(Rich Salz) (09/19/89)
Submitted-by:!gunnar (Gunnar Stefansson) Posting-number: Volume 20, Issue 4 Archive-name: reldb/part01 This package includes the following tools: This is scat, a simple scattergram program, which we have found very useful for all sorts of simple line drawing, with possible labels etc. Scat writes plot(5) commands to the standard output. Math reads columnar data from the standard input and outputs a few summary statistics. The following plot(1) filters: xplot -- X11 hpglplot -- HP GL graplot -- GRAP and others. #!/bin/sh # to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename" if `test ! -d ./reldb.src` then mkdir ./reldb.src echo "mkdir ./reldb.src" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/recode.c` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/recode.c" cat > ./reldb.src/recode.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' /* recode: Author: (early 1988) Recodes first column in data (std. inp) according to 1st+2nd column in filename of argument list. */ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXOLD 10000 /* old values must be in the range 0 thru MAXOLD */ #define MAXLIN 1000 /* maximum length of input line */ #define USE "Usage : recode codefile < datafile \n" main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char inplin[MAXLIN]; char head[MAXLIN]; /* header: first of code file, then data file */ char *ptr; /* temporary char pointer--loops over head*/ char *nmptr; /* point to name of new code variable in head */ int o,n; /* old/new codes from codefile */ int code[MAXOLD]; /* code transformations */ FILE *fp,*fopen(); if((fp=fopen(argv[1],"r"))==NULL) /* open code file */ errlog(USE); fgets(head,MAXLIN,fp); /* header line from code file */ fgets(inplin,MAXLIN,fp); /* skip second line */ code[0] = -1; while(fgets(inplin,MAXLIN,fp)!=NULL){ if(sscanf(inplin,"%d%d",&o,&n)!=2) /* get code data */ errlog("Error in code-file\n"); o++; if(o<0||o>=MAXOLD) errlog("Error - old value outside range in codefile\n"); code[o]=n; /* store code data */ } fclose(fp); /* done with code file */ for(ptr=head;*ptr!='\t';ptr++) /* skip name of old col*/ ; /* from code file */ nmptr= ++ptr; /* points to new col name */ while(*ptr!='\n') putchar(*ptr++); /* put new code name */ *ptr='\0'; /* end the name */ putchar('\t'); /* end the first outcol.*/ fgets(inplin,MAXLIN,stdin); /* get old data header */ fputs(inplin,stdout); /* append to output line */ for(ptr=nmptr;*ptr;ptr++) /* output correct # dashes */ putchar('-'); putchar('\t'); /* and the tab */ fgets(inplin,MAXLIN,stdin); /* get the dataline of dashes */ fputs(inplin,stdout); /* append to above dashes */ while(fgets(inplin,MAXLIN,stdin)!=NULL){/* read a data line */ if(sscanf(inplin,"%d",&o)!=1) errlog("recode : cannot read code from dataline\n"); o++; if(o<0||o>MAXOLD) errlog("recode : code in data outside range \n"); printf("%d\t%s",code[o],inplin); } } errlog(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"%s",s); exit(1); } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/recode.c" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/regress.c` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/regress.c" cat > ./reldb.src/regress.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' /* Simple linear regression Input : A reldb file of the form : xname yname ----- ----- x1 y1 x2 y2 etc Usage : regress < datafile Output : to std. out, all sorts of regression statistics. NOTE: regress in Gary Perlman's package is much better than this and should be preferred */ #include <stdio.h> main(){ char xname[30],yname[30]; /* variable names */ char buf[60]; int c; /* to recieve errors from scanf */ float x,y; /* input vbls */ double n,sumx,sumy,sumxx,sumyy,sumxy; /* obvious meaning */ double xbar,ybar; /* ditto */ double stdevx,stdevy; double ssxx,ssyy,ssxy; /* sum of sq. deviations */ double sstot,sse,ssreg; /* the ss's in the anova table */ double mstot,mse,msreg; /* the ms's ------------------- */ double t,F; /* t*t=F for testing slope =0 */ double alpha,beta; /* regression coefficients */ double r,r2; /* correlation & explnd variation */ double sqrt(); c= -1; while((xname[++c]=getchar())!='\t') /* get name of x */ ; xname[c]='\0'; c= -1; while((yname[++c]=getchar())!='\n') /* get name of y */ ; yname[c]='\0'; gets(buf,60); /* skip 2nd reldb line */ while((c=scanf("%f %f",&x,&y))!=EOF){ n+=1.;sumx+=x;sumy+=y;sumxx+=x*x;sumyy+=y*y;sumxy+=x*y; } ssyy=sumyy-sumy*sumy/n; /* prepare regression estimates */ ssxx=sumxx-sumx*sumx/n; /* so compute numerators for variances */ ssxy=sumxy-sumx*sumy/n; /* and covariances */ xbar=sumx/n; /* not to forget means */ ybar=sumy/n; stdevx=sqrt( ssxx/(n-1.)); stdevy=sqrt( ssyy/(n-1.)); beta=ssxy/ssxx; /* slope estimate */ alpha=ybar-beta*xbar; /* intercept -- */ r=ssxy/sqrt( ssxx*ssyy); r2=ssxy*ssxy/(ssxx*ssyy); sstot=ssyy; /* now for the anova table */ ssreg=beta*beta*ssxx; /* compute the sums of squares, */ sse=sstot-ssreg; mstot=sstot/(n-1.); /* the mean squares */ mse=sse/(n-2.); msreg=ssreg/1.; F=msreg/mse; /* and the F-value */ printf("Number of observations %.0f\n",n); printf("Average of %s-values %.2f,",xname,xbar); printf("\taverage of %s-values %.2f .\n",yname,ybar); printf("Std. dev. in %s-values %.2f, ",xname,stdevx); printf("\tstd. dev. in %s-values %.2f .\n",yname,stdevy); printf("Correlation coefficient between %s and %s : %.4f",xname,yname,r); printf("\tExplained variation %.2f\n",r2); printf("Estimated regression line : %s = ",yname); printf(" %.2f + %.2f * %s \n\n",alpha,beta,xname); printf("Anova table \n\n"); printf("Source\t\t\tSS\t\tdf\t\tMS\t\tF\n"); printf("------------------------------------------"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("Regression \t %10.2f \t %10.2f \t %10.2f \t %10.2f\n",ssreg,1.,msreg,F); printf("Error\t\t %10.2f \t %10.2f \t %10.2f\n",sse,n-2.,mse); printf("------------------------------------------"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("Total \t\t %10.2f \t %10.2f \t %10.2f\n",sstot,n-1.,mstot); } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/regress.c" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to rename columns in a reldb data file. # # Usage : rename old1 new1 old2 new2 old3 new3 ... # # The script simply builds a (fairly complex) sed-command. # The command is inserted into the string cmd and # is later piped into the shell, along with the data. # Note that echo will not work due to tab-expansion cmd=sed while(true) do if [ X$1 != X ] then name1=$1 name2=$2 shift shift cmd="$cmd -e "\""1s/\\( *\\)$name1\\( *\\)/\\1$name2\\2/"\" else ( cat <<xxxx== $cmd xxxx== cat - ) | sh exit fi done \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Trivial implementation of "see" # cat -vte $1 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # sideview -- put a table on its "side" and view a record at a time awk 'BEGIN{FS=" "} NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ ind[i]=$(i) } } NR>2{ print "";print "Faersla nr : ",NR-2 for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%10s %s\n", ind[i],$(i)) }' < $1 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # sorttable -- sort a reldb table trap "rm tmp$$ tmp1$$" 15 2 1 opt="-t " col="" file="" sortcol="" for i do case $1 in '-n') opt="$opt -n" shift ;; '-f') file=$2 shift shift ;; *) col="$col $1" shift ;; esac done sed -n "1,2p 3,\$w tmp$$" < $1 | tee tmp1$$ read columns < tmp1$$ for i in $col do colnr=0 for j in $columns do if [ X$i = X$j ] then sortcol="$sortcol +$colnr" fi colnr=`expr $colnr + 1` done done sort $opt $sortcol tmp$$ rm tmp$$ tmp1$$ \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/subtotal.c` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/subtotal.c" cat > ./reldb.src/subtotal.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' /* subtotal.c Usage: subtotal by by-columnlist on on-columnlist < reldb-table Controls doing subtotals of the on-columns for each set of fixed values of all the by-columns. This program just scans its arguments and generates a new command of the form: project colnames | addup number, where addup adds up the relevant columns (assuming they are in a decent order - making life much simpler). Revision history: Original author: (1986 ?) Revisions due to incorrect string handling: (April, 1989) */ #include <stdio.h> #ifdef BSD #include <sys/wait.h> #endif #include <strings.h> #define MAXCMD 1000 main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char command[MAXCMD]; char *usage="Usage : subtotal by b1 b2 b3 ... on d1 d2 d3 ... < file\n"; char *ptr=command; int count=0; int debug=0; ++argv; if(!strcmp(*argv,"-d")){ debug=9; /* assume full debug wanted */ fprintf(stderr,"subtotal-debug level 9 used\n"); argc--; ++argv; } if(strcmp(*argv,"by")) errlog(usage); argv++; argc--; argc--; if(debug)fprintf(stderr,"subtotal: setting up project command\n"); strcpy(ptr,"project "); ptr+=strlen(ptr); while(strcmp(*argv,"on")){ strcpy(ptr,*argv); if(debug)fprintf(stderr,"\tby-column:%s\n",*argv); ptr+=strlen(ptr); *ptr++=' '; count++; argc--;argv++; if(argc<=0) errlog(usage); } argv++;argc--; if(debug)fprintf(stderr,"subtotal: finishing project command\n"); while(argc){ strcpy(ptr,*argv); if(debug)fprintf(stderr,"\ton-column:%s\n",*argv); ptr+=strlen(ptr); *ptr++=' '; argc--;argv++; } if(debug){ sprintf(ptr," | addup %d %d\n",debug,count); fprintf(stderr,"COMMAND:->%s<-\n",command); } else { sprintf(ptr," | addup %d\n",count); } system(command); #ifdef BSD wait((union wait *)0); #else wait(0); #endif exit(0); } errlog(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"%s",s); exit(1); } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/subtotal.c" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Now this has to be one of the most trivial commands in the world: # # union -- concatanate two reldb tables, using Unix tools. # cat $1 shift for i do tail +3 <$i done \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/reldb` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/reldb" cat > ./reldb.src/reldb << '\Rogue\Monster\' \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/reldb" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/Makefile` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/Makefile" cat > ./reldb.src/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\' # # BINDIR is where the binaries and scripts go. Note that a simple 'make' # will also install. You'll want to define BINDIR as ../bin untill # you know things work. # BINDIR=../bin # # Use -DBSD for all BSD-systems # -DSYSV for sysv-style systems # CFLAGS= -DDEBUG=0 -DBSD BINARIES=$(BINDIR)/addcol \ $(BINDIR)/addup \ $(BINDIR)/check \ $(BINDIR)/compute \ $(BINDIR)/select \ $(BINDIR)/count \ $(BINDIR)/columnlist \ $(BINDIR)/dataplotpre \ $(BINDIR)/dbdict \ $(BINDIR)/dbe.change \ $(BINDIR)/dbe.add \ $(BINDIR)/invert \ $(BINDIR)/jointable \ $(BINDIR)/math \ $(BINDIR)/matrix \ $(BINDIR)/mulregpre \ $(BINDIR)/number \ $(BINDIR)/pairpre \ $(BINDIR)/plokk \ $(BINDIR)/preplot \ $(BINDIR)/project \ $(BINDIR)/recode \ $(BINDIR)/rename \ $(BINDIR)/see \ $(BINDIR)/sideview \ $(BINDIR)/sorttable \ $(BINDIR)/bplokk \ $(BINDIR)/subtotal \ $(BINDIR)/testdb \ $(BINDIR)/union # Note that "regress" is not installed, since the regress program # of |Stat is much better, esp. with the "mulregpre" interface. reldb : $(BINARIES) touch reldb uninstall : rm -f $(BINARIES) $(BINDIR)/addup : addup.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/addup addup.c -lm $(BINDIR)/compute : compute.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/compute compute.c -lm $(BINDIR)/select : $(BINDIR)/compute ln $(BINDIR)/compute $(BINDIR)/select $(BINDIR)/count : count.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/count count.c -lm $(BINDIR)/matrix : matrix.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/matrix matrix.c -lm $(BINDIR)/plokk : plokk.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/plokk plokk.c -lm $(BINDIR)/project : project.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/project project.c -lm $(BINDIR)/recode : recode.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/recode recode.c -lm $(BINDIR)/regress : regress.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/regress regress.c -lm $(BINDIR)/subtotal : subtotal.c cc $(CFLAGS) -o $(BINDIR)/subtotal subtotal.c -lm $(BINDIR)/check : cp $(BINDIR)/check chmod +x $(BINDIR)/check $(BINDIR)/bplokk : cp $(BINDIR)/bplokk chmod +x $(BINDIR)/bplokk $(BINDIR)/columnlist : cp $(BINDIR)/columnlist chmod +x $(BINDIR)/columnlist $(BINDIR)/dataplotpre : cp $(BINDIR)/dataplotpre chmod +x $(BINDIR)/dataplotpre $(BINDIR)/dbdict : cp $(BINDIR)/dbdict chmod +x $(BINDIR)/dbdict $(BINDIR)/dbe.add : cp $(BINDIR)/dbe.add chmod +x $(BINDIR)/dbe.add $(BINDIR)/dbe.change : cp $(BINDIR)/dbe.change chmod +x $(BINDIR)/dbe.change $(BINDIR)/invert : cp $(BINDIR)/invert chmod +x $(BINDIR)/invert $(BINDIR)/jointable : cp $(BINDIR)/jointable chmod +x $(BINDIR)/jointable $(BINDIR)/math : cp $(BINDIR)/math chmod +x $(BINDIR)/math $(BINDIR)/mulregpre : cp $(BINDIR)/mulregpre chmod +x $(BINDIR)/mulregpre $(BINDIR)/number : cp $(BINDIR)/number chmod +x $(BINDIR)/number $(BINDIR)/pairpre : cp $(BINDIR)/pairpre chmod +x $(BINDIR)/pairpre $(BINDIR)/preplot : cp $(BINDIR)/preplot chmod +x $(BINDIR)/preplot $(BINDIR)/rename : cp $(BINDIR)/rename chmod +x $(BINDIR)/rename $(BINDIR)/see : cp $(BINDIR)/see chmod +x $(BINDIR)/see $(BINDIR)/sideview : cp $(BINDIR)/sideview chmod +x $(BINDIR)/sideview $(BINDIR)/sorttable : cp $(BINDIR)/sorttable chmod +x $(BINDIR)/sorttable $(BINDIR)/union : cp $(BINDIR)/union chmod +x $(BINDIR)/union $(BINDIR)/addcol : cp $(BINDIR)/addcol chmod +x $(BINDIR)/addcol $(BINDIR)/testdb : cp $(BINDIR)/testdb chmod +x $(BINDIR)/testdb \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/Makefile" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # flattotable - convert files with tabs and spaces to reldb table, # where only one tab separates columns. # # Eliminates tabs/spaces at beginning and end of lines. sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' \ -e 's/[ ]*$//' \ -e 's/[ ][ ]*/ /g' \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -s ./reldb.src/` then echo "writting ./reldb.src/" cat > ./reldb.src/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # testdb -- user script for testing reldb programs. # RELDBDIR=/usr/local/src/Reldb/testdb if [ ! -d $RELDBDIR ] then echo "I can't seem to find the test data and programs" echo "Please edit my RELDBDIR variable properly" echo "(It is now set to $RELDBDIR, which is incorrect)" exit 1 fi # Go home first - no need to clutter discs cd if [ ! -d testdb ] then mkdir testdb fi cd testdb PWD=`pwd` echo Testing reldb programs in $PWD echo "Copying programs and data - hold on ..." cp $RELDBDIR/* . echo "Running 'make' - this willl result in a number of .tmp-files" make echo "Feel free to examine the .tmp-files. If everything is" echo "working properly, they should be identical to the" echo "corresponding .res-files" \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./reldb.src/" fi if `test ! -d ./scat.src` then mkdir ./scat.src echo "mkdir ./scat.src" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/Makefile` then echo "writting ./scat.src/Makefile" cat > ./scat.src/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\' BINDIR=../bin OBJ=scat.o readdat.o plttics.o pttxt.o trans.o recplot.o extplotlib.o all: scat scat : $(OBJ) cc -o scat $(OBJ) -lplot install: scat cp scat $(BINDIR) clean: rm -f scat $(OBJ) \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/Makefile" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/README` then echo "writting ./scat.src/README" cat > ./scat.src/README << '\Rogue\Monster\' This is scat, a simple scattergram program, which we have found very useful for all sorts of simple line drawing, with possible labels etc. Scat writes plot(5) commands to the standard output. 1. 'make' compiles. 2. 'make install' installs. 3. 'scat -h' gives all the options. 4. See ../testgr for a number of graphics options. 5. Use the reldb programs to work on files like 'data'. This should not be done with options within scat. Note that with the -E option, scat will generate plots where the Y-axis label is "sideways", labels in the figure are centered etc. For this to work, you need an extended plot-filter, such as the ones enclosed (in ../plot.src). The enclosed Makefile assumes the user wants to link with the plot-library, to generate plot(5) output. This is then normally piped through the plot-filters (e.g. hpglplot or xplot, which are enclosed. If none of the plot-stuff is available (notably in Xenix and HP-UX), it should still be possible to link scat with hpglplot.o or xplot.o and get a binary version of scat, which will work with that single device. This is neither clean nor ideal, but it does provide more usefulness. \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/README" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/defs.h` then echo "writting ./scat.src/defs.h" cat > ./scat.src/defs.h << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include <stdio.h> #define MAXPTS 1500 /* max no of data points (lines in file) */ #define MAXCOLS 25 /* max no of data columns */ #define MAXTXT 100 /* max length of name of column */ \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/defs.h" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/plttics.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/plttics.c" cat > ./scat.src/plttics.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include "defs.h" extern int debuglevel; extern char *xformat; extern char *yformat; plot_tics(wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax,xmin,xmax,xdelta,ymin,ymax,ydelta) double xmin,xmax; /* min, max of all x-values */ double ymin,ymax; /* min, max of all y-values */ double xdelta,ydelta; /* increment for x/y tick marks */ double wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax; { int i=0,j=0; int outx,outy; char number[80]; double numlargeticks; double x, y; linemod("solid"); if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr,"xformat= %s\n",xformat); fprintf(stderr,"yformat= %s\n",yformat); } labelplace("u"); x=xmin; /* x axis */ sprintf(number,xformat,x); /* char version of axis number */ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin-(ymax-ymin)*.03,&outx,&outy); cont(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin-(ymax-ymin)*.035,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); label(number); numlargeticks=(((xmax-xmin)/xdelta)/5); for(i=(int)numlargeticks;i--;){ /* large tick loop */ for(j=5;j--;){ /* small tick loop */ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); /* draw small tick */ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin-(ymax-ymin)*.015,&outx,&outy); cont(outx,outy); x+=xdelta; /* x for next small tick */ } transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); /* next large tick */ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin-(ymax-ymin)*.03,&outx,&outy); cont(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin-(ymax-ymin)*.035,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); sprintf(number,xformat,x); /* put number at large tick */ label(number); } labelplace("l"); y=ymin; /* y axis */ sprintf(number,yformat,y); /* string rep of # */ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,x,ymin,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin-(xmax-xmin)*.03,y,&outx,&outy); cont(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin-(xmax-xmin)*.035,y,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); label(number); numlargeticks=(((ymax-ymin)/ydelta)/5); for (i=(int)numlargeticks;i--;){ for(j=5;j--;){ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin,y,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin-(xmax-xmin)*.02,y,&outx,&outy); cont(outx,outy); y+=ydelta; } transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin,y,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin-(xmax-xmin)*.03,y,&outx,&outy); cont(outx,outy); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,xmin-(xmax-xmin)*.035,y,&outx,&outy); move(outx,outy); sprintf(number,yformat,y); label(number); } } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/plttics.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/pttxt.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/pttxt.c" cat > ./scat.src/pttxt.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include <stdio.h> #include "defs.h" extern int debuglevel; extern double spacekonst; plot_texts(header,xlabel,ylabel,wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax,xmin,ymin,ymax) char *header; /* figure caption */ char *xlabel; /* label for x axis */ char *ylabel; /* --------- y ---- */ double xmin; /* min of all x-values */ double ymin,ymax; /* min of all y-values */ double wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax;/* window bounds */ { int outx, outy; if(debuglevel)fprintf(stderr,"In plot_texts\n"); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,(wxmin+wxmax)/2.,(wymax+ymax)/2.,&outx,&outy); labelplace("c"); text(outx,outy,header); transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,(wxmin+wxmax)/2.,(wymin+ymin)/2.,&outx,&outy); labelplace("u"); text(outx,outy,xlabel); /* transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,(wxmin+wxmin+wxmin+wxmin+xmin)/5.,(wymin+wymax)/2.,&outx,&outy); */ transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,(wxmin+wxmin+xmin)/3.,(wymin+wymax)/2.,&outx,&outy); labelrotation(90); labelplace("o"); text(outx,outy,ylabel); labelrotation(0); } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/pttxt.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/readdat.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/readdat.c" cat > ./scat.src/readdat.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include <memory.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include "defs.h" int readline[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; /* 1=data, 0=label-data */ extern int debuglevel; read_data(numcols,numpts,names,pnames,pcol,lnames,lcol,drawline,data ,labeldata,missingvalue) char names[MAXCOLS][MAXTXT]; /* input : names of columns */ char labeldata[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS][10]; /* input : label-data in columns */ char *pnames[MAXCOLS]; /* don't draw lines for columns with this name */ char *lnames[MAXCOLS]; /* name of column, which has label-data */ int drawline[MAXCOLS]; int pcol; int lcol; int *numcols; int *numpts; int missingvalue[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* 0=value is not missing from input file, 1=value is missing from input file */ double data[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* input : data in columns */ { int c; /* input character */ int i,ii; int jj; int col= -1; /* running column index */ int ldcol; /* running column labeldata index */ int dcol; /* running column data index */ int tmpcols; int eol=0; int fieldcount; char inputline[1024]; char field[512]; register char *ip; register char *ep; register int n; double atof(); if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr,"In read_data\n"); do{ i=0; col++; while((c=getchar())!='\t'&&c!=' '&&c!='\n'&&c!=EOF) names[col][i++]=c; names[col][i]='\0'; } while(c!='\n' && c!= EOF); if(c==EOF)exit(-1); *numcols= ++col; /* store number of cols */ while((c=getchar())!='\n'); /* skip line of minuses */ /* put 0 in drawline, if not to draw line for this column. */ if(pcol > 0){ for(i=0; i < pcol; i++) for(col=1;col < *numcols;col++) if(!strcmp(pnames[i],names[col])) drawline[col]=0; } if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr,"drawline after pcol\n"); for (i=0; i < *numcols; i++) fprintf(stderr,"%d ",drawline[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } /* if label-column read the data in data- and labeldata-vectors */ tmpcols= *numcols; if(lcol > 0){ for(i=0; i < lcol; i++) for(col=1;col < tmpcols;col++) if(!strcmp(lnames[i],names[col])){ drawline[col-1]=2; drawline[col]=2; readline[col]=0; } if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr,"drawline after lcol\n"); for (i=0; i < *numcols; i++) fprintf(stderr,"%d ",drawline[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\nreadline after lcol\n"); for (i=0; i < *numcols; i++) fprintf(stderr,"%d ",readline[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } /* fix the drawline vector */ for(col=1;col<tmpcols-1;col++) if(drawline[col] == 2 && drawline[col+1] == 2){ for(jj=col+1; jj < tmpcols-1;jj++) drawline[jj]=drawline[jj+1]; } if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr,"drawline after fix\n"); for (i=0; i < *numcols; i++) fprintf(stderr,"%d ",drawline[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } *numcols=tmpcols-lcol; if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr,"numcols= %d\n",*numcols); } i=0; while(gets(inputline)) { ip = inputline; fieldcount = 0; dcol=0; ldcol=0; col = -1; do { col++; ep = index(ip, '\t'); if (ep == 0) n = strlen(ip); else n = ep - ip; if (n > 0) { memcpy(field, ip, n); field[n] = '\0'; if(readline[col]){ data[dcol][i]= atof(field); missingvalue[dcol][i]=0; dcol++; } else{ strcpy(labeldata[ldcol][i],field); ldcol++; } } else{ if(readline[col]){ missingvalue[dcol][i]=1; dcol++; } } ip = ep + 1; } while(ep); i++; *numpts = i; } } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/readdat.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/scat.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/scat.c" cat > ./scat.src/scat.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include <stdio.h> #include "defs.h" #define SPACECONST 1000. int drawline[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; /* 0=no line, 1=line */ extern int optind; extern char *optarg; char names[MAXCOLS][MAXTXT]; /* input : names of columns */ char labeldata[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS][10]; /* input : label-data in * columns */ char *pnames[MAXCOLS];/* don't draw lines for columns with this * name */ char *lnames[MAXCOLS];/* name of column, which has label-data */ char *optstr = "Eeicl:P:H:X:Y:F:w:x:y:d:l:L:"; /* list of options */ char *header = ""; /* figure caption */ char *xlabel = names[0]; /* label for x axis */ char *ylabel = names[1]; /* --------- y ---- */ char *plottertype = "hp300h"; /* type of output device */ char *xformat = "%.1lf"; /* char *yformat="%5.1lf"; */ char *yformat = "%.1lf"; /* "solid", "solid", "solid", "solid", "solid", /* -- was 1st line below - gs*/ char *linetype[] = { "solid", "dotted", "longdashed", "shortdashed", "dotdashed", /* change 14/6/89 - gs*/ "solid", "dotted", "longdashed", "shortdashed", "dotdashed", "solid", "dotted", "longdashed", "shortdashed", "dotdashed", "solid", "dotted", "longdashed", "shortdashed", "dotdashed", "solid", "dotted", "longdashed", "shortdashed", "dotdashed", }; static char *help[] = { "Usage : scat [options]", "-x m,n,l Bounds on x axis (min, max, interval ", "-y m,n,l Bounds on y axis (min, max, interval ", "-w m,n,l,o Window bounds minx, miny, maxx,maxy ", "-X text Text for X axis ", "-Y text Text for Y axis ", "-H text Figurecaption ", "-F \"x/y format\" Format for numbers on x/y axis ", "-c Use colors ", "-e No erase ", "-E Use extended plot commands ", "-l name Name of y column not to draw lines for ", "-L name Name of label-column ", "-d number Debug level ", ""}; char **ptrhlp = help; int extended_plot = 0; int init_plotter = 1; int plotfil; int num_pens = 8; /* number of pen in plotter */ int numcols; /* input : number of data-columns */ int numpts; /* ----------------- data pts */ int pcol = 0; /* number of columns, not to draw lines for */ int lcol = 0; /* number of label-columns in the inputdata */ int debuglevel = 0; /* level of debugging output */ int outx, outy, outx1, outy1; /* convert data to new coord. * system */ int plotdata[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* ditto */ int missingvalue[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* 1=value is missing from * inputfile 0=value is not * missing */ double spaceconst = SPACECONST; double data[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* input : data in columns */ double min[MAXCOLS]; /* min of data */ double max[MAXCOLS]; /* max of data */ double xmin = 0., xmax = 0.; /* min, max of all x-values */ double ymin = 0., ymax = 0.; /* min, max of all y-values */ double xdelta = 0., ydelta = 0.; /* increment for x/y tick * marks */ double xrange = 0., yrange = 0.; /* ranges of xy-values */ double wxmin = 0., wxmax = 0.; /* x-window bounds in x-scale */ double wymin = 0., wymax = 0.; /* y-window bounds in y-scale */ double wx1 = 0., wx2 = SPACECONST; /* Relative x-window bounds */ double wy1 = 0., wy2 = SPACECONST; /* relative y-window bounds */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int col, row, ldcol; /* indices */ int c; int werase = 1; /* 0=no erase ; 1=erase */ int usecolor = 0; /* 0=no color */ int optionx = 0; /* option x not used */ int optiony = 0; /* option y not used */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, optstr)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'x': sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%lf", &xmin, &xmax, &xdelta); xrange = xmax - xmin; optionx = 1; break; case 'y': sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%lf", &ymin, &ymax, &ydelta); yrange = ymax - ymin; optiony = 1; break; case 'd': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &debuglevel); break; case 'i': init_plotter = 0; break; case 'E': extended_plot = 1; /* no extended plot cmds */ break; case 'e': werase = 0; /* no erase */ break; case 'c': usecolor = 1; /* use color */ break; case 'l': pnames[pcol] = optarg; pcol++; break; case 'L': lnames[lcol] = optarg; lcol++; break; case 'F': c = optarg[0]; if (c == 'x') xformat = ++optarg; else yformat = ++optarg; break; case 'w': sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &wx1, &wy1, &wx2, &wy2); wx1 = wx1 * spaceconst; wx2 = wx2 * spaceconst; wy1 = wy1 * spaceconst; wy2 = wy2 * spaceconst; break; case 'X': xlabel = optarg; break; case 'Y': ylabel = optarg; break; case 'H': header = optarg; break; default: while (**ptrhlp) fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", *ptrhlp++); exit(-1); } } if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr, "Finished reading options\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Read data\n"); fprintf(stderr, "pcol= %d, lcol=%d\n", pcol, lcol); } read_data(&numcols, &numpts, names, pnames, pcol, lnames, lcol, drawline, data, labeldata, missingvalue); if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr, "Finished reading data\n"); for (row = 0; row < numpts; row++) { for (col = 0; col < lcol; col++) fprintf(stderr, "%s\t", labeldata[col][row]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } for (row = 0; row < numpts; row++) { for (col = 0; col < numcols; col++) fprintf(stderr, "%lf\t", data[col][row]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "find min og max\n"); /* find min and max of data */ for (col = 0; col < numcols; col++) { max[col] = data[col][0]; min[col] = data[col][0]; for (row = 1; row < numpts; row++) { if (data[col][row] > max[col]) max[col] = data[col][row]; else if (data[col][row] < min[col]) min[col] = data[col][row]; } } if (optionx < 1) { xmin = min[0]; /* store x min and max */ xmax = max[0]; xrange = xmax - xmin; xdelta = xrange / 40.; } if (optiony < 1) { ymax = max[1]; /* initialize max/min of all yvals */ ymin = min[1]; for (col = 2; col < numcols; col++) if (max[col] > ymax) ymax = max[col]; else if (min[col] < ymin) ymin = min[col]; yrange = ymax - ymin; ydelta = yrange / 40.; } /* Enlarge outer frame */ wxmin = xmin - 0.25 * xrange; wxmax = xmax + 0.10 * xrange; wymin = ymin - 0.25 * yrange; wymax = ymax + 0.15 * yrange; if (debuglevel) { fprintf(stderr, "wxmin= %lf and wxmax= %lf\n", wxmin, wxmax); fprintf(stderr, "wymin= %lf and wymax= %lf\n", wymin, wymax); } if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "Opening plotter for output\n"); openpl(); if (werase) erase(); space(0, 0, (int) spaceconst, (int) spaceconst); transf_data(wxmin, wymin, wxmax, wymax, wxmin, wymin, &outx, &outy); transf_data(wxmin, wymin, wxmax, wymax, wxmax, wymax, &outx1, &outy1); rectangle(outx, outy, outx1, outy1); transf_data(wxmin, wymin, wxmax, wymax, xmin, ymin, &outx, &outy); transf_data(wxmin, wymin, wxmax, wymax, xmax, ymax, &outx1, &outy1); rectangle(outx, outy, outx1, outy1); if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "Finished initializing plotter\n"); if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "Converting data to new system\n"); for (row = 0; row < numpts; row++) plotdata[0][row] = (int) ((wx2 - wx1) * (data[0][row] - wxmin) / (wxmax - wxmin) + wx1); for (col = 1; col < numcols; col++) for (row = 0; row < numpts; row++) plotdata[col][row] = (int) ((wy2 - wy1) * (data[col][row] - wymin) / (wymax - wymin) + wy1); if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "Drawing figure\n"); ldcol = 0; for (col = 1; col < numcols; col++) { if (usecolor) selectcolor((col - 1) % num_pens + 1); if (drawline[col] > 1) { labelplace("c"); /* center the label at the * point */ for (row = 0; row < numpts; row++) text(plotdata[0][row], plotdata[col][row], labeldata[ldcol][row]); ldcol++; } else if (drawline[col] > 0) { linemod(linetype[col - 1]); if (!missingvalue[col][0]) point(plotdata[0][0], plotdata[col][0]); for (row = 1; row < numpts; row++) { if (!missingvalue[col][row]) { point(plotdata[0][row], plotdata[col][row]); if (!missingvalue[col][row - 1]) { move(plotdata[0][row - 1], plotdata[col][row - 1]); cont(plotdata[0][row], plotdata[col][row]); } } } } else { for (row = 0; row < numpts; row++) point(plotdata[0][row], plotdata[col][row]); } } if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "Plotting tic-marks\n"); plot_tics(wxmin, wxmax, wymin, wymax, xmin, xmax, xdelta, ymin, ymax, ydelta); if (debuglevel) fprintf(stderr, "Plotting texts\n"); plot_texts(header, xlabel, ylabel, wxmin, wxmax, wymin, wymax, xmin, ymin, ymax); closepl(); } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/scat.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/trans.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/trans.c" cat > ./scat.src/trans.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include <stdio.h> extern int debuglevel; extern double spaceconst; extern double wx1; extern double wx2; extern double wy1; extern double wy2; transf_data(wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,inx,iny,outx,outy) double wxmin,wymin,wxmax,wymax,inx,iny; int *outx,*outy; { *outx=(int)((wx2-wx1)*(inx-wxmin)/(wxmax-wxmin)+wx1); *outy=(int)((wy2-wy1)*(iny-wymin)/(wymax-wymin)+wy1); if(debuglevel){ fprintf(stderr,"inx= %lf iny= %lf\n",inx,iny); fprintf(stderr,"outx= %d & outy= %d\n",*outx,*outy); } } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/trans.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/recplot.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/recplot.c" cat > ./scat.src/recplot.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' /* recplot.c -- some general routines for plotting Currently this is quite poor - only rectangle and text. Someone should add higher-level routines, but of course these can only be allowed to call the plot(3)-library (possibly with extensions, which should then be placed in extplotlib.c, and device-specific versions should be placed in the device-specific filters (such as the enclosed hpglplot.c and xplot.c) */ #include <stdio.h> extern int debuglevel; extern int extended_plot; rectangle(x,y,u,w) int x,y,u,w; { move(x,y); cont(x,w); cont(u,w); cont(u,y); cont(x,y); } text(x,y,labl) int x,y; char *labl; { move(x,y); label(labl); } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/recplot.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/extplotlib.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/extplotlib.c" cat > ./scat.src/extplotlib.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' /* extplotlib.c -- extensions to the plot-library these routine generate plot(5) output When linking directly to a device library (e.g. hpglplot.o), which has the device-dependent version of these routines, this should not be included. */ #include <stdio.h> extern int debuglevel; extern int extended_plot; labelrotation(x) int x; { if(extended_plot){ if (x == 90) printf("r v\n"); /* vertical */ else printf("r h\n"); /* horizontal */ } } labelplace(s) char *s; { if(extended_plot){ printf("u %s\n",s); } } selectcolor(x) int x; { if(extended_plot){ printf("z %d\n",x); } } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/extplotlib.c" fi if `test ! -s ./scat.src/scat.starbase.c` then echo "writting ./scat.src/scat.starbase.c" cat > ./scat.src/scat.starbase.c << '\Rogue\Monster\' #include <stdio.h> #include <starbase.c.h> #define MAXPTS 1500 /* max no of data points (lines in file) */ #define MAXCOLS 25 /* max no of data columns */ #define MAXTXT 100 /* max length of name of column */ int drawline[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /* 0=no line, 1=line */ extern char *optarg; main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { char names[MAXCOLS][MAXTXT]; /* input : names of columns */ char *optstr="eicl:P:D:H:X:Y:w:x:y:"; /* list of options */ char *header=""; /* figure caption */ char *xlabel=names[0]; /* label for x axis */ char *ylabel=names[1]; /* --------- y ---- */ char *device="/dev/crt"; /* output device (/dev entry) */ char *plottertype="hp300h"; /* type of output device */ static char *help[]={ "Usage : scat [options]", "-x m,n,l Bounds on x axis (min, max, interval ", "-y m,n,l Bounds on y axis (min, max, interval ", "-w m,n,l,o Window bounds minx, miny, maxx,maxy ", "-X text Text for X axis ", "-Y text Text for Y axis ", "-H text Figurecaption ", "-P plottertype Type of plotter (e.g. hp2622 og hpgl) ", "-D device Device (e.g. filename or /dev/plt7550) ", "-c Use colors ", "-i Don't initialize plotter ", "-e No erase ", "-l name Name of y column to draw lines for ", ""}; char **ptrhlp=help; int init_plotter=INIT; int plotfil; int numcols; /* input : number of columns */ int numpts; /* ----------------- data pts */ int col,row; /* indices */ int c; int num_pts,y,yy; /* */ int num_pens; int werase=1; /* 0=no erase ; 1=erase */ int usecolor=0; /* 0=no color */ float plotvec[MAXPTS*2]; /* temp vec for plotting */ float ph_lim[2][3],res[3],p1[3],p2[3]; double data[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* input : data in columns */ double min[MAXCOLS]; /* min of data */ double max[MAXCOLS]; /* max of data */ double xmin,xmax; /* min, max of all x-values */ double ymin,ymax; /* min, max of all y-values */ double xdelta=0.,ydelta=0.; /* increment for x/y tick marks */ double xrange=0.,yrange=0.; /* ranges of xy-values */ double wxmin=0.,wxmax= 0.; /* x-window bounds in x-scale */ double wymin=0.,wymax= 0.; /* y-window bounds in y-scale */ float wx1=0., wx2=1.; /* Relative x-window bounds */ float wy1=0., wy2=1.; /* relative y-window bounds */ read_data(&numcols,&numpts,names,data); find_bounds(numcols,numpts,data,min,max,&xmin,&xmax,&ymin,&ymax); xrange=xmax-xmin; xdelta=xrange/40.; yrange=ymax-ymin; ydelta=yrange/40.; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, optstr)) != EOF) { switch ( c ) { case 'x': sscanf(optarg,"%lf,%lf,%lf",&xmin,&xmax,&xdelta); xrange=xmax-xmin; break; case 'y': sscanf(optarg,"%lf,%lf,%lf",&ymin,&ymax,&ydelta); yrange=ymax-ymin; break; case 'i': init_plotter=SPOOLED; break; case 'e': werase=0; /* no erase */ break; case 'c': usecolor=1; /* use color */ break; case 'l': for(col=1;col<numcols;col++) if(!strcmp(optarg,names[col])) drawline[col]=1; case 'w': sscanf(optarg,"%f,%f,%f,%f", &wx1,&wy1,&wx2,&wy2); break; case 'X': xlabel = optarg; break; case 'Y': ylabel = optarg; break; case 'H': header = optarg; break; case 'D': device = optarg; break; case 'P': plottertype = optarg; break; default: while(**ptrhlp)fprintf(stderr,"\t%s\n",*ptrhlp++); exit(-1); } } wxmin=xmin-0.25*xrange; wxmax=xmax+0.05*xrange; wymin=ymin-0.25*yrange; wymax=ymax+0.15*yrange; if((plotfil=gopen(device,OUTDEV,plottertype,init_plotter))== -1)exit(-1); set_p1_p2(plotfil,FRACTIONAL,wx1,wy1,0.,wx2,wy2,0.); vdc_extent(plotfil,(float)wxmin,(float)wymin,(float)0.,(float)wxmax,(float)wymax,(float)0.); clip_rectangle(plotfil,(float)wxmin,(float)wxmax,(float)wymin,(float)wymax); mapping_mode(plotfil,TRUE); interior_style(plotfil,INT_HOLLOW,TRUE); rectangle(plotfil,(float)wxmin,(float)wymin,(float)wxmax,(float)wymax); rectangle(plotfil,(float)xmin,(float)ymin,(float)xmax,(float)ymax); inquire_sizes(plotfil,ph_lim,res,p1,p2,&num_pens); for(col=1;col<numcols;col++){ for(row=0;row<numpts;row++){ plotvec[2*row]=data[0][row]; plotvec[2*row+1]=data[col][row]; } y=col+1; yy=col-1; if(usecolor) line_color_index(plotfil,y%num_pens); else line_type(plotfil,yy%7); if(drawline[col]) polymarker2d(plotfil,plotvec,numpts,FALSE); else polyline2d(plotfil,plotvec,numpts,FALSE); } line_color_index(plotfil,1); plot_texts(plotfil,header,xlabel,ylabel,wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); line_color_index(plotfil,1); plot_tics(plotfil,xmin,xmax,xdelta,ymin,ymax,ydelta,wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax); gclose(plotfil); } read_data(numcols,numpts,names,data) char names[MAXCOLS][MAXTXT]; /* input : names of columns */ int *numcols; int *numpts; double data[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* input : data in columns */ { int c; /* input character */ int i; int col= -1; /* running column index */ do{ i=0; col++; while((c=getchar())!='\t'&&c!=' '&&c!='\n'&&c!=EOF) names[col][i++]=c; names[col][i]='\0'; } while(c!='\n' && c!= EOF); if(c==EOF)exit(-1); *numcols= ++col; /* store number of cols */ while((c=getchar())!='\n'); /* skip line of minuses */ i=0; do { for(col=0;col < *numcols ; col++) if(scanf("%lf",&data[col][i])<=0)return; i++; *numpts=i; } while(1); } find_bounds(numcols,numpts,data,min,max,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) int numcols; /* input : number of columns */ int numpts; /* ----------------- data pts */ double data[MAXCOLS][MAXPTS]; /* input : data in columns */ double min[MAXCOLS]; /* min on data */ double max[MAXCOLS]; /* max of data */ double *xmin,*xmax; /* min,max of ALL x-values */ double *ymin,*ymax; /* min,max of ALL y-values */ { int col; int row; for(col=0;col<numcols;col++){ max[col]=data[col][0]; min[col]=data[col][0]; for(row=1;row<numpts;row++){ if(data[col][row]>max[col]) max[col]=data[col][row]; else if(data[col][row]<min[col]) min[col]=data[col][row]; } } *ymax=max[1]; /* initialize max/min of all y vals */ *ymin=min[1]; for(col=2;col<numcols;col++) if(max[col]>*ymax)*ymax=max[col]; else if(min[col]<*ymin)*ymin=min[col]; *xmin=min[0]; /* store x min and max */ *xmax=max[0]; } plot_texts(plotfil,header,xlabel,ylabel,wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) int plotfil; char *header; /* figure caption */ char *xlabel; /* label for x axis */ char *ylabel; /* --------- y ---- */ double xmin,xmax; /* min, max of all x-values */ double ymin,ymax; /* min, max of all y-values */ double wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax;/* window bounds */ { text_alignment(plotfil,TA_CENTER,TA_TOP,0.0,0.0); /* header */ character_height(plotfil,.04*(wymax-wymin)); text2d(plotfil,(wxmin+wxmax)/2.,wymax, header,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); text_alignment(plotfil,TA_CENTER,TA_TOP,0.0,0.0); /* x-axis */ character_height(plotfil,.04*(wymax-wymin)); text2d(plotfil,(float)(wxmin+wxmax)/2.,(float)(wymin+ymin)/2., xlabel,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); text_path(plotfil,PATH_DOWN); /* y-axis */ text_alignment(plotfil,TA_CENTER,TA_HALF,0.,0.); character_height(plotfil,.04*(wymax-wymin)); text2d(plotfil,(wxmin+wxmin+xmin)/3.,(wymin+wymax)/2., ylabel,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); } plot_tics(plotfil,xmin,xmax,xdelta,ymin,ymax,ydelta,wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax) int plotfil; double xmin,xmax; /* min, max of all x-values */ double ymin,ymax; /* min, max of all y-values */ double xdelta,ydelta; /* increment for x/y tick marks */ double wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax;/* window bounds */ { int i=0,j=0; char number[80]; float numlargeticks; float x, y; text_path(plotfil,PATH_RIGHT); text_alignment(plotfil,TA_CENTER,TA_CONTINUOUS_VERTICAL,0.0,1.2); character_height(plotfil,.03*(wymax-wymin)); line_type(plotfil,0); x=xmin; /* x axis */ sprintf(number,"%5.1lf",x); /* char version of axis number */ text2d(plotfil,x,ymin,number,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); numlargeticks=(((xmax-xmin)/xdelta)/5); for(i=numlargeticks;i--;){ /* large tick loop */ for(j=5;j--;){ /* small tick loop */ move2d(plotfil,x,ymin); /* draw small tick */ draw2d(plotfil,x,ymin+((ymax-ymin)*.015)); x+=xdelta; /* x for next small tick */ } move2d(plotfil,x,ymin); /* next large tick */ draw2d(plotfil,x,ymin+((ymax-ymin)*.03)); sprintf(number,"%5.1lf",x); /* put number at large tick */ text2d(plotfil,x,ymin,number,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); } text_alignment(plotfil,TA_CONTINUOUS_HORIZONTAL,TA_HALF,1.2,0.0); y=ymin; /* y axis */ sprintf(number,"%5.1lf",y); /* string rep of # */ text2d(plotfil,xmin,y,number,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); numlargeticks=(((ymax-ymin)/ydelta)/5); for (i=numlargeticks;i--;){ for(j=5;j--;){ move2d(plotfil,xmin,y); draw2d(plotfil,xmin+(xmax-xmin)*.02,y); y+=ydelta; } move2d(plotfil,xmin,y); draw2d(plotfil,xmin+(xmax-xmin)*.03,y); sprintf(number,"%5.1lf",y); text2d(plotfil,xmin,y,number,VDC_TEXT,FALSE); } } \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./scat.src/scat.starbase.c" fi if `test ! -d ./testdb` then mkdir ./testdb echo "mkdir ./testdb" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/data` then echo "writting ./testdb/data" cat > ./testdb/data << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/data" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/data.addcol` then echo "writting ./testdb/data.addcol" cat > ./testdb/data.addcol << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/data.addcol" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/subtotal.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/subtotal.prog" cat > ./testdb/subtotal.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test subtotal reldb program. # # Note that this also requires project and sorttable to work. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$BINDIR:$PATH export PATH # Test1 -- very simple test COMMAND=subtotal ARG1='w' ARG2='y' ARG="by $ARG1 on $ARG2" echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE COMMAND=subtotal ARG1='y z' ARG2='u w v' ARG="by $ARG1 on $ARG2" echo ''; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE echo "Note that the input is not automatically sorted by $COMMAND - however, the project command is run first, to reorder the columns. To see explicitly how '$COMMAND $ARG' works, here is the output of 'project $ARG1 $ARG2 < $INPUTFILE' :" project $ARG1 $ARG2 < $INPUTFILE \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/subtotal.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/union.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/union.res" cat > ./testdb/union.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' The union takes two input files, e.g. union.dat1: col1 col2 col3 ---- ---- ---- this is line1 line2 in file1 line3 x x and union.dat2: col1 col2 col3 ---- ---- ---- this is line1 in file2 line2 in file2 The following is the output from the command union union.dat1 union.dat2 col1 col2 col3 ---- ---- ---- this is line1 line2 in file1 line3 x x this is line1 in file2 line2 in file2 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/union.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u - - - - - 0 9 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 2 2 3 4 text1 6 5 1 2 3 4 text2 6 4 1 2 3 4 text3 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/Makefile` then echo "writting ./testdb/Makefile" cat > ./testdb/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\' # # Makefile to control testing of reldb programs. # # Change the BINDIR to reflect where the binaries are. # BINDIR=../bin SUFFIXES=.diff .tmp .data .res .SUFFIXES: $(SUFFIXES) DIFFFILES=subtotal.diff addcol.diff compute.diff \ jointable.diff math.diff \ project.diff select.diff union.diff recode.diff .data.diff: $*.prog $(BINDIR) $*.data > $*.tmp -diff $*.tmp $*.res > $*.diff all: $(DIFFFILES) @echo Done - check if any .diff-files are nonempty @ls -l $(DIFFFILES) clean: rm -f *.diff *.tmp tmp* \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/Makefile" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/addcol.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/addcol.prog" cat > ./testdb/addcol.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test addcol reldb program. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$PATH:$BINDIR export PATH # Real simple - just add two columns COMMAND="addcol www zzz" echo ; echo "Input data (file $INPUTFILE)" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND < $INPUTFILE \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/addcol.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u i label_column - - - - - - ------------ 0 1 2 3 4 6 * 1 2 3 4 5 7 ** 2 3 4 5 6 8 *** 3 4 5 6 7 9 v 4 5 6 7 8 10 vi \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' ex1 w y z v u extra --- - - - - - ----- 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 4 0 2 2 3 4 -2 5 0 3 4 5 6 -3 5 2 3 4 6 7 -4 9 2 5 6 7 10 -3 9 2 5 6 120 8 -116 9 23 5 6 7 8 16 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 25 2 9 2 5 6 -3 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/compute.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/compute.res" cat > ./testdb/compute.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data ( x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 The following is the output from the command compute 'w=1;y=2*i;x=sqrt(i*z)' < x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 3.4641 12 2 3 4 1 6 4.58258 14 3 4 5 1 7 5.65685 16 4 5 6 1 8 6.7082 18 5 6 7 1 9 7.74597 20 6 7 8 1 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/compute.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/project.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/project.prog" cat > ./testdb/project.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test project reldb program. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$PATH:$BINDIR export PATH #Test project command ARG="y z i label_column v" set - $ARG COMMAND=project echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo "(Note that the columns will not align on the screen when a an entry is wider than 8 characters. This is OK since the delimiter between fields is a single TAB character in all cases)" echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $* < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $* < $INPUTFILE \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/project.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/compute.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/compute.prog" cat > ./testdb/compute.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test compute reldb program. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$PATH:$BINDIR export PATH #Test compute command # COMMAND=compute ARG='w=1;y=2*i;x=sqrt(i*z)' echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND '$ARG' < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/compute.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/project.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/project.res" cat > ./testdb/project.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data ( x y z v u i label_column - - - - - - ------------ 0 1 2 3 4 6 * 1 2 3 4 5 7 ** 2 3 4 5 6 8 *** 3 4 5 6 7 9 v 4 5 6 7 8 10 vi (Note that the columns will not align on the screen when a an entry is wider than 8 characters. This is OK since the delimiter between fields is a single TAB character in all cases) The following is the output from the command project y z i label_column v < y z i label_column v - - - ------------ - 1 2 6 * 3 2 3 7 ** 4 3 4 8 *** 5 4 5 9 v 6 5 6 10 vi 7 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/project.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/jointable.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/jointable.prog" cat > ./testdb/jointable.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test jointable reldb program. # # Note that jointable requires two input files - this # cannot be handled by the Makefile, so we simply ignore # the files the Makefile gives us. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$PATH:$BINDIR export PATH #Test jointable command -- note that this requires sorttable to work also. #echo Sorting file join.dat1 #sorttable < join.dat1 > tmp.joint.1 #sorttable < join.dat2 > tmp.joint.2 #echo Joining results of sort to get joined output: #jointable tmp.joint.1 tmp.joint.2 #rm tmp.joint.1 tmp.joint.2 COMMAND=sorttable INPUTFILE=join.dat1 OUTPUTFILE=tmp.joint.1 echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND < $INPUTFILE > $OUTPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE > $OUTPUTFILE cat $OUTPUTFILE COMMAND=sorttable INPUTFILE=join.dat2 OUTPUTFILE=tmp.joint.2 echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND < $INPUTFILE > $OUTPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE > $OUTPUTFILE cat $OUTPUTFILE COMMAND=jointable FILE1=tmp.joint.1 FILE2=tmp.joint.2 echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $FILE1 $FILE2" echo $COMMAND $FILE1 $FILE2 rm tmp.joint.1 tmp.joint.2 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/jointable.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/select.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/select.res" cat > ./testdb/select.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data ( x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 2 2 3 4 text1 6 5 1 2 3 4 text2 6 4 1 2 3 4 text3 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 The following is the output from the command select 'z>=3||y==2' < x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 2 2 3 4 text1 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 (The above select-command selects those lines in the input file where either z is greater-than-or-equal-to 3 or y is equal to 2. The word 'or' here (denoted by ||) means that if either condition or both hold, then the corresponding line is printed). Input data ( x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 2 2 3 4 text1 6 5 1 2 3 4 text2 6 4 1 2 3 4 text3 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 The following is the output from the command select 'z>=3&&y==2' < x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 (The above select-command selects those lines in the input file where z is greater-than-or-equal-to 3 AND y is equal to 2. The word 'AND' here (denoted by &&) means that only if both conditions hold, then the corresponding line is printed). \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/select.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/join.dat1` then echo "writting ./testdb/join.dat1" cat > ./testdb/join.dat1 << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z - - - 10 1 2 9 2 3 8 3 4 7 4 5 6 5 6 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/join.dat1" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/join.dat2` then echo "writting ./testdb/join.dat2" cat > ./testdb/join.dat2 << '\Rogue\Monster\' x v u w i - - - - - 5 3 4 * 6 6 4 5 ** 7 7 5 6 *** 8 8 6 7 v 9 4 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/join.dat2" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/subtotal.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/subtotal.res" cat > ./testdb/subtotal.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data ( ex1 w y z v u extra --- - - - - - ----- 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 4 0 2 2 3 4 -2 5 0 3 4 5 6 -3 5 2 3 4 6 7 -4 9 2 5 6 7 10 -3 9 2 5 6 120 8 -116 9 23 5 6 7 8 16 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 25 2 9 2 5 6 -3 The following is the output from the command subtotal by w on y < w y - - 0 14 2 13 23 5 0 9 2 9 Input data ( ex1 w y z v u extra --- - - - - - ----- 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 4 0 2 2 3 4 -2 5 0 3 4 5 6 -3 5 2 3 4 6 7 -4 9 2 5 6 7 10 -3 9 2 5 6 120 8 -116 9 23 5 6 7 8 16 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 25 2 9 2 5 6 -3 The following is the output from the command subtotal by y z on u w v < y z u w v - - - - - 9 2 4 0 3 2 2 4 0 3 3 4 13 2 11 5 6 26 27 134 9 2 10 2 8 Note that the input is not automatically sorted by subtotal - however, the project command is run first, to reorder the columns. To see explicitly how 'subtotal by y z on u w v' works, here is the output of 'project y z u w v <' : y z u w v - - - - - 9 2 4 0 3 2 2 4 0 3 3 4 6 0 5 3 4 7 2 6 5 6 10 2 7 5 6 8 2 120 5 6 8 23 7 9 2 4 0 3 9 2 6 2 5 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/subtotal.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/README` then echo "writting ./testdb/README" cat > ./testdb/README << '\Rogue\Monster\' Some scripts to test the various reldb commands. Type 'make' to run the test scripts, *.prog. The expected output is already given in *.res. The 'make' command yields output which is in *.tmp. This should be the same as in the *.res-files. Diff is run by make to compare the sets. The diff-output is placed in *.diff. These files should be empty, with the possible exception of rounding errors (after the 6th digit). \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/README" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/select.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/select.prog" cat > ./testdb/select.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test select reldb program. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$PATH:$BINDIR export PATH #Test select command COMMAND=select ARG='z>=3||y==2' echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND '$ARG' < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE # # Stick some explanations in: # echo "(The above $COMMAND-command selects those lines in the input file where either z is greater-than-or-equal-to 3 or y is equal to 2. The word 'or' here (denoted by ||) means that if either condition or both hold, then the corresponding line is printed)." # Second test COMMAND=select ARG='z>=3&&y==2' echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND '$ARG' < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE # # Stick some explanations in: # echo "(The above $COMMAND-command selects those lines in the input file where z is greater-than-or-equal-to 3 AND y is equal to 2. The word 'AND' here (denoted by &&) means that only if both conditions hold, then the corresponding line is printed)." \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/select.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/jointable.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/jointable.res" cat > ./testdb/jointable.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data (join.dat1): x y z - - - 10 1 2 9 2 3 8 3 4 7 4 5 6 5 6 The following is the output from the command sorttable < join.dat1 > tmp.joint.1 x y z - - - 10 1 2 6 5 6 7 4 5 8 3 4 9 2 3 Input data (join.dat2): x v u w i - - - - - 5 3 4 * 6 6 4 5 ** 7 7 5 6 *** 8 8 6 7 v 9 4 7 8 vi 10 The following is the output from the command sorttable < join.dat2 > tmp.joint.2 x v u w i - - - - - 4 7 8 vi 10 5 3 4 * 6 6 4 5 ** 7 7 5 6 *** 8 8 6 7 v 9 The following is the output from the command jointable tmp.joint.1 tmp.joint.2 x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 6 5 6 4 5 ** 7 7 4 5 5 6 *** 8 8 3 4 6 7 v 9 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/jointable.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/union.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/union.prog" cat > ./testdb/union.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test union reldb program. # # Note that union requires two input files - this # cannot be handled by the Makefile, so we simply ignore # the files the Makefile gives us. # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$PATH:$BINDIR export PATH #Test union command COMMAND=union FILE1=union.dat1 FILE2=union.dat2 echo "The union takes two input files, e.g. $FILE1:" cat $FILE1 echo "and $FILE2:" cat $FILE2 echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $FILE1 $FILE2" echo $COMMAND $FILE1 $FILE2 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/union.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/union.dat1` then echo "writting ./testdb/union.dat1" cat > ./testdb/union.dat1 << '\Rogue\Monster\' col1 col2 col3 ---- ---- ---- this is line1 line2 in file1 line3 x x \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/union.dat1" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/union.dat2` then echo "writting ./testdb/union.dat2" cat > ./testdb/union.dat2 << '\Rogue\Monster\' col1 col2 col3 ---- ---- ---- this is line1 in file2 line2 in file2 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/union.dat2" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/addcol.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/addcol.res" cat > ./testdb/addcol.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data (file x y z v u - - - - - 0 9 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 The following is the output from the command addcol www zzz < x y z v u www zzz - - - - - --- --- 0 9 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/addcol.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/recode.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/recode.prog" cat > ./testdb/recode.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test recode reldb program. # # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$BINDIR:$PATH export PATH COMMAND=recode ARG="$CODEFILE" echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo ;echo "Code file ($CODEFILE):" ; echo cat $CODEFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/recode.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' ex1 w y z v u extra --- - - - - - ----- 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 4 0 2 2 3 4 -2 5 0 3 4 5 6 -3 5 2 3 4 6 7 -4 9 2 5 6 7 10 -3 9 2 5 6 120 8 -116 9 23 5 6 7 8 16 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 25 2 9 2 5 6 -3 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' ex1 new --- --- 1 20 2 21 3 22 4 23 5 24 9 25 25 0 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/` then echo "writting ./testdb/" cat > ./testdb/ << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v - - - - 0 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/math.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/math.res" cat > ./testdb/math.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data ( x y z v - - - - 0 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 The following is the output from the command math < x y z v Type - - - - ---- 5 4 5 5 Freq 10 13 20 25 Sum 2 3 4 5 Mean 1.58114 1.70783 1.58114 1.58114 Stddev 4 5 6 7 Maximum 0 1 2 3 Minimum \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/math.res" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/math.prog` then echo "writting ./testdb/math.prog" cat > ./testdb/math.prog << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Shell script to test math reldb program. # # BINDIR=$1 INPUTFILE=$2 PATH=$BINDIR:$PATH export PATH COMMAND=math ARG="" echo ; echo "Input data ($INPUTFILE):" ; echo cat $INPUTFILE echo;echo The following is the output from the command echo "$COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE" echo $COMMAND $ARG < $INPUTFILE \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/math.prog" fi if `test ! -s ./testdb/recode.res` then echo "writting ./testdb/recode.res" cat > ./testdb/recode.res << '\Rogue\Monster\' Input data ( ex1 w y z v u extra --- - - - - - ----- 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 4 0 2 2 3 4 -2 5 0 3 4 5 6 -3 5 2 3 4 6 7 -4 9 2 5 6 7 10 -3 9 2 5 6 120 8 -116 9 23 5 6 7 8 16 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 25 2 9 2 5 6 -3 Code file ( ex1 new --- --- 1 20 2 21 3 22 4 23 5 24 9 25 25 0 The following is the output from the command recode < new ex1 w y z v u extra --- --- - - - - - ----- 0 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 23 4 0 2 2 3 4 -2 24 5 0 3 4 5 6 -3 24 5 2 3 4 6 7 -4 25 9 2 5 6 7 10 -3 25 9 2 5 6 120 8 -116 25 9 23 5 6 7 8 16 0 25 0 9 2 3 4 -3 0 25 2 9 2 5 6 -3 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testdb/recode.res" fi if `test ! -d ./testgr` then mkdir ./testgr echo "mkdir ./testgr" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/README` then echo "writting ./testgr/README" cat > ./testgr/README << '\Rogue\Monster\' Some sample uses of scat. README data.* Some data files t? A few sample scat-commands. Run them with e.g. t1 | xplot =500x500+100+100 or t2 | plot -Ttek etc Note that t4 uses extended plot(5)-commands. \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/README" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t1` then echo "writting ./testgr/t1" cat > ./testgr/t1 << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Very basic -- no options scat < data.smpl \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t1" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/data.smpl` then echo "writting ./testgr/data.smpl" cat > ./testgr/data.smpl << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y - - 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/data.smpl" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t2` then echo "writting ./testgr/t2" cat > ./testgr/t2 << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Basic x,y-plot, but scaling axes scat -x0,5,.5 -y 0,5,0.5 -H "Sample x/y-plot" < data.smpl \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t2" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t3` then echo "writting ./testgr/t3" cat > ./testgr/t3 << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Slightly more complex plot. Data contains 3 columns. # Plot contains col2(z) vs col1(y) as a line, with col4(w) as labels # at the points (col1,col3) or (v,y) # # This is what the data looks like: # # y z v w # - - - - # 1 2 3 * # 2 3 4 ** # 3 4 5 *** # 4 5 6 v # 5 6 7 vi scat \ -X "X-axis" \ -Y "Y-axis" \ -x0,5,.5 \ -y 0,10,1 \ -L w \ -H "Sample x/y-plot" \ < data.3 # # Note the use of -X and -Y to define axis labels. # The Y-axis label is not rotated unless the -E option is added to # the scat command-line. In this case, extended commands must be # supported by the plot-filter used. \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t3" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/data.3` then echo "writting ./testgr/data.3" cat > ./testgr/data.3 << '\Rogue\Monster\' y z v w - - - - 1 2 3 * 2 3 4 ** 3 4 5 *** 4 5 6 v 5 6 7 vi \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/data.3" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/data.cmplx` then echo "writting ./testgr/data.cmplx" cat > ./testgr/data.cmplx << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z v u w i - - - - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/data.cmplx" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t4` then echo "writting ./testgr/t4" cat > ./testgr/t4 << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Input data (data.cmplx): # # x y z v u w i # - - - - - - - # 0 1 2 3 4 * 6 # 1 2 3 4 5 ** 7 # 2 3 4 5 6 *** 8 # 3 4 5 6 7 v 9 # 4 5 6 7 8 vi 10 # # Draw two plots in the same window (or on same paper, etc). # # First plot is y vs x, with lines through the points and # also labels w at the points. For this, the y-column must # come twice (once for the line and once for the w's). The project and # compute statements accomplish this. project x y newy w < data.cmplx | compute 'newy=y' | scat \ -H "First figure" \ -X "Sample X axis" \ -Y "Rotated Y" \ -E \ -Lw \ -x 0,5,0.5 \ -y 0,5,0.5 \ -w 0,0,0.5,0.5 # Second plot has points (x,y), (u,x), and labels i at (v,x): project x y u v w <data.cmplx | scat \ -H "Second figure" \ -X "Sample X axis" \ -e \ -Y "NONrotated" \ -Lw \ -x 0,10,1 \ -y 0,10,1 \ -w 0,0.5,1,1 # NOTE: The -E option is used in the first example. # This uses the extplotlib routines, which demand rotation and centering # of text. Centering has been implemented in the enclosed xplot and hpglplot # filters (essential for labels to make any sense). Rotation (of Y axis) # has currently only been implemented in hpglplot, and makes much nicer plots. \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t4" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/data.legend` then echo "writting ./testgr/data.legend" cat > ./testgr/data.legend << '\Rogue\Monster\' x y z zlabel ylegend zlegend - - - ------ ------- ------- 1 2 4 x 2 3 3 3 1 3 xx 4 1 4 y-label z-label \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/data.legend" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t5` then echo "writting ./testgr/t5" cat > ./testgr/t5 << '\Rogue\Monster\' project x y z z zlabel y ylegend z zlegend < data.legend | scat -E -x 0,10,1 -y 0,10,1 -L zlabel -L ylegend -L zlegend | plot -Tx =500x500+1+1 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t5" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t6` then echo "writting ./testgr/t6" cat > ./testgr/t6 << '\Rogue\Monster\' project x y z z zlabel y ylegend z zlegend < data.legend | scat -E -x 0,10,1 -y 0,10,1 -L zlabel -L ylegend -L zlegend | plot -Tx =500x500+1+1 \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t6" fi if `test ! -s ./testgr/t3e` then echo "writting ./testgr/t3e" cat > ./testgr/t3e << '\Rogue\Monster\' #!/bin/sh # # Slightly more complex plot. Data contains 3 columns. # Plot contains col2(z) vs col1(y) as a line, with col4(w) as labels # at the points (col1,col3) or (v,y) # # This is what the data looks like: # # y z v w # - - - - # 1 2 3 * # 2 3 4 ** # 3 4 5 *** # 4 5 6 v # 5 6 7 vi scat \ -X "X-axis" \ -Y "Y-axis" \ -E \ -x0,5,.5 \ -y 0,10,1 \ -L w \ -H "Sample x/y-plot" \ < data.3 # # Note the use of -X and -Y to define axis labels. # The Y-axis label is not rotated unless the -E option is added to # the scat command-line. In this case, extended commands must be # supported by the plot-filter used. \Rogue\Monster\ else echo "will not over write ./testgr/t3e" fi echo "Finished archive 1 of 3" exit -- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.