[comp.sources.unix] v21i034: 2D graphic system with table beautifier, Part03/14

rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz) (03/24/90)

Submitted-by: Steve Grubb <uunet!lsr-vax!scg>
Posting-number: Volume 21, Issue 34
Archive-name: ipl/part03

# ipl part03
#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#---------------------- cut here -----------------------------
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#		tplates/Areadef
#		tplates/Arrow
#		tplates/Bargraph
#		tplates/Boxplot
#		tplates/Distribution
#		tplates/Draw
#		tplates/Errorbars
cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Areadef
Proc Areadef   

The following is an alphabetical list of the Areadef parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Area:		token				: standard	  **
  Preset graphics area name (see area.coords)
Area.bottom:	0 to 12				: 		
Area.left:	0 to 12				: 		
Area.right:	0 to 12 			: 		
Area.top:	0 to 12				: 		
  Alternate way of specifying graphic area (all four must be
  specified).  Used most often when cloning.
Area.rectangle:	2coordpair			:		  **
  Alternate way of specifying graphic area.  Consists of two 
  coord-pairs (low left, up right) to form a rectangle
Area.file:	token				: 		
  File containing preset user defined areas, in case you want
  to set up your own file of preset area.
Font:		font				:        	
  Font to be used on axis labels etc.
Frame:		{single,double,none}		: none		
  Specifies a frame of graphic area 
Shade:		color				: 		
  Shade of graphic area.  While usually white, graphic area
  is sometimes also shaded light gray.
Subtitle:	text				: 		  **
  Title for the graphic area.  Note that this is not the page title
(see Proc Page).
Subtitle.above:	-12 to 12 (T)			: 0.02		
  Distance of 1st subtitle line above window top in inches.
Subtitle.font:	font				: 		
  Font for area title.
Subtitle.justify: {center,left,right}		: left		
  Causes subtitle to be centered, or left or right justified.
Subtitle.size:	charsize			: 10		
  Char size of subtitle.
Xaxis:		{bottom,top,both,none}		: bottom	
  This specifies where the x axis is to be drawn.  While usually
  drawn at the bottom of the graphics area, it can be drawn at
  the top, or both, or not at all.
Xinc:		number				: 1		  **
  This is the increment between which stubs will be placed along
  the X axis.  For example, a value of 5 would give: 0, 5, 10..
Xlabel.position: -12 to 12 (X)			: 0.6		
  Distance of X axis identifier text from window bottom, in inches.
Xlabel.size: 	charsize			: 10		
  Char size for x axis identifier text.
Xlabel:		text				: 		  **
  The actual X axis identifier text is given here.
Xmax:		number 				: 		  **
  This gives the maximum in the X direction.  When doing bar graphs,
  this should be set to at least one greater than the number of bars
  you plan to draw.
Xmin:		number 				: 0 		  **
  This gives the minimum in the X direction.  Often times it is zero.
Xscaletype:	{linear,log,yymm}		: linear	
  This allows the scaling mechanism for the X direction to be
  specified.  It is usually "linear", but can be "log" (logarithmic), 
  or yymm (month/year).
Xstart.0or1:	0 to 10				: 0		
  This is set to "1" when doing bar graphs, other times, it is "0".
Xstub: 		text				: num		   **
   This parameter determines the text for the X axis stubs.  It may
  be the text itself (one line per stub); or it may be "num" 
  which turns on numeric stubs; or it may be the name of a file 
  which contains stub text; or it may indicate that the stub text
  should come from a field in the data.  Also available are month/
  year stubs, which are invoked by using Xstub: month.
   When giving text, remember to use one line per stub.
  Multi-line stubs are possible using '~' to symbolize newline,
  for example "Ford~Motor~Company" would occupy three lines.  It
  is also possible to do irregular tic placement by prefacing
  numeric stubs with a '!', which will cause the stub to be placed
  at the stub value.  For example "!3" will cause the stub "3" to
  be placed at X=3.  It is also OK to use blank lines, which will
  cause a tic to be produced, but no stub.
   Numeric stubs will be placed from Xmin to Xmax, based on Xinc.  
  Precision will be based on the Xstub.ticfmt parameter, which 
  defaults to no digits to the right of the decimal point.
   If stubs are to come from a data field, use '@' followed by
  the field number.  For example, @4 would use the 4th field in
  the data for stubs.  Of course, data must already have been read
  using Proc Getdata.
   If using month stubs with yymm scaling, Xmin and Xmax determine
  the range in months.  Otherwise, Xstub.startmonth and Xstub.startyear
  must be given.
Xstub.fileline: number				: 0		
  Line in a stub text file to start with.

Xstub.grid:	{line,shade,none,wline}		: none		
  This is a stylistic parameter which allows you to set up a grid of 
  lines or shaded blocks.

Xstub.minor:	0 to 100			: 0		
  Create minor tics forming this many divisions between regular tics.
  For example, a value of 2 will cause one minor tick between every 
  major tick.

Xstub.nolonetics: {y,n}				: y		
  If y, no tics will be produced where there are no stubs. 

Xstub.shade:	color				: 0.98		
  Shade for the shaded blocks if Xstub.grid is set to "shade".

Xstub.size: 	charsize			: 7		
  Char size for stubs.

Xstub.startmonth: 1 to 12			: 		
  For month stubs, leftmost month.  (See Xstub).

Xstub.startyear: 0 to 99			: 		
  For month stubs, leftmost year.  (See Xstub). 

Xstub.stubs:	{bottom,top,both,none}		: bottom	
  This parameter controls the placement of stubs.  While usually
  placed along the bottom, they can also be placed along the top,
  or both, or none at all.

Xstub.ticlen.minor: -2 to 2 (X)			: 0.035		
  Length of minor tics in inches.  Positive values cause tics to point
  away from the graphic area, while negative values cause tics to point 
  into the graphic area. 

Xstub.ticlen:	-2 to 2	(X)			: 0.08		
  Length of minor tics in inches.  Positive values cause tics to point
  away from the graphic area, while negative values cause tics to point 
  into the graphic area. 

Xstub.tics:	{bottom,top,both,none}		: bottom	
  This parameter controls the placement of tics.  While usually
  placed along the bottom, they can also be placed along the top,
  or both, or none at all.

Xstub.yofs:	-2 to 2	(X)			: 0.2		
  Distance of stub text from x axis in inches.  Positive values cause
  stubs to be placed away from the graphics area, while negative 
  values cause stubs to be placed into the graphics area.

Xticfmt:	token				: %4.0f		     **
  This parameter controls the precision of numeric stubs in X, and any
  other labels in X (such as lineplot labels).  It uses the convention
  of the C printf(3) routines.  For example, %4.0f would give 10;
  %4.1f would give 10.0; %4.2f would give 10.00, etc.
Yaxis:		{left,right,both,none}		: left		
  Where to draw Y axis. (See Xaxis, above)
Yinc:		number				: 1		     **
  Increment in Y. (See Xinc, above)
Ylabel.position: -12 to 12 (Y)			: 0.6		
  Position of Y identifying label text from Y axis.  Positive values
  cause text to be placed away from graphic area; negative values 
  cause it to be placed in the graphics area.
Ylabel.size: 	charsize			: 10 		
  Size of Y label identifying text. (See Xlabel.size)
Ylabel: 	text				: 		     **
  The Y label identifying text itself.  This text is rotated 90 
  degrees, and for this reason does not show up on Sunview display.
Ymax:		number				: 		     **
  Maximum in Y.   For Vbargraph, this should be one greater than the
  number of bars you plan to draw.
Ymin:		number				: 0		     **
  Minimum in y.
Yscaletype:	{linear,log}			: linear	
  Y scaling discipline  (see Xscaletype).
Ystart.0or1:	0 to 10				: 0		
  Should be set to "1" for Vbargraph; "0" otherwise.
Ystub: 		text				: num 		     **
  Stubs in Y.  (See Xstubs)  Same as Xstubs except that there are no
  mont/year stubs, and there can be no multiple line stubs.  In the Y
  direction, numeric stubs ("num") are by far the most often used.
Ystub.fileline:	number				: 0		
  Line in a stub text file to start at (See Xstub.fileline).
Ystub.grid:	{line,shade,none,wline}		: none		
  Style parameter.  (see Xstub.grid).
Ystub.minor:	0 to 100			: 0		
  Make minor stubs, creating this many divisions.  (See Xstub.minor)
Ystub.nolonetics: {y,n}				: y		
  If y, no tics will be produced where there are no stubs.
Ystub.shade:	color 				: 0.98		
  Shade for the shaded blocks if Ystub.grid is set to "shade".
Ystub.size: 	charsize			: 7		
  Char size for stubs.
Ystub.stubs: 	{left,right,both,none}		: left		
  Produce stubs on left, right, both or niether sides (see Xstub.stubs)
Ystub.ticlen.minor: -2 to 2 (Y)			: 0.035		
  Length of minor tics (See Xstub.ticlen.minor)
Ystub.ticlen:	-2 to 2	(Y)			: 0.08		
  Length of major tics (See Xstub.ticlen)
Ystub.tics:	{left,right,both,none}		: left		
  Which side(s) to put tics on. 
Ystub.xofs:	-2 to 2	(Y)			: 0.1		
  Distance from y axis to right side of y stub.  Positive values move
  away from graphics area; negative values move into graphics area.
Yticfmt:	token				: %4.0f		
  Format for display of numbers in Y (See Xticfmt).
#   Areadef should be used every time a new graphics area is to be set up for
# plotting.  Thus, it should be called once if there is to be one plot on
# the page, twice if there are to be two plots, and so on.  There can only
# be one graphics area defined at any one time.  Graphics procs will do their
# work inside the most recently defined graphics area.
#   Areadef could be used multiple times for a single plot, for example,
# if two units (e.g. feet and meters) are being used simultaneously.  
#   It will set scaling, draw axes, tics (the notches on the axes),
# stubs (the number or identifier next to each tic), axis labels (the text
# description of what quantity each axis is describing) and subtitles.
# As a minimum, the user should specify Xmax and Ymax for scaling the area, and
# Xinc and Yinc.  Xmin and Ymin default to 0 which is usually, but not always,
# appropriate.
#   The Saveas and Clone parameters can be used to let subsequent Areadefs
# inherit parameters from a previous Areadef.  This saves typing.
# Use a pre-defined graphics area from the area.coords table, or specify your
# own coordinates. 
# NUMBERED STUBS		Ystub: num
#   Stubs can be specified in several ways.  The simplest is plain numbering,
# which will take effect when num is specified.  For example, if Ystub is set
# to num (the default), numbered tics from Ymin to Ymax, every Yinc units,
# will be created.  This is used for the Y axis in bar graphs and line plots,
# and for both axes in scatter distributions.
#   A field from the data can become stubs, by specifying a field number 
# preceded by @'.  For example, if field 1 in the data contains identifiers, 
# specifying an Xstub of @1 will cause the contents of that field
# to be used in order.  This is especially useful for the X axis in bar graphs.
#					Case 2
#					Case 3
#   Stubs can be specified right in the parameter file, one line per stub.
# Each token is placed on a new line. 
#   Stubs can come from an external file, in which case just the file name
# is given.  As above, each token is placed on a new line.  Xstub.startline
# can be used to start in the middle of the file.
# MONTH AND YEAR STUBS			Xstub:	month
#   Month and year stubs can be placed automatically.  Use Xstub.startyear
# and Xstub.startmonth to set the starting month/year.  Years are expressed
# in two digits, e.g. 89, and months are specified by integer (1 through 12 ).
# Available for X axis only.
# MPS VISIT STUBS			Xstub: mps
#   This provides the frequently used month sequence used in MPS follow-up
# visits (0,3,6,12,18,24..).  Use Xinc: 3, and Xstub.tics: none.  X axis only.
# COMS VISIT STUBS			Xstub: coms
#   This provides the month sequence used in COMS follow-up visits.  It is
# (0,6,12,18,24..).  Available for X axis only.
# START ON 0 OR 1?
#   With bar graphs, you want the first x stub to happen one unit past the
# origin, while with line plots and scatter distributions it should generally 
# happen at the origin.  Use Xstub.0or1 to get that right.
#   Axes labels (Xlabel and Ylabel) can be multi-line.  The location paramter
# determines where the *first* line will go.  The subtitle can be multi-line
# and be centered, left, or right justified.
#   Axes can be drawn on one side, both sides, or not at all.  Similiarly,
# tics and stubs can be on either side, both sides, or not at all.


cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Arrow
Proc Arrow

The following is an alphabetical list of the Arrow parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Clone:		token				:	
  Used to clone a previous Proc Arrow.
Points: 	2coordpair			:	
  Arrow will be drawn between these two points. x1, y1, x2, y2.  
  Arrowhead will be at (x2, y2).  Absolute coordinates.
Saveas:		token				:	
  Used to save parameters for later cloning.
# Draws one arrow connecting the two points.  Points in absolute 
# coordinates.

cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Bargraph
Proc Bargraph				

The following is an alphabetical list of the Bargraph parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Field:	dfield (list8) (M)	: 				     **
  Field in the data to be used for making the bars.  For single bars,
  one field should be specified; for stacked or clustered bars, one
  field for each part of the stack (or each sub-bar in a cluster)
  should be given.
Format:	{single,cluster,stack}	: single	
  Determines if we are doing single bars, clusters of bars, or bars 
  stacked up.
Idfield:	dfield (list8)	: 		
  Bars can be labeled from this field in the data.  If doing stacked
  or clustered bars, multiple fields should be used.
Idfield.position: -1 to 1	: 0.02		
  When bars are being labeled, this determines the distance of label 
  above (or below if negative) top of bar (inches).
Idfield.size: 	charsize	: 6		
  Char size of bar labels.
Killwild:	number		: 		
  This is used to automatically terminate a bargraph when a data value 
  exceeds this number.  This is desirable, say, for percentage 
  distributions when N gets too low.
Outlinebars:	{y,n}		: y		
  If y, surround each bar with a line.
Segment:	{y,n}		: n		
  This is a stylistic parameter which segments bars at axis tics with
  white lines.  You probably won't want to use it.
Separation:	-2 to 2		: 0.20		
  This parameter specifies the amount of separation between bars (not
  sub-bars in a cluster, though).
Separation.sub: -2 to 2		: 0.03		
  This parameter specifies the amount of separation between sub-bars 
  in a cluster.
Shade: 		color (list8)	: .2 .5 .8 1 0  		     **
  This specifies the shading for the bars. For stacked or clustered
  bars, several values should be given.  The defaults work well.
Xstart.0or1:	{0,1}		: 1		
  Usually, bars look best when the first on is placed at X=1.  However,
  it is possible to start them at X=0.
Xfield:		dfield		:		
  X position of bars can be determined by this data field.  Usually,
  they are done ordinally, that is with the first at X=1, the second
  at X=2, and so on, in which case Xfield does not have to be supplied.  
Zeroat:		number		: 		
  This allows formation of a "zero line" at some point other than Y=0.
  Bars point up when above the zero line, and down at values less than 
  the zero line.
#   Bargraph - for producing single, clustered or stacked bar graphs.
# Format parameter can be used to select which one.  If clustered or stacked
# format is being done, data for each sub-bar must come from a different
# field.  The Field parameter should contain the field or fields in the
# order that they are to appear, from left to right. Each line of data 
# produces one major bar (a bar or set of sub-bars).
#   Unless Xfield is specified, bars will be drawn starting at the left
# and moving to the right, one per data unit.  For example, if the X axis
# is scaled from 0 to 10, 9 bars will be produced at X=1 through X=9, assuming
# there are 9 or more lines of data.  Xstart.0or1 can be set to 0 to have
# the bars start at 0 instead of 1.
#   If Xfield is specified, that field will be used as the X location of
# the center of the bar or sub-bars.
#   The Killwild parameter can be used to abort the bar graph if any values
# exceed it.
#   The Zeroat parameter can be used to determine a point in Y at which
# becomes the effective origin for the bars, meaning that any values less than
# the Zeroat value will produce downward bars.
#   Bars can be outlined (using Outlinebars), shaded (using Shade), or labeled
# (using Idfield).  Shading and labeling require one value for each sub-bar,
# if doing clustered or stacked bars.  Labeling is done by specifying field(s)
# from the data.
#   Note that the Percents option can be set in Proc Getdata to transform your
# data into percentages for percentage distributions. 
#   Bugs: It should be possible to specify bar labels literally.

cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Boxplot
Proc Boxplot

The following is an alphabetical list of the Boxplot parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Datarow:	number  			: 1		
  The row in the# data that contains the required 6 values.
Ends:		{y,n}				: y		
  Draws little cross-bars on the ends.
Fields:		dfield (list6) (M)		: 		
  The 6 data fields (see below).
Label.size:	charsize			: 7		
  Size of N label in points.
Linethick:	0 to 5				: 1		
  Thickness of boxplot line.
Printn:		{y,n}				: y		
  Prints an N=... string at the bottom.
Width:		number				: 0.5		
  Width of box, in data units.
Xloc:		number				: 0.5		
  Where box will be centered in x, in data units.
# Produces the Tukey box distribution representations.  Six data fields 
# must be specified, holding the values for N, the 5th percentile, the 
# 25th percentile, the 50th percentile, the 75th percentile, and the 
# 95th percentile, respectively.  These must be computed beforehand.  
# See also Proc Rangebar, which supercedes Boxplot.


cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Distribution
Proc Distribution		

The following is an alphabetical list of the Distribution parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Axdist:		{y,n}				: n		
  This parameter turns on axes distributions for scatterplots.  Axes
  distributions are little bar distributions on each of the axes.
Axdist.length: 	-2 to 2				: 0.08		
  If Axdist is turned on, this sets length of the little bars. 
Cluster:	{y,n}				: y			**
  If y, overlapping points are slightly offset to show duplicity.
Idfield:	dfield				:		
  Each dot can be identified with a label from the data.  This gives 
  the field.
Mark:		token				: sym6e		
  Symbol code (symNS) or character(s) for dots.
Mark.field:	dfield 				: 		
  If specified, mark is contents of this field.  This is a handy way to
  show multi-variate distributions.
Mark.font:	font 	 			: 		
  Font for points, if using characters.
Mark.size:	charsize			: 6		
  Size (in points) for dots.
Shadefield:	dfield 				:		
  It is possible to display an additional variable as dot color.  To do
  this, specify the data field number here, and specify a scaling factor in
Shadescale:	number				:		
  Factor for scaling data to acceptable shade range (0..1).
Sizefield:	dfield 				:		
  It is possible to display an additional variable as dot diameter.  To do
  this, specify the data field number here, and specify a scaling factor in
Sizescale:	number				: 1		
  Factor for scaling data to acceptable size (4..20).
Xfield:		dfield (M)			: 		        **
  X data comes from this field. 
Yfield:		dfield				: 		        **
  Y data field.  If Yfield ommitted, a bar distribution is done.
#   Produces either scatter plots (2-way) or bar distributions (1-way).
# For scatter plots, Xfield and Yfield must be specified.  For bar distributions,
# only Xfield needs to be specified.  If Axdist is set to y, little bar
# distributions will be put on each axis along with the scatter plot.
# Idfield can be used to print identifiers from the data as the scatter points.
#   The size, color, position, and dot marker can all be controlled from
# various data fields, allowing a number of multi-variate views.

cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Draw
Proc Draw

The following is an alphabetical list of the Draw parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Linetype:	0 to 8				: 0		
  Line dash pattern
Linetype.magnify: 0.1 to 10			: 1		
  Magnification of patterns
Linethick:	0.1 to 10			: 1		
  Thickness of line
Points:		text (M) (C)			:		   **	
  Coord pairs, 2 per line (move+draw) or 1 per line (draw)
System:		{data,absolute}			: absolute	   **
  Which coord system points are in
# Draws a line or lines of the specified type and thickness.  Points 
# should be specified as coordinate pairs.  Either on or two pairs 
# should be used per line.  If two pairs are used, the point described 
# by the first pair will be moved to, and a connecting line will be 
# drawn to the point described by the other pair.  If one pair is given,
# a line will be continued from the previous point to the point 
# described by the pair. 

cat << SHAR_EOF > tplates/Errorbars
Proc Errorbars

The following is an alphabetical list of the Errorbars parameters.
Given are: the parameter name; the parameter data type; a default
value if any; and a description.  Especially important parameters
have a "**" in the right margin.

Double:		{y,n}				: y		
: display 2 times the error amount?
Errfield:	dfield (M)			:		
: field containing error amount in y
Linethick:	0 to 10				: 0.3		
: line thickness for error bars
Offset:		-1 to 1				: 0		
: amount of offset in X, in inches
Taillen:	0 to 1				: 0.04		
: width of tails at the end of the bars
Xfield:		dfield (M)			:		
: field containing point x location
Yfield:		dfield (M)			:		
: field containing point y location
#  Errorbars produces bars around a point, given the (x,y) location 
# of a point, as well as the error amount.  These come from the data,
# in fields specified in the parameters Xfield, Yfield, and Errfieldm
# respectively.  Offset can be used if multiple curves are close
# together.

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