", "newgrp", v[1], 0);
! 	execl("/usr/bin/newgrp", "newgrp", v[1], 0);

--- 207,214 -----
  	if (chkstop == 0 && setintr)
  	(void) signal(SIGTERM, parterm);
! 	execl("/bin/newgrp", "newgrp", v[1], (char *) 0);
! 	execl("/usr/bin/newgrp", "newgrp", v[1], (char *) 0);
*** 532,538
  	do {
  		if (intty && fseekp == feobp)
! 			printf("? "), flush();
  		aword[0] = 0;
  		(void) getword(aword);
  		switch (srchx(aword)) {

--- 551,557 -----
  	do {
  		if (intty && fseekp == feobp)
! 			printprompt(); /* printf("? "), flush(); */
  		aword[0] = 0;
  		(void) getword(aword);
  		switch (srchx(aword)) {
*** 866,872
  	(void) umask(i);
  struct limits {
  	int	limconst;
  	char	*limname;

--- 885,891 -----
  	(void) umask(i);
! #ifndef OREO
  struct limits {
  	int	limconst;
  	char	*limname;
*** 1074,1079
  	return (0);

--- 1093,1099 -----
  	return (0);
+ #endif OREO
  #ifdef SVID
  extern struct termio termiob;
*** 1075,1080
  	return (0);
  	int ldisc, ctpgrp;

--- 1095,1104 -----
  #endif OREO
+ #ifdef SVID
+ extern struct termio termiob;
+ #endif SVID
  	int ldisc, ctpgrp;
*** 1087,1092
  	(void) kill(0, SIGTSTP);
  	/* the shell stops here */
  	(void) signal(SIGTSTP, old);
  	if (tpgrp != -1) {
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCGPGRP, (char *)&ctpgrp);

--- 1111,1117 -----
  	(void) kill(0, SIGTSTP);
  	/* the shell stops here */
  	(void) signal(SIGTSTP, old);
+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
  	if (tpgrp != -1) {
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCGPGRP, (char *)&ctpgrp);
*** 1099,1104
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&shpgrp);
  		(void) setpgrp(0, shpgrp);
  	(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCGETD, (char *)&oldisc);
  	if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  		printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");

--- 1124,1141 -----
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, (char *)&shpgrp);
  		(void) setpgrp(0, shpgrp);
+ #endif BSDJOBS
+ #ifdef SVID
+ 	(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TCGETA, &termiob);
+ 	if (termiob.c_cc[VSWTCH] != CSWTCH) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ 		printf ("Setting ^Z...\n");
+ #endif DEBUG
+ 		termiob.c_cc[VSWTCH] = CSWTCH;
+ 		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TCSETA, &termiob);
+ 	}
+ #else SVID
  	(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCGETD, (char *)&oldisc);
  	if (oldisc != NTTYDISC) {
  		printf("Switching to new tty driver...\n");
*** 1105,1110
  		ldisc = NTTYDISC;
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&ldisc);

--- 1142,1148 -----
  		ldisc = NTTYDISC;
  		(void) ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&ldisc);
+ #endif SVID
*** 1146,1148
  	if (reenter >= 2)

--- 1184,1366 -----
  	if (reenter >= 2)
+ /*
+  * kfk - added scheduled event functions
+  */
+ struct sched_event *sched_ptr;
+ dosched(v)
+ 	register char **v;
+ {
+ 	register struct sched_event *tp, *tp1, *tp2;
+ 	long cur_time;
+ 	int count, hours, minutes, dif_hour, dif_min;
+ 	char *cp;
+ 	bool relative;		/* time specified as +hh:mm */
+ 	struct tm *ltp;
+ 	char *timeline;
+ 	char *ctime();
+ 	v++;
+ 	cp = *v++;
+ 	if (cp == (char *) 0) {
+ 		/* print list of scheduled events */
+ 		for (count = 1, tp = sched_ptr; tp; count++, tp = tp->t_next) {
+ 			timeline = ctime(&tp->t_when);
+ 			timeline[16] = '\0';
+ 			printf ("%6d\t%s\t", count, timeline);
+ 			blkpr (tp->t_lex);
+ 			printf ("\n");
+ 		}
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	if (*cp == '-') {
+ 		/* remove item from list */
+ 		if (!sched_ptr)
+ 			error ("No scheduled events");
+ 		if (*v)
+ 			error ("Too many args for 'sched -<item#>'");
+ 		count = atoi (++cp);
+ 		if (count <= 0)
+ 			error ("Usage to delete: sched -<item#>");
+ 		tp = sched_ptr;
+ 		tp1 = 0;
+ 		while (--count) {
+ 			if (tp->t_next == 0)
+ 				break;
+ 			else {
+ 				tp1 = tp;
+ 				tp = tp->t_next;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		if (count)
+ 			error ("Not that many scheduled events");
+ 		if (tp1 == 0)
+ 			sched_ptr = tp->t_next;
+ 		else
+ 			tp1->t_next = tp->t_next;
+ 		blkfree (tp->t_lex);
+ 		xfree ((char *) tp);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	/* else, add an item to the list */
+ 	if (!*v)
+ 		error ("No command to run");
+ 	relative = 0;
+ 	if (!digit(*cp)) {		/* not abs. time */
+ 		if (*cp != '+')
+ 			error ("Usage: sched [+]hh:mm <command>");
+ 		cp++, relative++;
+ 	}
+ 	minutes = 0;
+ 	hours = atoi(cp);
+ 	while (*cp && *cp != ':' && *cp != 'a' && *cp != 'p')
+ 		cp++;
+ 	if (*cp && *cp == ':')
+ 		minutes = atoi(++cp);
+ 	if ((hours < 0) || (minutes < 0) ||
+ 	    (hours > 23) || (minutes > 59))
+ 		error ("Invalid time for event");
+ 	while (*cp && *cp != 'p' && *cp != 'a')
+ 		cp++;
+ 	if (*cp && relative)
+ 		error ("Relative time inconsistent with am/pm");
+ 	if (*cp == 'p')
+ 		hours += 12;
+ 	time(&cur_time);
+ 	ltp = localtime(&cur_time);
+ 	if (relative) {
+ 		dif_hour = hours;
+ 		dif_min = minutes;
+ 	} else {
+ 		if ((dif_hour = hours - ltp->tm_hour) < 0)
+ 			dif_hour += 24;
+ 		if ((dif_min = minutes - ltp->tm_min) < 0) {
+ 			dif_min += 60;
+ 			if ((--dif_hour) < 0)
+ 				dif_hour = 23;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	tp = (struct sched_event *) calloc (1, sizeof *tp);
+ 	tp->t_when = cur_time - ltp->tm_sec + dif_hour*3600L + dif_min*60L;
+ 			/* use of tm_sec: get to beginning of minute. */
+ 	if (!sched_ptr || tp->t_when < sched_ptr->t_when) {
+ 		tp->t_next = sched_ptr;
+ 		sched_ptr = tp;
+ 	} else {
+ 		tp1 = sched_ptr->t_next;
+ 		tp2 = sched_ptr;
+ 		while (tp1 && tp->t_when >= tp1->t_when) {
+ 			tp2 = tp1;
+ 			tp1 = tp1->t_next;
+ 		}
+ 		tp->t_next = tp1;
+ 		tp2->t_next = tp;
+ 	}
+ 	tp->t_lex = saveblk(v);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Execute scheduled events
+  */
+ sched_run()
+ {
+ 	long	cur_time;
+ 	register struct sched_event *tp, *tp1;
+ 	struct wordent cmd, *nextword, *lastword;
+ 	struct command *t = (struct command *) 0;
+ 	char **v, *cp;
+ 	extern int GettingInput;
+ 	int	omask;
+ 	omask = sighold (SIGINT);
+         if (GettingInput)
+ 	    Cookedmode();
+ 	time(&cur_time);
+ 	tp = sched_ptr;
+ 	while (tp && tp->t_when < cur_time) {
+ 		err = NOSTR;
+ 		cmd.word = "";
+ 		lastword = &cmd;
+ 		v = tp->t_lex;
+ 		for (cp = *v; cp; cp = *++v) {
+ 			nextword = (struct wordent *) calloc (1, sizeof cmd);
+ 			nextword->word = savestr (cp);
+ 			lastword->next = nextword;
+ 			nextword->prev = lastword;
+ 			lastword = nextword;
+ 		}
+ 		lastword->next = &cmd;
+ 		cmd.prev = lastword;
+ 		tp1 = tp;
+ 		sched_ptr = tp = tp1->t_next;	/* looping termination cond: */
+ 		blkfree (tp1->t_lex);		/* straighten out in case of */
+ 		xfree ((char *) tp1);		/* command blow-up. */
+ 		/* expand aliases like process() does. */
+ 		alias (&cmd);
+ 		/* build a syntax tree for the command. */
+ 		t = syntax (cmd.next, &cmd, 0);
+ 		if (err)
+ 			error (err);
+ 		/* execute the parse tree. */
+ 		execute (t, -1);
+ 		/* done. free the lex list and parse tree. */
+ 		freelex (&cmd), freesyn (t);
+ 	}
+         if (GettingInput) {	/* PWP */
+ 	    Rawmode();
+ 	    ClearLines();	/* do a real refresh since something may */
+ 	    ClearDisp();	/* have printed to the screen */
+ 	    Refresh();
+ 	}
+ 	sigsetmask(omask);
+ }
+ /* kfk - end change */
exit 0
#	End of shell archive