[comp.sources.unix] v23i055: Line oriented macro processor, Part05/09

rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz) (11/30/90)

Submitted-by: Darren New <new@ee.udel.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 23, Issue 55
Archive-name: lome/part05

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 8 (of 9)."
# Contents:  PPL/PPLUnix.h
# Wrapped by new@estelle.ee.udel.edu on Tue Aug 14 16:10:03 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'PPL/PPLUnix.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'PPL/PPLUnix.h'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'PPL/PPLUnix.h'\" \(17468 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'PPL/PPLUnix.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * PPLUnix.h
X * Portable Programmer's Library General Host Parameters
X * Copyright 1988,1990 Darren New.  All Rights Reserved.
X * Unix version (SunOS 4.x with GCC)
X *
X * Started 19-Feb-88 DHN
X * LastMod 19-Jul-90 DHN
X *
X */
X#ifndef PPL_h
X#define PPL_h
X *
X * This file gets included into every PPL source file.
X * This one of the few include files that the host programmer
X * should be changing.
X *
X */
X *
X * Include whatever files you need here to supply
X *  strlen, strcpy, strncmp, strcmp, strchr
X *  toupper, tolower
X *  isalnum, isaplha, isdigit, isupper, islower, isspace
X *  fault, assert, bomb
X *
X *  Note that assert can be compiled out, fault can always return
X *  false, and bomb can call PLExit(PLsev_bomb).
X *
X */
X#include "stdio.h"
X#include "stdlib.h"
X#include "string.h"
X#include "ctype.h"
X#include "errno.h"
X#include "unistd.h"
X#undef TRUE
X#undef FALSE
X#undef NULL
X#define USE_ASSERT 1
X#include "Fault.h"
X *
X * These parameters describe your C compiler:
X *
X */
X/* First, some raw, low-level information advantage of which should
X * probably never be taken.
X */
X#define BITSPERCHAR    8
X#define BITSPERSHORT  (BITSPERCHAR*sizeof(short))
X#define BITSPERLONG   (BITSPERCHAR*sizeof(long))
X#define BITSPERFLOAT  (BITSPERCHAR*sizeof(float))
X#define BITSPERDOUBLE (BITSPERCHAR*sizeof(double))
X/* To account for character-set differences, this macro (or function)
X * must accept a digit and return an integer from 0 to 9.
X * The other macro goes the other direction.
X */
X#define PLToInt(a) (a - '0')
X#define PLToDig(a) (a + '0')
X/* Set this to the most efficient small integer value for your compiler.
X * You may include "register" and "unsigned" without ill effect.
X * Vars of this type are never passed as parameters and are usually
X * loop indicies or array subscripts.
X */
Xtypedef unsigned short inx;
X/* Set this to a "generic pointer" (either void * or char *).
X */
Xtypedef void * ptr;
X/* Set this to a "boolean". This is not used for arrays, so faster
X * over smaller is better. Do not make it "register".
X */
Xtypedef short bool;
X/* Set this to the proper value for your computer.
X */
X#ifndef NULL
X#define NULL ((ptr)0)
X/* Set this to the size of the longest legal file name under the native
X * operating system calls.
X * Note that this MUST be declared as a LONG literal.
X */
X#define BIGFNAME 512L
X/* Set this to the largest piece of contiguous memory that can be
X * allocated and accessed. I.e., this is the sizeof the largest
X * character array that PLallocmem can return. E.g., IBM PC = 64K.
X * This limits PLfillmem, PLallocmem, and other functions that
X * access large chunks of contiguous memory.
X * Note that this MUST be declared as a LONG literal.
X */
X#define BIGMEM 65530L
X/* Set this to the largest piece of contiguous I/O request that
X * can be I/O'ed in one call. E.g., IBM PC = 31K.
X * Note that this MUST be declared as a LONG literal.
X */
X#define BIGIO 32760L
X/* Set this to the smaller of BIGMEM and BIGIO
X */
X/* Set this to the longest line reasonably returnable by the
X * line-oriented I/O functions. I.e., this is the size of buffers
X * allocated for GetLine and so on. This needn't be bigger that about 250.
X */
X#define BIGLINE 250
X/* Set this to 1 if you have structure assignment.
X * Set this to 0 to use PLmemcpy.
X * (note that PPL never passes structures by value)
X */
X/* Set this to 1 if you have prototype arguments for external functions.
X * Set this to 0 to declare functions without prototype arguments.
X */
X/* Set this to 1 if you have ANSI-style function definition headings.
X * Set this to 0 if you have PCC-style	function definition headings.
X */
X/* Set this to 1 if HIDDEN functions need prototype declarations.
X * Set this to 0 if you don't want them.
X */
X#define HIDPROTS 1
X/* Set this to 1 if you want to check arguments to library functions.
X * Set this to 0 once your programs are debugged.
X */
X#define CHKARGS 1
X *
X * These parameters are utility macros. Do not change them!
X *
X */
Xtypedef char * str;	/* '\0' terminated string */
X#define EOS '\0'
X#define loop while(1)   /* like other langs */
X#define HIDDEN static	/* hidden objects go away (can be changed to comment for stupid debuggers) */
X/* Use this macro to assign structures */
X#define SASGN(a, b) (a = b)
X#define SASGN(a, b) PLCopyMem(&a, &b, sizeof(a))
X/* Use this macro to declare arguments on function declarations */
X#define ARGS(a) a
X#define ARGS(a) ()
X/* Use this macro to define formals of function definitions */
X#define ARGS0() ()
X#define ARGS1(a,b) (a b)
X#define ARGS2(a,b,c,d) (a b, c d)
X#define ARGS3(a,b,c,d,e,f) (a b, c d, e f)
X#define ARGS4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) (a b, c d, e f, g h)
X#define ARGS5(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) (a b, c d, e f, g h, i j)
X#define ARGS6(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) (a b, c d, e f, g h, i j, k l)
X#define ARGS7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n) (a b, c d, e f, g h, i j, k l, m n)
X#define ARGS8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p) (a b, c d, e f, g h, i j, k l, m n, o p)
X#define ARGS0() ()
X#define ARGS1(a,b) (b)a b;
X#define ARGS2(a,b,c,d) (b,d)a b; c d;
X#define ARGS3(a,b,c,d,e,f) (b,d,f)a b;c d;e f;
X#define ARGS4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) (b,d,f,h)a b;c d;e f;g h;
X#define ARGS5(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) (b,d,f,h,j)a b;c d;e f;g h;i j;
X#define ARGS6(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) (b,d,f,h,j,l)a b;c d;e f;g h;i j;k l;
X#define ARGS7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n) (b,d,f,h,j,l,n)a b;c d;e f;g h;i j;k l;m n;
X#define ARGS8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p) (b,d,f,h,j,l,n,p)a b;c d;e f;g h;i j;k l;m n;o p;
X/* This allows constant paramters passed to a short formal to by typecast
X * easily. It is kind of like a trailing L on an integer. Use new ANSI
X * stuff instead.
X */
X#define S (short)
X#define TRUE ((bool) 1)
X#define FALSE ((bool) 0)
X *
X * These declare the startup and termination routines.
X * Do NOT change these!
X *
X */
X/* This is to be called by the main() of the host program.
X * It returns the exit severity.
X */
Xextern short DoIt ARGS((void));
X/* This is called by the application when an unrecoverable error
X * has occured. The severity is passed as the argument.
X * The host should clean up if possible.
X */
Xextern void PLExit ARGS((short severity));
X/* These are the severities:
X */
X#define PLsev_normal	0   /* no error - just exit normally */
X#define PLsev_badarg	1   /* command line arguments bad or wrong config */
X#define PLsev_error	2   /* some other kind of error */
X#define PLsev_userbreak 3   /* user requested unclean interrupt */
X#define PLsev_oores	4   /* out of required resource */
X#define PLsev_nfres	5   /* required resource not found at all */
X#define PLsev_badform	6   /* input or file in wrong format */
X#define PLsev_fault	7   /* user req to not recov from recov error */
X#define PLsev_bomb	8   /* program detected unrecov error */
X#define PLsev_assert	9   /* assertion failed */
X#define PLsev_crash	10  /* program (and probably machine) crashed */
X *
X * These declare the memory allocation / access primatives
X *
X */
X/* This allocates dynamic memory. The first argument is a LONG
X * specifying how much memory (in bytes) needs to be allocated.
X * The second is an INT containing various flags (two so far).
X * If (flags & PLalloc_die) this will bomb("Out of Memory")
X * if the allocation fails; otherwise it will return NULL if the
X * allocation fails.
X * You will fail the allocation or bomb("Memory request too large")
X * if more memory than BIGMEM is requested. This retains the length
X * for the PLfreemem function.
X * If (flags & PLalloc_zero) this will clear the allocated memory to
X * all binary zeros if the allocation succeeds; otherwise, the memory
X * will be uninitialized.
X */
X#define PLalloc_die  1	/* bomb if out of memory */
X#define PLalloc_zero 2	/* clear new mem to zeros */
Xptr PLAllocMem ARGS((long size, int flags));
X/* This frees dynamic memory. The argument is a previously-allocated
X * pointer to memory as returned by PLAllocMem(). The application is
X * responsible for deallocating all memory it allocates before returning
X * normally from DoIt(). If possible, the application should deallocate
X * all memory before calling PLExit. The host programmer may wish to
X * check that memory is freed exactly once.
X */
Xvoid PLFreeMem ARGS((ptr where));
X/* This allocates enough memory to hold the given string, then copies
X * the string into that memory. It passes PLalloc_die=true to the
X * PLallocmem call.
X */
Xstr PLStrDup ARGS((str s));
X/* This copies memory from src to dest for siz bytes. The host function
X * will handle copying in the correct direction if the areas overlap.
X * This should be as efficient as possible.
X */
Xvoid PLCopyMem ARGS((ptr to, ptr from, long siz));
X/* This assigns a constant byte to a region of memory.
X * Again, this should be as efficient as possible.
X */
Xvoid PLFillMem ARGS((ptr where, long siz, char chr));
X/* This looks for a specific character within a range of memory.
X * It returns NULL if not found, or a pointer to the matching character
X * if found.
X */
Xptr PLFindMem ARGS((ptr where, long siz, char chr));
X *
X * These declare the error routines
X *
X */
X/* This is the type of an error value
X */
Xtypedef short PLerr_enum;
X#define PLerr_none	0   /* no error occured */
X#define PLerr_opsysR	1   /* otherwise unknown error - retry */
X#define PLerr_opsysW	2   /* otherwise unknown error - wait then retry */
X#define PLerr_opsysU	3   /* otherwise unknown error - ask user to fix */
X#define PLerr_opsysF	4   /* otherwise unknown error - unrecoverable failure */
X#define PLerr_fault	5   /* program-detected error */
X#define PLerr_eod	6   /* end of data (during read) */
X#define PLerr_oores	7   /* out of some resource (during write/create) */
X#define PLerr_again	8   /* multiple errors occured without being cleared */
X#define PLerr_exist	9   /* access to non-existant item */
X#define PLerr_already	10  /* can't create because item already there */
X#define PLerr_permit	11  /* "owner" disallows that access to you */
X#define PLerr_unsup	12  /* unsuported in this instance */
X#define PLerr_busy	13  /* item exits but is busy */
X#define PLerr_param	14  /* argument to function cannot be parsed */
X#define PLerr_notyet	15  /* something not yet implemented */
X#define PLerr_never	16  /* something that cannot be implemented */
X#define PLerr_badarg	17  /* argument to function semantically invalid */
X#define PLerr_overflow	18  /* overflow error */
X#define PLerr_underflow 19  /* underflow error */
X#define PLerr_userbreak 20  /* user break or interrupted system call */
X#define PLerr_last	21  /* largest error number + 1 */
X/* The PL error number */
Xextern PLerr_enum PLerr;
X/* The OS error number (whatever you need, if anything) */
Xextern int OSerr;   /* may be changed by HostPgrmr */
X/* The file and line of the last error (mainly for debugging) */
Xextern str PLerr_file;
Xextern long PLerr_line;
X/* This sets the error number.
X */
X#ifdef DEBUG
X#define PLErrSet(e) ((PLerr_file=__FILE__),(PLerr_line=__LINE__),\
X#define PLErrSet(e) (PLerr = ((PLerr != PLerr_none) ? PLerr_again : (e)))
X/* This clears the error number.
X * (This may be a void function if your compiler doesn't like empty args)
X */
X#define PLErrClr() (OSerr=0,PLerr=PLerr_none)
X/* This returns a string, suitable for user viewing, describing the
X * most recent error as indicated by PLerr.
X * The string should be static.
X */
Xstr PLErrText ARGS((void));
X/* This returns a string, suitable for user viewing, describing the
X * most recent error in the HOST terminology. Used when PLopsys?
X * returned or for additional information.
X * The string should be static.
X */
Xstr PLOSErrText ARGS((void));
X *
X * These declare the status message routines
X *   (Note that delay and beep are included here only due to their
X *    typical usage.)
X *
X */
X/* This displays a status message for utilities. The display should
X * be suppressed if PLstatuslevel <= level. PLstatuslevel should be
X * initialized before calling DoIt(), and is intended to be
X * changable by the user. It should default to a value of 6 (giving
X * status messages in the range 0-6).
X * level == 5 should be used for normal status messages, including
X * initial copyright messages, final summaries, and so on;
X * level == 6 should be used for progress reports;
X * level == 7 should be used to echo parameters; level == 3 should be
X * use for warnings and level == 2 should be used for non-fatal errors.
X * Obviously, use level == 0 (which can't be disabled) for fatal errors.
X */
Xextern short PLstatuslevel;
Xvoid PLStatus ARGS((short level, str message));
X/* This function will delay for the indicated number of seconds in the
X * most efficient way possible. (Of course, on a single-tasking
X * machine, you may wait as inefficiently as you like.)
X */
Xextern void PLDelay ARGS((short secs));
X/* This function is used to draw the user's attention to the computer.
X * If passed a zero, it should make a quiet, pleasant beep or chime,
X * or simply flash the screen if possible. This option will be used
X * to indicate that a minor error (like an illegal keystroke) has
X * occured.
X * If passed a one, it should make an audible tone, loud enough to be
X * heard even if not listened for. This should be used to indicate that
X * a lengthy process (during which the user has started working on
X * back paperwork or something) has completed. It should never be used
X * to indicate that an error has occured.
X * If passed a two or greater, it should give a rude audible indicator
X * of problems. This will be used only when the user is about to do
X * something that it is quite unlikely he wants to do.
X */
Xextern void PLBeep ARGS((short how));
X *
X * These declare basic standard input/output functions
X *
X * Do not use these in sophisticated applications.
X * Do not use these in place of the PLstatus routine.
X */
X/* This should return an integer from 0 to 255, representing the ASCII
X * of the next character read from the "standard input" or -1 for EOF or
X * -2 for some other I/O error. Newline must be returned as '\n', and
X * space as ' ' and tab as '\t'. It is assumed that redirection might
X * occur on this stream -- see also PLResetInput().
X * This may be changed to a macro by the host programmer.
X */
Xextern int fgetc(FILE *);
X#define PLGetChar() fgetc(stdin)
X/* This should send the indicated character to the "standard output".
X * The output characters may include '\n' for newline. It is assumed
X * that redirection may occur on this stream -- see also PLResetOutput().
X * This may be changed to a macro by the host programmer.
X */
Xextern int fputc(char, FILE *);
X#define PLPutChar(ch) ((void)(fputc((ch),stdout),fflush(stdout)))
X/* When this is called, further calls to PLgetchar() should take
X * their input from the user terminal.
X * This may be changed to a macro by the host programmer.
X */
X#define PLResetInput() ((void)freopen("/dev/tty", "r", stdin))
X/* When this is called, further calls to PLputchar() should send
X * their output to the user terminal.
X * This may be changed to a macro by the host programmer.
X */
X#define PLResetOutput() ((void)freopen("/dev/tty","a",stdout))
X	/* For testing only! Do not call printf except while debugging! */
X	extern void printf(char *, ...);
X *
X * These declare command-line argument functions
X *
X */
X/* This gives the name of the executable file, if available.
X * Otherwise, this will be NULL.
X */
Xextern str PLcmdname;
X/* This gives the host-syntax filename for the executable file now running,
X * if available.
X * Otherwise, this will be NULL.
X */
Xextern str PLcmdfile;
X/* This tells how many command-line arguments there were, EXCLUDING
X * the command name.
X */
Xextern short PLargcnt;
X/* This is the array of command-line argument strings, EXCLUDING the
X * command name.
X */
Xextern str PLarglist[];
X/* These are the flags describing the command-line parameters.
X */
Xextern long PLargflags;
X#define PLaf_hostwc 1	/* use host wildcards instead of portable wc's */
X#define PLaf_hostex 2	/* host already has expanded wildcards */
X/**********  These are here because this assumes GCC with non-ANSI
X	     header files (SunOS 4.1, to be precise) **********************/
X/* these should be in stdio.h for ANSI compilers, but aren't on the Sun */
Xextern int fprintf ARGS((FILE *, char *, ...));
Xextern void exit ARGS((int));
Xextern void fflush ARGS((FILE *));
X/* these should be in stdlib.h for ANSI compilers, but aren't on the Sun */
Xextern void * malloc ARGS((long));
Xextern void free ARGS((void *));
X/* these should be in ctype.h for ANSI compilers (I think), but aren't on the Sun */
Xextern int toupper ARGS((int));
Xextern int tolower ARGS((int));
X#endif /* PPL_h */
if test 17468 -ne `wc -c <'PPL/PPLUnix.h'`; then
    echo shar: \"'PPL/PPLUnix.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'PPL/PPLUnix.h'
echo shar: End of archive 8 \(of 9\).
cp /dev/null ark8isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 9 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0
--- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware ---

exit 0 # Just in case...
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