[comp.sources.unix] v20i048: Plum-Hall X3J11 macro explainer

rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz) (10/24/89)

Submitted-by: Eric S. Raymond <eric@snark.uu.net>
Posting-number: Volume 20, Issue 48
Archive-name: plum-ansi-macros

his is a tutorial program which illustrates how the Standard's
macro-expansion algorithm works.  First, look at some of the  .out  files
to see the model of presentation of macro-expansion.

Then, look at the file  mac.c  for notes on the implementation.  This is
not an elegant program.  It was designed to illustrate the dynamics in
the minimum amount of C code.  Forget about "information-hiding";
everything is a string of chars.

All of this directory is experimental, not intended to be authoritative,
and in no way an official opinion of the ANSI X3J11 committee.

 Permission is granted for reproduction and use of this  mac  program,
 provided that its enclosed authorship notice is reproduced entirely.

 Tom Plum, Plum Hall Inc, 609-927-3770,  uunet!plumhall!plum .

: "This is a shell archive, meaning:                              "
: "1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.                "
: "2. Save the resulting test in a file.                          "
: "3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:"
: "	READ.ME"
: "	Makefile"
: "	mac.c"
: "	std1.in"
: "	std2.in"
: "	std3.in"
: "	std4.in"
: "	test1.in"
: "	test2.in"
: "	test5.in"
: "	test6.in"
: "	test7.in"
: "	test8.in"
: "	std1.out"
: "	std2.out"
: "	std3.out"
: "	std4.out"
: "	test1.out"
: "	test2.out"
: "	test5.out"
: "	test6.out"
: "	test7.out"
: "	test8.out"
echo file: READ.ME
sed 's/^X//' >READ.ME << 'END-of-READ.ME'
XThe MAC demonstration program
XThis is a tutorial program which illustrates how the Standard's
Xmacro-expansion algorithm works.  First, look at some of the  .out  files
Xto see the model of presentation of macro-expansion.
XThen, look at the file  mac.c  for notes on the implementation.  This is
Xnot an elegant program.  It was designed to illustrate the dynamics in
Xthe minimum amount of C code.  Forget about "information-hiding";
Xeverything is a string of chars.
XAll of this directory is experimental, not intended to be authoritative,
Xand in no way an official opinion of the ANSI X3J11 committee.
X Permission is granted for reproduction and use of this  mac  program,
X provided that its enclosed authorship notice is reproduced entirely.
X Tom Plum, Plum Hall Inc, 609-927-3770,  uunet!plumhall!plum .
echo file: Makefile
sed 's/^X//' >Makefile << 'END-of-Makefile'
X# Makefile for the Plum-Hall X3J11 macro untangler
XSRC = Makefile mac.c
XIN = std[1234].in test[12345678].in
XOUT = std[1234].out test[12345678].out
Xmac: mac.c 
X	cc -g -o mac mac.c
XSUFFIXES: .out .in
X.in.out: mac
X	mac <$*.in >$*.out
Xshar: READ.ME $(SRC) $(IN) $(OUT)
X	shar READ.ME $(SRC) $(IN) $(OUT) >mac.shar
X	rm -f mac mac.shar *~
echo file: mac.c
sed 's/^X//' >mac.c << 'END-of-mac.c'
X/* macros - skeleton of macro expansion algorithm
X * Each token is one char (letter a-z).
X * Token-buffers are modeled by plain old char strings.
X * Each such buffer has another same-size buffer printed just under it,
X * which shows the "hide-set" associated with the token above it.
X * (The "hide-set" contains all the tokens that are non-replaceable.)
X * #define  is  #d (no space before or after #).
X * No attempt to model details of whitespace handling.
X * Two tokens, when catenated, produce "second token plus one".
X * "Stringize" is crudely stubbed; two quotes "" replace the string.
X * Does not handle empty actuals gracefully.
X * Does not span newlines in matching actuals.
X * Revisions:
X * 88/10/01: Identify the "replacement" buffer as "R".
X * 88/10/03: Handle the hide-set of actuals properly.
X * 88/10/03: Indicate where to refine for the exact (unspecified)
X *		semantics of interactions of hide-sets in catenation 
X */
X * First version written by Thomas Plum, Plum Hall Inc.
X * Subsequently revised by members of X3J11, the
X * ANSI C Standards Committee.
X * Permission is granted to reproduce and use this program,
X * for all purposes, provided that this notice is included.
X */
X/* First, 300+ lines of inelegant support routines, to about 363  ... */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <string.h>
X#define TRACE(x) 0	/* or,  printf x , if needed for debugging */
X#define OUT(x) printf x
X#define cpy_nam(p, q) (p[0] = *(q), p[1] = '\0', ++(q))
X#define eobuf(p) (*(p) == '\0')
X#define next(p, s) (strncmp(p, s, (length_matched = strlen(s))) == 0)
X#define advance(p) (p += length_matched)
X#define is_obj(p) in_set(obj.nam, *(p))
X#define is_fn(p) in_set(fn.nam, *(p))
X#define obj_def(p) obj.def[obj_num(p)][0]
X#define obj_num(p) (strchr(obj.nam, *(p)) - obj.nam)
X#define fn_def(p) fn.def[fn_num(p)][0]
X#define fn_num(p) (strchr(fn.nam, *(p)) - fn.nam)
X#define fn_parm_count(p) strlen(fn.parms[fn_num(p)])
X#define fn_parm_index(p, q) \
X	(strchr(fn.parms[fn_num(p)], *(q)) - fn.parms[fn_num(p)])
X#define is_parm_name(p, q) in_set(fn.parms[fn_num(p)], *(q))
X#define in_set(p, c) (strchr(p, c) != 0)
X#define hide_set(p) *((char*)p + L)
X#define A 9   /* max # of macro args */
X#define D 26  /* max # of macro defs */
X#define L 100 /* max length of an input line  or of a macro def */
Xint length_matched;
Xvoid diagram(), expand(), expand_fn(), set_hide(), listcpy();
Xvoid add_hide(), lower_case();
Xchar *h_set();
Xchar arg_patterns[10][24] =
X	{
X	"()",
X	"(_)",
X	"(_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_,_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_,_,_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_,_,_,_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)",
X	"(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)",
X	};
Xchar next_token(p) char *p;
X	{
X	length_matched = 0;
X	++p;
X	for (;;)
X		{
X		if (*p == ' ')
X			++p, ++length_matched;
X		else if (*p == '\0')
X			{
X			printf("treating end-of-buffer as end-of-file\n");
X			return *p;
X			}
X		else
X			return *p;
X		}
X	}
Xvoid strip_blanks(p) char *p;
X	{
X	char *q = p;
X	while (*p == ' ')
X		++p;
X	/* now at first non-blank in p */
X	while (*p != '\0')	/* can't use strcpy because overlap */
X		hide_set(q) = hide_set(p), *q++ = *p++;
X	while (*--q == ' ')
X		;
X	*++q = '\0', hide_set(q) = '\0';
X	}
Xstruct obj { int n; char nam[D]; char def[D][2][L]; }
X	obj = {0};
Xstruct fn  { int n; char nam[D]; char def[D][2][L]; char parms[D][A]; }
X	fn = {0};
Xvoid install_obj(nam, def) char *nam; char *def;
X	{
X	obj.nam[obj.n] = nam[0];
X	strcpy(obj.def[obj.n][0], def);
X	strip_blanks(obj.def[obj.n][0]);
X	set_hide(obj.def[obj.n][0], nam);
X	printf("obj: nam=<%s> def=<%s>\n", nam, obj.def[obj.n][0]);
X	printf("                 <%s>\n", obj.def[obj.n][1]);
X	++obj.n;
X	}
Xvoid install_fn(nam, def, parms) char *nam; char *def; char *parms;
X	{
X	fn.nam[fn.n] = nam[0];
X	strcpy(fn.def[fn.n][0], def);
X	strcpy(fn.parms[fn.n], parms);
X	strip_blanks(fn.def[fn.n][0]);
X	set_hide(fn.def[fn.n][0], nam);
X	printf("fn:  nam=<%s> parms=<%s> def=<%s>\n", nam, parms, fn.def[fn.n][0]);
X	printf("                    %*s      <%s>\n", 
X		strlen(parms), "", fn.def[fn.n][1]);
X	++fn.n;
X	}
Xchar *parse_parms(p, parms) char *p; char *parms;
X	{
X	int i = 0;
X	while (*p != ')')
X		{
X		if (*p != ' ' && *p != ',')
X			parms[i++] = *p;
X		++p;
X		}
X	++p;
X	parms[i] = '\0';
X	return p;
X	}
Xvoid replace(level, suf, buf, p, p2, def) char *level, *suf, *buf, *p, *p2, *def;
X	{
X	char hold[2][L];
X	char old_hide[2];
X	listcpy(hold[0], p2);
X	old_hide[0] = hide_set(p), old_hide[1] = '\0';
X	listcpy(p, def);
X	add_hide(p, old_hide);
X	listcpy(p + strlen(def), hold[0]);
X	diagram(level, buf, suf);
X	}
Xchar *match_actuals(p, actual, n) char *p; char actual[A][2][L]; int n;
X	{
X	int parens = 1;
X	int i = 0;
X	int j = 0;
X	TRACE(("match_actuals(<%s>, actual)\n", p));
X	p += 1;
X	/* past the '(' */
X	for ( ;; )
X		{
X		if (*p == '(')
X			{
X			++parens;
X			actual[i][1][j] = p[L];
X			actual[i][0][j++] = *p++;
X			}
X		else if (*p == ')')
X			{
X			--parens;
X			if (parens == 0)
X				break;
X			actual[i][1][j] = p[L];
X			actual[i][0][j++] = *p++;
X			}
X		else if (*p == ',' && parens == 1)
X			{
X			actual[i][1][j] = '\0';
X			actual[i][0][j] = '\0';
X			j = 0;
X			++i;
X			++p;
X			}
X		else
X			{
X			actual[i][1][j] = p[L];
X			actual[i][0][j++] = *p++;
X			}
X		}
X	actual[i][1][j] = '\0';
X	actual[i][0][j] = '\0';
X	/* should strip blanks on each actual, to be sure non-empty */
X	if (i == 0 && n == 0)
X		;	/* ok, no args */
X	else if (i != n-1)
X		{
X		printf("wrong number of actuals\n");
X		exit(2);
X		}
X	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
X		TRACE(("actual[%d] = <%s>\n", i, actual[i][0]));
X	return p+1;
X	}
Xchar *stringize(s) char *s;
X	{
X	static char string_buf[2][L] = {"\"\"", "  "};
X	printf("string \"%s\" --> \"\"\n", s);
X	return string_buf[0];
X	}
Xchar *catenate(p, q) char *p, *q;
X	{
X	static char cat_buf[2][L];
X	char old_hide[2];
X	cat_buf[0][0] = q[0] + 1;
X	cat_buf[0][1] = '\0';
X	set_hide(cat_buf[0], " ");
X	old_hide[0] = hide_set(p), old_hide[1] = '\0';
X	add_hide(cat_buf[0], old_hide);
X	old_hide[0] = hide_set(q), old_hide[1] = '\0';
X	add_hide(cat_buf[0], old_hide);	/* NOTE: The other "unspecified" */
X									/* choice is to intersect(!) the */
X									/* two hide-sets, as in Prosser  */
X									/* 86-196.                       */
X	printf("catenate %c%c --> %c\n", p[0], q[0], cat_buf[0][0]);
X	return cat_buf[0];
X	}
Xvoid listcpy(p, q) char *p, *q;
X	{
X	strcpy(p, q);
X	strcpy(&hide_set(p), &hide_set(q));
X	}
Xvoid diagram(level, s, suf) char *level, *s, *suf;
X	{
X	char prefix[L];
X	if (level[0] == '\0')
X		strcpy(prefix, "0");
X	else
X		strcpy(prefix, level+1);
X	printf("%s%s: %s\n", prefix, suf, s);
X	printf("%*s%.*s\n", strlen(prefix)+strlen(suf)+2, ": ",
X		strlen(s), &hide_set(s));
X	}
Xint charcmp(s, t) char *s, *t;
X	{
X	return *s - *t;
X	}
Xvoid set_hide(def, nam) char *def, *nam;
X	{
X	memset(&hide_set(def), nam[0], strlen(def));
X	def[L+strlen(def)] = '\0';
X	}
Xchar hide_sets[10][10] = {0};
Xint n_hide_sets = 0;
Xvoid add_hide(p, h) char *p, *h;
X	{
X	int i, lim;
X	lim = strlen(p);
X	for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
X		{
X		char c = p[L+i];
X		char old_h[2];
X		old_h[0] = c, old_h[1] = '\0';
X		TRACE(("c=<%c>, h=<%c>\n", c, h[0]));
X		if (h[0] == ' ')
X			;
X		else if (c == ' ')
X			p[L+i] = h[0];
X		else if (h[0] == c)
X			;
X		else if (in_set(h_set(old_h), h[0]))
X			;
X		else
X			{
X			char new_hide[10];
X			int n = n_hide_sets;
X			int j;
X			int found = 0;
X			strcpy(new_hide, h_set(old_h));
X			strcat(new_hide, h_set(h));
X			qsort(new_hide, strlen(new_hide), 1, charcmp);
X			TRACE(("new_hide=<%s>\n", new_hide));
X			for (j = 0; j < n_hide_sets; ++j)
X				{
X				if (strcmp(new_hide, hide_sets[j]) == 0)
X					{
X					p[L+i] = j + '0';
X					found = 1;
X					}
X				}
X			if (!found)
X				{
X				if (n > 9)
X					{
X					printf("too many hide-sets\n");
X					exit(2);
X					}
X				strcpy(hide_sets[n], new_hide);
X				p[L+i] = n + '0';
X				qsort(hide_sets[n], strlen(hide_sets[n]), 1, charcmp);
X				printf("hide-set #%d = {%s}\n", n, hide_sets[n]);
X				++n_hide_sets;
X				}
X			}
X		}
X	}
Xchar *h_set(s) char *s;
X	{
X	char c = s[0];
X	if (isdigit(c))
X		return hide_sets[c - '0'];
X	else
X		return s;
X	}
Xint is_hidden(p) char *p;
X	{
X	if (!islower(*p))
X		return 0;
X	else if (*p == p[L])
X		return 1;
X	else if (isdigit(p[L]) && strchr(hide_sets[p[L] - '0'], *p) != 0)
X		return 1;
X	else
X		return 0;
X	}
Xvoid mark_non_replace(p) char *p;
X	{
X	*p = toupper(*p);
X	}
Xvoid lower_case(p) char *p;
X	{
X	for ( ; *p != '\0'; ++p)
X		*p = tolower(*p);
X	}
X/* Now: Here's the actual macro algorithm ... */
Xvoid preproc(p) char *p;
X	{
X	char nam[2];
X	char parms[A];
X	if (next(p, "#d "))
X		{ 			/* starting a #define */
X		advance(p);
X		TRACE(("p=<%s>\n", p));
X		cpy_nam(nam, p);
X		if (next(p, "("))	/* a fn-like macro */
X			{
X			advance(p);
X			p = parse_parms(p, parms);
X			install_fn(nam, p, parms);
X			}
X		else		/* an object-like macro */
X			install_obj(nam, p);
X		}	/* end of #define */
X	else if (next(p, "#u "))
X		{			/* starting a #undef */
X		} /* stub */
X	else
X		{
X		expand(p, "");
X		lower_case(p);
X		set_hide(p, " ");
X		diagram("", p, "");
X		}
X	}
Xvoid expand(buf, level) char *buf; char *level;
X	{
X	char *p = buf;
X	TRACE(("expand(<%s>, %s)\n", buf, level));
X	diagram(level, buf, "");
X	while (!eobuf(p))
X		{
X		if (is_hidden(p))
X			{
X			mark_non_replace(p);
X			++p;
X			diagram(level, buf, "");
X			}
X		else if (is_obj(p))	/* instance of object-like macro */
X			replace(level, "", buf, p, p+1, obj_def(p));
X		else if (is_fn(p) && next_token(p) == '(') 
X			expand_fn(buf, p, level); /* instance of fn-like macro */
X		else
X			++p;	/* ordinary token */
X		}	/* end while !eobuf */
X	}	/* end expand() */
Xvoid expand_fn(buf, p, level) char *buf, *p, *level;
X	{
X	char actual[A][2][L], expandeds[A][2][L];
X	char repl[2][L];
X	char nlevel[20];
X	char fn_nam[2];
X	char invocation[2][L];
X	char *start_invok, *q;
X	int i_parm, num_parms;
X	start_invok = p;
X	cpy_nam(fn_nam, p);
X	advance(p);	/* past any blanks skipped in next_token */
X	num_parms = fn_parm_count(fn_nam);
X	p = match_actuals(p, actual, num_parms);
X	for (i_parm = 0; i_parm < num_parms; ++i_parm)
X		{
X		listcpy(expandeds[i_parm][0], actual[i_parm][0]);
X		sprintf(nlevel, "%s.%d", level, i_parm+1);
X		expand(expandeds[i_parm][0], nlevel);
X		}
X	sprintf(invocation[0], "%s%s", fn_nam, arg_patterns[num_parms]);
X	set_hide(invocation[0], " ");
X	diagram(level, invocation[0], "R");
X	listcpy(repl[0], fn_def(fn_nam));
X	diagram(level, repl[0], "R");
X	TRACE(("subst parms in repl:<%s>\n", repl));
X	for (q = repl[0]; !eobuf(q); )
X		{
X		TRACE(("repl-token <%c>\n", *q));
X		if (q[1] == '#' && q[2] == '#' && !eobuf(q+3))
X			{
X			replace(level, "R", repl[0], q, q+4,
X				catenate(q, q+3));
X			q += 1;	/* advance past new "token" */
X			}
X		else if (q[0] == '#' && is_parm_name(fn_nam, q+1))
X			{
X			i_parm = fn_parm_index(fn_nam, q+1);
X			replace(level, "R", repl[0], q, q+2,
X				stringize(actual[i_parm][0]));
X			q += 2;	/* advance past "" */
X			}
X		else if (is_parm_name(fn_nam, q))
X			{
X			i_parm = fn_parm_index(fn_nam, q);
X			replace(level, "R", repl[0], q, q+1,
X				expandeds[i_parm][0]);
X			q += strlen(expandeds[i_parm][0]);	/* advance past expansion */
X			}
X		else		/* ordinary token */
X			++q;
X		}
X	replace(level, "", buf, start_invok, p, repl[0]);
X	}
X	{
X	char line[BUFSIZ];
X	while (gets(line))
X		{
X		set_hide(line, " ");
X		preproc(line);
X		}
X	} /* end main */
echo file: std1.in
sed 's/^X//' >std1.in << 'END-of-std1.in'
X#d f(a) f( x * (a))
X#d z z[0]
X#d x 2
Xf(y+1) + f(f(z)) %
echo file: std2.in
sed 's/^X//' >std2.in << 'END-of-std2.in'
X#d f(a) f( x * (a))
X#d x    2
X#d g    f
X#d t(a) a
Xt(t(g)(0) + t)(1);
echo file: std3.in
sed 's/^X//' >std3.in << 'END-of-std3.in'
X#d f(a) f( x * (a))
X#d x    2
X#d g    f
X#d w    0,1
X#d h    g(~
Xg(x+(3,4)-w) | h 5)
echo file: std4.in
sed 's/^X//' >std4.in << 'END-of-std4.in'
X#d f(a) f( x * (a))
X#d x    2
X#d m(a) a(w)
X#d w    0,1
Xm (f)^m(m) ;
echo file: test1.in
sed 's/^X//' >test1.in << 'END-of-test1.in'
X#d x(c) (y(c,3))
X#d y(a, b) x(a+b)
echo file: test2.in
sed 's/^X//' >test2.in << 'END-of-test2.in'
X#d f(a) i(x*(a))
X#d j(a) k(x*(a))
X#d z y[0]
X#d x 2
Xf(j(z)) 3 4 z
X#d h(g) g
X#d a()  0
X#d b    ()
X#d c    a b
X#d m(a) <<#a>>
X#d n(a) m(a)
Xm(1 2 3)
X#d e(a, b) [[a##b]]
echo file: test5.in
sed 's/^X//' >test5.in << 'END-of-test5.in'
X#d h(g) g
X#d a()  0
X#d b    ()
X#d c    a b
echo file: test6.in
sed 's/^X//' >test6.in << 'END-of-test6.in'
X#d m(a) <<#a>>
X#d n(a) m(a)
Xm(1 2 3)
echo file: test7.in
sed 's/^X//' >test7.in << 'END-of-test7.in'
X#d e(a, b) [[a##b]]
echo file: test8.in
sed 's/^X//' >test8.in << 'END-of-test8.in'
X#d f(a) a * g
X#d g(a) f(a)
echo file: std1.out
sed 's/^X//' >std1.out << 'END-of-std1.out'
Xfn:  nam=<f> parms=<a> def=<f( x * (a))>
X                           <fffffffffff>
Xobj: nam=<z> def=<z[0]>
X                 <zzzz>
Xobj: nam=<x> def=<2>
X                 <x>
X0: f(y+1) + f(f(z)) %
X :                   
X1: y+1
X :    
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
X0R: f( x * (y+1))
X  : fffffffffffff
X0: f( x * (y+1)) + f(f(z)) %
X : fffffffffffff            
X0: F( x * (y+1)) + f(f(z)) %
X : fffffffffffff            
Xhide-set #0 = {fx}
X0: F( 2 * (y+1)) + f(f(z)) %
X : fff0fffffffff            
X1: f(z)
X :     
X1.1: z
X   :  
X1.1: z[0]
X   : zzzz
X1.1: Z[0]
X   : zzzz
X1R: f(_)
X  :     
X1R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
Xhide-set #1 = {fz}
X1R: f( x * (Z[0]))
X  : ffffffff1111ff
X1: f( x * (Z[0]))
X : ffffffff1111ff
X1: F( x * (Z[0]))
X : ffffffff1111ff
X1: F( 2 * (Z[0]))
X : fff0ffff1111ff
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
X0R: f( x * (F( 2 * (Z[0]))))
X  : fffffffffff0ffff1111ffff
X0: F( 2 * (y+1)) + f( x * (F( 2 * (Z[0])))) %
X : fff0fffffffff   fffffffffff0ffff1111ffff  
X0: F( 2 * (y+1)) + F( x * (F( 2 * (Z[0])))) %
X : fff0fffffffff   fffffffffff0ffff1111ffff  
X0: F( 2 * (y+1)) + F( 2 * (F( 2 * (Z[0])))) %
X : fff0fffffffff   fff0fffffff0ffff1111ffff  
X0: f( 2 * (y+1)) + f( 2 * (f( 2 * (z[0])))) %
X :                                           
echo file: std2.out
sed 's/^X//' >std2.out << 'END-of-std2.out'
Xfn:  nam=<f> parms=<a> def=<f( x * (a))>
X                           <fffffffffff>
Xobj: nam=<x> def=<2>
X                 <x>
Xobj: nam=<g> def=<f>
X                 <g>
Xfn:  nam=<t> parms=<a> def=<a>
X                           <t>
X0: t(t(g)(0) + t)(1);
X :                   
X1: t(g)(0) + t
X :            
X1.1: g
X   :  
X1.1: f
X   : g
Xtreating end-of-buffer as end-of-file
X1R: t(_)
X  :     
X1R: a
X  : t
Xhide-set #0 = {gt}
X1R: f
X  : 0
X1: f(0) + t
X : 0       
X1.1: 0
X   :  
X1R: f(_)
X  :     
X1R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
X1R: f( x * (0))
X  : fffffffffff
Xhide-set #1 = {fgt}
X1: f( x * (0)) + t
X : 11111111111    
X1: F( x * (0)) + t
X : 11111111111    
Xhide-set #2 = {fgtx}
X1: F( 2 * (0)) + t
X : 11121111111    
Xtreating end-of-buffer as end-of-file
X0R: t(_)
X  :     
X0R: a
X  : t
X0R: F( 2 * (0)) + t
X  : 11121111111tttt
X0: F( 2 * (0)) + t(1);
X : 11121111111tttt    
X0: F( 2 * (0)) + T(1);
X : 11121111111tttt    
X0: f( 2 * (0)) + t(1);
X :                    
echo file: std3.out
sed 's/^X//' >std3.out << 'END-of-std3.out'
Xfn:  nam=<f> parms=<a> def=<f( x * (a))>
X                           <fffffffffff>
Xobj: nam=<x> def=<2>
X                 <x>
Xobj: nam=<g> def=<f>
X                 <g>
Xobj: nam=<w> def=<0,1>
X                 <www>
Xobj: nam=<h> def=<g(~>
X                 <hhh>
X : 
X : 
X0: g(x+(3,4)-w) | h 5)
X :                    
X0: f(x+(3,4)-w) | h 5)
X : g                  
X1: x+(3,4)-w
X :          
X1: 2+(3,4)-w
X : x        
X1: 2+(3,4)-0,1
X : x       www
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
Xhide-set #0 = {fx}
Xhide-set #1 = {fw}
X0R: f( x * (2+(3,4)-0,1))
X  : ffffffff0fffffff111ff
Xhide-set #2 = {fg}
Xhide-set #3 = {fgx}
Xhide-set #4 = {fgw}
X0: f( x * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | h 5)
X : 222222223222222244422       
X0: F( x * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | h 5)
X : 222222223222222244422       
X0: F( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | h 5)
X : 222322223222222244422       
X0: F( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | g(~ 5)
X : 222322223222222244422   hhh   
Xhide-set #5 = {gh}
X0: F( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | f(~ 5)
X : 222322223222222244422   5hh   
X1: ~ 5
X : h  
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
Xhide-set #6 = {fh}
X0R: f( x * (~ 5))
X  : ffffffff6ffff
Xhide-set #7 = {fgh}
Xhide-set #8 = {fghh}
X0: F( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | f( x * (~ 5))
X : 222322223222222244422   7777777787777
X0: F( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | F( x * (~ 5))
X : 222322223222222244422   7777777787777
Xhide-set #9 = {fghx}
X0: F( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | F( 2 * (~ 5))
X : 222322223222222244422   7779777787777
X0: f( 2 * (2+(3,4)-0,1)) | f( 2 * (~ 5))
X :                                      
echo file: std4.out
sed 's/^X//' >std4.out << 'END-of-std4.out'
Xfn:  nam=<f> parms=<a> def=<f( x * (a))>
X                           <fffffffffff>
Xobj: nam=<x> def=<2>
X                 <x>
Xfn:  nam=<m> parms=<a> def=<a(w)>
X                           <mmmm>
Xobj: nam=<w> def=<0,1>
X                 <www>
X : 
X : 
X0: m (f)^m(m) ;
X :             
X1: f
X :  
Xtreating end-of-buffer as end-of-file
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: a(w)
X  : mmmm
X0R: f(w)
X  : mmmm
X0: f(w)^m(m) ;
X : mmmm       
X1: w
X : m
Xhide-set #0 = {mw}
X1: 0,1
X : 000
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: f( x * (a))
X  : fffffffffff
Xhide-set #1 = {fmw}
X0R: f( x * (0,1))
X  : ffffffff111ff
Xhide-set #2 = {fm}
X0: f( x * (0,1))^m(m) ;
X : 2222222211122       
X0: F( x * (0,1))^m(m) ;
X : 2222222211122       
Xhide-set #3 = {fmx}
X0: F( 2 * (0,1))^m(m) ;
X : 2223222211122       
X1: m
X :  
Xtreating end-of-buffer as end-of-file
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: a(w)
X  : mmmm
X0R: m(w)
X  : mmmm
X0: F( 2 * (0,1))^m(w) ;
X : 2223222211122 mmmm  
X0: F( 2 * (0,1))^M(w) ;
X : 2223222211122 mmmm  
X0: F( 2 * (0,1))^M(0,1) ;
X : 2223222211122 mm000m  
X0: f( 2 * (0,1))^m(0,1) ;
X :                       
echo file: test1.out
sed 's/^X//' >test1.out << 'END-of-test1.out'
Xfn:  nam=<x> parms=<c> def=<(y(c,3))>
X                           <xxxxxxxx>
Xfn:  nam=<y> parms=<ab> def=<x(a+b)>
X                            <yyyyyy>
X0: y(x(2),1)
X :          
X1: x(2)
X :     
X1.1: 2
X   :  
X1R: x(_)
X  :     
X1R: (y(c,3))
X  : xxxxxxxx
X1R: (y(2,3))
X  : xxxxxxxx
X1: (y(2,3))
X : xxxxxxxx
X1.1: 2
X   : x
X1.2: 3
X   : x
X1R: y(_,_)
X  :       
X1R: x(a+b)
X  : yyyyyy
Xhide-set #0 = {xy}
X1R: x(2+b)
X  : yy0yyy
X1R: x(2+3)
X  : yy0y0y
X1: (x(2+3))
X : x000000x
X1: (X(2+3))
X : x000000x
X2: 1
X :  
X0R: y(_,_)
X  :       
X0R: x(a+b)
X  : yyyyyy
X0R: x((X(2+3))+b)
X  : yy00000000yyy
X0R: x((X(2+3))+1)
X  : yy00000000yyy
X0: x((X(2+3))+1)
X : yy00000000yyy
X1: (X(2+3))+1
X : 00000000yy
X0R: x(_)
X  :     
X0R: (y(c,3))
X  : xxxxxxxx
X0R: (y((X(2+3))+1,3))
X  : xxx0000000000xxxx
X0: (y((X(2+3))+1,3))
X : 00000000000000000
X0: (Y((X(2+3))+1,3))
X : 00000000000000000
X0: (y((x(2+3))+1,3))
X :                  
echo file: test2.out
sed 's/^X//' >test2.out << 'END-of-test2.out'
Xfn:  nam=<f> parms=<a> def=<i(x*(a))>
X                           <ffffffff>
Xfn:  nam=<j> parms=<a> def=<k(x*(a))>
X                           <jjjjjjjj>
Xobj: nam=<z> def=<y[0]>
X                 <zzzz>
Xobj: nam=<x> def=<2>
X                 <x>
X0: f(j(z)) 3 4 z
X :              
X1: j(z)
X :     
X1.1: z
X   :  
X1.1: y[0]
X   : zzzz
X1R: j(_)
X  :     
X1R: k(x*(a))
X  : jjjjjjjj
Xhide-set #0 = {jz}
X1R: k(x*(y[0]))
X  : jjjjj0000jj
X1: k(x*(y[0]))
X : jjjjj0000jj
Xhide-set #1 = {jx}
X1: k(2*(y[0]))
X : jj1jj0000jj
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: i(x*(a))
X  : ffffffff
Xhide-set #2 = {fj}
Xhide-set #3 = {fjx}
Xhide-set #4 = {fjz}
X0R: i(x*(k(2*(y[0]))))
X  : fffff22322444422ff
X0: i(x*(k(2*(y[0])))) 3 4 z
X : fffff22322444422ff      
Xhide-set #5 = {fx}
X0: i(2*(k(2*(y[0])))) 3 4 z
X : ff5ff22322444422ff      
X0: i(2*(k(2*(y[0])))) 3 4 y[0]
X : ff5ff22322444422ff     zzzz
X0: i(2*(k(2*(y[0])))) 3 4 y[0]
X :                            
X : 
X : 
Xfn:  nam=<h> parms=<g> def=<g>
X                           <h>
Xfn:  nam=<a> parms=<> def=<0>
X                          <a>
Xobj: nam=<b> def=<()>
X                 <bb>
Xobj: nam=<c> def=<a b>
X                 <ccc>
X0: h(c)
X :     
X1: c
X :  
X1: a b
X : ccc
Xhide-set #6 = {bc}
X1: a ()
X : cc66
X0R: h(_)
X  :     
X0R: g
X  : h
Xhide-set #7 = {ch}
Xhide-set #8 = {bch}
X0R: a ()
X  : 7788
X0: a ()
X : 7788
X0R: a()
X  :    
X0R: 0
X  : a
Xhide-set #9 = {ach}
X0: 0
X : 9
X0: 0
X :  
X : 
X : 
Xfn:  nam=<m> parms=<a> def=<<<#a>>>
X                           <mmmmmm>
Xfn:  nam=<n> parms=<a> def=<m(a)>
X                           <nnnn>
X0: m(1 2 3)
X :         
X1: 1 2 3
X :      
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: <<#a>>
X  : mmmmmm
Xstring "1 2 3" --> ""
X0R: <<"">>
X  : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X :       
X0: m(z)
X :     
X1: z
X :  
X1: y[0]
X : zzzz
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: <<#a>>
X  : mmmmmm
Xstring "z" --> ""
X0R: <<"">>
X  : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X :       
X0: n(z)
X :     
X1: z
X :  
X1: y[0]
X : zzzz
X0R: n(_)
X  :     
X0R: m(a)
X  : nnnn
Xtoo many hide-sets
echo file: test5.out
sed 's/^X//' >test5.out << 'END-of-test5.out'
Xfn:  nam=<h> parms=<g> def=<g>
X                           <h>
Xfn:  nam=<a> parms=<> def=<0>
X                          <a>
Xobj: nam=<b> def=<()>
X                 <bb>
Xobj: nam=<c> def=<a b>
X                 <ccc>
X0: h(c)
X :     
X1: c
X :  
X1: a b
X : ccc
Xhide-set #0 = {bc}
X1: a ()
X : cc00
X0R: h(_)
X  :     
X0R: g
X  : h
Xhide-set #1 = {ch}
Xhide-set #2 = {bch}
X0R: a ()
X  : 1122
X0: a ()
X : 1122
X0R: a()
X  :    
X0R: 0
X  : a
Xhide-set #3 = {ach}
X0: 0
X : 3
X0: 0
X :  
echo file: test6.out
sed 's/^X//' >test6.out << 'END-of-test6.out'
Xfn:  nam=<m> parms=<a> def=<<<#a>>>
X                           <mmmmmm>
Xfn:  nam=<n> parms=<a> def=<m(a)>
X                           <nnnn>
X0: m(1 2 3)
X :         
X1: 1 2 3
X :      
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: <<#a>>
X  : mmmmmm
Xstring "1 2 3" --> ""
X0R: <<"">>
X  : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X :       
X0: m(z)
X :     
X1: z
X :  
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: <<#a>>
X  : mmmmmm
Xstring "z" --> ""
X0R: <<"">>
X  : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X : mmmmmm
X0: <<"">>
X :       
X0: n(z)
X :     
X1: z
X :  
X0R: n(_)
X  :     
X0R: m(a)
X  : nnnn
X0R: m(z)
X  : nnnn
X0: m(z)
X : nnnn
X1: z
X : n
X0R: m(_)
X  :     
X0R: <<#a>>
X  : mmmmmm
Xstring "z" --> ""
X0R: <<"">>
X  : mmmmmm
Xhide-set #0 = {mn}
X0: <<"">>
X : 000000
X0: <<"">>
X :       
echo file: test7.out
sed 's/^X//' >test7.out << 'END-of-test7.out'
Xfn:  nam=<e> parms=<ab> def=<[[a##b]]>
X                            <eeeeeeee>
X0: e(x,y)
X :       
X1: x
X :  
X2: y
X :  
X0R: e(_,_)
X  :       
X0R: [[a##b]]
X  : eeeeeeee
Xcatenate ab --> c
X0R: [[c]]
X  : eeeee
X0: [[c]]
X : eeeee
X0: [[c]]
X :      
echo file: test8.out
sed 's/^X//' >test8.out << 'END-of-test8.out'
Xfn:  nam=<f> parms=<a> def=<a * g>
X                           <fffff>
Xfn:  nam=<g> parms=<a> def=<f(a)>
X                           <gggg>
X : 
X : 
X0: f(2)(9)
X :        
X1: 2
X :  
X0R: f(_)
X  :     
X0R: a * g
X  : fffff
X0R: 2 * g
X  : fffff
X0: 2 * g(9)
X : fffff   
X1: 9
X :  
X0R: g(_)
X  :     
X0R: f(a)
X  : gggg
X0R: f(9)
X  : gggg
Xhide-set #0 = {fg}
X0: 2 * f(9)
X : ffff0000
X0: 2 * F(9)
X : ffff0000
X0: 2 * f(9)
X :         
      Eric S. Raymond = eric@snark.uu.net    (mad mastermind of TMN-Netnews)

Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.
Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.