(Rich Salz) (03/27/90)
Submitted-by: Dave Gillespie <> Posting-number: Volume 21, Issue 48 Archive-name: p2c/part03 #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you # will see the following message at the end: # "End of archive 3 (of 32)." # Contents: HP/include/sysglobals.h src/comment.c src/p2c.h # src/pexpr.c.3 src/turbo.imp # Wrapped by on Mon Mar 26 14:29:27 1990 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH if test -f 'HP/include/sysglobals.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'HP/include/sysglobals.h'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'HP/include/sysglobals.h'\" \(8748 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'HP/include/sysglobals.h' <<'END_OF_FILE' X/* Header for module sysglobals, generated by p2c */ X#ifndef SYSGLOBALS_H X#define SYSGLOBALS_H X X X X#ifdef SYSGLOBALS_G X# define vextern X#else X# define vextern extern X#endif X X X Xtypedef Char fsidctype[20]; X X X X#define fsidc "Rev. 3.1 18-Jul-85" X X/*20 CHARS: VERSION,DATE,TIME OF FILE SYS*/ X#define mminint (-32768L) X X/*MINIMUM SHORT INTEGER VALUE*/ X#define mmaxint 32767 X X/*MAXIMUM SHORT INTEGER VALUE*/ X#define maxunit 50 X X/*MAXIMUM PHYSICAL UNIT NUMBER*/ X#define passleng 16 X X/*NUMBER OF CHARS IN A PASSWORD*/ X#define vidleng 16 X X/*NUMBER OF CHARS IN A VOLUME NAME*/ X#define tidleng 16 X X/*NUMBER OF CHARS IN A FILE TITLE*/ X#define fidleng 120 X X/*NUMBER OF CHARS IN FILE NAME*/ X#define fblksize 512 X X/*STANDARD FILE BUFFER LENGTH*/ X#define maxsc 63 X X/*LARGEST SELECT CODE */ X#define minlevel 1 X X/*LOWEST INTERRUPT LEVEL*/ X#define maxlevel 6 X/* p2c: Note: Field width for FKIND assumes enum filekind has 16 elements (from sysglobals.imp, line 81) */ X X X X/*LARGEST MASKABLE INTERRUPT LEVEL*/ X/*directory entry*/ X/*bad blocks*/ X/*executable or linkable*/ X/*UCSD format text with editor environment*/ X/*L.I.F. ASCII format text strings*/ X/*file of <data type, e.g. char, integer,etc.>*/ X/*system (BOOT) file*/ X/*reserved for future expansion*/ X/*FILE INFORMATION*/ X/*BUFFER VARIABLE...F^ */ X/* LIST OF OPEN FILES */ X/*declaration and type information*/ X/* SIZE OF ONE LOGICAL RECORD */ X/* EXTERNAL FILE TYPE */ X/* FILE KIND */ X/* FILE IS LINE FORMATTED */ X/* HAS 512 BYTE BLOCK BUFFER */ X/* FILE HAS NO NAME */ X/* WAS CREATED THIS ASSOCIATION */ X/* FILE ACCESS RIGHTS */ X/*state information*/ X/*F^ AND LOOKAHEAD STATES */ X/* F^ IS AN END OF LINE */ X/* TRIED TO READ PAST END OF FILE */ X/* FILE HAS CHANGED SIZE */ X/* BUFFER NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN */ X/*file size and position*/ X/* FILE POINTER, CURRENT FILE POSITION */ X/*LOGICAL END OF FILE, CURRENT FILE SIZE */ X/*PHYSICAL END OF FILE, MAXIMUM FILE SIZE */ X/*buffering and low level formatting information*/ X/* FILE POSITION OF BUFFER */ X/* SPACE COMPRESSION COUNT */ X/*BUFFER METHOD MODULE */ X/*file association info*/ X/*EXECUTION ADDRESS IN BOOT FILE */ X/* VOLUME NAME */ X/* FILE PASSWORD */ X/* FILE NAME */ X/* ADDITIONAL SYSTEM DEPENDENT INFORMATION */ X/* TEMP FILE IDENTIFIER */ X/* OPTIONAL STRING PARAM */ X/*byte block transfer information*/ X/* START BYTE OF FILE, OR OTHER IDENTIFICATION */ X/* FOR FUTURE EXPANSION */ X/*TRUE IF NO SRM TEMP FILE CREATED */ X/*TRUE IF SRM SHOULD WAIT FOR LOCK */ X/*TRUE IF OLD SRM LINK IS TO BE PURGED */ X/*TRUE IF OPENED WITH OVERWRITE */ X/*TRUE IF PATHID NOT UNIQUE TO FILEID */ X/*TRUE IF FILE OPENED AS LOCKABLE */ X/*TRUE IF FILE IS LOCKED */ X/*TRUE IF DRIVER IS ACTIVE */ X/*PHYSICAL UNIT NUMBER */ X/*CALLED WHEN TRANSFER COMPLETES */ X/* X POSITION FOR GOTOXY */ X/* Y POSITION FOR GOTOXY */ X/* FILEID FOR OLD SRM FILE ON REWRITE */ X/*for future expansion*/ X/*large miscellaneous fields sometimes present*/ X/*minimal FIB ends here*/ X/* FILE NAME, EXCEPT VOLUME AND SIZE */ X/*FIB*/ X/*unitable entry definition*/ X/*directory access method*/ X/*byte block transfer method*/ X/*select code*/ X/*bus address*/ X/*disc unit*/ X/*disc volume*/ X/*physical starting byte of volume*/ X/*identifier (Amigo identify sequence)*/ X/*volume id*/ X/*temp for driver use only; init to 0!*/ X/*temp for driver use only; init to 0!*/ X/*device specifier letter*/ X/*unit absent or down flag*/ X/*user can edit input*/ X/*medium not changed since last access*/ X/*volume name must be uppercased*/ X/*fixed/removeable media flag*/ X/*driver mode: report/ignore media change*/ X/* (bit not used yet) */ X/*blocked volume flag*/ X/*volume size in bytes */ X/*unitentry*/ X/*0 NOT USED*/ X/* *note* the ioresult enumerations have been partitioned into two */ X/* mutually-exclusive groups: those beginning with 'z' are reserved */ X/* for the low-level drivers , and those beginning */ X/* with 'i' are reserved for the higher-level routines.*/ X/*end marker*/ X/*isr information block*/ X/*interrupt register address*/ X/*interrupt register mask*/ X/*interrupt register target value after masking*/ X/*chaining flag*/ X/*isr*/ X/*pointer to next isrib in linked list*/ X/*100 IS TEMP DISK FLAG*/ X/*DAY OF MONTH*/ X/*0 ==> DATE NOT MEANINGFUL*/ X Xtypedef enum { X untypedfile, badfile, codefile, textfile, asciifile, datafile, sysfile, X fkind7, fkind8, fkind9, fkind10, fkind11, fkind12, fkind13, fkind14, X lastfkind X} filekind; X Xtypedef Char window[]; X Xtypedef enum { X readbytes, writebytes, flush, writeeol, readtoeol, clearunit, setcursor, X getcursor, startread, startwrite, unitstatus, seekeof X} amrequesttype; X Xtypedef struct fib { X Char *fwindow; X struct fib *flistptr; X long frecsize; X short feft; X unsigned fkind : 4, fistextvar : 1, fbuffered : 1, fanonymous : 1, X fisnew : 1, freadable : 1, fwriteable : 1, freadmode : 1, X fbufvalid : 1, feoln : 1, feof_ : 1, fmodified : 1, X fbufchanged : 1; X long fpos, fleof, fpeof, flastpos; X short freptcnt; X _PROCEDURE am; X long fstartaddress; X Char fvid[vidleng + 1]; X Char ffpw[passleng + 1]; X Char ftid[tidleng + 1]; X long pathid; X short fanonctr; X Char *foptstring; X long fileid; X unsigned fb0 : 1, fb1 : 1, fnosrmtemp : 1, fwaitonlock : 1, X fpurgeoldlink : 1, foverwritten : 1, fsavepathid : 1, X flockable : 1, flocked : 1, fbusy : 1, funit : 6; X _PROCEDURE feot; X long fxpos, fypos, foldfileid; X long fextra[3]; X short fextra2; X union { X Char ftitle[fidleng + 1]; X Char fbuffer[fblksize]; X } UU; X} fib; X Xtypedef enum { X getvolumename, setvolumename, getvolumedate, setvolumedate, changename, X purgename, openfile, createfile, overwritefile, closefile, purgefile, X stretchit, makedirectory, crunch, opendirectory, closedirectory, catalog, X stripname, setunitprefix, openvolume, duplicatelink, openparentdir, X catpasswords, setpasswords, lockfile, unlockfile, openunit X} damrequesttype; X Xtypedef struct unitentry { X _PROCEDURE dam; X _PROCEDURE tm; X uchar sc, ba, du, dv; X long byteoffset, devid; X Char uvid[vidleng + 1]; X long dvrtemp; X short dvrtemp2; X Char letter; X unsigned offline : 1, uisinteractive : 1, umediavalid : 1, uuppercase : 1, X uisfixed : 1, ureportchange : 1, pad : 1, uisblkd : 1; X union { X long umaxbytes; X } UU; X} unitentry; X Xtypedef unitentry unitabletype[maxunit + 1]; X Xtypedef _PROCEDURE amtabletype[16]; X Xtypedef Char suftabletype[16][6]; X Xtypedef short efttabletype[16]; X Xtypedef enum { X inoerror, zbadblock, ibadunit, zbadmode, ztimeout, ilostunit, ilostfile, X ibadtitle, inoroom, inounit, inofile, idupfile, inotclosed, inotopen, X ibadformat, znosuchblk, znodevice, zinitfail, zprotected, zstrangei, X zbadhardware, zcatchall, zbaddma, inotvalidsize, inotreadable, X inotwriteable, inotdirect, idirfull, istrovfl, ibadclose, ieof, X zuninitialized, znoblock, znotready, znomedium, inodirectory, X ibadfiletype, ibadvalue, icantstretch, ibadrequest, inotlockable, X ifilelocked, ifileunlocked, idirnotempty, itoomanyopen, inoaccess, X ibadpass, ifilenotdir, inotondir, ineedtempdir, isrmcatchall, X zmediumchanged, endioerrs X} iorsltwd; X Xtypedef struct isrib { X Char *intregaddr; X uchar intregmask, intregvalue; X unsigned chainflag : 1; X _PROCEDURE proc; X struct isrib *link; X} isrib; X Xtypedef isrib *inttabletype[7]; X Xtypedef struct daterec { X char year; X unsigned day : 5, month : 4; X} daterec; X Xtypedef struct timerec { X unsigned hour : 5, minute : 6, centisecond : 13; X} timerec; X Xtypedef struct datetimerec { X daterec date; X timerec time; X} datetimerec; X X X Xvextern short sysescapecode; Xvextern Anyptr *openfileptr, *recoverblock, *heapmax, *heapbase; Xvextern long sysioresult, hardwarestatus, locklevel; Xvextern unitentry *unitable; Xvextern inttabletype interrupttable; Xvextern long endisrhook, actionspending; Xvextern FILE **gfiles[6]; Xvextern _PROCEDURE *amtable; Xvextern Char (*suffixtable)[6]; Xvextern short *efttable; Xvextern long sysunit; Xvextern Char syvid[vidleng + 1], dkvid[vidleng + 1]; Xvextern Char syslibrary[fidleng + 1]; Xvextern _PROCEDURE debugger; Xvextern _PROCEDURE cleariohook; Xvextern inttabletype perminttable; Xvextern _PROCEDURE deferredaction[10]; Xvextern _PROCEDURE serialtextamhook; Xvextern Char sysname[10]; Xvextern struct { X unsigned reserved1 : 1, reserved2 : 1, nointhpib : 1, crtconfigreg : 1, X nokeyboard : 1, highlightsxorbiggraphics : 1, biggraphics : 1, X alpha50 : 1; X} sysflag; Xvextern struct { X char pad7to1; X unsigned prompresent : 1; X} sysflag2; Xvextern short endsysvars; X X X X#undef vextern X X#endif /*SYSGLOBALS_H*/ X X/* End. */ X END_OF_FILE if test 8748 -ne `wc -c <'HP/include/sysglobals.h'`; then echo shar: \"'HP/include/sysglobals.h'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'HP/include/sysglobals.h' fi if test -f 'src/comment.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/comment.c'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'src/comment.c'\" \(9566 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'src/comment.c' <<'END_OF_FILE' X/* "p2c", a Pascal to C translator. X Copyright (C) 1989 David Gillespie. X Author's address:; 256-80 Caltech/Pasadena CA 91125. X XThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify Xit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by Xthe Free Software Foundation (any version). X XThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, Xbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of XMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the XGNU General Public License for more details. X XYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License Xalong with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to Xthe Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ X X X X#define PROTO_COMMENT_C X#include "trans.h" X X X XStatic int cmttablesize; XStatic uchar *cmttable; X XStatic int grabbed_comment; X X X X X/* Special comment forms: X X \001\001\001... Blank line(s), one \001 char per blank line X \002text... Additional line for previous comment X \003text... Additional comment line, absolutely indented X \004text... Note or warning line, unindented X X*/ X X X X Xvoid setup_comment() X{ X curcomments = NULL; X cmttablesize = 200; X cmttable = ALLOC(cmttablesize, uchar, misc); X grabbed_comment = 0; X} X X X X X Xint commentlen(cmt) XStrlist *cmt; X{ X if (cmt) X if (*(cmt->s)) X return strlen(cmt->s) + 4; X else X return 5; X else X return 0; X} X X Xint commentvisible(cmt) XStrlist *cmt; X{ X return (cmt && X getcommentkind(cmt) != CMT_DONE && X eatcomments != 1 && eatcomments != 2); X} X X X X X X X/* If preceding statement's POST comments include blank lines, X steal all comments after longest stretch of blank lines as X PRE comments for the next statement. */ X Xvoid steal_comments(olds, news, always) Xlong olds, news; Xint always; X{ X Strlist *cmt, *cmtfirst = NULL, *cmtblank = NULL; X int len, longest; X X for (cmt = curcomments; cmt; cmt = cmt->next) { X if ((cmt->value & CMT_MASK) == olds && X getcommentkind(cmt) == CMT_POST) { X if (!cmtfirst) X cmtfirst = cmt; X } else { X cmtfirst = NULL; X } X } X if (cmtfirst) { X if (!always) { X longest = 0; X for (cmt = cmtfirst; cmt; cmt = cmt->next) { X if (cmt->s[0] == '\001') { /* blank line(s) */ X len = strlen(cmt->s); X if (len > longest) { X longest = len; X cmtblank = cmt; X } X } X } X if (longest > 0) { X if (blankafter) X cmtfirst = cmtblank->next; X else X cmtfirst = cmtblank; X } else if (commentafter == 1) X cmtfirst = NULL; X } X changecomments(cmtfirst, CMT_POST, olds, CMT_PRE, news); X } X} X X X XStrlist *fixbeginendcomment(cmt) XStrlist *cmt; X{ X char *cp, *cp2; X X if (!cmt) X return NULL; X cp = cmt->s; X while (isspace(*cp)) X cp++; X if (!strcincmp(cp, "procedure ", 10)) { /* remove "PROCEDURE" keyword */ X strcpy(cp, cp+10); X } else if (!strcincmp(cp, "function ", 9)) { X strcpy(cp, cp+9); X } X while (isspace(*cp)) X cp++; X if (!*cp) X return NULL; X if (getcommentkind(cmt) == CMT_ONBEGIN) { X cp2 = curctx->sym->name; X while (*cp2) { X if (toupper(*cp2++) != toupper(*cp++)) X break; X } X while (isspace(*cp)) X cp++; X if (!*cp2 && !*cp) X return NULL; /* eliminate function-begin comment */ X } X return cmt; X} X X X X XStatic void attach_mark(sp) XStmt *sp; X{ X long serial; X X while (sp) { X serial = sp->serial; X if (serial >= 0 && serial < cmttablesize) { X cmttable[serial]++; X if (sp->kind == SK_IF && serial+1 < cmttablesize) X cmttable[serial+1]++; /* the "else" branch */ X } X attach_mark(sp->stm1); X attach_mark(sp->stm2); X sp = sp->next; X } X} X X X Xvoid attach_comments(sbase) XStmt *sbase; X{ X Strlist *cmt; X long serial, i, j; X int kind; X X if (spitorphancomments) X return; X if (serialcount >= cmttablesize) { X cmttablesize = serialcount + 100; X cmttable = REALLOC(cmttable, cmttablesize, uchar); X } X for (i = 0; i < cmttablesize; i++) X cmttable[i] = 0; X attach_mark(sbase); X for (cmt = curcomments; cmt; cmt = cmt->next) { X serial = cmt->value & CMT_MASK; X kind = getcommentkind(cmt); X if (serial < 0 || serial >= cmttablesize || cmttable[serial]) X continue; X i = 0; X j = 0; X do { X if (commentafter == 1) { X j++; X if (j % 3 == 0) X i++; X } else if (commentafter == 0) { X i++; X if (i % 3 == 0) X j++; X } else { X i++; X j++; X } X if (serial+i < cmttablesize && cmttable[serial+i]) { X setcommentkind(cmt, CMT_PRE); X cmt->value += i; X break; X } X if (serial-j > 0 && cmttable[serial-j]) { X setcommentkind(cmt, CMT_POST); X cmt->value -= j; X break; X } X } while (serial+i < cmttablesize || serial-j > 0); X } X} X X X X Xvoid setcommentkind(cmt, kind) XStrlist *cmt; Xint kind; X{ X cmt->value = (cmt->value & CMT_MASK) | (kind << CMT_SHIFT); X} X X X Xvoid commentline(kind) Xint kind; X{ X char *cp; X Strlist *sl; X X if (grabbed_comment) { X grabbed_comment = 0; X return; X } X if (blockkind == TOK_IMPORT || skipping_module) X return; X if (eatcomments == 1) X return; X for (cp = curtokbuf; (cp = my_strchr(cp, '*')) != NULL; ) { X if (*++cp == '/') { X cp[-1] = '%'; X note("Changed \"* /\" to \"% /\" in comment [140]"); X } X } X sl = strlist_append(&curcomments, curtokbuf); X sl->value = curserial; X setcommentkind(sl, kind); X} X X X Xvoid addnote(msg, serial) Xchar *msg; Xlong serial; X{ X int len1, len2, xextra, extra; X int defer = (notephase > 0 && spitcomments == 0); X Strlist *sl, *base = NULL, **pbase = (defer) ? &curcomments : &base; X char *prefix; X X if (defer && (outf != stdout || !quietmode)) X printf("%s, line %d: %s\n", infname, inf_lnum, msg); X else if (outf != stdout) X printf("%s, line %d/%d: %s\n", infname, inf_lnum, outf_lnum, msg); X if (verbose) X fprintf(logf, "%s, %d/%d: %s\n", infname, inf_lnum, outf_lnum, msg); X if (notephase == 2 || regression) X prefix = format_s("\004 p2c: %s:", infname); X else X prefix = format_sd("\004 p2c: %s, line %d:", infname, inf_lnum); X len1 = strlen(prefix); X len2 = strlen(msg) + 2; X if (len1 + len2 < linewidth-4) { X msg = format_ss("%s %s ", prefix, msg); X } else { X extra = xextra = 0; X while (len2 - extra > linewidth-6) { X while (extra < len2 && !isspace(msg[extra])) X extra++; X xextra = extra; X while (extra < len2 && isspace(msg[extra])) X extra++; X } X prefix = format_sds("%s %.*s", prefix, xextra, msg); X msg += extra; X sl = strlist_append(pbase, prefix); X sl->value = serial; X setcommentkind(sl, CMT_POST); X msg = format_s("\003 * %s ", msg); X } X sl = strlist_append(pbase, msg); X sl->value = serial; X setcommentkind(sl, CMT_POST); X outputmode++; X outcomments(base); X outputmode--; X} X X X X X X/* Grab a comment off the end of the current line */ XStrlist *grabcomment(kind) Xint kind; X{ X char *cp, *cp2; X Strlist *cmt, *savecmt; X X if (grabbed_comment || spitcomments == 1) X return NULL; X cp = inbufptr; X while (isspace(*cp)) X cp++; X if (*cp == ';' || *cp == ',' || *cp == '.') X cp++; X while (isspace(*cp)) X cp++; X cp2 = curtokbuf; X if (*cp == '{') { X cp++; X while (*cp && *cp != '}') X *cp2++ = *cp++; X if (!*cp) X return NULL; X cp++; X } else if (*cp == '(' && cp[1] == '*') { X cp += 2; X while (*cp && (*cp != '*' || cp[1] != ')')) X *cp2++ = *cp++; X if (!*cp) X return NULL; X cp += 2; X } else X return NULL; X while (isspace(*cp)) X cp++; X if (*cp) X return NULL; X *cp2 = 0; X savecmt = curcomments; X curcomments = NULL; X commentline(kind); X cmt = curcomments; X curcomments = savecmt; X grabbed_comment = 1; X if (cmtdebug > 1) X fprintf(outf, "Grabbed comment [%d] \"%s\"\n", cmt->value & CMT_MASK, cmt->s); X return cmt; X} X X X Xint matchcomment(cmt, kind, stamp) XStrlist *cmt; Xint kind, stamp; X{ X if (spitcomments == 1 && (cmt->value & CMT_MASK) != 10000 && X *cmt->s != '\001' && (kind >= 0 || stamp >= 0)) X return 0; X if (!cmt || getcommentkind(cmt) == CMT_DONE) X return 0; X if (stamp >= 0 && (cmt->value & CMT_MASK) != stamp) X return 0; X if (kind >= 0) { X if (kind & CMT_NOT) { X if (getcommentkind(cmt) == kind - CMT_NOT) X return 0; X } else { X if (getcommentkind(cmt) != kind) X return 0; X } X } X return 1; X} X X X XStrlist *findcomment(cmt, kind, stamp) XStrlist *cmt; Xint kind, stamp; X{ X while (cmt && !matchcomment(cmt, kind, stamp)) X cmt = cmt->next; X if (cmt && cmtdebug > 1) X fprintf(outf, "Found comment [%d] \"%s\"\n", cmt->value & CMT_MASK, cmt->s); X return cmt; X} X X X XStrlist *extractcomment(cmt, kind, stamp) XStrlist **cmt; Xint kind, stamp; X{ X Strlist *base, **last, *sl; X X last = &base; X while ((sl = *cmt)) { X if (matchcomment(sl, kind, stamp)) { X if (cmtdebug > 1) X fprintf(outf, "Extracted comment [%d] \"%s\"\n", X sl->value & CMT_MASK, sl->s); X *cmt = sl->next; X *last = sl; X last = &sl->next; X } else X cmt = &sl->next; X } X *last = NULL; X return base; X} X X Xvoid changecomments(cmt, okind, ostamp, kind, stamp) XStrlist *cmt; Xint okind, ostamp, kind, stamp; X{ X while (cmt) { X if (matchcomment(cmt, okind, ostamp)) { X if (cmtdebug > 1) X fprintf(outf, "Changed comment [%s:%d] \"%s\" ", X CMT_NAMES[getcommentkind(cmt)], X cmt->value & CMT_MASK, cmt->s); X if (kind >= 0) X setcommentkind(cmt, kind); X if (stamp >= 0) X cmt->value = (cmt->value & ~CMT_MASK) | stamp; X if (cmtdebug > 1) X fprintf(outf, " to [%s:%d]\n", X CMT_NAMES[getcommentkind(cmt)], cmt->value & CMT_MASK); X } X cmt = cmt->next; X } X} X X X X X X X/* End. */ X END_OF_FILE if test 9566 -ne `wc -c <'src/comment.c'`; then echo shar: \"'src/comment.c'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'src/comment.c' fi if test -f 'src/p2c.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/p2c.h'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'src/p2c.h'\" \(11081 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'src/p2c.h' <<'END_OF_FILE' X#ifndef P2C_H X#define P2C_H X X X/* Header file for code generated by "p2c", the Pascal-to-C translator */ X X/* "p2c" Copyright (C) 1989 Dave Gillespie, version 1.14. X * This file may be copied, modified, etc. in any way. It is not restricted X * by the licence agreement accompanying p2c itself. X */ X X X#include <stdio.h> X X X X/* If the following heuristic fails, compile -DBSD=0 for non-BSD systems, X or -DBSD=1 for BSD systems. */ X X#ifdef M_XENIX X# define BSD 0 X#endif X X#ifdef FILE /* a #define in BSD, a typedef in SYSV (hp-ux, at least) */ X# ifndef BSD /* (a convenient, but horrible kludge!) */ X# define BSD 1 X# endif X#endif X X#ifdef BSD X# if !BSD X# undef BSD X# endif X#endif X X X#ifdef __STDC__ X# include <stddef.h> X# include <stdlib.h> X# define HAS_STDLIB X# define __CAT__(a,b)a##b X#else X# ifndef BSD X# include <memory.h> X# endif X# include <sys/types.h> X# define __ID__(a)a X# define __CAT__(a,b)__ID__(a)b X#endif X X X#ifdef BSD X# include <strings.h> X# define memcpy(a,b,n) (bcopy(b,a,n),a) X# define memcmp(a,b,n) bcmp(a,b,n) X# define strchr(s,c) index(s,c) X# define strrchr(s,c) rindex(s,c) X#else X# include <string.h> X#endif X X#include <ctype.h> X#include <math.h> X#include <setjmp.h> X#include <assert.h> X X Xtypedef struct __p2c_jmp_buf { X struct __p2c_jmp_buf *next; X jmp_buf jbuf; X} __p2c_jmp_buf; X X X/* Warning: The following will not work if setjmp is used simultaneously. X This also violates the ANSI restriction about using vars after longjmp, X but a typical implementation of longjmp will get it right anyway. */ X X#ifndef FAKE_TRY X# define TRY(x) do { __p2c_jmp_buf __try_jb; \ X = __top_jb; \ X if (!setjmp((__top_jb = &__try_jb)->jbuf)) { X# define RECOVER(x) __top_jb =; } else { X# define RECOVER2(x,L) __top_jb =; } else { \ X if (0) { L: __top_jb =; } X# define ENDTRY(x) } } while (0) X#else X# define TRY(x) if (1) { X# define RECOVER(x) } else do { X# define RECOVER2(x,L) } else do { L: ; X# define ENDTRY(x) } while (0) X#endif X X X X#ifdef M_XENIX /* avoid compiler bug */ X# define SHORT_MAX (32767) X# define SHORT_MIN (-32768) X#endif X X X/* The following definitions work only on twos-complement machines */ X#ifndef SHORT_MAX X# define SHORT_MAX (((unsigned short) -1) >> 1) X# define SHORT_MIN (~SHORT_MAX) X#endif X X#ifndef INT_MAX X# define INT_MAX (((unsigned int) -1) >> 1) X# define INT_MIN (~INT_MAX) X#endif X X#ifndef LONG_MAX X# define LONG_MAX (((unsigned long) -1) >> 1) X# define LONG_MIN (~LONG_MAX) X#endif X X#ifndef SEEK_SET X# define SEEK_SET 0 X# define SEEK_CUR 1 X# define SEEK_END 2 X#endif X X#ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS X# define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 X# define EXIT_FAILURE 1 X#endif X X X#define SETBITS 32 X X X#ifdef __STDC__ X# define Signed signed X# define Void void /* Void f() = procedure */ X# ifndef Const X# define Const const X# endif X# ifndef Volatile X# define Volatile volatile X# endif X# define PP(x) x /* function prototype */ X# define PV() (void) /* null function prototype */ Xtypedef void *Anyptr; X#else X# define Signed X# define Void void X# ifndef Const X# define Const X# endif X# ifndef Volatile X# define Volatile X# endif X# define PP(x) () X# define PV() () Xtypedef char *Anyptr; X#endif X X#ifdef __GNUC__ X# define Inline inline X#else X# define Inline X#endif X X#define Register register /* Register variables */ X#define Char char /* Characters (not bytes) */ X X#ifndef Static X# define Static static /* Private global funcs and vars */ X#endif X X#ifndef Local X# define Local static /* Nested functions */ X#endif X Xtypedef Signed char schar; Xtypedef unsigned char uchar; Xtypedef unsigned char boolean; X X#ifndef true X# define true 1 X# define false 0 X#endif X X Xtypedef struct { X Anyptr proc, link; X} _PROCEDURE; X X#ifndef _FNSIZE X# define _FNSIZE 120 X#endif X X Xextern Void PASCAL_MAIN PP( (int, Char **) ); Xextern Char **P_argv; Xextern int P_argc; Xextern short P_escapecode; Xextern int P_ioresult; Xextern __p2c_jmp_buf *__top_jb; X X X#ifdef P2C_H_PROTO /* if you have Ansi C but non-prototyped header files */ Xextern Char *strcat PP( (Char *, Const Char *) ); Xextern Char *strchr PP( (Const Char *, int) ); Xextern int strcmp PP( (Const Char *, Const Char *) ); Xextern Char *strcpy PP( (Char *, Const Char *) ); Xextern size_t strlen PP( (Const Char *) ); Xextern Char *strncat PP( (Char *, Const Char *, size_t) ); Xextern int strncmp PP( (Const Char *, Const Char *, size_t) ); Xextern Char *strncpy PP( (Char *, Const Char *, size_t) ); Xextern Char *strrchr PP( (Const Char *, int) ); X Xextern Anyptr memchr PP( (Const Anyptr, int, size_t) ); Xextern Anyptr memmove PP( (Anyptr, Const Anyptr, size_t) ); Xextern Anyptr memset PP( (Anyptr, int, size_t) ); X#ifndef memcpy Xextern Anyptr memcpy PP( (Anyptr, Const Anyptr, size_t) ); Xextern int memcmp PP( (Const Anyptr, Const Anyptr, size_t) ); X#endif X Xextern int atoi PP( (Const Char *) ); Xextern double atof PP( (Const Char *) ); Xextern long atol PP( (Const Char *) ); Xextern double strtod PP( (Const Char *, Char **) ); Xextern long strtol PP( (Const Char *, Char **, int) ); X#endif /*P2C_H_PROTO*/ X X#ifndef HAS_STDLIB Xextern Anyptr malloc PP( (size_t) ); Xextern Void free PP( (Anyptr) ); X#endif X Xextern int _OutMem PV(); Xextern int _CaseCheck PV(); Xextern int _NilCheck PV(); Xextern int _Escape PP( (int) ); Xextern int _EscIO PP( (int) ); X Xextern long ipow PP( (long, long) ); Xextern Char *strsub PP( (Char *, Char *, int, int) ); Xextern Char *strltrim PP( (Char *) ); Xextern Char *strrtrim PP( (Char *) ); Xextern Char *strrpt PP( (Char *, Char *, int) ); Xextern Char *strpad PP( (Char *, Char *, int, int) ); Xextern int strpos2 PP( (Char *, Char *, int) ); Xextern long memavail PV(); Xextern int P_peek PP( (FILE *) ); Xextern int P_eof PP( (FILE *) ); Xextern int P_eoln PP( (FILE *) ); Xextern Void P_readpaoc PP( (FILE *, Char *, int) ); Xextern Void P_readlnpaoc PP( (FILE *, Char *, int) ); Xextern long P_maxpos PP( (FILE *) ); Xextern long *P_setunion PP( (long *, long *, long *) ); Xextern long *P_setint PP( (long *, long *, long *) ); Xextern long *P_setdiff PP( (long *, long *, long *) ); Xextern long *P_setxor PP( (long *, long *, long *) ); Xextern int P_inset PP( (unsigned, long *) ); Xextern int P_setequal PP( (long *, long *) ); Xextern int P_subset PP( (long *, long *) ); Xextern long *P_addset PP( (long *, unsigned) ); Xextern long *P_addsetr PP( (long *, unsigned, unsigned) ); Xextern long *P_remset PP( (long *, unsigned) ); Xextern long *P_setcpy PP( (long *, long *) ); Xextern long *P_expset PP( (long *, long) ); Xextern long P_packset PP( (long *) ); Xextern int P_getcmdline PP( (int l, int h, Char *line) ); Xextern Void TimeStamp PP( (int *Day, int *Month, int *Year, X int *Hour, int *Min, int *Sec) ); Xextern Void P_sun_argv PP( (char *, int, int) ); X X X/* I/O error handling */ X#define _CHKIO(cond,ior,val,def) ((cond) ? P_ioresult=0,(val) \ X : P_ioresult=(ior),(def)) X#define _SETIO(cond,ior) (P_ioresult = (cond) ? 0 : (ior)) X X/* Following defines are suitable for the HP Pascal operating system */ X#define FileNotFound 10 X#define FileNotOpen 13 X#define FileWriteError 38 X#define BadInputFormat 14 X#define EndOfFile 30 X X/* Creating temporary files */ X#if (defined(BSD) || defined(NO_TMPFILE)) && !defined(HAVE_TMPFILE) X# define tmpfile() (fopen(tmpnam(NULL), "w+")) X#endif X X/* File buffers */ X#define FILEBUF(f,sc,type) sc int __CAT__(f,_BFLAGS); \ X sc type __CAT__(f,_BUFFER) X X#define RESETBUF(f,type) (__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) = 1) X#define SETUPBUF(f,type) (__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) = 0) X X#define GETFBUF(f,type) (*((__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) == 1 && \ X ((__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) = 2), \ X fread(&__CAT__(f,_BUFFER), \ X sizeof(type),1,(f)))),\ X &__CAT__(f,_BUFFER))) X#define AGETFBUF(f,type) ((__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) == 1 && \ X ((__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) = 2), \ X fread(&__CAT__(f,_BUFFER), \ X sizeof(type),1,(f)))),\ X __CAT__(f,_BUFFER)) X X#define PUTFBUF(f,type,v) (GETFBUF(f,type) = (v)) X#define CPUTFBUF(f,v) (PUTFBUF(f,char,v)) X#define APUTFBUF(f,type,v) (memcpy(GETFBUF(f,type), (v), \ X sizeof(__CAT__(f,_BUFFER)))) X X#define GET(f,type) (__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) == 1 ? \ X fread(&__CAT__(f,_BUFFER),sizeof(type),1,(f)) : \ X (__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) = 1)) X X#define PUT(f,type) (fwrite(&__CAT__(f,_BUFFER),sizeof(type),1,(f)), \ X (__CAT__(f,_BFLAGS) = 0)) X#define CPUT(f) (PUT(f,char)) X X/* Memory allocation */ X#ifdef __GCC__ X# define Malloc(n) (malloc(n) ?: (Anyptr)_OutMem()) X#else Xextern Anyptr __MallocTemp__; X# define Malloc(n) ((__MallocTemp__ = malloc(n)) ? __MallocTemp__ : (Anyptr)_OutMem()) X#endif X#define FreeR(p) (free((Anyptr)(p))) /* used if arg is an rvalue */ X#define Free(p) (free((Anyptr)(p)), (p)=NULL) X X/* sign extension */ X#define SEXT(x,n) ((x) | -(((x) & (1L<<((n)-1))) << 1)) X X/* packed arrays */ /* BEWARE: these are untested! */ X#define P_getbits_UB(a,i,n,L) ((int)((a)[(i)>>(L)-(n)] >> \ X (((~(i))&((1<<(L)-(n))-1)) << (n)) & \ X (1<<(1<<(n)))-1)) X X#define P_getbits_SB(a,i,n,L) ((int)((a)[(i)>>(L)-(n)] << \ X (16 - ((((~(i))&((1<<(L)-(n))-1))+1) <<\ X (n)) >> (16-(1<<(n)))))) X X#define P_putbits_UB(a,i,x,n,L) ((a)[(i)>>(L)-(n)] |= \ X (x) << (((~(i))&((1<<(L)-(n))-1)) << (n))) X X#define P_putbits_SB(a,i,x,n,L) ((a)[(i)>>(L)-(n)] |= \ X ((x) & (1<<(1<<(n)))-1) << \ X (((~(i))&((1<<(L)-(n))-1)) << (n))) X X#define P_clrbits_B(a,i,n,L) ((a)[(i)>>(L)-(n)] &= \ X ~( ((1<<(1<<(n)))-1) << \ X (((~(i))&((1<<(L)-(n))-1)) << (n))) ) X X/* small packed arrays */ X#define P_getbits_US(v,i,n) ((int)((v) >> (~(i) << (n)) & (1<<(1<<(n)))-1)) X#define P_getbits_SS(v,i,n) ((int)((long)(v) << (32 - (((~(i))+1) << (n))) >> (32-(1<<(n))))) X#define P_putbits_US(v,i,x,n) ((v) |= (x) << (~(i) << (n))) X#define P_putbits_SS(v,i,x,n) ((v) |= ((x) & (1<<(1<<(n)))-1) << (~(i) << (n))) X#define P_clrbits_S(v,i,n) ((v) &= ~( ((1<<(1<<(n)))-1) << (~(i) << (n)) )) X X#define P_max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) X#define P_min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) X X X/* Fix toupper/tolower on Suns and other stupid BSD systems */ X#ifdef toupper X# undef toupper X# undef tolower X# define toupper(c) my_toupper(c) X# define tolower(c) my_tolower(c) X#endif X X#ifndef _toupper X# if 'A' == 65 && 'a' == 97 X# define _toupper(c) ((c)-'a'+'A') X# define _tolower(c) ((c)-'A'+'a') X# else X# define _toupper(c) toupper(c) X# define _tolower(c) tolower(c) X# endif X#endif X X X#endif /* P2C_H */ X X X X/* End. */ X X END_OF_FILE if test 11081 -ne `wc -c <'src/p2c.h'`; then echo shar: \"'src/p2c.h'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'src/p2c.h' fi if test -f 'src/pexpr.c.3' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/pexpr.c.3'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'src/pexpr.c.3'\" \(8365 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'src/pexpr.c.3' <<'END_OF_FILE' X setprec2(10); X checkbreak(breakbeforerel); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X outop(">"); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X break; X X case EK_LE: X setprec2(10); X checkbreak(breakbeforerel); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X outop("<="); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X break; X X case EK_GE: X setprec2(10); X checkbreak(breakbeforerel); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X outop(">="); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X break; X X case EK_EQ: X setprec2(9); X checkbreak(breakbeforerel); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X outop("=="); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X break; X X case EK_NE: X setprec2(9); X checkbreak(breakbeforerel); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X outop("!="); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 0, subprec)); X break; X X case EK_BAND: X setprec3(8); X if (ex->val.type == tp_boolean) X checkbreak(breakbeforelog); X else X checkbreak(breakbeforearith); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec-1)); X outop("&"); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 1, subprec-1)); X break; X X case EK_BXOR: X setprec3(7); X checkbreak(breakbeforearith); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec-1)); X outop("^"); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 1, subprec-1)); X break; X X case EK_BOR: X setprec3(6); X if (ex->val.type == tp_boolean) X checkbreak(breakbeforelog); X else X checkbreak(breakbeforearith); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec-1)); X outop("|"); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 1, subprec-1)); X break; X X case EK_AND: X setprec3(5); X checkbreak(breakbeforelog); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec-1)); X outop("&&"); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 1, subprec-1)); X break; X X case EK_OR: X setprec3(4); X checkbreak(breakbeforelog); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], incompat(ex, 0, subprec-1)); X outop("||"); X wrexpr(ex->args[1], incompat(ex, 1, subprec-1)); X break; X X case EK_COND: X setprec3(3); X i = 0; X for (;;) { X i++; X if (extraparens != 0) X wrexpr(ex->args[0], 15); X else X wrexpr(ex->args[0], subprec); X NICESPACE(); X output("\002?"); X NICESPACE(); X out_expr(ex->args[1]); X if (ex->args[2]->kind == EK_COND) { X NICESPACE(); X output("\002:"); X NICESPACE(); X ex = ex->args[2]; X } else { X NICESPACE(); X output((i == 1) ? "\017:" : "\002:"); X NICESPACE(); X wrexpr(ex->args[2], subprec-1); X break; X } X } X break; X X case EK_ASSIGN: X if (ex->args[1]->kind == EK_PLUS && X exprsame(ex->args[1]->args[0], ex->args[0], 2) && X ex->args[1]->args[1]->kind == EK_CONST && X ex->args[1]->args[1]->val.type->kind == TK_INTEGER && X abs(ex->args[1]->args[1]->val.i) == 1) { X if (prec == 0 && postincrement) { X setprec(15); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], subprec); X EXTRASPACE(); X if (ex->args[1]->args[1]->val.i == 1) X output("++"); X else X output("--"); X } else { X setprec(14); X if (ex->args[1]->args[1]->val.i == 1) X output("++"); X else X output("--"); X EXTRASPACE(); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], subprec-1); X } X } else { X setprec2(2); X checkbreak(breakbeforeassign); X wrexpr(ex->args[0], subprec); X ex2 = copyexpr(ex->args[1]); X j = -1; X switch (ex2->kind) { X X case EK_PLUS: X case EK_TIMES: X case EK_BAND: X case EK_BOR: X case EK_BXOR: X for (i = 0; i < ex2->nargs; i++) { X if (exprsame(ex->args[0], ex2->args[i], 2)) { X j = i; X break; X } X if (ex2->val.type->kind == TK_REAL) X break; /* non-commutative */ X } X break; X X case EK_DIVIDE: X case EK_DIV: X case EK_MOD: X case EK_LSH: X case EK_RSH: X if (exprsame(ex->args[0], ex2->args[0], 2)) X j = 0; X break; X X default: X break; X } X if (j >= 0) { X if (ex2->nargs == 2) X ex2 = grabarg(ex2, 1-j); X else X delfreearg(&ex2, j); X switch (ex->args[1]->kind) { X X case EK_PLUS: X if (expr_looks_neg(ex2)) { X outop("-="); X ex2 = makeexpr_neg(ex2); X } else X outop("+="); X break; X X case EK_TIMES: X outop("*="); X break; X X case EK_DIVIDE: X case EK_DIV: X outop("/="); X break; X X case EK_MOD: X outop("%="); X break; X X case EK_LSH: X outop("<<="); X break; X X case EK_RSH: X outop(">>="); X break; X X case EK_BAND: X outop("&="); X break; X X case EK_BOR: X outop("|="); X break; X X case EK_BXOR: X outop("^="); X break; X X default: X break; X } X } else { X output(" "); X outop3(breakbeforeassign, "="); X output(" "); X } X if (extraparens != 0 && X (ex2->kind == EK_EQ || ex2->kind == EK_NE || X ex2->kind == EK_GT || ex2->kind == EK_LT || X ex2->kind == EK_GE || ex2->kind == EK_LE || X ex2->kind == EK_AND || ex2->kind == EK_OR)) X wrexpr(ex2, 16); X else X wrexpr(ex2, subprec-1); X freeexpr(ex2); X } X break; X X case EK_COMMA: X setprec3(1); X for (i = 0; i < ex->nargs-1; i++) { X wrexpr(ex->args[i], subprec); X output(",\002"); X NICESPACE(); X } X wrexpr(ex->args[ex->nargs-1], subprec); X break; X X default: X intwarning("wrexpr", "bad ex->kind [311]"); X } X switch (parens) { X case 1: X output(")"); X break; X case 2: X output("\004"); X break; X } X} X X X X/* will parenthesize assignments and "," operators */ X Xvoid out_expr(ex) XExpr *ex; X{ X wrexpr(ex, 2); X} X X X X/* will not parenthesize anything at top level */ X Xvoid out_expr_top(ex) XExpr *ex; X{ X wrexpr(ex, 0); X} X X X X/* will parenthesize unless only writing a factor */ X Xvoid out_expr_factor(ex) XExpr *ex; X{ X wrexpr(ex, 15); X} X X X X/* will parenthesize always */ X Xvoid out_expr_parens(ex) XExpr *ex; X{ X output("("); X wrexpr(ex, 1); X output(")"); X} X X X X/* evaluate expression for side effects only */ X/* no top-level parentheses */ X Xvoid out_expr_stmt(ex) XExpr *ex; X{ X wrexpr(ex, 0); X} X X X X/* evaluate expression for boolean (zero/non-zero) result only */ X/* parenthesizes like out_expr() */ X Xvoid out_expr_bool(ex) XExpr *ex; X{ X wrexpr(ex, 2); X} X X X X X/* End. */ X X X END_OF_FILE if test 8365 -ne `wc -c <'src/pexpr.c.3'`; then echo shar: \"'src/pexpr.c.3'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'src/pexpr.c.3' fi if test -f 'src/turbo.imp' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/turbo.imp'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'src/turbo.imp'\" \(9333 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'src/turbo.imp' <<'END_OF_FILE' X X{ Turbo Pascal standard units. For use with p2c. } X X{ Only partially complete! } X X X X X{-------------------------------------------------------------------------} X Xunit printer; X Xinterface X Xvar X lst : text; X Xend; X X X X X{-------------------------------------------------------------------------} X Xunit dos; X Xinterface X Xconst X FCarry = $0001; { 8086 flags } X FParity = $0004; X FAuxiliary = $0010; X FZero = $0040; X FSign = $0080; X FOverflow = $0100; X X fmClosed = $D7B0; { File modes } X fmInput = $D7B1; X fmOutput = $D7B2; X fmInOut = $D7B3; X X ReadOnly = $01; { File attributes } X Hidden = $02; X SysFile = $04; X VolumeID = $08; X Directory = $10; X Archive = $20; X AnyFile = $3F; X X Xtype X PathStr = string[79]; X DirStr = PathStr; X NameStr = string[8]; X ExtStr = string[3]; X X FileRec = X record X Handle: Word; X Mode: Word; X RecSize: Word; X Private: array [1..26] of Byte; X UserData: array [1..16] of Byte; X Name: array [0..79] of char; X end; X X TextBuf = array [0..127] of char; X TextRec = X record X Handle: Word; X Mode: Word; X BufSize: Word; X Private: Word; X BufPos: Word; X BufEnd: Word; X BufPtr: ^TextBuf; X OpenProc: Pointer; X InOutProc: Pointer; X FlushProc: Pointer; X CloseProc: Pointer; X UserData: array [1..16] of Byte; X Name: array [0..79] of char; X Buffer: TextBuf; X end; X X Registers = X record X case integer of X 0: (AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,ES,Flags: word); X 1: (AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH: byte); X end; X X DateTime = X record X Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec: word; X end; X X SearchRec = X record X Fill: array [1..21] of byte; X Attr: byte; X Time: longint; X Size: longint; X Name: string[12]; X end; X X Xvar X DosError: integer; X Xprocedure GetTime(var hour, minute, second, csec : word); Xprocedure GetDate(var year, month, day, dow : word); Xprocedure FSplit(fn : PathStr; var dir, name, ext : string); X X{WarnNames=1} Xprocedure Exec(path, cmdLine : PathStr); X{WarnNames} X Xend; X X X X X X{-------------------------------------------------------------------------} X Xunit crt; X Xinterface X X Xfunction KeyPressed : boolean; Xfunction ReadKey : char; X Xprocedure ClrScr; Xprocedure TextBackground(i : integer); Xprocedure Window(a, b, c, d : integer); X Xvar wherex, wherey : integer; X Xend; X X X X X X{-------------------------------------------------------------------------} X Xunit graph; X Xinterface X Xconst X gr0k = 0; X grNoInitGraph = -1; X grNotDetected = -2; X grFileNotFound = -3; X grInvalidDriver = -4; X grNoLoadMem = -5; X grNoScanMem = -6; X grNoFloodMem = -7; X grFontNotFound = -8; X grNoFontMem = -9; X grInvalidMode = -10; X grError = -11; X grIOerror = -13; X grInvalidFontNum = -14; X X Detect = 0; X CGA = 1; X MCGA = 2; X EGA = 3; X EGA64 = 4; X EGAMono = 5; X IBM8514 = 6; X HercMono = 7; X ATT400 = 8; X VGA = 9; X PC3270 = 10; X CurrentDriver = -128; X X CGAC0 = 0; X CGAC1 = 1; X CGAC2 = 2; X CGAC3 = 3; X CGAHi = 4; X MCGAC0 = 0; X MCGAC1 = 1; X MCGAC2 = 2; X MCGAC3 = 3; X MCGAMed = 4; X MCGAHi = 5; X EGALo = 0; X EGAHi = 1; X EGA64Lo = 0; X EGA64Hi = 1; X EGAMonoHi = 3; X HercMonoHi = 0; X ATT400C0 = 0; X ATT400C1 = 1; X ATT400C2 = 2; X ATT400C3 = 3; X ATT400Med = 4; X ATT400Hi = 5; X VGALo = 0; X VGAMed = 1; X VGAHi = 2; X PC3270Hi = 0; X IBM8514LO = 0; X IBM8514HI = 1; X X Black = 0; X Blue = 1; X Green = 2; X Cyan = 3; X Red = 4; X Magenta = 5; X Brown = 6; X LightGray = 7; X DarkGray = 8; X LightBlue = 9; X LightGreen = 10; X LightCyan = 11; X LightRed = 12; X LightMagenta = 13; X Yellow = 14; X White = 15; X X SolidLn = 0; X DottedLn = 1; X CenterLn = 2; X DashedLn = 3; X UserBitLn = 4; X X NormWidth = 1; X ThickWidth = 3; X X Xtype X ArcCoordsType = record X X, Y: integer; X Xstart, Ystart: integer; X Xend, Yend: integer; X end; X Xconst X MaxColors = 15; Xtype X PaletteType = record X Size: byte; X Colors: array[0..MaxColors] of shortint; X end; X FillPatternType = array[1..8] of byte; X FillSettingsType = record X Pattern: word; X Color: word; X end; X LineSettingsType = record X LineStyle: word; X Pattern: word; X Thickness: word; X end; X TextSettingsType = record X Font: word; X Direction: word; X CharSize: word; X Horiz: word; X Vert: word; X end; X ViewPortType = record X x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; X Clip: boolean; X end; X Xconst X LeftText = 0; X CenterText = 1; X RightText = 2; X BottomText = 0; X TopText = 2; X Xconst X ClipOn = true; X ClipOff = false; X Xconst X EmptyFill = 0; X SolidFill = 1; X LineFill = 2; X LtSlashFill = 3; X SlashFill = 4; X BkSlashFill = 5; X LtBkSlashFill = 6; X HatchFill = 7; X XHatchFill = 8; X InterleaveFill = 9; X WideDotFill = 10; X CloseDotFill = 11; X UserFill = 17; X Xconst X NormalPut = 0; X CopyPut = 0; X XORPut = 1; X OrPut = 2; X AndPut = 3; X NotPut = 4; X X Xprocedure Arc(X, Y: integer; StAngle, EndAngle, Radius: word); Xprocedure Bar(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); Xprocedure Bar3D(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; Depth: word; Top: boolean); Xprocedure Circle(X, Y: integer; Radius: word); Xprocedure ClearDevice; Xprocedure ClearViewPort; Xprocedure CloseGraph; Xprocedure DetectGraph(var GraphDriver, GraphMode: integer); Xprocedure DrawPoly(NumPoints: word; var PolyPoints); Xprocedure Ellipse(X, Y: integer; StAngle, EndAngle: word; X XRadius, YRadius: word); Xprocedure FillEllipse(X, Y: integer; XRadius, YRadius: word); Xprocedure FillPoly(NumPoints: word; var PolyPoints); Xprocedure FloodFill(x, y: integer; Border: word); Xprocedure GetArcCoords(var ArcCoords: ArcCoordsType); Xprocedure GetAspectRatio(var Xasp, Yasp: word); Xfunction GetBkColor: word; Xfunction GetColor: word; Xfunction GetDefaultPalette(var Palette: PaletteType): PaletteType; Xfunction GetDriverName: string; Xprocedure GetFillPattern(var FillPattern: FillPatternType); Xprocedure GetFillSettings(var FillInfo: FillSettingsType); Xfunction GetGraphMode: integer; Xprocedure GetImage(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; var BitMap); Xprocedure GetLineSettings(var LineInfo: LineSettingsType); Xfunction GetMaxColor: word; Xfunction GetMaxMode: word; Xfunction GetMaxX: integer; Xfunction GetMaxY: integer; Xfunction GetModeName(ModeNumber: integer): string; Xprocedure GetModeRange(GraphDriver: integer; var LoMode, HiMode: integer); Xprocedure GetPalette(var Palette: PaletteType); Xfunction GetPaletteSize: integer; Xfunction GetPixel(X,Y: integer): word; Xprocedure GetTextSettings(var TextInfo: TextSettingsType); Xprocedure GetViewSettings(var ViewPort: ViewPortType); Xfunction GetX: integer; Xfunction GetY: integer; Xprocedure GraphDefaults; Xfunction GraphErrorMsg(ErrorCode: integer): string; Xfunction GraphResult: integer; Xfunction ImageSize(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer): word; Xprocedure InitGraph(var GraphDriver: integer; var GraphMode: integer; X PathToDriver: string); Xfunction InstallUserDriver(Name: string; AutoDetectPtr: pointer): integer; Xfunction InstallUserFont(FontFileName: string): integer; Xprocedure Line(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); Xprocedure LineRel(Dx, Dy: integer); Xprocedure LineTo(x, y: integer); Xprocedure MoveRel(Dx, Dy: integer); Xprocedure MoveTo(x, y: integer); Xprocedure OutText(TextString: string); Xprocedure OutTextXY(X,Y: integer; TextString: string); Xprocedure PieSlice(x, y: integer; StAngle, EndAngle, Radius: word); Xprocedure PutImage(x, y: integer; var BitMap; BitBlt: word); Xprocedure PutPixel(x, y: integer; Pixel: word); Xprocedure Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); Xfunction RegisterBGIdriver(driver: pointer): integer; Xfunction RegisterBGIfont(font: pointer): integer; Xprocedure RestoreCrtMode; Xprocedure Sector(x, y: integer; StAngle, EndAngle, XRadius, YRadius: word); Xprocedure SetActivePage(Page: word); Xprocedure SetAllPalette(var Palette); Xprocedure SetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp: word); Xprocedure SetBkColor(ColorNum: word); Xprocedure SetColor(Color: word); Xprocedure SetFillPattern(Pattern: FillPatternType; Color: word); Xprocedure SetFillStyle(Pattern: word; Color: word); Xprocedure SetGraphBufSize(BufSize: word); Xprocedure SetGraphMode(Mode: integer); Xprocedure SetLineStyle(LineStyle: word; Pattern: word; Thickness: word); Xprocedure SetPalette(ColorNum: word; Color: shortint); Xprocedure SetRGBPalette(ColorNum, RedValue, GreenValue, BlueValue: integer); Xprocedure SetTextJustify(Horiz, Vert: word); Xprocedure SetTextStyle(Font: word; Direction: word; CharSize: word); Xprocedure SetUserCharSize(MultX, DivX, MultY, DivY: word); Xprocedure SetViewPort(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; Clip: boolean); Xprocedure SetVisualPage(Page: word); Xprocedure SetWriteMode(WriteMode: integer); Xfunction TextHeight(TextString: string): word; Xfunction TextWidth(TextString: string): word; X X Xend; END_OF_FILE if test 9333 -ne `wc -c <'src/turbo.imp'`; then echo shar: \"'src/turbo.imp'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'src/turbo.imp' fi echo shar: End of archive 3 \(of 32\). cp /dev/null ark3isdone MISSING="" for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ; do if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then MISSING="${MISSING} ${I}" fi done if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then echo You have unpacked all 32 archives. echo "Now see PACKNOTES and the README" rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone else echo You still need to unpack the following archives: echo " " ${MISSING} fi ## End of shell archive. exit 0 -- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.